Heat Transfer

(1%) Jaeger, J. C., Sass, J. H., “A Line Source Method for Measuring the Thcrmal. Conductivity and ... (10B) Cook, E. M., “Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers:...
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annual review

Heat Transfer Advances in convective, conductive, and radiation heat transfer have kept pace with other areas of progress in basic heat transfer research, as demonstrated @ the reviewed and evaluated literature he major conference of the year in the field of heat Joint Heat Transfer Conference, held in Cleveland, Ohio, in August 1964, when 86 papers were presented. Although not in the period covered by this review, the eighth joint conference was held in Los Angeles in August 1965, with a total of 107 papers presented. It should also be mentioned that the Third International Heat Transfer Conference will be held in August 1966, in Chicago, Ill. This review covers the year preceding March 1965, with references being those of greatest utility to the chemical process industry.

Ttransfer was the Seventh A.1.Ch.E.-ASME

Thermal Properties and Measurements

Most of the papers listed in the bibliography were concerned with either the measurement of the thermal conductivity of various materials or with techniques for the measurement of temperatures. Several papers describing interesting techniques for measuring thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity are listed in Table I, together with several reported methods for predicting these properties. Barber (7A) reported on a conference on the measurement of high temperatures, held in London in May 1964, and Goldsmid (IOA) reported on a thermal conductivity conference held in Teddington in July 1964.

Conduction Heat Transfer

During the past year a n increasing number of papers were published which could be classified under the heading of conduction heat transfer-more than had appeared for the past several years. A number of these described approximate methods for solving the conduction equations (5C, 73C, 7 4 2 , ZSC, 28C). Tien (28C) described an interesting approximate method which consisted of a n application of the finite-difference approximation in one physical coordinate and an analytic solution in other coordinates. The inverse problem in transient heat conduction was treated by a numerical method (26C). An exact solution of the inverse problem was also obtained (3C). A number of different approximate methods were compared for the conduction problem with radiation boundary conditions



A number of general analytical methods were described for obtaining solutions to the heat conduction problem (6C, SC, 75C, 76C, ZOC, 22C, 23C). I n a n interesting class of conduction problems, Horvay ( 7OC, 77C) presented solutions for a cool slab of metal dipped into a bath of molten metal, and for a cylindrical rod traveling from a chamber at one temperature to a chamber at another temperature.



Solid materials Porous media and beds of solids Gases and liquids

(7A,IIA, ISA,ZlA,22A) (5A,SA, 1ZA) (6A,13A,14A,16A,17A,19A, 20A)


Heat Transfer in Equipment

Research activity and development involving heat transfer in process equipment continued last year a t a fairly high level. Most of the work was concerned with heat exchanger equipment, although other process equipment received a fair amount of attention. Also included this year are several general papers involving heat transfer in nuclear reactor equipment. Most of the papers listed in the bibliography are classified in Table 11.



Air cooled Concentric tube Fin tube Shell and tube Condensers S ecial types ermosyphon Process vessels Evaporators Nuclear reactors

(9B,708) (328 344 39B) @E, 25s) (15B 238, 33B,36B,38B) ( 1 7B’t ( I l B , 728, 14B, ZZB,37B) (IB,ZIB) (4B-6B) @OB) (3B,ISB, 79B,27B, 288,30B)


VOL. 5 7

NO. 1 2 D E C E M B E R 1 9 6 5


laminar Flow

Entrance Regions

Studies in specialized configurations are summarized in Table 111. Special attention is drawn to the novel approach of Sastry ( 1 0 9 0 ) on the problem of noncircular conduits. H e proposes a formal solution based on a mapping function, which conformally maps the cross section of the channel onto the unit circle. Of fundamental interest are two numerical solutions for the laminar boundary layer of improved accuracy ( 6 3 0 , 980). Benedict ( 9 0 ) considers the degree of approximation when compressible flows are evaluated from incompressible relations. Expansion factors are derived and numerical examples given. Temperature distributions for flow in heated channels were obtained for unequal heat addition on adjacent sides (1100) and a heat generating fluid ( 9 3 0 ) . Heat transfer in curved pipes was the subject of a theoretical study (910)as the Dean number and Prandtl number increase, heat transfer increases asymptotically. Experimental verification confirms the accuracy of the integral analysis of laminar heat transfer in a n annulus with developing velocity and temperature profiles (500). T h e excellent agreement marks the culmination of four years of study by the authors.

