Hazardous Chemical Safety in the Laboratory - Analytical Chemistry

Apr 1, 1979 - Hazardous Chemical Safety in the Laboratory ... workers exposed to bladder carcinogens: the French evidence-based and pragmatic statemen...
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Hazardous Chemical Safety in the Laboratory F. W. Michelotti J. T. Baker Chemical Co. 222 Red School Lane Phillipsburg, N.J. 08865

Figure 1. Fire triangle

Ignition Source

Reprinted with permission from ref. 1. Copyright 1976 Van Nostrand-Reinhold Co.

Since the birth of chemistry as a science over 200 years ago, there has been a veritable explosion of scientific knowledge t h a t resulted in part from the rapid growth of instrumental methods of analysis. There are over 4 million chemical compounds t h a t have been prepared and characterized in the laboratory. T h e N M R , IR, or UV spectra of many of these compounds are likely to be found in the literature. Unfortunately, there has been less progress in understanding their chemical hazards. In some aspects of these hazards, such as chronic toxicity, we are probably still a century behind. Hazards in the laboratory may be divided into four major categories. Mechanical: sharp objects, broken glass, unguarded machinery, compressed gases Thermal: open flames, hot surfaces, cryogenic liquids Electrical: faulty wiring, ungrounded equipment, lethal voltages. Chemical: flammable liquids, corrosive chemicals, toxic substances, radioactive materials, and biohazards This categorization is helpful in developing a checklist for use in carrying 0003-2700/79/0351-441A$01.00/0 © 1979 American Chemical Society

out a periodic safety audit of a laboratory facility. Some hazards, of course, fall into more than one category. Excess pressure from a cylinder could rupture a glass vessel (mechanical) and release a toxic (chemical) gas. T h e discussion t h a t follows will focus principally on chemical hazards.

FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS Organic solvents present a very real hazard for fire or explosion. T h e combustion of 1 gal of toluene will destroy an ordinary two-man laboratory in 8 min. Persons present in the fire area will be killed within 1 min. It thus behooves us to be familiar with the physical chemistry of combustion and its application to the development of safe laboratory practices in the use of flammable liquids.

The Fire Triangle T h e essential elements for combustion to be considered are shown in Figure 1 (fire triangle) (i ). Some authors refer to a fire tetrahedron (2) where a fourth leg represents uninhibited chain reactions. For

present considerations this fourth leg can be ignored, since it can be viewed as the mechanism by which the combustion proceeds. The Fuel. T h e fuel (usually an organic compound) can be characterized by its vapor pressure, boiling point, liquid and vapor densities, heat of combustion, heat of vaporization, flashpoint, flammability range, and autoignition temperature. T h e latter three parameters are most significant in assessing a fuel hazard. Flashpoint. T h e flashpoint is defined as the lowest temperature at which a fuel-air mixture present above the surface of a liquid will ignite if an ignition source is introduced. This parameter is usually determined under open cup or closed cup conditions as prescribed by ASTM procedures (3). In general, open cup measurements result in flashpoints 5-10 ° F higher than closed cup methods, the former representing combustion of liquids under fire conditions, and the latter, those more typical in a plant reactor or vessel. T h e flashpoint is generally considered the most significant


Figure 2. Relationship between flashpoint and flammability ranges for ether and acetone parameter in assessing the flammable nature of liquids. T h e NIOSH system (4) (Table I) categorizes the relative hazards. T h e Department of Trans­ portation (5) (DOT) considers a mate­ rial neither flammable nor combusti­ ble if it has a flashpoint above 200 °F. T h e flashpoint of flammable liquids is provided by most laboratory suppliers on the label. It is important t h a t the laboratory personnel familiarize them­ selves with the safety information supplied on the label. Flammability Range. It is possible for a flammable liquid to be above its flashpoint, and yet not ignite in the presence of an adequate energy source. T h e explanation for this phe­ nomenon lies in the composition of a fuel-air mixture t h a t may be too lean or too rich for combustion. This is best seen from Figure 2 where the relation­ ship between flashpoint and flamma­ bility ranges for ether and acetone, re­ spectively, is shown. Table II lists flammability ranges and flashpoints for a number of common flammable liquids. L E L and UEL refer to lower and upper explosive limits, respective­ ly. Because of its extreme hazard, ether is available only in metal con­

