Health Studies of U.S. Women Radium Dial Workers - Advances in

May 5, 1995 - Follow-up studies of U.S. radium dial workers traced 1322 women first employed between 1913 and 1929, 1403 women first employed between ...
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Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT DALLAS on July 15, 2016 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0243.ch014

Health Studies of U.S. Women Radium Dial Workers A. F. Stehney Environmental Research Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439

Follow-up studies ofU.S.radium dial workers traced 1322 women first employed between 1913 and 1929, 1403 women first em­ ployed between 1930 and 1949, and 744 women first employed between 1950 and 1979. Many women who worked during the earliest period ingested large amounts of radium, because prac­ tices such as tipping radium-laden brushes with the lips were not prohibited until about 1925. Early effects included acute anemias and bone destruction. The principal chronic effects among the dial workers were 62 cases of bone sarcoma and 24 cases of carcinoma of the paranasal sinuses or mastoid air cells ("head carcinomas"), but no bone sarcomas or head carcino­ mas were diagnosed in women who began painting dials after 1925. Deaths caused by leukemias or other specific causes are not established as related to internally deposited radium.


needs little intro duction. The earliest identified manifestation of radium poisoning was a painful and disfiguring destruction of the jaws of some young women who worked at a factory in Orange, New Jersey. Further reports of bone damage, severe anemias, and deaths brought widespread coverage in newspapers of the period, and five of the dial painters sued their former employer in 1927. During subsequent trials news stories made known to a horrified public that radium had become part of the bone structure of these women and that they were probably "doomed to die" early and painful deaths. 0065-2393/95/0243-0169$09.80/0 © 1995 American Chemical Society

Young and Yalow; Radiation and Public Perception Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT DALLAS on July 15, 2016 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0243.ch014



A similar story of anemias and crippling bone destruction developed somewhat later among employees of a radium dial company in Ottawa, Illinois. During a trial that was settled in 1938, the chilling appellation of "society of the living dead" was coined by a newspaper reporter. The same phrase sometimes appears in the news media when former dial painters die or when residual radioactivity is found at the former site of a radium dial factory or radium refinery. The purposes of this chapter are to provide a brief review of developments that led to the establishment of a tolerance level for occupational exposure to radium and to summarize quantitative findings about radiation effects that were reported or assumed to occur in the dial workers.

Early Developments The U.S. luminous radium dial industry began in about 1913 and grew rapidly—from about 8500 dials in 1913 to 2.2 million in 1919 (1). The paint, consisting of zinc sulfide made luminous by the addition of radium and small amounts of impurities, was usually applied to dial hands and numerals by brush. During the early years of the industry, it was common practice for the dial painters to point their brushes by mouth. This practice was probably the principal route by which many of the painters acquired large body burdens of radium, although inhalation of radium-laden dust in the work place is also cited (2, 3). Indications of possible occupational poisoning among women employed by a radium dial plant in Orange, New Jersey, began to appear in the early 1920s. Severe, nonhealing deterioration of the jawbone of a dial painter was reported by a dentist who, with remarkable prescience, coined the term "radium jaw" in 1924 (4). This report was followed by publication of the results of a medical study that found severe anemias and bone necrosis in several of the women employed at the plant (5). During this period an industrial survey of the plant noted jaw necroses among the dial painters and recommended that the shaping of brush tips by mouth be stopped (3). The most thorough and longest studies were done by Martland, Medical Examiner of Essex County, New Jersey. Martland et al. (2) were the first to show the presence of radioactivity in the bodies of former dial painters and to blame unequivocally internally deposited radium for the blood dyscrasias and bone necroses that occurred in dial painters. In 1929 Martland and Humphries (6) reported two cases of osteogenic sarcoma among 15 women whose deaths were attributed to radium poisoning; these authors promptly characterized these malignancies as radium induced on the grounds that 2 of 15 "is too large to be passed over as due to coincidence". Martland soon came to the

Young and Yalow; Radiation and Public Perception Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT DALLAS on July 15, 2016 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0243.ch014