Sparrow and co-workers (730, 830, 1260) report analytical solutions of broad applicability. A general method is outlined for ducts of any arbitrary crosssection. Calculation of pressure drop, rather than requiring knowledge of the developing velocity profile, requires only a knowledge of the fully developed profiIe. For annular ducts the analysis provides the development of the velocity profile as well. Various geometrics are considered and numerical results given for a wide range of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers. n’umerical or analytical solutions have also been reported for constant wall heat flux, constant wall temperature (1420), high Prandtl numbers ( 1 3 6 0 ) , and pseudoplastic materials ( 8 0 0 , 8 9 0 , QQD),all in the laminar flow region.

Turbulent Flow

The current literature on turbulent heat transfer continues to be voluminous; where possible, studies of specific geometrics are classified in Table IV, and no attempt will be made to discuss studies individually. Typical of the good experimental data being published are the data of Allen and Eckert (30). Hydrodynamically developed turbulent flow in a uniformly heated tube was studied. Excellent agreement was observed with three published analytical developments for specific ranges of conditions. Interest continues on a fundamental level in heat transfer across a turbulent boundary layer (for example, 4 6 0 , 7 2 2 0 ) as well as on practical level as typified by the study of surface roughness (410, 580, 1190). Natural Convection

Most of the effort during the past year was on solving the mathematical problems associated with natural convection in simplified configurations under increasingly more complex conditions. Table V summarizes a number of investigations that can be associated with specific configurations. Stuart (1300) gives a n excellent discussion of cellular patterns in natural convection and their correspondence to the periodic mathematical solutions of proposed models. He warns against hasty comparisons and gives examples of erroneous correspondence for the “rectangular” cell proposed by linearized theory. Asymptotic solutions are presented for the unsteady Graetz problem (540) as a function of time and axial distance. Stability studies are reported (690, 96D, 1180, 1240) on the onset of convection and on conditions for which specific cellular modes are observed. 64


Effects of External Forces

Effect of high frequency vibrations on convective heat transfer continues to be reported (480, 520, 560, 650). Heat transfer coefficients were found to increase (within limits) with frequency and amplitude. Blankenship and Clark (140-760) report the results of analytical and experimental studies of laminar free convection from a vertical plate subject to transverse vibrations. The results of both the perturbation analysis and experiment indicate a slight decrease in laminar convective heat transfer coefficients. However, significantly, the oscillations force the flow to become turbulent resulting in large increases in heat transfer rate. Interest in heat transfer associated with magnetohydrodynamics continues on a theoretical level (300, 620, 760, 1200, 1460, 1470). Little experimental data were reported in the last year. Rotating Surfaces

Characteristics of flow near rotating surfaces both laminar (250, 9ZD) and turbulent ( 4 0 , 7350) are clarified. Investigations were also broadened to consider stability (1440) and transient conditions of surface temperature (200, 1140, 1370). Studies are subdivided by configuration in Table VI. High Velocity Heat Transfer

Among the most interesting papers published on this topic in the past year were those dealing with factors influencing stagnation point heat transfer. Kalashnikov (570)considers the influence of injecting a liquid into high-velocity gas flow resulting in a redistribution of stagnation temperatures in the resulting two-phase turbulent flow. Suction ( 1 0 8 0 ) and gas injection (1270) effects on the boundary layer in stagnation flow

J . K. Ferrell is Professor and E. P. Stahel is Assistant Professor of the Chemical Engineering DeAUTHORS

partment at North Carolina State University. T h i s is the second I g E C Heat Transfer review which they have coauthored. T h e authors acknowledge the assistance of M r s . Pat Sell, who helked considerably with the literature search.