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tainers for laboratory use. Carbon di­ sulfide is almost as hazardous. T h e flammability range provides little margin of safety from the practical point of view since in a spilled solvent situation in the presence of an energy source, the flammability range is reached very quickly and a fire or ex­ plosion will ensue before a fuel-rich (nonflammable) range can be reached. Autoignition Temperature. This is defined as the minimum temperature required to initiate and sustain com­ bustion without an external energy source. Classical examples are white phosphorus and freshly prepared Raney nickel on filter paper (actually a test for its reactivity). A common hazard t h a t can be considered falling in this category is carbon disulfide. This toxic, flammable liquid has been known to ignite spontaneously at steam bath temperature (autoignition temperature 212 °F). Interestingly, ether, which has a lower flashpoint than carbon disulfide, has a higher au­ toignition temperature (356 °F). The Oxidizer. T h e most obvious and prevalent one is, of course, oxy­ gen, which accounts for approximately 21% of the atmosphere. Enriched oxy­

Table If. Flammability Ranges and Flashpoints for a Number of Common Flammable Liquids




4 3 2

Extremely flammable Highly flammable Moderately combustible Slightly combustible Noncombustible





gen atmospheres present a significant­ ly increased hazard. Many materials normally considered noncombustible will burn in undiluted oxygen. How­ ever, there are a large number of less ubiquitous oxidizers t h a t are at least as hazardous—chlorine, fluorine, ozone, perchloric acid, etc. Ignition or Energy Source. This is the third leg of the fire triangle. An energy source can be a hot surface, a spark arising from faulty wiring or un­ grounded equipment, friction from shoes, and so forth. Everyone is famil­ iar with the increase in static electric­ ity, particularly on cold dry wintery days. T h e minimum ignition energies of hydrocarbons and their derivatives are of the order of 0.2 J but may be as low as 0.02 J for hydrocarbons with double and triple bonds (6) and only 9 μJ for carbon disulfide. By compari­ son, electric discharges from a person to the ground have minimum energies of about 0.4 m J (7). Removal of at least one side of the fire triangle is the basis of fire preven­ tion. It is usually impossible to remove all energy sources; few researchers work in truly explosion-proof labora­ tories. It is difficult to exclude oxygen routinely. Laboratory safety in han­ dling flammable liquid hazards is therefore best achieved through care­ ful control and protection of flamma­ ble liquids. T h e following guidelines are recommended. Never have in the general work area more than one container of flammable solvent (i.e., only the one in use). In order of preference, have it in: a safety can with a spring-loaded closure, a metal can as provided by some sup­ pliers (8), or a 1-pint bottle if it must be in glass. Use flammable liquids (as all other categories of hazardous materials) only in a properly functioning, period­ ically checked fume hood. Guidelines for fume hoods are described else­ where (9). Store frequently used solvents only in an approved, solvent storage cabi­ net. According to the N F P A , these cabinets should be designed so t h a t the internal temperature does not ex­ ceed 325 ° F when subjected to a 10min fire test using the standard time-

Heptane Carbon disulfide Ether Methyl alcohol


LEL, %

UEL, %

Flashpoint, °F

1.2 1.3 1.9 6.0

6.7 44 48 36.5

25 -22 -49 65

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temperature curve spécifiée! by N F P A . T h e N F P A code also allows the use of wooden cabinets. Tests made by the Los Angeles Fire Department (10) have shown properly constructed wooden cabinets (at least 1 in. thick) to be at least as effective, and in many cases better, than the steel cabinets. When using a 1-gal solvent bottle, place it in a protective carrier. When transferring a flammable liquid from one container to another in quantities of 1 gal or more, ground and/or bond the respective vessels.

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Though the use of preventive measures cannot be overemphasized, one nevertheless must be prepared in the event of fire. Suitably placed fire extinguishers of appropriate size usually of the Β or ABC type should be readi­ ly available. In special situations where reactive metals and/or their al­ loys or complexes are handled, D-type extinguishants are required. Periodic unannounced fire drills should be con­ ducted; personnel should be drilled in actual fire fighting trials. Responsibil­ ity for fighting fires should be clearly assigned. Drills in the use of self-con­ tained breathing apparatus are also important since an individual can as­ phyxiate himself because of unfamiliarity with the equipment.

