HB-40 PRICE REDUCED! - Chemical & Engineering News Archive

Nov 4, 2010 - HB-40 PRICE REDUCED! Chem. Eng. News , 1944, 22 (12), Inside Back Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v022n012.ibc. Publication Date: June 25, ...
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A price reduction of approximately 20 % on Monsanto HB-40, effective on M a y 3, broadens the field of economical, practical uses of this clear, mobile, high-boiling hydrocarbon. Some of these applications of H B - 4 0 are listed below. Particularly, we suggest the use of H B - 4 0 as an extender for other plasticizers now difficult to obtain. Shipments of H B - 4 0 are not restricted to any existing W P B controls. Further research no doubt will discover m a n y more uses for the unique combination of chemical and physical properties of H B - 4 0 . If you would like to join the search for new applications . . . applying H B - 4 0 to your own products or processes . . . mail the coupon for a free sample and technical information.

i n composition when kept in contact with boiling 10% aqueous solutions of H2SO4 or NaOH at atmosPheric PressureVapor Pressure ° C . MmHg . 1^ 175 g 190 JQ 205 16 225 28 245 50 250 71 . l f t f.l q9 jL 7 _ fin ^ es '


1. As a hydraulic fluid in thermal controls. 2. As a plasticizer for vinyl, polystyrene, methacrylate resins and for asphalt or gilsonite base paints. 3. As a textile lubricant and softener, in particular for rayon and woolen goods. 4. As a constituent of leather dressings, particularly those formulations used for softening leathers. 5. As a solvent for various types of oils, resins and waxes. 6. As a solvent for industrial processing. (Such as extraction of organic materials from waste liquors.) 7. As an absorber to remove volatile organic compounds from gases. (Such as removal of naphthalene from by-product gas.)

„ , ,„ , Distillation

0. As a solvent where low volatility and low bility are essential or desirable.

_ Range:



Appearance: Almost colorless, mobile, oily liquid, with faint pleasant odor. t 0 5s i h t T t h a n 5 0 ° A P H A ( D a r k e n S ° n e x P ° s u r e *\ *' Specific Gravity: 1.005 ± 0.010 @ 25/15.6°C. — (8.37 pounds/gallon, average). Refractive Index: 1.5540 — 1.5740 @ 25°C. Coefficient of Expansion: 0.000741 cc/cc/°C. Carbon Residue: (Conradson) 0.02%. Ash: (10-gram sample) Nil. Neutralization Number: 0.03. „ _ , . Tr , Steam Emulsion Value: 45.


*Correctedfor stem exposure

Flash Point: 345°F. ASTM D92-24. Flame Point: 385°F. ASTM D92-24. Pour Point: Minus 28°C. Solubility: Not soluble in water, but is miscible in all proportions at room temperature with a number 0 f solvents and oils. Compatibility: Compatible in varying proportions w ith polystyrene, ethyl cellulose and methacrylate resins. Viscosity: — SUS. 136.5 @ 100°F. 38 4 - @ 2 10°F. - . * - , * . - . . » R A » » * . e e /» . . ~ * % ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES: (Typical Data)

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readily oxidize. However, it does decompose at 300°C. under pressure, in iron. Stability to Acids and Alkalies: Appears to be relatively stable, and undergoes no significant changes


Deg. C. 345 (corr.)* 353 " 059 «