Haws Drinking Faucet Company - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

Haws Drinking Faucet Company. Anal. Chem. , 1966, 38 (12), pp 153A–153A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60244a859. Publication Date: November 1966. Copyright © 196...
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Some contamination is invisible

Even invisible contamination can't escape this gentle flood ! Hawsemergency drench showers and eye/facewash fountains respond instantly... to cleanse all harmful chemicals, ra­ dio-active material and foreign mat­ ter down the drain . . . to literally wash accidents away! For Haws'com­ plete "First Aid on Tap!" catalog, write Haws Drinking Faucet Com­ pany, 1443 Fourth Street, Berkeley, California 94710.

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washes it all away

T h e S u m m a t i c I n t e g r a t o r is a new tool to automatically c o m ­ pute and present on printed tape, in d i g i t a l f o r m , p e a k a r e a s w h i c h are a f u n c t i o n of m a s s , c o n c e n ­ t r a t i o n or s t r u c t u r e .

An electron beam gun has been devel­ oped, capable of programming the evaporation of up to five dissimilar materials simultaneously. Developed for high vacuum applications, the in­ strument has a focusing power of 24 inches and may be baked to 450° C. The gun is programmed to deflect the beam and to vary the power into each source so that thick alloy films with closely related composition may be deposited. Nuclide Corp., 81 Hicks Ave., Medford, Mass. 02155 413

Diffusion Pump A three-stage fractionating diffusion pump made entirely of borosilicate glass has been designed for use in mo­ lecular distillations and high vacuum systems. Three fractionating jets are heated by an oil-immersed coil and the condensed oil column produces a frac­ tionating action for the first stage jet. Without a cold trap the pump is capa­ ble of a pressure of 8 X 10 - 8 torr at 25° C. Maximum speed is 40 liters per second with a limiting fore-pressure of 0.12. Central Scientific Co., Cenco Center, 2600 S. Kostner Ave., Chicago, 111. 60623 414

Flame Igniter A new ignitor for high temperature atomic absorption analysis permits the safe and convenient lighting of the burner. The basic power unit has an electrode assembly which may be either attached to the burner or operated manually by use of a probe with in­ tegral switch. Tomorrow Enterprises, 4408 Hickory Lane, Portsmouth, Ohio. 45662 415 Circle No. 130 on Readers' Service Card

Summalic integrator

See ACS Laboratory Guide for All Products/Sales Office Circle No. 124 on Readers' Service Card -

T h e S u m m a t i c Integrator i n c o r p o ­ rates small peak accuracy, wide dynamic range and low cost. T h e s e three desirable requirements have not been available in competitively priced integrators until now. Nester/ Faust's S u m m a t i c assures you o f the f o l l o w i n g : I A u t o m a t i c count of each peak at a rate which gives approximately the same high statistical relia­ bility—regardless of peak height up t o a maximum signal of o n e volt. II Proven and reliable voltage t o frequency conversion t e c h n i q u e to convert t h e input signal t o a number of pulses that is pro­ portional to t h e area. T h i s t e c h ­ nique in c o n j u n c t i o n with a novel Auto-Ranging* device gives g o o d statistics on small peaks ( ± 3 % o n 100μν p e a k s o f 3 seconds duration,) and a d y n a m ­ ic range of 0 t o 1 volt D C auto­ matically. Precision on larger peaks is about ± 0 . 7 % f o r 20 mv peaks 10 seconds l o n g . Ill Low cost since t h e S u m m a t i c ' s A u t o - R a n g e r allows t h e use of a narrow range 0 to 1 mv stabilized amplifier, a narrow range 0 to 100 cps voltage t o frequency c o n ­ verter, and a fast mechanical counter-printer that does not re­ quire provision f o r memory. T h e A u t o - R a n g i n g circuit attenuates the input signal by a factor of ten at 3 decades of signal amplitude (1,10 and 100 mv) and directs the output from the converter to t h e next higher c o u n t i n g wheel in the counter-printer. A recorder output with attenuator is s u p p l i e d . It operates t h r o u g h t h e A u t o - R a n g e r so that the pen of a 1 mv recorder will remain on scale with signals into t h e S u m m a t i c u p to 1 volt D C . Electronic construction is all solid state f o r long life and reliability. Write f o r f u l l t e c h n i c a l literature. N e s t e r / F a u s t Instrument Pro­ d u c t s D i v i s i o n , 2401 O g l e t o w n Road, Newark, Delaware. ' P a t e n t s pending.