Safety Showers There have been reported cases in which otherwise knowledgeable chem­ ists with their clothing on fire run past safety showers in search of help. It is critical t h a t everyone in a labora­ tory know exactly where each and every safety shower is located and how it works. T h e shower itself should be a nonclogging deluge-type capable of delivering very large quantities of water (30-60 gal/min under a pressure of 20-50 psig), necessary to cover in­ stantly the entire person with a virtual flood of water. It is best each shower not have a shutoff valve, but if such a valve is deemed necessary, it should be protected from tampering or unau­ thorized persons. Showers should be tested at least every 6 months, but preferably more often since plumbing fixtures corrode and some shower heads plug up. In areas where the water hardness is high, the showers should be checked every month.

Spill Control Often, a spilled liquid (flammable solvent, corrosive, or the like) is the first of a series of accidents t h a t can lead to bodily injury and even death. Today, effective spill control products t h a t have been evaluated for effective­ ness in a spectrum of spill situations are readily available (11). Since sever-



al types can be purchased for flamma­ ble liquid spill control, one should choose only those t h a t effectively re­ duce the vapor pressure of the spilled solvent essentially to zero at ambient temperatures. It is important to note t h a t two insidious properties are usu­ ally associated with volatile organic liquids: a density in the liquid state less than t h a t of water t h a t usually renders water ineffective in extin­ guishing a solvent fire; and a vapor density greater than t h a t of air for all volatile organic liquids t h a t could re­ sult in an unexpected fire flashback from a remote energy source in a spilled solvent situation.

CORROSIVE CHEMICALS Corrosive chemicals are those sub­ stances that, by direct chemical ac­ tion, are injurious to body tissue or de­ stroy metal. T h e list of corrosive ma­ terials is vast. They exist in all three states of matter, and their ability to cause personal injury depends on the nature of the corrosive; the tempera­ ture and concentration of the corro­ sive at the time of contact; the site of contact or exposure—eyes, skin, lungs (inhalation), stomach (ingestion); and the duration of the contact or expo­ sure. For proper protection, the following guidelines should be observed. Goggles or face shield should be worn at all times in all laboratory areas. Recommended eye and face protection for use in industry, schools, and colleges can be obtained from the American National Standards Insti­ tute (12). Contact lenses either of the soft or hard variety should not be per­ mitted in research laboratories. Toxic, corrosive fumes are easily drawn by capillary action behind the contact lens and cause injury. Should injury result, trauma is increased by having to remove contact lens before flooding with large quantities of water. Adequate respiratory protection (respirator, gas masks, self-contained breathing apparatus) should be avail­ able and used when required. Drills in the safe use of this equipment should be carried out periodically. Adequate fume hoods t h a t have a face velocity of at least 100 linear ft/ min should be provided. Intimate knowledge of the location and use of eye wash station is manda­ tory. Criteria for effective eye washes and safety showers have recently ap­ peared (13). Portable eye wash sta­ tions are usually not recommended since they cannot supply copious quantities of water for at least 15 min. Additionally, stagnant water is an ex­ cellent environment for the growth of microorganisms. Use of an acid safety carrier to

transport acid bottles from one location to another should be mandatory. Concentrated sulfuric acid spills are particularly dangerous because of sulfuric acid's very slippery nature. Medical attention if required should be readily available. T h e medical staff should be made aware of the types of materials used in laboratories and recommended t r e a t m e n t measures. For all types of hazardous chemical injuries, knowing what was the offending agent can save valuable seconds in bringing rapid relief and attenuation of damage to the injured. INSIDIOUS HAZARDS Insidious hazards are conditions within the laboratory t h a t represent potential safety and health perils t h a t are easily overlooked because they are not readily seen, smelled, tasted, or otherwise noted and therefore ignored. Several typical samples will be cited. Mercury