Health Studies of U.S. Women Radium Dial Workers

opinion that, in the absence of additional intake of radium, bone sarcomas and radiation osteitis would replace the acute anemias and jaw necroses seen in the earlier cases in New Jersey (7). In effect he distinguished the acute effects of massive doses of radiation from delayed effects and from the chronic effects of continuing irradiation from residual radium in the body. Another major chronic effect, carcinomas of the paranasal sinuses, began to appear somewhat later (8). In 1929 Martland published a remarkably clear and complete account of "occupational poisoning" in the New Jersey radium cases (9), including numbers of persons employed at the plant, the nature of the luminous paint and the application methods, the action of radium on body tissues, findings of deleterious effects, measurements of radioactivity, court cases, newspaper stories and editorials, and community action. Because of unfavorable publicity, the radium company closed its New Jersey plant in 1926 and moved to New York City, where it continued work on a smaller scale. The following year, after much agitation by community organizations and support from Martland, radium poisoning was declared an occupational disease in New Jersey. Employees of the New Jersey company were the earliest and most publicized of the radium cases, but there were other companies using radium during this period. Flinn (10) reported severe bone necroses and much radium in the body of a woman who painted dials in Waterbury, Connecticut, and Martland (7) described the case of a woman who died with osteogenic sarcoma 5 years after painting dials in New York and Connecticut plants. A major rival to the New Jersey company operated dial painting plants in Ottawa, Illinois. No serious radium effects among the Illinois painters were reported during the 1920s, and the company claimed that its operations were safe because its luminous paint contained only radium ( Ra) as the activator, whereas the New Jersey company had used a mixture of radium and mesothorium ( Ra) in its paint. However, severe bone necroses in some of the Illinois dial painters became apparent by the end of the decade, and the company discontinued its Illinois operations in the early 1930s. Several former employees of the company sued for compensation in 1938, and the attendant publicity generated much the same fears for the dial painters that had developed in New Jersey 10 years earlier. Interestingly enough another company took over the Illinois dial painting business at a nearby site in 1934 and flourished for many years. In 1929 the U.S. Department of Labor issued the report of an investigation of 31 plants engaged in radium dial painting or other commercial applications of radioactivity (1) in which it estimated that "not more than 2000 individuals in all" had engaged in luminous dial painting "during the 16 years the industry has existed in the United States". The survey found 23 deaths believed to have been caused by 226


Young and Yalow; Radiation and Public Perception Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT DALLAS on July 15, 2016 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0243.ch014



radium poisoning and 19 living persons with effects also attributed to radium. Most of these cases were dial painters from the New Jersey plant. Between June 1929 and March 1930, the U.S. Public Health Service investigated seven factories, which at that time were "all the dial painting factories in the United States" except for a few very small plants (11). Radium painting had gone on for periods varying from 8 to 15 years at the factories, but only 14 men and 228 women still employed at the time of the investigation worked with or were work­ ing with radium, and no serious health effects were found in those individuals examined. World War II brought a considerable upsurge in the luminous dial industry, and by 1941 the U.S. National Bureau of Standards thought it advisable to establish a tolerance value of 0.1 of radium fixed in the body in order to protect the "many hundreds of individuals who have entered the dial painting profession during the present war" (12, 13). The tolerance value of 0.1 μg radium (0.1 μ Ο ^Ra) was based in great part on measurements by Evans and others at the Massa­ chusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) of individuals with 0.5 μ% ra­ dium or less and no clinical symptoms of radium damage 7-25 years after radium intake. Continuation of these studies resulted in the pub­ lication of a definitive paper by Aub et al. in 1952 (14) on the "clinical study of 30 patients . . . " and the "physical aspects of radium and mesothorium toxicity". Of particular interest to nuclear chemists is the fact that the tol­ erance level for radium was established at a time when concern about safe standards for internal emitters was about to spread far beyond the radium industry. A 1943 publication by Evans also was very timely because of its many recommendations for safe handling of radioactive materials in the laboratory and for monitoring of radiation exposures of personnel (13).

Methods Radium Populations and Follow-Up Croups. Comprehensive studies of the health effects of radium in humans were initiated during the 1950s with the support of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). Large numbers of radium-exposed persons were located and studied by the Radioactivity Center (RC) at MIT, by a joint project of Argonne National Laboratory and the Argonne Cancer Research Hospital ( A N L - A C R H ) and by the New Jersey Radium Research Proj­ ect (NJRRP) (15) in the New Jersey State Department of Health (19571967). The RC was a continuation and expansion of studies by Evans on the measurement and toxicity of radium that dated back to 1934

Young and Yalow; Radiation and Public Perception Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT DALLAS on July 15, 2016 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0243.ch014



