Eye and face hazards are inevitable in industry... so take positive steps to reduce the extent of injury and minimize insurance claims. HAWS Emergency...
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Provide instant M f i l l / Ο relief w i t h . . . Π H Vf Ο EMERGENCY EYE a n d FACE WASH FOUNTAINS Eye a n d f a c e h a z a r d s a r e i n e v i t a b l e i n i n d u s t r y . . . so take positive steps to reduce the extent of injury and minimize insurance claims. HAWS Emergency Eye and Face Wash Fountains flood contaminated areas with water - instantly ridding face and eyes of caustics, chemicals and dan­ gerous particles. This instant relief may well pre­ vent permanent damage - bridging the gap until medical aid arrives. Install extra safety — HAWS Emergency Fountains and Drench Showers. Write today for detailed infor­ mation on the complete HAWS line of emergency facilities. HAWS DRINKING FAUCET COMPANY, 1443 Fourth Street, Berkeley 10, Calif.

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Face spray ring acts simultaneously with eye-wash, sending controlled streams of water from specially de­ signed twin fountain heads. For further information, circle number 54 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 101 A 54 A



F u r t h e r details are available from Thomas O. Morgan, Chemistry D e p a r t ­ ment, General Motors Corp., Box 188, N o r t h E n d Station, Detroit 2, Mich.

PROGRAM Tuesday Morning, Oct. 7 Versatile Micro-Catalytic-Chromatographic Instrument for Use in the Study of Catalysts. J. P. Mickel. High Temperature Gas Chromatog­ raphy. E. D. Ruby. Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Analy­ sis of Amine Mixtures. R. D. Ring and F. W. Riley. Exhaust Gas Analysis by Gas Chromatography with Infrared Detec­ tion. W. B. Heaton and J. T . Wentworth. High Speed Electronic Integrator. B. A. Ritzenthaler.

Tuesday Afternoon Mechanism of Organic Electrode Re­ actions. P . J. Elving. Determination of Carbon and Hydro­ gen by Use of the Koerbyl Catalyst. Mitchell Kapron. Production Control Analysis Using the X-Ray Spectrograph. W. J. Wittig. Detection and Estimation of Butyl Hydrocarbon in Haw and Cured Poly­ mers. D. K. Gullstrom and J. E . Newell. Tritium Labelling and Liquid Scin­ tillation Counting in Drug Metabolism Studies. A. J. Glazko. Presentation of Annual Anachem Award to Charles M. Gambrill, Ethyl Corp., and his acceptance talk, entitled: Expanding Horizons for the Analytical Chemist. Wednesday Morning Difference Method for Quantitative Infrared Analysis. L. E. Tufts and A. Davis. Twin Long-Path Infrared Gas Cells for Trace Analysis. L. C. Conant, Jr., and W. E. Scott. Infrared Analysis of Short-Lived Free Radicals. L. E. Kuentzel. Analytical Applications of High Re­ solution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Manuel Garcia-Morin. Wednesday


High Frequency Titrations of Some Weak Acids in Non-Aqueous Media. R. G. Hooser, L. L. Fleck, and Andrew Timnick. New Techniques in Spectrophotom­ etry. J. M. Vandenbelt. Microdetermination of Phenolic Com­ pounds in Air. R. G. Smith and J. D . MacEwen. Determination of Radioactive Iso­ topes in Drinking Water, Foods, and Sewage. R. B. Hahn. Differential Ultraviolet Spectrophoto­ m e t r y Determination of Serum Sali­ cylate and Barbituates. Bennie Zak.