Heats of Catalytic Hydrogenation in Solution. I. Apparatus, Technique

mole. Hydrogenation of Methyl cfj-Cinnamate and. Methyl ¿ra«s-Cinnamate to Methyl Hydrocin- namate. Table IX. Hydrogenation of Methyl cíí-Cinn ama...
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June, 1942




412 420 440 460 480 500 520


(2) Nz (Endo)

0.440 .485 .587 .692 .755 .835 .915





(5)) Nz

N i o ; = a'?



Nz (calcd.)

N 2 (exp.)

0.465 .508 .605 .705 .765 * 840 .917

0.485 .513 .584 .659 .736 .817 .898

0.959 .960 .970 .955 .980 .987 ,992

0,493 .566 ,642 .721 .807 .891

0.467 .547 .628 .710 .800

0.47 .55 .62 .70 .79 .89

from the activity curve and are shown in column (7). These values are in good agreement with Wurschmidt's smoothed curve, column (8), which lies above that of Endo.

Summary 1. The activities and relative heat contents of tin and bismuth in their liquid alloys have been determined from electromotive force studies.




2 . These thermodynamic data have been compared with published equilibrium data for the system. The @ solid solution a t the eutectic has been calculated to contain 20% of bismuth, while the a solid solution contains 2.4% of tin. The a liquidus points obtained by Wiirschmidt are in good agreement with those calculated from these data, while Endo's curve seems to be too low. RECEIVED MARCH2, 1942




Heats of Catalytic Hydrogenation in Solution. I. Apparatus, Technique, and the Heats of Hydrogenation of Certain Pairs of Stereoisomers BY R. BRANSTON WILLIAMS For some years past, Kistiakowsky and his coworkers' have been engaged in the direct measurement of the heats of certain catalytic reactions in the vapor phase. The application of the new method, however, is limited, being restricted to compounds which are appreciably volatile a t the temperature a t which the reactions are carried out and SO it seemed desirable to attempt to extend the method to the liquid phase, where the same restriction as to the substances suitable for study does not hold. The reactions studied have been of the type X (liquid or solid)

+ Hg (gas) ---f Y (in solution)

and to obtain values applicable to the completely gaseous reactions X (gas) HZ(gas) --f Y (gas) various corrections have to be applied. Thus the relationship between AH, the molar heat of a reaction of the type studied, and A",,the molar heat of the completely gaseous reaction, is given by


AH, = A H



- yLy)

- La


(1) Kistiakowsky, cl d.,THISJOURNAL, 67, 65 (1935); 67, 876 (1935); 68, 137 (1936); 58, 146 (1936); 58, 831 (1937); 60, 440 (1938); 60,2764 (1938); 61,1868 (1939); Chcm. Rcu., 20,181 (1937).

when X and Y are both liquids a t the temperature of the measurements, and by AH, = AH - (xL - YL)- (x& - Y&) - La (2) when X and Y are both solids. xLv, x L f , yLv, and YLf, are the molar latent heats of vaporization and fusion of X and Y, respectively, and Ls is the molar heat of solution of Y in the solvent used, all the terms being positive when heat is absorbed, and applying a t the temperature of the measurements.. In the present work, heats of solution have been determined directly, but latent heats have been taken from the literature. The accuracy of the results yielded by the calorimeter has been tested by measuring the heat of hydrogenation of n-heptene-1, and comparing the result obtained with that yielded for the same substance by the vapor method. Method The determinations of heats of hydrogenation and of solution involved in this investigation were carried out in the usual way by measuring the change in temperature of the calorimeter and contents due to the hydrogenation or solution of a known quantity of material, and then determining the electrical equivalent of the calorimeter and contents over the same temperature range.



In the computation of the true temperature change accompanying a hydrogenation, solubon, or electrical calibration, the standard calorimetric procedure was followed, the correction to be applied to Ag, the observed temperature change, being calculated from a knowledge of the rate of cooling (or heating) of the calorimeter and contents, due only to heat exchange with the surroundings, at two different temperatures. Apparatus The calorimeter consists of two parts, the vessel and the head, and is shown in Fig. 1. The vessel is composed of a spherical dewar flask, of about 500 cc. capacity, with two necks. The larger of these is of 42 mm. diameter, and its end is a male ground-glass joint. The smaller is of 10 mm. diameter, and through it the thermometer is inserted. By means of three small glass legs a hollow glass cylinder, about 4.5 cm. high and about 4 cm. in diameter is fixed to the bottom of the inside of the flask. At one point on the rim, under the large neck, is a small glass spike used for breaking the glass ampoules containing the material to be hydrogenated or dissoliied.