Health Studies of U.S. Women Radium Dial Workers

at MIT. Follow-up efforts of the three projects were somewhat related to geographic location: the RC tended to concentrate on radium cases in Connecticut and Massachusetts, A N L - A C R H on cases in Illinois, and the NJRRP on cases in New Jersey and New York. At a symposium in 1967 Evans proposed that the radium studies be combined and continued at a center that would be responsible for follow-up of all radium-exposed persons and carry out research on radioactivity in humans (16). This concept was accepted by the A E C , and, at the recommendation of an advisory committee, a unified program was established at Argonne National Laboratory as the Center for Human Radiobiology (CHR). During 1970-1972 the C H R acquired the case files, or copies, and tissue samples of the three earlier A E C supported radium projects. These files provided the names of some 2600 radium-exposed individuals, including not only women dial painters, but men and women who had been exposed to radium as laboratory workers, through medical use, and from commercial nostrums. Measurements of radium body burden had been made in 1100 of these persons, and the status of about 700 others had been determined. By June 1984 the C H R and its predecessors had identified 5784 radium-exposed persons by name, determined the radium burdens and health histories of 2374 of these persons, and determined the vital status of 2401 others among those known by name (17). At the end of 1984 follow-up of radium-exposed persons was sharply reduced, and the C H R was absorbed into the Biological, Environmental, and Medical Research Division of Argonne National Laboratory. Table I shows numbers of women, by year of first employment, who were exposed to radium-activated luminous materials in the United States as dial painters or in other nonlaboratory jobs, such as making luminous light pulls. Because they had similar types of exposure, the common practice is to refer to all these women as radium dial workers or painters unless more precise job distinctions are required and known.

Radium Metabolism and Dosimetry.

Both ^ R a (half-life 1600

yr) and R a (half-life 5.7 yr) are precursors of long radioactive decay chains that include alpha-particle, beta-particle, and gamma-ray emitters, and each has an isotope of radon in its decay chain (3.82-d R n from R a and 55.6-s ^ R n from Ra). Outside the body the radium decay chains are hazardous because of gamma-ray irradiation and the accumulation of radon and radon daughters in the air. Within the body the radiation doses from beta particles and gamma rays are negligible compared to that from alpha particles in the decay chains. However, determinations of the amount of radium in living persons are made by measurement of gamma rays that escape the body and measurement of radon in the breath (18). 228




Young and Yalow; Radiation and Public Perception Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


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Table I. Numbers and 1985 Status of Women Radium Dial Workers by Year of First Employment Year Unknown Total Living Dead 1910-1914 3 19 4 12 1915-1919 517 125 89 303 1920-1924 48 552 345 159 1925-1929 471 180 61 230 1930-1934 1 73 32 40 1935-1939 88 18 63 7 1940-1944 1207 324 654 229 1945-1949 477 110 291 76 1950-1954 47 412 64 301 1955-1959 190 21 6 163 1960-1964 4 104 7 93 1965-1969 179 160 6 13 1970-1974 28 0 26 2 1975-1979 1 1 0 0 1910-1979





Note: Data from files of radium study, ANL.

Several studies show that about 20% of ingested radium is quickly transferred from the gastrointestinal tract to the blood (19, 20), and about the same fraction of inhaled radium is transferred from the lungs to the blood within a few months after intake (21). After radium enters the blood a large fraction is excreted in a few weeks, but the rate of excretion diminishes rapidly with time. Whole-body retention of a radium isotope after entry into the blood can be described as a power function of time after entry, as in the empirical relationship obtained by Norris et al. (22): R = 0.54r






Here, λ is the radioactive decay constant of the isotope and R is the fraction remaining in the body at t days after a single injection of radium into the blood. This equation indicates that retention of R a is about 2.5% at 1 year and about 0.33% at 50 years after injection; much less R a would be present at 50 years because of its relatively short physical half-life. From data given by Norris et al. (22), one may also estimate that about 60% of the R n produced by R a in the body at 50 years is exhaled. As an alkaline-earth element, radium has metabolic properties similar to calcium and, in particular, deposits preferentially in bone. Numerous analyses of radium in autopsy sam­ ples and studies of the metabolism of alkaline earth elements show that the skeleton contains more than 95% of the radium still in the body 20 years after intake (20, 23). 226




Young and Yalow; Radiation and Public Perception Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT DALLAS on July 15, 2016 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0243.ch014