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One of the most common insidious hazards is mercury. Mercury poisoning affected Pascal and Faraday (14). In the laboratory, mercury is commonly found in thermometers, barometers, and in certain analytical instruments. Although there is general recognition of the physical properties of mercury (high density, surface tension, etc.), there does not seem to be a corresponding appreciation of its toxicity and need to retrieve quickly all mercury spills in the laboratory. At a room temperature of 25 °C, the equilibrium concentration of mercury vapor is about 20 mg/m 3 or 200 times the threshold limit value (TLV) of 0.1 mg/m 3 recommended as the maximum atmospheric concentration for the normal work schedule by the American Conference of Governmental Hygiéniste (15). Control of Mercury Hazards. Mercury should be stored in unbreakable plastic bottles in a cool, well-ventilated area. Catch trays should be used beneath setups using significant amounts of mercury (greater than 1 g); such setups should preferably be made in a fume hood. Care should be exercised in handling mercury and mercury-containing instruments. Periodic monitoring of mercury vapor concentrations should be carried out in areas where mercury has been spilled or suspected of having been spilled. Instrumentation for such monitoring has been described by Biram (16) and others (17). Where mercury is routinely used, periodic medical checkups are recommended for those potentially exposed. Spill cleanup capability should be readily available (18). T h e traditional methods of mercury cleanup by


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use of polysulfides, flowers of sulfur, etc., have been shown to be ineffective (19).

Peroxides in Ether Several ethers (diethyl ether, dioxane, tetrahydrofuran, and others) are used routinely in various analytical (GC, H P L C , etc.) and synthetic procedures. It is well established t h a t these ethers, when uninhibited or when the inhibitor has been consumed, will form dangerous peroxides in the presence of oxygen by a free-radical chain mechanism (20). Diisopropyl ether in reaction with oxygen shows the characteristic autoacceleration and susceptibility to added radical sources or inhibitors of a radical chain autoxidation (21). This ether is particularly hazardous. These peroxides have caused many laboratory accidents and a number of hazardous disposal operations. Such incidences have been reported in the literature (22). Analytical tests have been described for the detection of peroxides in ethers and methods for their removal (23). Though calcium hydride has been reported as useful in removing peroxides, great care should be exercised with tetrahydrofuran. A violent explosion was reported when T H F (24) was heated under reflux with stirring in the presence of CaH2, a procedure previously carried out frequently without incident. It was suggested by the authors that the explosion might be attributable to cleavage of the T H F molecule by CaH2 in localized hot zones.

Perchloric Acid Many analytical digestion procedures, nonaqueous titrations, etc., call for the use of perchloric acid. A review of the circumstances leading to a Los Angeles explosion that killed 15 people and injured 400 has been published (25). Harris concluded t h a t the basic cause of accidents involving perchloric acid is due to contact with organic material, or to the formation of the anhydrous acid. This extreme reactivity is chemically related to a formal + 7 oxidation state borne by chlorine rendering perchloric acid one of the strongest acids known (26) and an extremely powerful oxidizing agent. T h e anhydrous acid (greater than 85%) is extremely dangerous, and only experienced workers should handle it. Handling Perchloric Acid in the Laboratory. T h e use of goggles is absolutely mandatory. All work should be carried out in a properly functioning fume hood. Aprons, gloves, and other protective clothing are strongly recommended. No organic material should be stored in a perchloric acid hood. Perchloric acid should

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never come into contact with strong dehydrating agents. In wet combus­ tion and digestion procedures, the sample should be treated with nitric acid first to destroy easily oxidizable matter. Fume Hood or Exhaust Systems. T h e exhaust hood should have smooth surfaces for ease of cleaning. Nonabsorbent materials such as stainless steel should be utilized throughout the system. Omit the use of organic seal­ ants or adhesives. Periodic washing of the entire structure is strongly recom­ mended. Guidelines in the use of per­ chloric acid as well as cleaning proce­ dures for perchloric acid-contaminat­ ed fume hoods are available from the National Safety Council. Spill Control. Products now avail­ able will readily and efficaciously neu­ tralize most acid spills including those of perchloric acid (27).

