HEADLINES of the Month | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

May 1, 2002 - Journal Logo. HEADLINES of the Month. Cite This:Ind. Eng. Chem.1949411216. Publication Date (Print):January 1, 1949. Publication History...
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Events of Interest to Chemists, Chemical Engineers, and

b y the Editors

cluctiori of a s;cnthetic alcohol. iaii-ovt>l, b~ piocesb +I hich pio\ide ourcr nt i a v material in plastic5 nianufarturr'

11 SOVEMBER 16. S a t u r a l i r i titie rubber sells on Commodity 'Exchange at 9 points below gnvernment'q pi ice for general purpose synthetic rubber.

7 DI!,ccMBhK 1. n'.c', Schroeder at meeting of A h e r i c a n30r.iety of JIechariical Cngineeri in S. Y . urgei rmhlidimc.rit of commcicial plant5 iminediatelj for rnanufact uw of iynthctic furlh as only meanh of fillirig gap brt\\ren r l r m a r i d arid supplv

(i XOVENBER17. -iniericati (;as -i-sociation reports new gab

manufacturing process will nearlj. double present distribution :&pacity of gas conipariies and reduce production cost considrrably; method features utilization of low-cost crude oil in gas g e r r e r a t o r s , ~ - ~ ~ - a l t eProach, r district tnanagei, Sharples C'orp., a t meeting of American Oil Chemists Society in N. Y., reveals that for first time on industrial scale a cont,inuouP method of making hard soap is \Tell underway.

D E C F V B 2~ R ( k n t ~ i n l Z:lectric optsni hrbt n i r i q 01 its research laboiatorj, its ricn S18,000,000 home under c~oii~truction near Schenectady. -, -Vitamin B-12. the anti-pet nicious anemia vitamin present in minute amounts iri liver, has beeti isolated in crystalline form from same mold S t i e p t o r n p u g r i w u s that produce- streptomycin, scienti-ts of research laboratories of hlercli 8: Go. announce.--President Truman says Bradley Dewey is mistaken in his a s m tion that White House suppressed final rcport on atomic tcsts a t Bikini+-- IJSAEC announ(&+adoption of pernianent personnel policv exempting e m p l o w e ~from conipetitive Civil Service and eitablirhing an independent niriit system.-Austrian Goveinment formall) decides to uqe 84,500,000 of Marshall Plan funds to build a rayori textile plant.N4'c.lanese Corp. of America announces i t is dircontinuing nianufacture of all age to bt, arhieved by rellulose nitrate plabtic pioducts, s middle of next year.N-L-. 8. p o t to Hungary Hungarian Government's seizure of subsidiai ied- -Hungarian .imei ican Oil Po. (Maort) and hlaort Gas Trading ( ' o -of Standard Oil ( $ 0 .of N. J.

XOVEMBER 18. Government brings more than 60 companies nto its anti-trust investigation of Du Pont Co. (1 SOVEMBER 20. Ford Motor Co. announces nonmiiitarv " au* plication of atomic energy in industrial world has been brought nearer by its experimentation M ith two kinds of radioartivr isotopes t o discover possible use\ in production of automobiles.

[' SOVEMBER 21. Lord ?vlc(+o>\ail, (ahairman Imperial Chemical

Industries, Ltd., announcw plans for extensions costing about '$52,000,000 in factories in j t i alkali division. (i XOVEMBER 22. Supienie Court rules that provision&o f Food and Drugs Act against misbranding can be invoked when drugs mow across state lines in one container and the labels in another.

7 XOVEMBER 24. &astinan Kodak under a consent decree signed by Federal Judge &lathesin Los Augeles agrees to license Its color film patents to any applicant without royalties'.-Evans Research & Development Corp. reports that most firms are riot making immediate plans t o increase their researcall activitiesti *harp contrast to a year ago when 734, of industry had plans underiyay for increased research appr opriatioiis.



ll I ~ C E N B5E . R Erneit H. \'olniler, executive vice prciidrnt lhbott Laboratories, c h o v n a s preqident-elect of i.C'.S. and to head SOCIETYin 1950.