Health Studies of U.S. Women Radium Dial Workers

The amount of radium swallowed or inhaled by individual dial painters is not known directly, but the amount of radium that enters the blood during the exposure period ("systemic intake") can be es­ timated from measurements of body burden at later times ana ex­ trapolation back to the time of intake by the use of equation 1 or by more detailed retention functions. The number of radioactive trans­ formations accumulated in an organ after intake can then be calculated from the time integral of the organ retention function, and the radia­ tion dose to the organ can be calculated as the product of the number of transformations and the specific effective energy absorbed in the organ per transformation (24). Evans (25) and Evans et al. (26) have described in considerable detail methods of calculating the average skeletal dose ("cumulative rads") from ^ R a and Ra. Dose and dosage parameters that correspond to a residual burden of 1 μΟί ^ R a in the body 50 years after exposure to radium are shown in Table II. The values for systemic intake and skeletal dose were calculated with the retention function of Norris et al. (22). However, recent work by Keane et al. (27) indicates that radium is retained less tenaciously at lower levels of systemic intake than at the levels of 70450 μΟί that were studied by Norris et al., so systemic intake and radiation dose relative to a residual burden of 0.1 μΟί at 50 years would be greater than the ratios implied in Table II. Some reassess­ ment of radium doses may be necessary, and this possibility is under study at A N L (28). The estimate of soft tissue dose is from a 1983 article by Keane and Schlenker (29). 228

Computations. Several of the studies of health effects among women dial workers described in this chapter were concerned with deriving dose—response relationships by fitting equation parameters to observed data. These studies usually employed least-squares fitting routines of the type available in standard statistical packages (30, 31), and statistical significance was determined from the number of degrees of freedom and the sum of the chi-square differences. For these anal-

Table H . Radioactivity and Radiation Doses Associated with the Presence of 1.0 μ€1 Ra (37 kBq) in the Body 50 Years after a Short Period of Intake Quantity Classical Units SI Units Rn in breath 370 Bq m" 10 pCi L " Systemic intake (^Ra) 11 MBq 300 μ α Body intake 1500 μΟί 55 MBq Average skeletal dose (female) 4000 rads 40 Gy Average soft-tissue dose° 10 rads 0.1 Gy 226



"Estimate based on data in reference 29.

Young and Yalow; Radiation and Public Perception Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT DALLAS on July 15, 2016 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0243.ch014



yses the figure of merit was the "p value", that is, the probability of a poorer fit from merely statistical fluctuations, and dose-response re­ lationships fitted with ρ values less than the 0.05 were not considered acceptable. The other studies of health effects described in this chapter usu­ ally compared the observed numbers of cases with the numbers ex­ pected from age-, year-, and cause-specific rates for the general pop­ ulation of U.S. white females (32). The results were expressed as standardized mortality ratios (SMR = observed/expected X 100), and statistical significance was shown in various ways. In the summaries of findings given in this chapter, some uniformity of presentation was achieved by showing the observed and expected numbers and using them in tests of significance. The tests were based either on the sum­ mary chi-square [χ = (\% obs- — Σ exp.| — 0.5) /Σ exp.], from which a ρ value was calculated for 1 degree of freedom (33), or on the Pois­ son probability (Ρ) that a number equal to or greater than the ob­ served number would have been obtained by chance if the true value was the expected number (34). For these tests small values of ρ or Ρ were indicative of a significant difference between observed and ex­ pected numbers. 2


Health Effects Bone Sarcomas and Head Carcinomas.

A high incidence of

bone sarcomas was noted not only among radium dial painters, but in numerous other populations of persons who accumulated large body burdens of R a or R a (16, 25, 35, 36) or R a (37, 38). A compi­ lation to mid-1988 by Schlenker et al. (39) showed a total of 62 con­ firmed and three doubtful cases of bone sarcoma among women dial painters in the Argonne radium study (including one confirmed case first diagnosed in 1981 and another in 1988). All of these women en­ tered the dial industry before 1926. The obvious increase of incidence of bone sarcomas with the amount of body radium, the low natural incidence, the absence of life-style factors, the low incidence among atomic-bomb survivors, and the fact that radium deposits preferen­ tially in bone leave little doubt that the high incidence of bone sar­ comas in radium-exposed populations was caused by internal deposits of radium. Characteristics of radium-induced head carcinomas were described in detail by Littman et al. (40). These cancers are thought to be caused by R a but probably not by Ra, because they occurred in persons with large burdens of R and little or no R a but not vice versa (16). The mechanism is believed to involve the accumulation of R n 226





