Heat Contents at High Temperatures of the Anhydrous Chlorides of

G. E. Moore. Vol. 65 three nitrogen atoms, or one azine radical, to form a com- pound, NjAgCl, for which the name azino-silver chloride is suggested. ...
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three nitrogen atoms, or one azine radical, t o form a compound, N a g C l , for which the name neino-silver chloride is suggested. Properties of Azino-silver Chloride.-Azino-silver chloride is a blue solid which in the pure state is so deeply colored as to be nearly black. When mixed with varying amounts of silver azide, as happens during its preparation from this substance, it ranges in color through all tints and shades of pure blue. I t IS stable only at temperatures below -30°, but explodes violently only in the dry state, When moistened with non-aqueous liquids it decomposes rapidly but without explosion when the temperature is raised. It is not particularly sensitive t o mechanical shock, but is extremely sensitive to rise of temperature. When chlorine, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide, respectively, are bubbled through ethereal suspensions of azinosilver chloride at -78', the compound is a t once decomposed, as evidenced by the discharge of the blue color. Qualitative observations indicate that the reactions proceed in accordance with the equations 2N3AgCl 6N8AgC1 3NsAgCl

+ Clz KIN3 2.4gC1 + 8NHr KZ+ 6NH4N3 + 6AgC1 + SO2 +SOz(Ns)z + 2AgCI --f


Mechanism and Structure.--It

is believed that the first

step toward the Formation of azino-silver chloride involves

the coordination of one molecule of chlorine azide with one of silver azide to form an intermediate product such as (1) Nj-CI+ (2) C1---hr3




The second step may involve a rearrangement that results in the formation of (1) a coordination compound



Vol. 6.5


of molecular azine, (N8)2, with silver chloride, CI-Ag f- Na--Na, or (2) diazo-silver chloride, N8--Ag-N8, in

I c1 which each of the azine radicals, as well as the chlorine atom, is attached to the silver atom by a normal covalent link, with the result that the silver atom a t least temporarily assumes a valence of three. The third and last step undoubtedly involves the loss of one of the two azine radicals by the intermediate compound, with demonstrable formation of azino-silver chloride, N3AgC1, in which the silver in all probability is bivalent. The assumption that silver may assume a valence of two or even three under suitable conditions seems justified (I) by the intermediate position of silver between copper and gold in the periodic system, and (2) by the work of other investigators.*

Summary The interaction of chlorine azide, either in the dry state or in non-aqueous solution, and silver azide has been found to result in the formation of azino-silver chloride, NdgC1, a deep blue solid compound that is fairly stable a t temperatures below -3O", but decomposes into silver chloride and nitrogen a t higher temperatures. Certain of the properties and reactions of this compound have been investigated. (8) See, for example, (a) Barbieri, Ber., 60, 2424 (1927); (b) Ruff, 2. angrw. Chcm., 41, 480 (1934): ( c ) Jolibois, Co?npl. r e n d . , 200, 1469 (1935), C. A . , 29, 4269 (1935); (d) Braekken, Kgl. Norskc Videnskab. Sclskab Forh., 7, 143 (1935), C. A , , 29, 4647 ( 1 9 3 5 ) (e) Noyes and Hoard, THISJOURNAL, 57, 1221 (1935).

RECEIVED Jur..: i;. 1933




Heat Contents at High Temperatures of the Anhydrous Chlorides of Calcium, Iron, Magnesium and Manganese1 BY G. E. MOORR~

Existing heat capacity and fusion data of in- this paper presents such data for four anhydrous organic salts a t high temperatures are meager and, chlorides of divalent metals. The solid chlorides in most instances, rather unreliable. In particu- were investigated from 25' to their melting points, lar, extensive data for the liquid state are avail- and the liquid chlorides were studied over temable in only a few cases. For thermodynamic perature intervals of 125' to 660'. The entropies calculations pertaining to certain metallurgical of these compounds have been determined from processes, it would be desirable to have more and low-temperature specific-heat measurement^.^ better data of this kind. The Pacific Experiment Materials and Apparatus Station of the Bureau of Mines is engaged, in part, The preparation and analysis of the materials have beeu in determining high-temperature heat-con tent described.$ The only impurities t o be considered are data for substances of metallurgical importance ; 0 2% MgO in the MgC12, for which no correction was made 1.

