minutes, (2) detects down to 0.2 p.p.m. of chloride in visible region, 0.05 p.p.m. in ultraviolet, (3) affords precision and accuracy of approximately...
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Estradiol Mann Research Laboratories has an­ nounced synthesis of a heretofore rare and expensive steroid, which previously had been available only from isolation from urine. This product is 17-a-estradiol, inac­ tive {β-estradiol or 1,3,5-estratriene3/?), which has a melting point of 221-3° C. and optical rotation of A2D° + 53.7° in dioxane, c = 1. Prompt shipments can be made and continuous production can be main­ tained. C-l

Mercuric Chloranilate The reagent grade mercuric chloran­ ilate of Fisher Scientific Co. is a wel­ come addition to the laboratory for de­ termination of chlorides. When used in a pH 2.0 solution con­ taining a chloride, the chloranilate yields mercuric chloride and the ion of acid chloranilate, the amount of which is directly proportional to the chloride ion. The availability of mercuric chloran­ ilate is very advantageous because (1) it permits micro chloride deter­ minations to be completed in minutes and complete chloride analysis in 30 minutes, (2) detects down to 0.2 p.p.m. of chloride in visible region, 0.05 p.p.m. in ultraviolet, (3) affords precision and accuracy of approximately 1%, (4) eliminates anion interference from oxa­ lates, acetates, citrates, nitrates, and sulfates and (5) can be used for all chloride determinations after conver­ sion to the chloride. This dark green powder is listed in Fisher catalog as number M-283. C-2

Ion Exchange Resins Bio-Rad Laboratories has published a data sheet on analytical grades of ion exchange resins derived from Dow Chemical Co. resins. These analytical grades are more highly refined for the ion exchange technologist than the com­ mercial grades. These ion exchange resins consist of functional or ionizable exchange groups, attached to a styrene-divinylbenzene matrix in the physical form of plastic spheres. Properties vary with nature, cross linkage or per cent divinylbenzene, and particle size. The listings include three types of anion exchange resins, one type of cat­ ion exchange resin, and two types of

mixed-bed resins, with resin properties tabulated as a function of cross linkage. C-3

nishes information on shipping specifi­ cations, and analytical techniques, re­ quired for determining product quality. C-5

Powder Standards New set of standards, containing the rare earth elements, for qualitative and semiquantitative determination of ele­ ments using emission spectroscopy, has been announced by Spex Industries. These standards consist of accurately measured amounts of 14 rare earth ele­ ments plus yttrium and scandium, blended into a high purity lithium car­ bonate base. They are used to deter­ mine these 16 elements in ores, pre­ cipitates, concentrates, and alloys. C-4

Ethylene Glycols A bulletin on mono-, di-, tri-, and tetraethylene glycol has been published by Jefferson Chemical Co., presenting a review of physical and chemical prop­ erties and uses of each. I t also fur­


L-Methionine L-Methionine (methyl-C 14 D s ) is now offered by Research Specialties Co. Reports indicate that this amino acid, labeled with both carbon-14 and deu­ terium, is useful in studying the mecha­ nism of ergosterol. It is regularly available at a specific activity of 1 millicurie per millimole. A radiochromatogram is furnished with each lot. C-6

Radioactive Gases Radioactive gases mixed with other gases or gas mixtures are being sup­ plied by The Matheson Co., Inc. Gaseous mixtures are available with radioactive krypton-85, and gaseous carbon-14, tritium, or sulfur-35 com­ pounds. C-7



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