2 2 6




Young and Yalow; Radiation and Public Perception Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

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Health Studies of U.S. Women Radium Dial Workers

in air spaces adjacent to bony structures in the paranasal sinuses and mastoids (41). The 1984 C H R list of "radium-induced malignancies" (42) showed a total of 24 women dial painters with head carcinomas, including two cases first diagnosed in the 1980s, all of whom were first employed before 1926. Because it was well accepted that radium caused bone sarcomas and head carcinomas in radium-exposed persons, the principal scientific objective of studies of these two types of tumors during the last 2 decades was to derive dose-response relationships, with particular attention to the probability of these tumors occuning at very low doses. Evans (43) observed 33 bone sarcomas and 10 head carcinomas in 605 men and women in the combined MIT-NJRRP series for whom radium burdens were known. This group included dial painters, persons who received radium medically or as nostrums, laboratory workers, and others. A total of 102 persons received more than 1000 cumulative skeletal rads, and all tumors of the two types definitely associated with internal radium occurred in these high-dose people. A plot of time from radium exposure to appearance of the 43 radiogenic tumors versus cumulative rads showed a tendency for an increase in time to appearance of tumor as the dose decreased. Evans suggested that this finding supported the concept of a practical threshold dose; that is, at very low doses the time from radiation exposure to appearance of tumor might exceed maximum lifespans. In obtaining a dose-response relationship, Evans combined both types of tumors in a response parameter called "cumulative tumor incidence", that is, the number of tumors of either kind in a dosage cohort divided by the number of people in the cohort. After Evans removed cases he deemed to be "epidemiologically unsuitable" because of possible selection on the basis of symptom, 67 persons with skeletal doses of more than 1000 rads remained, and among them there were 12 cases of bone sarcomas and seven cases of head carcinomas. Dividing these cases into four dose groups in the range of 1000-50,000 rads resulted in a mean value of 28 ± 6% cumulative tumor incidence for doses above 1000 rads and zero incidence below 1000 rads (Figure 1). Rowland et al. (44) examined the incidence of bone sarcomas in radium cases separately from that of head carcinomas and considered only women radium dial workers when deriving quantitative relationships between incidence and radium intake. The study population at the end of 1979 included newly located cases in addition to the cases studied by the earlier radium projects, and radium burdens were measured in 1468 women whose employment in the radium dial industry began before 1950. Among these women were 42 cases of bone sarcoma, all in women first employed before 1930. Rowland et al. tested dose-response relationships by attempting to fit to the radium data

Young and Yalow; Radiation and Public Perception Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


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Figure 1. Cumulative occurrence of bone sarcomas and head carci­ nomas in "epidemiologically suitable" radium cases vs. average skeletal dose. The shaded region corresponds to the mean occurrence of 28 ± 6% between 1,000 and 50,000 rads. (Reproduced with permission from reference 43. Copyright 1974 Health Physics Society.) equations of the general linear-quadratic-exponential (LQE) form, I = (C + aD + β Ρ ) e~ , where I is the observed incidence, C is the natural incidence, and D is the dose. After the cases were divided into dose groups, equations such as I = C + a D , I = C + β Ο , and so on were fitted to the data points by a weighted least-squares pro­ cedure (30, 31), and the goodness of fit was evaluated from the sum of the chi-square differences between calculated and observed values of incidence in the dose groups. The incidence variable was bone sar­ coma cases per person-year at risk, and the dose parameter was sys­ temic intake, that is, the calculated quantity (μΟί) of radium that en­ tered the blood during the period of exposure (45). Radium intake was used in preference to average skeletal dose, because it allowed the cases to be grouped by intake level (the usual procedure in toxicity studies), it did not vary with time after exposure, and it avoided the possible implication that it represented the (unknown) true dose to critical tissues at risk. For induction of bone sarcomas, R a was weighted by a factor of 2.5 compared to Ra; that is, μΟί Ra = μΟί ^ R a + 2.5 Χ μΟί R a (36). All the bone sarcomas were in women 2






Young and Yalow; Radiation and Public Perception Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT DALLAS on July 15, 2016 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0243.ch014