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These reactions usually proceed by a free radical mechanism (28). Typical examples are free radical-induced polymerizations, Grignard reactions, and decomposition of halocarbons, such as chloroform and carbon tetra­ chloride. T h e hazard common to these categories of reactions is the variable and unpredictable period of time (in­ duction period) during which react a n t s are added to each other with no semblance of reactivity. Suddenly and sometimes violently, the reaction (exothermic) initiates spewing flam­ mable, toxic liquids on heating ma­ ntles, electrical connections, hot sur­ faces, etc. T h e caution t h a t must be exercised here is to forego adding more t h a n 10-15% of a reactant prior to reaction initiation. T h e phenome­ non is exacerbated as the volume of reactants increases:

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Organic chemists use ozone to rup­ ture double bonds in structure deter­ minations of organic molecules. It is an extremely powerful oxidizer and toxic (TLV, 0.1 ppm). Analytical chemists may at times be exposing themselves to dangerous levels of ozone in prolonged use of some U V and fluorescence spectrophotometers, particularly in poorly ventilated air. Whenever arcing or silent electric dis­ charge conditions prevail, the genera­ tion of ozone must be suspected, and good ventilation conditions estab­ lished.


A z i d e Salts

Sodium azide has been used for many years as a bacterioside/slimicide in constant temperature water baths and in solutions used in hospital diag­ nostic laboratories. Over the years a number of explosions (usually in the plumbing systems) were traced to the use of soluble azide salts. T h e cause of these accidents was traced to an initial exchange reaction in metal plumbing forming heavy metal azides t h a t are explosive when these diagnostic solu­ tions are routinely disposed of by pouring down the drain. It is hoped t h a t no one today makes use of soluble azide salts to inhibit microorganism growth. Alternate inhibitors such as 2-phenoxyethanol are preferred.


where V, S, and r are the volume, sur­ face, and radius, respectively, of a sphere. Thus, volume outstrips the surface available for cooling as one scales up.

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Liquids and solids as distinctive states of matter are nearly incom­ pressible. By contrast, gases at ambi­ ent conditions rather easily compress. T h e reason for this marked difference is the very large free volume or intermolecular distances between mole­ cules. If the air in a room 20 X 20 X 10 ft were liquefied, the volume of the liquid would only be 0.1% of the origi­ nal volume, and the molecules would still not be touching. This very large "free" space of gases also accounts for their much lower densities as com­ pared to liquids and solids. Various laws (Boyle's, Charles') have been combined into what is called the ideal gas law, PV = nRT, which real gases obey at low pressures. However, at higher pressures, various divergences from ideality result (Figure 3). Compressed gases represent a form of energy t h a t can be devastating if not properly used and the phenome­ non of pressure well understood. Com­ pressed gases represent a unique haz­ ard in t h a t one is exposed simulta­ neously to major mechanical and chemical hazards dependent on the gas employed. A compressed gas is defined by the Department of Transportation (DOT) as any material or mixture having in the container an absolute pressure ex­ ceeding 40 psi at 70 ° F or, regardless of the pressure at 70 ° F , having an ab­ solute pressure exceeding 104 psi at 130 °F; or any liquid flammable mate­ rial having a vapor pressure exceeding 40 psi absolute at 104 ° F as deter­ mined by A S T M Test D-323 (29). Compressed gases are divided into two categories: pressurized—those gases t h a t do not liquefy easily be­ cause of very low boiling points [weak Van der Waals-type intermolecular at­ traction (30)] such as hydrogen and helium; and liquefied—gases that

Figure 3. PVvs. P plot for several gases at 0 °C Reprinted with permission from ret. 3 1 . Copyright 1951 Macmillan Co.

exist in a cylinder in liquid and gaseous states, such as propane, butane. T h e latter gases exhibit a constant gas pressure while the cylinder is discharging until all the liquid is volatilized. These gases (as all other gases at ambient temperatures except hydrogen and helium) have a positive JouleThompson coefficient, and the cylinder will cool on prolonged discharge. An exception to the two categories is acetylene, which is a gas dissolved in a liquid (acetone). It is important to remember t h a t pressure is force per unit area (usually expressed as pounds per square inch or kilograms per square centimeter). T h u s , even relatively low pressures of 4-10 psig can be very dangerous in terms of total force exerted on a door or wall. It is also important to remember t h a t the gauge reading represents pressure over atmospheric, i.e., psig = psia — 14.7, where psia represents absolute pressure. Hazardous Properties of Compressed Gases Compressed gases are characterized by very low boiling points and if gas is flammable, flashpoints below room temperature present an everpresent danger of fire or explosion. Large amounts of potential energy as a result of compression. Very high rates of diffusion. Hydrogen at 0 °C has a diffusion rate of 184 000 cm/s or almost 2000 m/s (31). This effectively means almost instantaneous permeation throughout a laboratory if hydrogen is liberated. Higher molecular weight and flammable gases diffuse only slightly more slowly [Graham's inverse square-root law