7 DECEMBER 6. Recoiistruction Finance c'oip. aiinouiiwi sale of its neoprene synthetic rubber plant at I,ouisville, k v , to I< 1 r3u Pont de Seniours & C'O , lric , for 813,200,000

25. Departmerit of Commerce report& I;.S. uuZp and paper businesb for the most part is back to normal. Bradley I)rwry, former civilian member of S o m h i B E R 26. evaluation board, in Deceinbrr A4Unr~ticMonthly demands White House release report bp evaluation board of Joint Chiefs of Staff on atom bomb as military Seapon in Bikini tests, asserting necessary deIetions for military secui ity have been made, 7 NOVEMBER 27. Karl T. Compton, in final report as president of M l T , announces Standaid Oil of Ind., Standard Oil of ?;. J.. Texas Co., Socony-Vacuum, .and Cities Service have each agreed io rontribute $50,000 a year for 5 years and Humble Oil $25,000 For B like period as grants for rescarch in general fields of nuclrat wience, physics, chemistry, and chemical engineering. 4 XOVENBER 29. Former unit of I. G, Farben is awarded contract for setting up Germany'b biggest penicillin plant with Merck & Co., Rahway, K. J . , providing technical assistance2. SorEniBm

11 DETEMBLR7 . hmerican Tobacco coopt'i ate\ in IVriivc~i yitj of Chicago's multi-niillion-dollar reseai ch program by becornriig an industrial member of thr In-titutr of Tirtdiobitrlogv arid Riophy'ics for next 5 gearq.

'I I~C~;UB 9. L National R ( 'oal .Issociation rcvr~alamot e thari 70 coal preparation plant5 are being built or rebuilt in a 3500,000,000 plant modeini~ation prtrgiam by coal industry members \I hich includes expansion of iercwch and pilot plant developrnrnt tor commercial manufacture OF synthrtic garoline and fuPl oil rrom coal.--Norway is accumulating its first atomic pile froin uranium and from heavy water it is inanufad iring, t h e Xorneegian Infoirnation Service ieport 9. 7 DECEMBER 11. Henry H. Ytorch, C. S. Bureau of ATines, Riuceton, Pa., uiria annual award of Pittsburgh Section A.C.S. For outstanding scivice to chemistry3 --Eugene P. Schoch, University of Texas, and winner of first Southwest Regional Award for outstanding contributions by a chemist or chcmical cnginwr in the SouthTmst to the chemical profession, at annual Southmeeit 7 NOVEMBER30. Du Pont ariiiounces purchase of 1700 acre0 bays important regional meeting of B.C S. a t Shreveport, in Guadalupe River Valley near 1 ictoria, Tex., for productioii market for Southwest's vast reserves of natural gas is piomised of chemical intermediates for oylon2.N-A.C.S. aiinouncethrough manufacture of 5yiithetic acetj lene gas from methane h v establishment of two 81000 prizcq for achicvcmcrits in petroleum silent electxical discharge*. chemistry and in field of flavor and perfume oils---Precision DLCEMBER 15. A.C.S. in 1c.tter to Paul (2. Hoflinan, hesti, Scientific Award in Petroleum Chemistry founded by that company and Fritzsche Award founded by Fritzsche Rroi. 1 n c . ~ ~Economic Cooperation Administration, urges Mnrshall Plan aid for restoration of devastated scientific l a b o r a t o r i e s . N 7 I I o ~ ~ a i d LMacMillan Petroleum Co. announces development of automobile Bruce, acting adininistiator ECA, says full prohr into aliminuni motor oil capable of remaining fluid in ternperaturcs down to 60" imports from Kestern Europe will be made. below O , - ~ E s s o Standard Oil announces first cornniercial pi ii-

Cirem Eng. N e w s , 2 6 , 3694 i l l e r 13. 1948). T h d . 36Y2 (De?. 13, 1948)




Ibzd , 3830 (Dee. 27, 1948 1 Ibad., 3618 (Deo. 6 1948).