Health Studies of U.S. Women Radium Dial Workers


with systemic intake greater than 100 μΟί Ra (about 1200 cumulative rads in long-term survivors).* Rowland et al. (44) addressed the question of bias due to symp­ tom-selected cases not by deciding to exclude individual cases, but by defining the population for analysis in two radically different ways. The first method (date of employment) was to accept all women dial painters with measured body burdens and to count years at risk from time of first employment; with these criteria 124 women with a total of 4025 person-years at risk were in the dose groups above 100 μΟί that contained the 42 sarcoma cases. The second method (date of first measurement) was to accept only women who had survived at least 2 years without bone sarcoma after first measurement and to count only those person-years occurring after the 2 years; this left 68 women with 890 person-years and 13 bone sarcomas in the dose groups above 100 μΟί. The dose group ranges and the total numbers of persons are shown in Table III. A summary of the results of the least-squares analyses by Rowland et al. (44) is given in Table IV. Only dose—response functions that could be fitted to the radium data with positive coefficients and greater than 5% probability of a poorer fit (p > 0.05 by chi-square test) were accepted. When the test population included all women workers with radium measurements, only the dose-squared exponential form (Fig­ ure 2) was acceptable (p = 0.73). When the analysis was based on date of first measurement, the dose-squared exponential and the linear form of the dose-response function were both acceptable. Analyses in which the coefficient of the linear term was held constant showed that Table III. Case Distribution of Women Radium Dial Workers First Employed before 1950 for Whom Radium Measurements Were Made by the End of 1979 2-Year Survival All Women Systemic Number of after Measurement with Measurement Intake Dose Groups (μα Raf in Analysis Women Bone S. Women Bone S. b


100+ 0.25-99 Obs.f P(^4) = 0.16 P(>2) = 0.41 P(^Obs.) (0.075) μ



NOTE: Data are from reference 54. Mesothorium f^Ra) weighted by a factor of 6. Poisson probability of at least the number of observed deaths in the group at higher risk, given the total number observed and the distribution of expected incidences. Trobability given in reference 54.

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Cancers of Body Sites Directly Exposed to Radium.


all soft body parts, the lungs and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract are exposed to external radiation and to radiation from the small fraction of body radium in soft tissue. In addition these organs are directly exposed to the radium contained within their walls, the lungs to in­ haled radium, radon, and radon daughters (65) and organs of the GI tract to ingested radium and radium being eliminated from the body. The lungs are also exposed to exhaled radon which comes from radium in the body, but this radon is probably only a minor contributor to the lung dose, because it is exhaled too rapidly for accumulation of daughter products. Also, as indicated in Table II, the concentration of ^ R n in the breath of a subject with a large body burden of 1 μΟί ^ R a is about 10 pCi L~\ which is not much larger than the average concentration of 3.4 pCi L " that was reported for a large number of ordinary houses in the United States (66); exhalation of 10 pCi R n LT would eventually add about 0.3 pCi L T to the air of a small room. Polednak et al. (53) found a significant excess of deaths from colon cancer in 634 women radium dial workers first employed before 1930 (ten vs. 4.96 expected, ρ < 0.05 for chi-square), but no excess of deaths from cancers of the stomach, other digestive organs, or the lung. Because most of the radium that enters the body is soon elim­ inated through the large intestine, the finding of excess colon cancer suggested a causal relationship with radium. However, in a further study of 360 women in the cohort whose radium burden was mea­ sured, Polednak et al. found excess colon cancer deaths among 302 women with intake amounts of less than 50 |xCi Ra but not among 58 women with higher intakes of radium. The study of cancers among women dial workers by Stebbings et al. (54) showed that deaths from colon cancer were higher than ex­ pected on the basis of U.S. rates (24 observed vs. 15.4 expected, ρ 1




Young and Yalow; Radiation and Public Perception Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT DALLAS on July 15, 2016 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0243.ch014



< 0.05) in 1285 women employed before 1930, but the difference was not significant when adjusted for county rates (19.2 expected). Deaths from cancers of other digestive organs or from the lung did not differ significantly from the numbers expected. Tests of the distributions of cancers of the stomach, colon, rectum, and lungs versus radium intake and versus duration of employment are summarized in Table X for the 693 women in this cohort with measured radium burdens. The values of Ρ shown in the rows for 50 or more μΟί and 50 or more weeks are the Poisson probabilities of the occurrence of the observed number or greater in those rows, given the total number observed and the distribution of expected numbers. No statistically significant dose-response relationships were observed for any of these cancer sites, but there were indications of an effect of radium intake on lung cancer and an effect of duration of employment on cancers of all four sites. Among 1185 dial painters first employed in 1930-1949, a small excess of deaths from colon cancers (eight observed vs. 5.37 expected) and a significant excess of deaths from stomach cancers (seven vs. 1.80 expected) were found.