(1) Published by permission of the Director % i r r i i i of \.line\ S Department of the Interrot Not copyn.?htwi 12) i'herni5t Western Region Rureau of 2lrnc-i

i L i the present results, and 0.6% MgClz in the sample of


Kelley and Moore, THIS J O I I R V Z L , 65, 1264 (1943).


Sept., 1943



(9.f . w. = 110.99)

T. O K .

403.7 408.2 501.0 504.7 610.8 775.6 777.0 872.9 984.8 1038.5(~) 1018.3 ( ~ ) 1070.7 1169.5 1268.5 1449 1473 1553 1072.7 992. g 166i



- fev,.,,

1,909 2,007 3,716 3,788 5,738 8,819 8,849 10,700 12,970 15,800 13,870 21,600 24,100 26,550 31,040 31,550 33,460 21,660 13,120 36,120

T ,O K .

670.5 670.8 909.1 915.8 772.0 487.8 487.2 386.6 386.2 880.4 936.6 982.5 978.7 941'0(P) 1079.7 1073.2


(g. f . w. %,.lo

7,210 7,217 12,070 12,240 9,235 3,646 3,624 1,695 1,660 11,480 12,670 24,010 23,880 12,850 26,350 26,220

CaCly,for which correction was applied, amounting to less than 0.1% in the solid range and about 0.2% in the liquid. The samples were enclosed in sealed platinum-rhodium alloy capsules. After the capsule had been filled with each substance, it was placed in a silica tube having vacuumtight connections through a rubber stopper for evacuation and leading gas into the neck of the capsule. The tube was pumped out with an oil pump, filled with dry hydrogen chloride, and heated nearly to the melting point of the chloride while a stream of dry hydrogen chloride was kept passing over the material. After about a half-hour of heating at this temperature, the hydrogen chloride was pumped out, and the silica tube was immediately cooled with water. The capsule then was removed, and the neck was pinched shut and welded. This procedure was considered necessary to expel small amounts of water acquired in previous brief exposure of the chlorides to the air, which might cause the development of considerable pressure in the sealed capsule on heating. Except for the sample of magnesium chloride used in one series of detetmmations, the samples were fused in the sealed containers before any measurements were made. The method and apparatus employed have been described previously.*

Results In Table I the measured heat contents above

298.16% are given in the order in which they were obtained, in defined calories per gram formula weight (1 calorie = 4.1833 int. joules). The formula weights are in accordance with 1941 International Atomic Weights. The measurements (4) Southard, THISJOURXAL, 63,3142 (1941).

-& -


f . w. = 126.76)

T ,"K.


MnClr f. w. = 125.84) T,OK. x"T 4oa.ii (g.


Series I 653.8 6,590 651.3 6,540 494.1 3,510 872.3 10,820 872.8 10,830 972.5 12,880 979.9 13,030 Series I1 874.5 10,890 511.6 3,850 511.1 3,840 977.0 12,910 786.2 9,110 786.1 9,120 1082.3 25,590 1067.1 25,230 1254 29.380 1276 29,860 984.1(p) 13,430 1005.6 23,870 1427 33,160 1428 33.180