(10, 9 3 0 , 1 1 3 0 )

Plates, walls, strips Noncircular ducts Annular flow. coil flow Wakes


(1090, 1 7 0 0 ) (500, 9 1 0 , 1 2 3 0 ) (1210)





References ( 6 0 , 7 0 , 180, 2 6 0 , 4 6 0 , 4 7 0 , 6 4 0 , 8 2 0 , 8 6 0 )

Parallel plates Cylinders, screens Annuli Spirals Jets, notches Ducts Fins

( 5 9 0 , 7 2 0 , 175D) (ZD,17D, 1 3 2 0 , 1 4 8 0 ) (7050) ( 2 0 , 5 D , 350, 1 4 5 0 ) ( 7 7 0 , 8 6 0 , 9 4 0 , 1070) (1250, 1470, 1430)

Radiation Heat Transfer

A wealth of interesting and important papers was published on the subject of thermal radiation. Rather than attempt to discuss listed references individually, we are classifying them_ in Table VII.

Horizontal, verticle and inclined planes

(100 3 9 0 4 0 0 4 3 0 4 4 0 4 9 0 6 6 0 , 67b, 71b,8 R D , l l i D , lT'80, I 3 4 D )

Fins Spheres and cylinders Heated enclosures

(810) (130, 2 1 0 , 4 0 0 , 6 0 0 ) (840, 9 5 0 . 1 0 3 0 )











Effect of surface roughness on reflected radiation Heat transfer to a flowing radiation absorbing gas Combined radiation and conduction Gas-filled enclosure Radiation from fins Radiation betwren surfaces


(ZE, 3 E ) ( 5 E , 6 E , 8 E , l Z E , 22E, 2823) (10E, 15E, 24E, 2 9 E ) (17E, 73E19E), ( l E , 17E, 2 Z E ) W E )


Subject Pool boiling Theorv

Bubbi6 behavior

Boiling mixtures Critical heat flu-x Film boiling Heat transfer coefficients Low gravity Convection boiling Thrnrv

Heat transfer coefficients Mechanism of two-phase flow Critical heat flux Subcooled boiling

workers concerned with heat transfer. Once again this were published on the year a large number of papers . . subject. I t seems fair to state that progress continues to be made in achieving a n understanding of the mechanism of pool boiling, but in spite of a large research effort, progress on the much more complex forced convection boiling is slow. The papers listed in the bibliography are classified in Table VIII.



Surface Spheres, cylinders, and tubes Disks, plates Cones

- .."_. ,

have decisive effects on heat transfer and have been reported for broad ranges of conditions. Sutera (13?D) in his study of the effect of large scale vorticity on the boundary layer, has found that such vorticity although present in small intensity in the on-coming flow may be amplified and induce substantial three-dimensional effects. He reports vorticity inputs that increase wall shear rates of less than 3% are capable of increasing wall heat transfer rates of 40%. The presence of a rrmgnetic field has been found by Luthera ( 7 4 0 ) to decrease the heat transfer instagnation point flow for electrically conducting fluids.


References (33F, 43F. 45F, 52F, 5 3 F ) (3F, 2 l F , 28F, 37F, 39F, 5 4 F ) (23F, 25F, 67F, 69F, 7 3 F )

g 2" (76F: 35F, 44F, 48F, 50F, 6 6 F ) (36F) (38F, 5 7 F )

I (SF,


'14F, 15F, 17F, 31F, 4 6 F ) (2F 7F 13F 19F 24F 26F 27F 30F-32F 4?F, 66F, 4!9F, 5 j F , 56F, 5&, 5Q$, 62F, 63F: 72F 74F 7 5 F ) (4F-6$, S F L l l F , 17F, 64F, 68F) (55F)

