HEADLINES of the Month | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

May 1, 2002 - HEADLINES of the Month. Cite This:Ind. Eng. Chem.19484061159-1160. Publication Date (Print):June 1, 1948. Publication History. Published...
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HEADLINES of the Month Events of Interest to Chemists, Chemical Engineers, and EXeCutiVeS--Reviewed 7 APRIL16. Charles Allen Thomas, President A.C.S., recommends to House Committee on Armed Services deferment of scientists and technologists fully engaged in essential work in industry, government, and military establishments; deferment of university scientists engaged in teaching and research; deferment of promising scientific and engineering students under a limited quota; creation of a Xational Scientific iippeal Board of civilians with recognized scientific background and authority to decide all appeals for deferment of scientists and technologists within prescribed criteria’. --Sorman Shepard, chemical director American Cyanamid and consultant to Sational Securities Resources Board, on behalf of Manufacturing Chemists’ Association, urges House Committee on Armed Services to create a single national agency, manned entirely by scientists with authority to defer or draft all scientific and technological personnel, if selective service is re-established by C0ngress.N-Standard Oil (Ind.) dedicates first 8 of 13 buildings of a $10,000,000 research center a t Il‘hiting, Ind.2--Ground is broken a t Rutgers University for first unit of $965,000 chemistry building.“National Vitamin Foundation appropriates $110,320 for nutrition research, 11-ith special reference to vitamins.

7 APRIL17. Chas. E. Kilson, president GE, announces company has formed a nucleonics department to be responsible for Hanford Korks at Richland, Wash.


5 APRIL 19. A.C.S. opens 113th national meeting in Chicago. A.C.S. President Thomas announces .4.C.S. Award in Pure Chemistry, sponsored by Alpha Chi Sigma, to Saul TVinsteiii, University of California at Los Xngeles, for work on effect of neighboring groups in displacement reactions; Borden -4~ai-din Chemistry of Milk to B. L. Herrington, Cornell University, for fundamental research in milk chemistry; first Fisher Award in Analytical Chemistry to N. Howell Furman, Princeton Cniversit), for substantial contributions to analytical Chemistry, especially studies on electrometric techniques and cheniical analysis; Garvan Medal to Gerty Cori, Kashington University, for diversified and extensive research in biochemistry with particular recognition for n.ork on carbohydrate metabolism and enzymatic reactions; Eli Lilly and Co. .$ward in Biological Chemistry to Dikorth Kayne \Voolley, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, for a vide variety of research, including chemistry and biochemistry of the lipids, isolation of the antipellagra factor, and studies of nutritional and biochemical problems dealing nith Titamins and antivitamins; Paul-Le& Laboratories Award in Enzyme Chemistry to Albert Lester Lehninger, University of Chicago, for research on chemistry and metabolism of fatty acids3.,--T. TV. Jones, editor Society of Chemical Industry publications, prevents citation to Walter J. Murphy in behalf of SCI for achieving 40th anniversary of I.c%E.C.~-Atomic Energy Commission reveals “an atomic weapon” has been tested at newly constructed proving grounds on Eniwetol; 4toll but type of Tveapon not revealed.N-Supreme Court refuses to hear appeal in suit by Standard Oil (S.J.)from decision returning property of I. G. Farbenindustrie t’o Government. “Theater of Atom” designed and constructed by Westinghouse scientists starts 9-week 1509-mile tour through nine Tesas towns and cities to demonstrate atom-smashing from laboratory to bomb and power plant. --Maurice Stacey, professor of chemN-

Chem. Eng. .Arewe. 26, 1203 (April 2 6 , 1948). * I b i d . , 1 2 9 2 (AIay3, 1948). * I b i d . , 1275 ( X a y 3, 1948). ‘ I b i d . , 1274 (AIay3. 1948).


b y the Editors

istry Birmingham University, tells Royal Institute of Chemistry, new fluorine compound will permit automobiles to run a lifetime with no change of oi1.N-R. W.Richardson, F. B. Johnson, and L. V. Robbins, Jr., chemists Esso Standard Oil, La., at A.G,S. meeting in Chicago, report use of catalyst in fluid catalytic cradking process may boost nation’s output of gasoline 25%.

