*Hot set" adhesives made with Methocel (left) remain on the surface to be bonded—without
Methocel (right) the hot adhesive penetrates the board.
HEAT GEL WITH M E T H O C E L KEEPS ADHESIVES IN PLACE Superior synthetic giim gels when heated to keep adhesives from penetrating laminate materials Methocel® (Dow methylcellulose) puts n a t u r e i n reverse by gelling i n heat, remaining viscous in cold. Even t h e temperature at which it gels may be determined b y t h e viscosity type used—there are nine from which t o choose. Trie value of this unique Methocel characteristic in adhesives is obvious. Leatber pasting formulations, " h a t set' 1 phenol-formaldehyde glues or any o t h e r adhesive used during h o t pressing conditions need and use Methocel to advantage. Even cold-setting glues u s e Methocel for dependable viscosity c o n t -'. Colorless^ odorless, inert and remarkably stable solutions of this gu i a r e also widely used as a stabilizer, thickener, suspending agent, b i n d e r and film former. For a free sample and assistance on your specific problem, write to T H E DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY,
Midland, M i c h i g a n , D e p t - ME 828A-2.
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This hypothetical heat lamp set-up demonstrates what can happen to your glue line when heat is applied.