A number of interesting research results on condensation were reported this year, including four papers (ZG, ?3G, 16G, 17G) investigating dropwise condensation. The first of these (2G) covers quantitative measurements made using a tube coated with Teflon. The second (13G) presents a discussion of the mechanism of dropwise condensation centered around the active centers on which drops are formed. The remaining two present the results of a promoted dropwise condensation for a variety of conditions including the effects of heat flux, steam velocity, and noncondensable gas. Laminar film condensation on a porous surface with a uniform suction velocity was the subject of two papers (3G, 8G). A theoretical study of condensation in the presence of a noncondensable gas was presented (?5G), and a report of data for condensation from saturated air streams on vertical tubes in a bank was given (74G). An interesting experimental study of steam condensing on a laminar water sheet was reported (5G), and the effect of inclination on the condensing coefficient was measured (4Gj. Liquid Metals Heat Transfer

I n the general area of liquid metal heat transfer, Dwyer reported on an analytical study of the general problem of heat transfer to liquid metals flowing between parallel plates (5H) and in a series of two papers (4H, VOL. 5 7

NO. 1 2

DECEMBER 1 9 6 5


6 H ) described the results of calculations for bilateral heat transfer to fluids flowing in annuli. The cases of slug, laminar, and turbulent flows were covered. A pair of papers by Hsu gives theoretical expressions for Nusselt numbers for heat transfer to liquid metals in crossflow through rod bundles (7H) and flow past spheres and elliptical rod bundles. Heat transfer to mercury flowing in line through rod bundles was also studied (9H). Boiling liquid metals were studied in forced convection liquid metal systems ( 73H, 74H), and the experimental results of measurements of slip velocity and two-phase mercury flow were presented ( I IH). Packed Beds, Fluidized Beds, and Porous Media

Papers in these areas are classified in Table IX. Noteworthy interest was shown in the heat transfer between surfaces and dispersed phases ( 7 1 , 21, 101, 741). Significant efforts are being made to study fluidized beds over a wide range of conditions. TABLE tX.




Packed beds Fluidized beds Gas-solid suspensions in flow Porous materials


References (122, 131) (11,31, 51,81-101, 141, 151) (21, 711) (41,61, 71, 131)

Heat Transfer with Chemical Reaction

Practical solutions to the problems of heat transfer and kinetics in chemical reactors are presented by three Germans (13J, 23J, 29J). Empirical approaches are given for scale-up and analog simulation employed in analyzing temperature control. Petersen and coworkers (8J, 2OJ) have considered catalytic reactions in concentration and temperature gradients. Steady state solutions were obtained and examined for stability. The stability of addition polymerizations coupled with heat and mass transfer was the subject of an exhaustive study ( I I J ) considering dozens of combinations of physical conditions. Solutions are presented for numerous complexities of kinetic mechanism and interfacial phenomena. A linearized film theory is found to describe adequately the heat transfer of a homogeneous gas phase reaction ( 3 J ) . The area of combustion reactions has received widespread interest. Rocket and other reacting gas systems are being treated by a variety of approaches. Models are incorporating more sophisticated kinetics with boundary layer flow and other transport equations (IJ, 4J, 7 J , 9J, IOJ, 75J-I8J, 26J, 28J, 30J). Coupled Transport Processes

During the past year investigators have employed various techniques to solve problems of simultaneous heat, mass, and momentum transfer. Yang (33K, 34K) reports exact solutions to the conservation equations for incompressible viscous fluids in spiral flow. Velocity, temperature, and concentration profiles were obtained 66