(32)]. Leakage from cylinders can therefore cause an explosion or fire if the gas is flammable; injury or death if it is toxic; asphyxiate if it is "harmless" (e.g., nitrogen) (the ambient oxygen content of the air we breathe need drop to only 15% to asphyxiate); and exposure to radioactive danger if the gas is radioactive (e.g., tritium). Gas Cylinders Everyone using compressed cylinders should be familiar with the information provided on the cylinder itself. DOT codes—specify materials of construction, capacities, test procedures, and the service pressure for which the cylinder is designed. A cylinder labeled DOT3A-2000 indicates that the cylinder has been manufactured in accordance with D O T specification 3A and a cylinder operating pressure of 2000 psi at 70 ° F . Serial numbers—a number assigned to a cylinder as a means of identification. Date of hydrostatic testing—usually carried out every 5 or 10 years. If metal stretches too much, cylinders will be replaced. Unless weakened by corrosion, cylinders last for many years. A tag or proper label indicating the name of the contained gas. A D O T diamond label, red for flammable gases, green for nonflammable. It is important to note t h a t ammonia has a green label; yet, it is a flammable gas (flammable limits 16-25%) (33).

except those containing toxic gases where the potential exposure to the toxicant is considered to be a greater risk than cylinder failure. These devices are affixed to the cylinder valve, in the cylinder itself, or a t both locations. Various devices are employed. Safety Relief Valves. These valves are spring-loaded and are used mostly for low-pressure liquefied flammable gases. They will release gas until pressure is back to a safe range,. Frangible Discs. These are used mostly for high-pressure cylinders and will burst at a predetermined pressure considerably above the service pressure and release the entire contents of the cylinder. They are found on most cylinders alone or in combination with other safety relief devices. Fusible Plug. This device is activated by temperature only. The frangible disk sometimes backed by a fusible plug will function only if the temperature is high enough to melt the metal, after which excessive pressure will burst the disk. Acetylene tanks are equipped with fusible plugs designed to function around 212 ° F releasing all of the gas to prevent an explosive polymerization or decomposition. Never tamper with any of these pressure relief devices. Guidelines for Handling Compressed Gases Always use a hand truck for transport even for short distances; chain cylinder to hand truck. Do not transport compressed gases in closed vehicles. Chain each cylinder in place at all times. Do not drop cylinders or expose them to any type of mechanical abuse. Leave valve cap on cylinder until ready for use. Use only in upright position. Shut off all valves when not in use. Use only recommended regulator for the particular gas; never use improvised adaptors. Always consider the cylinder to be full and handle accordingly. Discontinue using a highpressure cylinder when the pressure approaches 30 psig, and clearly mark the cylinder as empty; this practice will prevent potential suck-back of reactive gases and moisture. Never pressurize glass equipment. Never lubricate or allow organic lubricants or oils to come into contact with oxygen cylinders. Never use copper or coppercontaining alloys (brass) regulators. Never allow tubing to come in contact with acetylene. Place cylinders of flammable gases (hydrogen, acetylene, ethylene, etc.) outside in a protected area and pipe into the working area.

Safety Relief Devices

Storage of Compressed Gases

Provision is made for these devices on all D O T compressed gas cylinders

Store cylinders in a fireproof, wellventilated area; storage temperature








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should not exceed 100 °F. Store only on level floors and protect from d a m p ness, direct sunlight, and extreme weather conditions. Chain each cylinder in an upright position. Store oxidizing gases, oxygen, chlorine, etc., at least 25 ft from fuel gases or preferably in another storage area. Do not store oxygen cylinders on asphalt or near other combustible materials; enriched oxygen is extremely dangerous. CRYOGENIC LIQUIDS

