DIGI-SCAN A scanning polarographic analyzer that provides a «DIGITAL READOUT" for organic and inorganic trace analysis
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PEAK CAPTURE: Maximum current is digitally displayed and held · There are no meters to read • There are no recording charts that require interpretation. FAST: Scanning readout results are completed in 60 seconds or less on most analyses. SIMPLE: Only three switches operate the instru ment. Ideal for rapid repetitive analysis. TWO MODELS AVAILABLE: Two electrode model and three electrode model for high resistance solution analysis. RECORDER OUTPUT: Recorder jacks are built in for polaro graphic recordings. ELECTRONICS: All solid state. VOLTAGE RANGE: Adjustable from 0 to -3.0 V DIGITAL RANGE: 20 micro amps, or 2 micro amps, full scale with .1 micro amp. or .01 micro amp. readability. SENSITIVITY: Low parts per million. COST: Low operating cost per sample. ORDER INFORMATION: 950503 Digi-Scan (two electrode model) without electrodes, or cell, or stand. Please see 950601 for hanging drop electrode assembly. 950604 Digi-Scan (three electrode model) without electrodes, or cell, or stand. Please see 950602 for hanging drop three electrode assembly.
33737 - 32 Mile Road Richmond, Michigan 48062 Phone (313) 727-3665
EXPOSITION Inax Instruments Ltd. P.O. Box 6044, Stn. J, Ottawa, da K2A IT 1.
Instrumentation Laboratory, Inc. 113 Hartwell Ave., Lexington, Mass. 02173. Models 151 and 251 atomic absorp tion spectrophotometers and Model 455 flameless atomizer. International Pammcorp. Four Β St., Burlington, Mass. 01803. Stu dent spectroscopy laboratory: undergrad uate teaching of modern instrumental anal ysis; NMR, ESR, NQR, microwave spec trometers and associated hardware and software. International Plasma Corp. 25222 Cypress Ave., Hayward, Calif. 94544. Low-temperature ashing equipment with accessories, fully automatic asher, with large 8-in. diam 1-ft long ashing chamber made of quartz, for fast Freon ashing of large samples.
Jeol USA, Inc. 235 Birchwood Ave., Cranford, N.J. 07016. Johns-Manville Greenwood Plaza, Denver, Colo. 80217. J o i n t C o m m i t t e e o n P o w d e r Diffraction Standards 1601 Park Lane, Swarthmore, Pa. 19081. Powder diffraction file. Joyce-Loebl Instruments 20 South Ave., Burlington, Mass. 01803. Disc centrifuge submicron particle size analyzer, gives absolute particle size distribution curves for particles in range 0.01-30 μ. Kevex Corp. 898 Mahler Rd., Burlingame, Calif. 94010. XES (X-ray energy spectrometer), nonde structive and simultaneous analysis of ele ments; applications: quality control, forensics, pollution, medical tissue analysis, mi croanalysis, qualitative and quantitative.
International Scientific Communi cations, Inc. 808 Kings Highway, Fairfield, Conn. 06430. Current and past issues of maga zines, literature display of laboratory in strumentation and equipment.
Kewaunee Scientific Equipment Corp. Adrian, Mich. 49221. Metal laboratory fur niture, perchloric acid fume hood, undercounter laboratory glassware washer-dryer, controlled-atmosphere dry box, fume hood exhaust fan.
International Scientific Instru ments, Inc. 1400 Stierlin Rd., Mountain View, Calif. 94043. Mini-rapid scan first desk top "TV scan mode" SEM priced under $10,000, mini-SEM MSM-5, table top SEM with 200 Â resolution and priced under $17,000, super mini-SEM first 100 Â resolution SEM priced at $23,100.
K o n t e s G l a s s Co. Spruce St., Vineland, N.J. 08360. Kontes/ Quantum TLC plates and systems, Kontes/ Martin solvent recovery apparatus, Kontes/Martin cryogenic systems, Kontes TLC densitometer, Kontes base line cor rection device, Kontes calculating integra tor, chromatographic supplies and accesso ries.
IRGO-STSI (Singer Technical Services, Inc.) Chemir Laboratories 761 W. Kirkham Ave., Glendale, Mo. 63122. IRGO, an infrared spectrum identification system by time-shared computer search of 150,000 reference spectra.
Kraft Apparatus, Inc. 402 Sagamore Ave., Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Test tube rack rotator; separatory funnel rack; liquid column controls to add buffers, warn of low-column level, operate valves, etc.; two sizes of high-speed nonaerating stirring for resuspending cells with three possible motor drives; media dispenser; label printer.
ISCO P.O. Box 5347, Lincoln, Neb. 68505. Highperformance liquid chromatographs, LC detectors, fraction collectors, low- and high-pressure metering and gradient pumps, pressure monitoring devices, parked columns. J a n o s Optical Corp. Route 35, Townshend, Vt. 05353. Infrared accessories, optical material, glass, fused silica, Ge, Si, salts, halites, and all exotic material for the UV including ZnSe; IR crystals, lenses, and large IR laser optics. J a r r e l l - A s h Div., Fisher Scientific Co. 590 Lincoln St., Waltham, Mass. 02154. Inductively coupled plasma computer-controlled AtomComp for trace metal analysis; computer-controlled vacuum AtomComp with electronic-controlled waveform excitation; digital comparator microphotometer; modular 0.25-m monochromator system set up as fluorometer; 0.5-m Ebert monochromator with camera; precision-ruled gratings and replicas. Jasco, Inc. Meeting House Cove, Bozman, Md. 21612. Model J40A CD spectropolarimeter, Model J40 DP data processor, Model FP4 fluorescence spectrophotometer, Model NIA-1 nitrogen-15 analyzer, Models IRA-1 and IRA-2 IR spectrophotometers.
Labconco Corp. 8811 Prospect Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 64132. Fume hoods, safety enclosures, lab carts, glassware washers, freeze-dry equip ment. Lab-Crest Scientific Div., Fischer & P o r t e r Co. County Line & Warminster Rd., Warmin ster, Pa. 18974. Variable-area flow meters, chromatography apparatus, custom glass ware, vacuum and pressure apparatus, lowflow control valves.
Labindustries 1802 Second St., Berkeley, Calif. 94710. Precision dispensers and diluters to fit any size container including carboys; Karl Fischer water determination aquametry apparatus; test tube shaker with accesso ries; micropipets; new developments to en hance the versatility and accuracy of Repi pet dispensers and Repipet diluters, all plastic dispensers and sampling systems, other precision instruments. Laboratory Data Control P.O. Box 10235, Riviera Beach, Fla. 33404. Variable wavelength UV/VIS spectropho tometer for HPLC; 5000 psig constant flow, pulsation-free solvent pumping system for HPLC; two-pen potentiometric strip chart