by means of the similarity transformation technique. Gas-liquid transfer was investigated and expressions in all coordinate systems were derived for the transfer coefficients by a continuation of film and penetration theories (29K, 30K). Considerable generality was retained in constructing adjoint variational principles for unsteady convective diffusion of mass and heat treated as a passive scalar field (77K). The coupled processes were considered for flow in a frosted heat exchanger tube (6K) by treating the behavior as a finite thickness providing surface roughness similar to the rough pipe date of Nikuradse and von Karman. Squire (27K) achieved satisfactory agreement with experiments over complete Prandtl and Schmidt number ranges for turbulent heat and mass transfer in smooth pipes through a two-part analysis based on defect laws in a central core combined with a laminar sublayer. Heat and mass transfer from drops and spheres continues to be of interest (3K, 22K, 24K, 25K). A review of the extensive literature (22K) casts doubt as to the adequacy of published correlations and proposes a new empirical relationship based on new as well as existing data. Heinrich (9K) in a complementary investigation of heat and mass transport from cylinders sub,jected to transverse flow found no similarity between the transport processes. Heat and mass transfer in dispersed and porous media was the basis of several investigations (8K, IOK, 18K-ZOK). Sustained interest is also evident in the coupled processes at a gas-porous solid interface ( I K , 4K, 12K, 26K, 37K). BIBLIOGRAPHY Thermal Properties and Measurements (]A) Barber, C. R., “Conference on the Measurement of High Temperatures,” London, May 1964, Brit. J. Appl. Phys. 15 (9), 1003 (1964). (2.4) Bal;fett. R. E . , Hazard, H. R., “Problems in Flue-Gas Temperature Measurements, ASHRAE J. 7 (1), 88 (1965). (3A) Bianchi, G., Moretti, S., ”Behayiour of Thermocouples under Iriarliaiion,” 11 1,8,),. 426 (19641. Enerein Nucl. (Milan) , (4A) Bradfield, W.S., Hanson, A. R., Sheppard, J. J.. Jr., “Design, Calibration, and .4pplication of a Miniature Total Temperature Probe.” .J. Ifent 7 ‘ m n s f ~ r 86, Series C ( 3 ) , 452 (1964). (5.4) Butt, J. B., “Thermal Conductivity of POTOUS Catalysts,’’ A.I.C/I.E. .I. 11 (I), 106 (1965). (6.4) Cowling, T. G., “Heat Condmtivity of Polyatomic Gases,” Brit. J . Appl, Phys. 15 (X), 959 (1964). (7A) Eichhorn, R., “Effects of a Modificarion t o Angstrom’s lhiethod for the Detcrmination of Thermal Conductivity,” Intern. .J. H e a t .Wnss I‘ransfer 7 (6), 675 (1964). (8.4) Feldman, C. L., “Automatic Ice-Point Thermoco,iDle Reference Junction,” Instr. Control Systems 38 ( l ) , 101 (1965). (DA) Gabor, J. D., Stangeland, B. E.. Mecham, W. J., “Part 11. Heat Transfcr,” A.1.Ch.E. J. 11 (l), 130 (1965). (10A) Goldsm;:d, H. J., “Thermal Conductivity Conference, Piationa: Physical Laboratory, Teddington, July 1964, Brit. J . Appl. P h y . 15 (11), 1259 (1964). (1 1A) Harmathy, T. Z., “Variable-State Methods of Sleasuring the Thermal ProDerties of Solids.” , J.&ti. ‘. I‘hxs. , 35 (4). 1190 (1 , 9641. , (1%) Jaeger, J. C., Sass, J. H., “A Line Source Method for Measuring the Thcrmal Conductivity and Diffusivity of Cylindrical Specimens of Rock and Other Poor Conductors,” Brit. J.Appl. P h y . 15 (lo), 1187 (1964). (13A) Jamieson, D. T., Tudhope, J, S.: “A Simple Device for Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Liquids with .Moderate Accuracy,” J.Inri. Petrol. 60 (486), p. 150 (1964). (14A) Jobst, M‘,,“Measurement of Thermal Conductixities of Organic Aliphatic I Hfot , .Mass 7 ronrjer Liquids by an Absolute Unsteady-State Method,” Intern. 7 (7), 725 (1964). (1%) Kharloamov, A . G., “Thermal Conductivity ofBeryllium Oxide in the 10002000O C. Range,” Soviet J . At. Enerxy I5 ( 6 ) , 1313 (1963). (16.4) Leidenfrost, IV., “iln Attempt to h4easure the Thermal Conductivity o Liquids, Gases, and Vapors with a High Degree of Accuracy over \Vide Ranges of Temperature (-180’ to 500“ C.) and Pressure (Vacuum to 500 Aim.),” Intern. J.Heat M a s s Transfer 7 (4), 447 (1964). (17.4) Mathur, G. P., Thodos, G.. “The Thermal Conducrivitv and Diffusiviry of Gasesfor Temperatures to 10,000’ K..” A.1.CA.E. J.11 ( l ) , 164 (1965). (18A) Penn, A . W., “The Corrections Used in the Adiabatic Measurement of Thermal Conductivity Using the Peltier Effect,” J. Sci. I n s t r . 41 (lo), 626 (1964). (19A)-Saxena, S. C., Saksena, M. P., Gambhir. R . S., “The Thermal Conrlucti,.ity of l o n p o l a r Polyatomic Gases:” Brit. J . A p p l . P h j r . 15 ( 7 ) : 843 (1164). (20A) Tait, R. W. F., Hills, B. A , . “Methods for Determining Liquid Thermal Conductivities,” IND.ENO.CIIEhi. 56 (?), 29 ( 1 9 6 4 ) . I