Cryogenics may be defined as lowtemperature technology or the science of ultralow temperatures. To distinguish between cryogenics and refrigeration, a commonly used measure is to consider any temperature lower than - 7 3 . 3 °C ( - 1 0 0 °F) as cryogenic. There are currently more than 25 gases t h a t are used cryogenically. Seven gases, however, account for the greatest volume of use and applications in research and industry. These are helium (bp, —269.9 °C), nitrogen (bp, - 1 9 5 . 8 °C), fluorine (bp, - 1 8 7 °C), argon (bp, - 1 8 5 . 7 °C), oxygen (bp, —183 °C), and methane (bp, - 1 6 1 . 4 °C). Hazards of Cryogenic Liquids T h e primary hazards of cryogenic liquids are fire or explosions, pressure buildup, embrittlement of structural materials, contact with, and destruction of, living tissue, and asphyxiation. T h e fire or explosion hazard is obvious when gases such as hydrogen, méthane, and acetylene are considered. T h e hazard may be greatly increased when gases thought to be nonflammable are used. Enriched oxygen will greatly increase the flammability of ordinary combustibles and may even cause some noncombustible materials like carbon steel to burn readily under the right conditions (34). Wood or asphalt saturated with oxygen has been known to explode literally when subjected to shock. Since oxygen has a higher boiling point ( - 1 8 3 °C) than nitrogen (-195.8 °C), helium (-269.9 °C), or hydrogen (—252.7 °C), it is possible to condense oxygen out of the atmosphere and entrap it when using these lower boiling cryogenic liquids. Particularly with liquid hydrogen, conditions may exist for an explosion. T h e danger of pressure buildup is ever-present. Since most cryogenic gases are above their critical temperature, volatilizing gases must always be vented, and expansion ratios in excess of 1000/1 are possible. Any a t t e m p t to contain these gases will result in an explosion, the violence of which will be proportional to the pressure exerted to contain the gas. Even in the case



of the most "harmless" gases such as nitrogen, helium, etc., one must be ever mindful of the potential hazard of · asphyxiation. Materials t h a t normally are ductible at ambient temperatures may become extremely brittle when exposed to cryogenic temperatures. Some metals suitable for cryogenic temperatures are the 300 series of stainless steel and other austenitic series, copper, brass, and aluminum. A number of plastic materials such as Dacron, Teflon, Kel-F, mylar, and nylon also perform satisfactorily at low temperatures. Even a very brief skin contact with cryogenic liquids is capable of causing tissue damage similar to t h a t of thermal burns, and prolonged contact may result in blood clots with potentially very serious consequences. The following guidelines should therefore be adopted in handling cryogenic fluids. Always wear eye protection, preferably a face shield. Wear gloves t h a t are impervious to the fluid being handled, and loose enough t h a t they can be tossed off. A potholder may be a desirable alternative. T h e area should be well ventilated. Do not allow the necks of the containers to become plugged with ice or other condensate. Use appropriate metal cryogenic containers. Avoid glass Dewars. If the latter must be used, tape them to prevent flying glass in case of implosion/explosion. Use a hand truck in transporting cryogenic liquids. Select working materials suitable for the temperatures involved. Cryogenic storage conditions should follow similar guidelines. It is almost impossible to cover all aspects of hazardous chemical safety. Several topics such as waste disposal hazards have not been discussed because of space limitations. T h e import a n t subject of acute and chronic toxicity has only indirectly been treated. T h e reader is strongly urged to consult the extensive literature and/or the corporate safety officer regarding any aspect of laboratory safety he/she may be concerned about. Safe laboratory conditions can be achieved only if they truly become everyone's objective. References (1) Schieler-Pauze, "Hazardous Materials," ρ 11, Van Nostrand-Reinhold, New York, N.Y., 1976. (2) Walter M. Haessler, "The Extinguish­ ment of Fire," 33 pp, Engineered Sys­ tems Division, Fyr-Fyter Co., Dayton, Ohio. (3) Eugene Meyer, "Chemistry of Hazard­ ous Materials," ρ 47, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. (4) An Identification System for Occupationally Hazardous Materials, HEW Publication No. (NIOSH) 75-126. (5) "Code of Federal Regulations," Vol 49, ρ 246.