Cancers of the Central Nervous System.

In a survey of cen­

tral nervous system (CNS) tumors among radium dial workers, Steb­ bings and Semkiw (67) found six deaths (vs. 2.84 expected) coded to malignant CNS tumors among 1298 women employed before 1930, Table X. Observed and Expected Deaths (1957+) in Pre-1930 Measured Women Radium Dial Workers from Cancers of Directly Exposed Sites, by Radium Intake and Employment Duration Stomach Colon Rectum Lung Exp. Obs. Exp. Exp. Exp. Obs. Obs. Obs. Radium intake (μΟ)° 50 1 0.20 0.40 2 0 0 0.15 0.66 P(>Obs.) P(>1) = 0.44 P(>0) = 1.0 P(^0) = 1.0 P(>2) = 0.12 fc

Weeks of employment 50 4 0.98 P(>Obs.) P(>4) = 0.23 fo

0 3 6 P(>6) =

0.78 2.18 3.30 0.31

0 0 3 P(^3) =

0.17 0.49 0.74 0.15

0 0.51 0 1.40 1.96 6 P(>6) = 0.09 (0.017)


NOTE: Data are from reference 54 and A . F. Stehney, A N L , unpublished data. "Equal weights for ^Ra and Ra. Poisson probability of at least the number of observed deaths in the group at highest risk, given the total number observed and the distribution of expected deaths. "Probability given in reference 54. 228


Young and Yalow; Radiation and Public Perception Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

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Health Studies of U.S. Women Radium Dial Workers

three deaths (vs. 1.79) among 1007 women first employed in 19301944, and one death (vs. 1.22) among 1207 women first employed after 1944. However, study of the medical records showed that one of the deaths in the pre-1930 cohort actually involved invasion of a mastoid carcinoma into the brain, and no mention of CNS tumor was found in the hospital records and autopsy report of another case in the same cohort. Three (vs. 0.77 expected) of the four authenticated cases in the pre-1930 cohort occurred among 331 women who worked in Ottawa, Illinois, and two (vs. 0.54) of the 1930-1944 cases occurred among 335 women who worked at a different plant in the same town. Stebbings and Semkiw also found no malignant CNS tumors re­ ported among 190 women exposed to radium as laboratory workers or as patients who had received radium for supposed therapeutic effects. On the basis of these findings and literature reports of low sensitivity of the nervous system to radiation, these investigators speculated that factors other than radiation might be involved in the etiology of the CNS tumors, but they also pointed out that an unusually high pro­ portion of deaths from CNS tumors in the pre-1930 cohort had oc­ curred outside the brain near bone (four out of a total of seven deaths authentically coded to all types of CNS tumors)—a finding suggestive of an effect from skeletal deposits of radium.

Summary and Discussion Early studies indicated that bone sarcomas, head carcinomas, and de­ structive bone changes were likely to be the principal chronic effects of internally deposited radium, and follow-up studies of about 2500 women who worked in the U.S. radium dial industry before 1950 con­ firmed and quantified these findings. New cases of bone sarcoma and head carcinoma continued to appear among the dial workers into the 1980s, and by 1989 there were 62 known cases of bone sarcomas and 24 cases of head carcinomas, all of them in women who had started work as dial painters before 1926. The incidence of bone sarcomas versus systemic intake of radium was best fitted as a dose-squared relationship, but a low-dose linear component of about 1.3 Χ 10" sar­ comas per person-year per microcurie of Ra intake could be added. The head carcinomas were best fitted by a linear relationship of (1.6 ± 0.2) X 10~ py" μΟΓ . Rowland et al. (44) used the dose-response equations fitted to the bone sarcomas to estimate the risk from 1 year's consumption of water that contained 5 pCi R a L T , the maximum level proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Based on 2.2 L/day and 21% absorption of radium from the gut, the systemic intake in 1 year would be 843 pCi and the corresponding lifetime risk would be 1 Χ 10" 5







