HCl-Glass React - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - THE INTERACTION between hydrogen chloride and Pyrex #7220 glass at 295° to 385° C, is a true chemical reaction, not surface adsorption...
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RESEARCH group knows, b e e n found in nature. T w o other chemists tackled t h e aglycon structure. Erich Mosettig a n d Wil­ liam R. Ν es found that t h e aglycon also is unusual. It possesses a perhydrop h e n a n t h r e n e skeleton t o which a fivemembered ring is attached, b u t not at the 1,2-positions as in the steroids. T h e ring is analogous t o t h e structures or' t h e diterpenoid hydrocarbons phyllocladene a n d isophyllocladene, as well as t h e diterpenoid alkaloids like t h e Garrya alkaloids veatehine, garryine, cuauchichicine, a n d laurifoline. It ap­ pears likely that aglucon is a diter­ penoid acid and as such is remarkable in t h a t it exists i n n a t u r e as a glucoside, which may tentatively be assigned the structure shown ( p a g e 124) . • As α S w e e t e n e r . As a natural product, stevioside might b e attractive as a sweetening agent, particularly if the Government were t o rule against synthetic sweeteners. F o r the present, however, it cannot compete with a cheap, safe, and well established syn­ thetic sweetener such as saccharin. Cultivation of the shrub is difficult since t h e seeds are largely sterile, a n d repro­ duction must be m a d e b y subdivision, a laborious and costly process. While Paraguayan users of t h e leaves have re­ ported no ill effects, long term, con­ trolled studies would h a v e to b e made to determine the safety. T h e Bethesda g r o u p n o w hopes to g e t larger quanti­ ties of stevioside for chronic toxicity a n d other pharmacological tests.











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A leading producer of welding gas had the problem of transferring con­ centrated sulphuric acid (93%) from storage t o process tanks. T h e pump had to operate 6 to 10 hours daily a n d deliver 10 gpm against a 15 f t . head. T h e answer w a s found in a Vanton "nex-i-liner" pump, model PX60, with its polyethylene body block and hypalon flexible liner. If you're troubled with pumping corrosive or abrasive liquids and slur­ ries/ get the facts o n the Vanton "flex-i-liner. ' ' Catalog 55 on request.

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