(6) Haase Heinz, "Electrostatic Hazards, Their Evaluation and Control," ρ 32, Verlag Chemie, New York, N.Y., 1977. (7) Haase Heinz, ibid., ρ 35. (8) Available from J. T. Baker and other major laboratory supply companies. (9) "Safety in the School Science Labora­ tory," M.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare (NIOSH), Less No. 11, Cin­ cinnati, Ohio 45226, Aug. 1977. (10) Los Angeles, Calif., Fire Department Standard No. 40, 1-1-60. (11) SAFE-T-DATA No. 2, J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N.J. 08865. (12) "American National Standard Prac­ tice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection," ANSI Std. Ζ 87.1-1968, American National Standard Institute, New York, N.Y. (13) Albert Weaver and Karen A. Britt, "Professional Safety," ρ 38, June 1977. (14) A. Giese, Science, 91, 476 (1940). (15) Norman V. Steere, "Handbook of Laboratory Safety," ρ 335, CRC Press, West Palm Beach, Fla. (16) J.G.S. Biram, Vacuum, 5, 77 (1957). (17) "Air Sampling Instruments for Evalu­ ation of Atmospheric Contaminants," 2nd éd., Secretary of American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygiéniste, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1962. (18) Mercury Spill Cleanup Kits (Mercury), J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Bulletin No. 4. (19) a. N. V. Steere, Chem. Educ, 42 (7), 4529 (1965); b. F. W. Michelotti and J. W. Seidenberger, Am. Lab., 77 (1978). (20) Cheves Walling "Free Radicals in Solution," ρ 412, Wiley, New York, N.Y. (21) K. I. Ivanov, V. K. Savinova, and V. K. Mikhailova, J. Gen. Chem. USSR, 16, 65, 1003, 1015 (1946); A. Rieche and K. Koch, Ber., 75, 1016 (1942).

(22) a. I. B. Douglass, J. Chem. Educ, 40, 469 (1963). b. N. V. Steere, ibid., 41, A575 (1964). (23) A. G. Davies, J. Roy. Inst. Chem., 386 (1956); A. G. Davies, "Organic Perox­ ides," Butterworths, London, England, 1961; R. N. Feinstein, J. Org. Chem., 24, 1172 (1959); W. Dasler and C. D. Bauer, Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed., 18, 52 (1946); "Manual of Techniques," Metal Hydrides, Inc., Beverly, Mass., 1958. (24) Rolf Halonfrenner, Wolfgang Klaeui, and John S. Coates, Chem. Eng. News, 56 (6), 3 (1978). (25) E. M: Harris, Chem. Eng., 56 (1), 116-7 (1949). (26) E. Meyers, "Chemistry of Hazardous Materials," ρ 133, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1977. (27) J. T. Baker SAFE-T-DATA, No. 3, Phillipsburg, N.J., 08865. (28) Cheves Walling, "Free Radicals in So­ lution," ρ 169, Wiley, New York, N.Y. (29) Hazardous Materials Regulations of the Department of Transportation, R. M. Graziano, Tariff No. 31, issued by Graziano, Agent, 1920 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. (30) C. A. Coulson, "Valence," Oxford at the Clarendon Press; ρ 260, 1953. (31) Carl F. Prutton and Samuel Η. Maron, "Fundamental Principles of Physical Chemistry," ρ 23, Macmillan, New York, N.Y., 1951. (32) Carl F. Prutton and Samuel H. Maron, ibid., ρ 17. (33) National Fire Protection Assoc, "Fire Protection Guide on Hazardous Materi­ als," 6th éd., 49-46, Boston, Mass. (34) Norman V. Steere, "Handbook of Laboratory Safety," ρ 575, CRC Press, West Palm Beach, Fla.

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F. W. Michelotti is director of re­ search for Laboratory Products at the J. T. Baker Chemical Co. He received degrees from Fordham University, AB, cum laude, and an MS degree in organic chemistry, before obtaining a P h D degree from Polytechnic Insti­ tute of New York (1957) in organic polymer chemistry. He is author of over 30 scientific papers and patents in organic, polymer, analytical, and di­ agnostic chemistry, and coauthor of the J. T. Baker Safety School Manuals on Hazardous Chemical Safety, and is director of research for the J. T. Baker Spill Control Products R&D effort. Most recently, he has written and pre­ sented several papers and lectured ex­ tensively on chemical hazards in the laboratory. He is a member of the American Chemical Society, the Divi­ sion of Organic Chemistry, the Divi­ sion of Health and Safety, Executive Committee of the Research Section of the National Safety Council, and the Association of Research Directors.