(21 A) Wheeler, M . J., “Thermal Diffusivity at Incandescent Temperatures by a Modulated Electron Beam Technique,” Brit. J . Appi. Phys. 16 (3), 365 (1965). (22A) Yoshizawa Y Sugawara, A,, Yamada, E., “Thermal Conductivity of Sulfur,” J . &pi: Pi&. 35 (4). 1354 (1964).

Heat Conduction Problems in a Resistance-Capacitance Electrical Analogue,” J . So. Znstr. 41 (9), 535 (1964). (5‘2) Gay, B “Comparison of Methods for Solution of the Heat Conduction Equation $ith a Radiation Boundary Condition,” Intern. J . Heat Muss Transfer 8 131. 507 11965). (6C) Hamill, T. D., Bankoff, S. G., “Similarity Solutions of the Plane Melting Problem with Temperature-De endent Thermal Properties,’’ IND. ENC. CHEM. FUNDAMENTALS 9 ( 2 ) , 177 (19647. (7C) Hardin R. H., “Heat Transfer through Low-Density Cellular Materials,” DESIGN DEVELOP. 3 ( 2 ) , 117 (1964). INn. ENC.&HEM. PROCESS (8C) Heaps, H. S., Srivastava, R. D., “Analytical Solutions of the Equation of Heat Conduction for a Nonhomogeneous Medium,” Can. J . Chem. Eng. 42 (3j, 120 (19641. - ,. (9C) Heasley, J. H., “Transient Heat Flow Between Contacting Solids,” Intern. J . Heat M a s s Transfer 8 (l), 147 (1965). (IDC) Horvay, G., “The Dip-Forming Process,” J . Heat Transfer 87, Series C ( l ) , 1 (1965). (11C) Horvay, G., Dacosta, M., “Temperature Distribution in a Cylindrical Rod Moving from a Chamber a t One Temperature t o a Chamber at Another Temperature,” Zbrd., 86, Series C (2), 265 (1964). (12’2) Joseph, D. D., “Non-Linear Heat Generation and Stability of the Temperature Distribution in Conducting Solids,” Intern. J . Heat Mass Transfer 8 ( 2 ) , 281 (1965). ardas A. “Errors in a Finite-Difference Solution of‘ t h e Heat Flow Equa(’%,KJ. H,ht ?ranr/er 86, Series C (4), 561 (1964). (14C) !,aura, P. A,, Chi, M., “A proximate Method for the Study of Heat Conduction inBarsof Arbitrary Cross gection,” Ibid., (31, p. 466. (15C) Zbid., “Heat Conduction in Wedge-Shaped Bodies. II.,” (9), p. 1207 119651. . . (16C) Lebedev N. N., Skal’skaya I. P. “Some Problems in the Theory of Heat Conduction +or Wedge-Shaped’ Bodiks. I.,’’ Soviet Phys. Tech. Phys. (English Transl.) 