Young and Yalow; Radiation and Public Perception Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



bone sarcoma/person-year if the low-dose linear component were used and only 5 Χ 10~ p y if the pure dose-squared relationship were used. The risk of head carcinomas would be about 1.3 X 10 p y . These calculations illustrate the obvious: there may not be a dose ("threshold") below which effects do not occur, but there are doses below which the risk of an effect is negligible. From the study of radiographs, clinically significant bone changes were found at systemic intakes of more than about 25 μΟί ^ R a or ^ R a . Intakes at these levels correspond to the smallest amounts of radium proven to cause deleterious effects in humans, so comparison with the occupational tolerance value of 0.1 μΟί radium in the body (12) is in order. Rowland and Lucas, (68) used the retention equation developed by Marshall et al. (20) to show that maximum systemic in­ take of ^ R a over a 50-year period without exceeding 0.1 μΟί at any time during this period was 16.6 μΟί. Thus, the radium standard still retains credibility 50 years after its formulation, if one keeps in mind that the requirement is never to exceed 0.1 μΟί. It is of interest to note that the apparently independently derived limit on annual intake (1.9 μ Ο ^Ra) proposed by the International Commission on Radio­ logical Protection (69) implies a total systemic intake of 19 μΟί and maximum body burden of 0.12 μΟί in 50 years (20, 68). Examination of the survival times of 1235 women first employed in the radium dial industry before 1930 showed average life shortening of 1.8 ± 0.5 years from date of employment to 59.5 years later. Nearly all of the loss could be ascribed to early deaths from bone sarcomas and head carcinomas, and the life spans of dial workers who did not suffer these malignancies were about the same as those of women con­ temporaries in the general U.S. population. These findings indicate that, contrary to public perception, most dial painters lived normal life spans, even those who had worked during the period of highest exposures to radium. Detailed studies showed that leukemia incidence and mortality in the radium dial workers were not greater than expected on the basis of year- and age-specific rates for U.S. white women. Elevated levels of multiple myeloma and breast cancer were found, but examination of related factors led to doubts of a causal relationship with internal radium. Multiple myelomas were better correlated with duration of employment (a surrogate for exposure to external radiation and radon) than to systemic intake of radium, but no relationship to duration was found for breast cancers. Further study of multiple myelomas and breast cancers in dial workers is needed. Cancers of body sites directly exposed to radium (lungs, stomach, colon, and rectum) were not significantly correlated with either ra­ dium intake or employment duration, but stomach, colon, and rectal 14

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Young and Yalow; Radiation and Public Perception Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT DALLAS on July 15, 2016 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0243.ch014



Health Studies of U.S. Women Radium Dial Workers


cancers increased with duration and lung cancers increased with radium intake and with duration. Findings on CNS tumors in radium-dial workers were not indicative of a radium or radiation effect, but an unusually high proportion was noted of CNS tumors that occurred near bone outside the brain. In conclusion it may be said that numerous follow-up studies failed to prove any radiation effects on radium dial workers other than bone damage and the bone-related malignancies that first focused attention on radium hazards more than 60 years ago. These effects obviously are the direct result of irradiation from internal deposits of radium in the skeleton. However, other parts of the body receive some radiation from internal radium and its daughter products, and some dial workers were probably exposed to nontrivial amounts of external radiation and radon in the work place. Therefore, other health effects possibly were present but at incidences too small to prove in this limited population. As mentioned earlier, further study of breast cancers and multiple myelomas in the dial workers may be worthwhile. Somewhat paradoxically, leukemia, almost the very embodiment of a radiation effect, probably is the effect most convincingly established as absent among the dial workers. Among Japanese atomic-bomb survivors, leukemias are the most prominent radiation effect and bone cancers probably the least prominent (70).

Acknowledgments T. J. Kotek provided information on the numbers and current status of women dial workers from data files of the radium study at Argonne National Laboratory, and L . L . Westfall assisted with tables and figures. I am also grateful to A. T. Keane, R. E . Rowland, and J. Rundo for reviewing the manuscript and to K. L . Haugen for valuable editorial assistance. This work was supported by the Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety, and Health, Office of Epidemiology and Health Surveillance, U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract No. W-31-109ENG-38.

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Young and Yalow; Radiation and Public Perception Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



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for review August 7, 1992. ACCEPTED revised manuscript March 25, 1993.

Young and Yalow; Radiation and Public Perception Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.