heath company - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Electronic Programmable Digital. Scanning. 0. •. Wavelength: zero ... COMPANY, Dept. 560-01. Benton. Harbor ... Commerce Field Offices. Quantitative...
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the $1195* Monochromator with better than 1A resolution"

Hg 0 3131.55A

This book contains the Proceedings of the American Chemical Society Symposium on Analytical Calorimetry, held in San Francisco, Calif., April 2 to 5, 1968. Included is a subject index. T h e book has been produced b y p h o t o graphic reproduction of t y p e w r i t t e n pages.

Slit width 5 u; Slit height 1 mm Source: Germicidal lamp. 0.3A

Slit width 5 u; Slit height 1 mm Source: Copper hollow-cathode lamp.

quality optical c o m p o n e n t s . Special two-stage light baffles prevent offaxis light from entering or being dispersed. All "700" M o n o ç h r o m a t o r s will produce the 0.3 A resolution s h o w n above, despite the fact that Heath conservatively states only "better t h a n 1 A." This high performance, versatile and stable M o n o c h r o m a t o r also features: • ± 1 A tracking accuracy • Modular versatility integrates the "700" into a series of spectrophotom e t e r s available soon • In-line entrance and exit b e a m s • Electronic Programmable Digital Scanning 0 • W a v e l e n g t h : zero order to 10,000 A • High Mechanical Stability with portability . . . all for just $1195.

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116 A



Quantitative Electron Probe Microanalysis. K. F. J. Heinrich, Editor. Order NBS Special Publication 298. viii + 2 9 9 pages. Oct. 1968. $3

This publication contains the invited papers from a seminar held in J u n e 1967 at the National Bureau of Standards. Participants from the U. S. and five other nations presented d a t a on the most current attitudes and methods involved in quantitative electron probe microanalysis in their various countries. T h e papers give major consideration to proposed methods for data evaluation and to requirements for further work in theory, in measurement, and in the preparation of standards. Applications of a Time-Sharing Computer in a Spectrochemistry Laboratory: Optical Emission and XRay Fluorescence. Stanley D. Rasberry, Marvin Margoshes, Bourdon F. Scribner. NBS Technical Note 407. 5 5 pages. 1 9 6 8 . 40 cents

H E A T H HEATH COMPANY, Dept. 560-01 Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022 Q Please send New Free Scientific Instrumentation Catalog. • Please send Manual 595-912, a 100 pg. application and operation book of the "700" . . . $2.00

City -State . -Zip . Prices & specifications subject to change without notice. *Mail order prices; F.O.B. factory.

U. S. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS The following publications can be ordered from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402; the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Va. 22151; or local U. S. Dept. of Commerce Field Offices.

how much better?

For more information on the "700" send for the NEW HEATH Scientific Instrumentation Catalog. A Manual is also available for $2.

indexes are given. T h e spectra were recorded linearly in wavelength, b u t major bands are given in wave numbers together with relative intensities. Analytical Calorimetry. Roger S. Porter, Julian F. Johnson, Editors. ix + 322 pages. Plenum Publishing Corp., 227 W. 17 St., New York, N.Y. 10011. 1968. $10

ΐ 0.28Α „ Hg 3131.83Α

We do not intend to praise the resolution of the H e a t h / M a l m s t a d t - E n k e EU-700 M o n o c h r o m a t o r by n u m b e r s . The optical performance of the "700" is better illustrated by t h e degree of s e p a r a t i o n of a typical first order profile of a 3131 Hg line and by the sharp, coma-free line p r o d u c e d from a copper h o l l o w - c a t h o d e lamp, enabling you to judge its resolving p o w e r against the criteria you generally use. If you think your M o n o c h r o m a t o r is as good as the "700" try the above tests on your instrument, compare t h e m w i t h the "700" . . . and see if you don't n e e d a n e w M o n o c h r o m a t o r . The optical system is of the CzernyT u r n e r type w i t h a focal length of 350 mm. To p r e v e n t a b e r r a t i o n of the images and minimize coma, the "700" h a s parabolic mirrors, coated with MgF2 for m a x i m u m reflectance in the UV. Image deterioration is virtually nonexistant. The plane diffraction grating features 1180 lines per mm and a blaze w a v e length of 2500 A. Continuously variable slits b e t w e e n 5 and 2000 microns h a v e ground and polished knife edges w i t h heights from 0.5 to 12 mm. Stray light is minimized b y the use of high

New Books


This publication reports more t h a n two years' experience with a time-sharing system in the Spectrochemical Analysis Section of t h e National B u r e a u of Standards. T h e system uses t h e D a r t m o u t h College Basic compiler; its p r o gramming language and operation are summarized. T h e appendix contains descriptions of 13 p r o g r a m s of possible interest to other optical and X - r a y spectrochemical laboratories and examples of input a n d o u t p u t are given for each program.