J’ APRIL20. President Truman sends to Senate nominations of the five members of AEC for reappointment on a staggered term basis running until 1953 “President Truman rejects Republican compromise offer for reappointment of 9 E C chairman Lilienthal for one year instead of five.“French Hagemann, chemist Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, at A.C.S. meeting in Chicago, announces isolation of actinium, a radioact$e element, No. 89, 2000 times rarer than radium. “Justice Department announces Federal Grand Jury at Philadelphia has indicted seven corporations and eight individuals on charges of conspiracy to fix prices on laminated plastics. “Representative Andrew introduces Selective Service bill (H.R. 6274) which would postpone induction of any person satisfactorily pursuing a full-time course of study at a college, university, or similar institution of higher learnings.

7 APRIL21. Senator Owen Brewter urges Government to help American oil companies gain foothold in development of Arabian oil. --Eastman Kodak announces establishment of laboratory designed to find films most useful for television. N-AEC reports irradiated cobalt, a “viitually costless metal,” promises to be as effective as radium in treatment of cancer and far easier to use.

7 APRIL22. House of Representatives by vote of 300 to 29 orders Administration to surrender “forthwith” confidential loyalty file on EdiTard U. Condon; President Truman retorts for Congress to try and get it.--NChas. Oenslager, whose pioneer rubber chemistry researches greatly reduced price and increased life of tires and other vulcanized products, receives first Chas. Goodyear Medal of Division of Rubber Chemistry, A.C.S., at Chicago meeting.-NStefan Ansbacher of \’I-D-Co. research laboratory, Marion, Ind., at A.C.P. meeting in Chicago, reports discovery of microorganism that can be trained to produce a vitamin of B-complex family, .1PF, found only in proteins of animal origin. 7 APRIL23. Western Governors Conference meeting in Sacra. mento asks 6000 tons a month diversion to the West of army’s overseas shipment of ammonium nitrate.--ii.C.S. Presiderrt Thomas, at close of meeting in Chicaxo announces award of Priestley Medal to E. R. Weidlein, director hlellon Institute, for “distinguished services to chemistry6.” 7 APRIL24. Department of Commerce formally rejects House resolution calling for FBI report on Condon.

7 APRIL25. AEC makes available to Kavy up to $4,000 UOO for research program, to be undertaken jointly.“F:.ecutive Committee, American Association for the Advanccinent of Science, protests treatment of Condon by House Un-.imerican Activities committee. J’ APRIL 26. Crawford H. Greenewalt, president of I)u Pant, says executive and finance committees have approved biggest single laboratory project ever undertaken by companj , t2 cost $30,000,000, and an estimated 2.5 years to complete, n-hich will make I b i d , 1269 (31ay3, 1948). Ibid., 1276 (AIay3, 1948).




Vol. 40, No. 6

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11.1~14, Ihuiiond -\lkali's 81-l,000,000 clectrocheriiical p1:Liit IT~iustiin,starts production of chlorine and caustic soda..\P:C rtuthorizc.: $1,850,000addition to .%niesLaborator St,:itc ~ o l l ~ ~ g i ~ ~ - 8 1 , ~for ~ 0atomic 0 , 0 0 0research building and S350,000 t.quipnierit. -Rouse Interstate Commerce Committer ,s:ul)niits long-rmge joint government-industrS. synthetic fuc,li: progruii rosting 3250,000,000 t o House. :it


9,- 3 L i Y Id. PresideIit Trunint: vetoes its "un\vitrranted i ' t i cr~.iachnii~nt"on his authority bill providing for ir1vestig:ttiori by FBI of tlie loyalty and charact~~r of his nominations t o AI*:('.