HEADLINES of the Month - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

HEADLINES of the Month. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1949, 41 (6), pp 1304–1304 ... Published in print 1 June 1949. +. Altmetric Logo Icon More Article Metrics...
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Events of Interest to Chemists, Chemical Engineers, and Executives7 APRIL 17. Bakelite Corp. announces plans for construction of a phenol plant in Ohio River Valley south of Marietta, Ohio, for production of phenol from chlorobenxenei 4[ APRIL 18. Economic Cooperation Administration agrees to help Britain increase its output of cobalt and in return U. S. gets five-year option to buy 10 per cent of increased production for American stockpile.--Jcss Larson, War Assets Administrator, in Federal Court says that he has postponed final action on sale of government-owned aluminum reduction plant a t Marvena, N. Y., to the Aluminum Co. of America until the court rules on antitrust proceeding against company.

7 APRIL 21. Department of Commerce says production of sodium bichromate has caught up with demand for first time since war.--Sun Oil and Standard Oil of Ohio announce formation oE a new company to build and operate a 1000-mile pipe line to carry crude petroleum from Texas to Ohio, line to cost about $56,000,000.

7 APRIL 22. Navy issues film badges t o all personnel norking in range of atomic radiation and other forms of radioactivity in effort to detect and measure degree of exposure to potentially dangerous rays.

7 APRIL23. Atomic Energy Commission announces plans for a fifth plant on the Colorado-Utah plateau which involves rehabilitation and operation of U. S. Vanadium Corp.’s uranium-vanadium processing plant at Uravan, CoIo.2

7 A P m L 25. Celanese Coip. of America perfects and starts production of a new fiber containing acetate and a large pereentage of viscose.--Supreme Court by a 4-to-4 vote upholds Federal Trade Commission order outlawing so-called basing point system, even when no charge of agreement among competing firnis is involved. 7 APRIL 26. President Truman appoints Wm. H. Davis, labor ielations authority, New York, K. Y., as chairman of Atomic Energy Relations Panel. 7 APRIL 27. American Oil Co. and Pan American Refining Corp. dedicate new million-dollar automotive research laboratory in Baltimore.-NJoseph W. Barker, president Research Corp., announces nearly $250,000 in grants to aid scientific research in colleges, universities, and institutes. 7 A p m L 28. Commerce Department permits private imports of off-grade tin for first time since eaily in World War 11. 1 APRIL30. General Lucius D. Clay, U. S. Military Governor, says dangerous cartels in Germany have been dissolved arid a “further break-up of German enterprise would he a political and not a security measure.”--Princeton University accepts new $6,000,000 Harvey S. Firestone ?*lemorial Library. 7 RIAY 2. Federation of American Scientists urges immediate publication of official report on Bikini atomic bomb tests and full discussion of whether to make public number of atomic bombs powessed by U. E. T ? t h y 3. AEC announces steps are being talcen to prevent stoppages in its essential operations and to assurc maximum freedom for labor and management to bargain collectively in government-owned privately operated plants. --Rich uranium deposit discovered in Vermillion Cliffs region, 10 miles south of the 1 2

Chem. Eng. News, 27, 1216 (April 25, 1949). Ibzd., 1368 (May 9, 1949).

-Reviewed b y the Editors

Utah border, said by Chas. H. Dunning, director Arizona Department of Mineral Resources, to be “among the richest deposits uncovered in the nation.” 7 M A Y 4. Eooker Electrochemical c o . starts pilot-plant production of IriAuoroacetate’. 7 MAY 5. Public Health Service says makers of fluorescent light agree to discontinue use of beryllium phosphor in fluorescent lights after June 30 because of its poisonous nature,--~American Viscose Corp. announces it has joined Monsanto Chemical Co. in formation of new company for research in field of synthetic fibers, with Carroll Hochwalt of Monsanto heading new com$1,000,008Institute of Microbiology for continued pany.--A research in field which produced streptomycin will be constructed at Rutgers University through Selman 9.Waksman7s contribution to Rutgers of his royalties on streptomycin.N-Hermann 0. L. Fischer, department of biochemistry, University of California, a t Sugar Research Foundation dinner in New Vorlc receives 4th annual sugar research prize of $5000 for his contributions t o and discoveries about the structure of organic chemicals in the sugar family, the Yational Science Fund, National Bendemy of Sciences, presenting prize. 7 Mwy 8. J. K. Moffett, vice president, and Paul J. LeMarche, engineer, National Distillers’ Chemical Corp., announce that first deliveries have been made a t Ashtabula, Ohio, for construction of $10,000,000 sodium plant expected to produce 36,000,000 lb. a year for gasoline, steel, and chemical plant consumers.---decretary of Interior Krug, at dedication in Louisiana, Mo., of country’s first demonstration plants for making oil and gasoline from coal, says infant industry needs to be developed on a, commercial scale and in effect tells private interests to take over, 7 MAY9. President Truman nominates Henry DeWolf Smyth, chairman, Department of Physics, Princeton University, and Gordon Dean, a practicing attorney and professor of lam, UniverG. Rochow, sity of Southern California, to the AEC.--Eugene Harvard chemist, a t a meeting of North Jersey Section, A.C.S., in accepting the Leo Hendrik Baekeland Award for his research on silicones, envisions a world which could have a total population of 18,000,000,000people, made possible largely by inexhausliblo raw niaterials.--Imperial Oil, Ltd., announces i t has placed orders exceeding $9,000,000 for supplies for projected pipe line between Edmonton and Regina in western Canada,NkGeneral Survey Conmiittee of Engineers Joint Council rcports industrial concerns expect to reduce their employment of enginerring graduates 26 per cent this yearr while government agencies count on an 8 per cent c u t b a c k . ~ ~ D u t cplanters h re-open Wingfoot rubber plantation of Goodyear in East Sumatra. 7 MAY12. TTorkmen start laying first “natural” rubber highway in U. S.over a one-mile strip hetween Richmond and Charlottesville, Va. 11 MAY 13. A 16-ton trailer truck loaded in contravention of regulations with highly flammable and volatile carbon disulfide explodes and rips Holland Tunnel under Hudson River almost knocking out a 300-foot section, injuring 66, and setting off a chain reaction of fires and blasts, 23 trucks being damaged or destroyed. 7 MAY 14. Austin ?*I. Patterson, authority on chemical terminology, receives Award in Documentation of Chcmistry at, dinner meeting of Dayton Section, A.C.S. 3


Ibzd., 27, 1399 [May 9, 1949).