9 ( 5 ) , 614 (1964). (17C) Li, J. C. M. “Thermokinetic Analysis of Heat Conduction,” Intern. J . Heof Mass Transfer 7 (il), 1335 (1964). (18C) Lindholm, U. S., Baker, E. J., Kirkpatrick, R. C., “Transient Heat Conduction at High Thermal Flux,” J . Heat Transfer 87, Series C (l), 49 (1965). (19C) Masket, A. V., “Time Reversal in Heat Conduction,” Am. J . Phys. 33 (3), 196 119651. (20C) Newhouse, K. N., “Temperature Distribution in Circular Fins of Rectangular Profile,” J . Heat Trunsfer 86, Series C (4), 563 (1964). (21 C) Nowacki, W., “Mixed Boundary-Value Problems in Heat Conduction,” Polsko Akad. Naulb, Inst. Padstawowych Probl. Tech. (Archiwum Mech. Sfosowanej) 16 (41, 865 (1964). (22C) Richardson P. D “Unsteady One-Dimensional Heat Conduction with a Nonlinear Bounhary C&dition,” . I Heat . Tranrfer 86, Series C (2), 298 (1964). (23C) Rosley J. C Payne, J. B., “Steady-State Temperature Solution for a HeatGeneratingkircu’iw Cylinder Cooled by a Ring of Holes,” Zbid. (4), p. 531. (24C) Shlykov, Y . P., Gainin, Y . A., “Thermal Resistance of Metallic Contacts,” Intern. J . Heal Mass Trunsfer 7 (8), 921 (1964). (25C) Shvets I T Dyban E. P “Contact Heat Transfer between Plane Metal Surfaces,” h&.’k‘hrm. E&. 4 (43, 621 (1964). (26C) S,parrow, E. M., Haji-Sheikh, A , , Lundgren, T. S., “The Inverse Problem in Transient Heat Conduction,” J . Appl. Mech. 31,Series E (3), 369 (1964). (27C) Thorsen, R., Landis, F., “Integral Methods in Transient Heat Conduction Problems with Non-Uniform Initial Conditions,” Intern. J . Heat Mass Transfer 8 ( l ) , 189 (1965). (28C) Tien C. L. “Strip Method for Steady Heat-Conduction Problems,” Appl. Sa. Res. bwt. A . ’13 (2-3), 209 (1964). (29C) Voskresenskiy, K. D., Turilina, Y . S., ‘‘Using Variational Methods to Calculate the Processes of Heat Conduction,” U S S R Heat Power Abstr. 11 ( l ) , 82 (1964). (30C) Zinsmeister, G. E., Dixon, J. R. “An Extension of Linear Moving Heat Source Solutions to a Transient Cas: in a Composite System,” Intern. J . Heat MQSCTransfer 8 (l), 1 (1965). j

Heat Transfer in Equipment (1B) Bayley F. J Lock G. S. H “Heat Transfer Characteristics of the Closed Thermosy’phon,;’ J . H&t Tmnsfer’k7, Series C (l), 30 (1965). (2B) Brauer H . “Stromungswoderstamd und Warmeubergang bei quer Angestromten fVarAeaustauschern mit Kreuzgitterformig Angeordneten Glatten und Berippten Rohren,” Chem. Zngr.,-Tech. 36 (3), 247 (1964). (3B) Broder D. L. Popkov K. K., “Methods of Calculating the Radiation Heat Release in’the Vehsel and dhields of a Nuclear Reactor,” J . Nucl. Energy: PI. A . E. 18 (a), 455 (1964). (4B) Chapman, F. S., Dallenbach H . Holland F. A. “Heat Transfer in Baffled Jacketed, Agitated Vessels,’’ T;ans.’Znst. Cheh. E&. (London) 42 (lo), T398 (1 ~964) . .,.-

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