668.3 667.4 469.7 467.2 882.4 881.9 907.8(P) 922. O(P) 765.8 568.6 952.6 1034.6 1031.6 1148.1 1201

6,968 6,956 3,172 3,114 11,310 11,300 11,880 13,240 8,916 5,026 21,870 23,690 23,600 26,200 27,450

under "Series I" on magnesium chloride were made on a sample that had not been fused. The values designated (p) were considered to involve premelting. The assignment of accuracy to the data is somewhat arbitrary, but considering contributions from uncertainty in the temperature scale, systematic errors in the calorimetry itself, and those arising from impurities, it is believed that the error is, in general, less than 1%,perhaps increasing to somewhat more than 1% at the lower temperatures (below cu. 500'K.). However, the average deviation from a smooth curve in each instance is less than 0.2%. The measurements on calcium chloride extended to 1670'K., since this substance has a low vapor pressure even a t this temperature; for the other three chlorides, however, the vapor pressures become appreciable at much lower temperatures, and the vapors began to escape through minute holes in the container a t these temperatures, although the capsules appeared to be gastight afterward a t room temperature. Consequently, the measurements on magnesium chloride, ferrous chloride and manganous chloride were discontinued when a small leak became evident from a slight loss in weight. Table I1 shows heat-content values read at 100'



%' -


400 500 600 700 800 900 923(s) 923(1) 950(S'I 950(lj 987(s) 987(1) 1000 1055(s) 1055(I) I100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 I700


s%- '%.u


1,850 3,700 5,540 7,400 9,290 11,230


5.32 9.45 12.81 15.68 18.20 20.49



1,933 3,880 5,800 7,800 9,830 11,880

AT FeCIi T '

- %' :a,.


5.59 9.92 13.42 16.50 19.21 21.62



T '

1,800 3,650 5,555 7,480 9,400 11,370


12,920 23,200

3.18 9.30 12.77 15.74 18.30 20.62

.. .. 13,270 22.64 14,420 23.76 21,200 30.18 22,340 31.24 54,870 33.44 27,320 : 3 , 5 40 29,800 37.21 32,200 :3>;.90 M. 34,530 4! 1.40 36,850 41 . X U Lf= 6780 * 811 cal. ; g , I \\ M.p. = l05j5kl.



22.75 33.57


c&Cls(s): CaC12(1): or FeClz(s): FeCldl): MgCln(s): MgClz(1): MnClz(s): MnC12(1):


5.32 9.51 12.98 15.98 18.66 21.11 21.64 31.39 ..




13,lBU 23,460 23,750




32.95 33.24


X $ . 18



.. .~

. I


1,850 3,730 5,640 7,590 9,600 11,680 12,160 21,160




- H k . ~ o k'

- '2.16

.. ..

CAL./D&G.-G. F. m.



.. 25,950 28,160 330,380 32,590 34,800 L t = 1(1,;300



i,i = 10,280 * 50 cal./ g. f . w. p. = 950'K

35.34 37.26 39.04 40.68 42.20

* ,?if)



25,140 35.33 27,400 37.30 Lr = 9000 =t50 cal g. f. w . M p. = 923°K.


g. I . \v.

xr,. $,.

intervals and a t the melting points from the smooth curves through the data, and the corresponding graphically computed entropy increments above 298.16'K. A t the bottom of each column, the heat of fusion is given. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)




= 98;'~.

about tiOO°K., the equations for the solids may be in error by 30 to 70 cal.; a t higher temperatures and for the liquids, they fit the data within the indicated limits. Equations for C, may be obtained by differentiation.

HT - Hy~g.ie= 17.18T 1.52 X 10-3T' f 0.60 X 106T-' - 5459 (0.7%; 600-1055"K. HT - H288.16 = 29.08T - 1.74 X l o - a p 7540 (0.2%; 1055-1700°K.) HT H%~g.ls = 24.721" 4880 (0.7%; 1055-1700°K.) HT - H298.1e = 18.94T 1.04 X 1 0 - T f 1.17 X 1PT-l - 6134 (0.1%; 600-950'K.j HT - Hm.16 = 24.42T 4- 0.0 (0.1%; 950-1100°K.) HT - H3ss.i~= 18.90T 0.71 X 1 0 - * P 2.06 X 106T-' 6390 (0.5%; 600-987'K.) HT - HzQs.le = 22.10T 1650 (0.1%; 987-1500'K.) HT - H z ~ ~ .=l e18.04T 1.58 X l O - * P 1.37 X 106T-' - 5979 (0.4%; 600423°K. I



+++ + + + HT- HZss.is = 22.60T + 300 (0.1%; 923-1200"K.)

The data for calcium chloride show considerable premelting, undoubtedly caused by the 0.6% MgCla known to be present; in this instance, allowance was made for additional uncertainty in extrapolating the data for the solid to the melting point to obtain the heat of fusion. The other samples melted quite sharply, there being no evidence of premelting a t temperatures more than 15' below the melting points. The smooth curves obtained from the data are shown in Fig. 1, with some data of other recent investigators, to be discussed below. The following equations were derived from the specific heats a t 298.16°K.,a the heat contents of the solid and liquid a t the melting point of each compound. arid other values from Table 11. Below



Discussion In the solid range the data are quite regular and need no discussion; the specific heats of liquid manganous chloride and magnesium chloride appear to be constant over the temperature range investigated, and the measurements on liquid ferrous chloride covered only a 100' interval and therefore warrant only the assumption of a straight line. The specific heat of calcium chloride (liquid) is nearly constant but appears to decrease slightly with increasing temperature ; that is, the heat-content curve is slightly concave to the temperature axis. The effect is rather small (imperceptible in Fig. l), and the deviations from the best straight line through the liquid data for CaClz exceed the precision bv 0111~

Sept., 1943


about 0.5% (cf. equations (2) and (3)). At any rate, it can be stated that C, for calcium chloride (liquid) does not increase with the temperature. It is worth noting, however, that this is apparently the only example of a study of this kind on a fused salt covering such a large temperature interval. Auzhbikovich6 (373-1073'K.) and Lyashenko6 (460-1025'K.) have reported measurements on magnesium chloride; the results of both investigators show what appears to be excessive premelting. Those of the former are higher than the present results by amounts ranging from about 8% at 850'K. to zero a t 400'K., and a t the lower temperatures their trend would give an impossibly low specific heat a t room temperature. On the liquid, Auzhbikovich's results are the higher by 6% a t the melting point and 9% a t 1073'K.; he gives 10,770 cal./mole for the heat of fusion, in fair agreement with the present result, but his specific heat for the liquid seems to be very high (31.7 cal./mole-deg.). Lyashenko's data are high with respect to the present results by about 1% a t 460'K. to 4.5% a t 850°K., and his three determinations on the liquid around 1020'K. are high by about 1.8%. He gives 9790 cal./g. f. w. for the heat of fusion. Krestovnikov and Karetnikov' have made measurements on solid FeClz (473-913'K.) ; they are lower than the results reported here by about 15% a t 473'K. and lesser amounts with-increasing temperatures, becoming the higher by about 4% around 875'K. Their data also exhibit much premelting. They made no measurements on the liquid. (5) Auzhbikovich, Legkie Metal, 5, No. 7, 62 (1936). (6) Lyashenko, Melallurg., 10,85 (1935). (7) Krestovnikov and Karetnikov. J . Gcn. Chem. U.S.S.R.,6,955 (1936).



(Fee12 and MnCl2 only). 300 700



.i 4


bi >

3 0,





$ 5000





T,OK. (MgCIz and CaClz only). Fig. 1.-Heat contents above 29833°K. ___ , this Auzhbikovich (MgCL); 0, Lyashenko (MgC12), 0 , Krestovnikov and Karetnikov (FeClJ.



There are no previous pertinent data on calcium chloride or manganous chloride. Summary The heat contents of anhydrous calcium chloride, ferrous chloride, magnesium chloride and manganous chloride from room temperature to temperatures between 1080 and 1670'K. have been determined. The heats of fusion of the four chlorides were also obtained from these data. The data have been summarized by means of algebraic equations and a table giving the heat content and entropy increments above 298.16'K. a t 100' intervals. BERKLEY, CALIF. RECEIVED APRII30, 1943