The calorimeter head consist* of a hollow brass cyhnder with the upper end closed. Its lower end forms a female ground joint which fits over the male ground-glass joint a t the top of the large neck of the calorimeter vessel, the two parts being held together by means of two phosphor-bronze springs (not shown). The joint is made gastight by means of low-vapor pressure grease. Each of the wle arms, alzo of bras\, cai ries a rubber ring over which a tra* ring i5 tightly tittc d Wlirii t h v calorinirtvi i5 iri u w ,

VOl. 64

it is supported by holding these brass rings iu clamps; the rubber rings then act as bearings, allowing the calo. rimeter to be shaken regularly by means of an eccentric arid a synchronous electric motor. This shaking etisures that the hydrogenation is sufficiently rapid. Through the top of the head are fixed (1) a guide-tube for the electrical heater, (2) a stainless steel stirrer, and (3) a device for holding and breaking the ampoules containing the material to be hydrogenated or dissolved. This device consists of a thin stainless steel rod, held in a guide-tube soldered through the top of the calorimeter head. To its lower end is attached a three-pronged stainless steel clip. and the position of the guide-tube is so arranged that the somewhat concave bottom of the ampoule, held in the clip, rests on the glass spike on the rim of the hollow glass cylinder fixed to the bottom of the dewar flask. To break the ampoule, a piece of soft iron is raised by means of a solenoid placed around the enclosing brass tube and is then allowed to drop on to the top of the stainless steel rod, the bottom of the ampoule being thus forced against the glass spike, which shatters it. Through the side of the calorimeter head is soldered the copper tube by means of which hydrogen is led into the calorimeter. Inside the head it is bent so that the incoming hydrogen is directed down on to the surface of the liquid i n the calorimeter. When the calorimeter is in use, the glass portion is iiiimersed almost up to the ground-glass joint in a water thermostat (tcmperature 29.3’) kept constant to 0.003’. The thermometer is a 3-lead platinum resistance theriiiotneter of the type described by C. H. Meyers,2 in which t lie resistance element is only about 3 cm. long. I t is filled with helium to ensure better thermal contact with the surroundings. The Wheatstone bridge used in connection with the thermometer is of the Muellera type, and is enclosed in an air thermostat (temperature 30.0’) kept constant to 0.1”. The electrical heater closely resembles the platinum resistance thermometer in design, a helix of constantan (B. &: S. 34) instead of platinum being wound on the mica cross, and there being four leads-two current and two potential-of silk-covered copper wire (B. & S. 30) bound together and impregnated with cellulose acetate; total resistance 62 ohms. The voltage across and the current through the heater are determined in the usual way by means of a potential divider, a standard resistance, and a potentiometer. The Hydrogen Line.-Hydrogen* from a low pressure lank is purified and wetted. I t is then passed into a measuring water buret of about 1liter capacity, calibrated in cc., and suitably jacketed. The space above the water in the leveling bulb of the buret is also filled with hydrogen to prevent any gas other than hydrogen from getting into the buret. Before entering the calorimeter, the hydrogen from the buret is dried by passing through a tube containing “Dehydrite.” Procedure Filling of the Ampoules.-For liquids an ampoule with a long thin neck, bent over in the form of a hook, is used.

June, 1942


It is filled with nitrogen, and the liquid introduced by alternately warming and cooling the ampoule with the end of the neck under the liquid. It is finally cooled in dry-ice in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, and the neck drawn off. With solids a n ampoule with a thick-walled neck of small bore is employed. After the solid has been introduced, the ampoule is attached to a vacuum pump and sealed off. I n both cases the difference in the weight of the ampoule before and after filling gives the weight of the substance to be hydrogenated or dissolved Hydrogenation Run.-The calorimeter is assembled with the ampoule held in the clip, and with catalyst and just sufficient solvent to cover the ampoule in the dewar flask. After evacuation, the calorimeter is filled with hydrogen from the measuring buret, and shaking and stirring are started. When the reduction of the catalyst (hydrated platinum oxide or palladium oxide) is complete, the temperature of the calorimeter is noted a t intervals and, when the rate of heating has become constant, the temperature and volume (under atmospheric pressure) of the hydrogen in the measuring buret and the atmospheric pressure are noted. The ampoule is then broken, and the hydrogenation begins. This must be done as soon as possible after the catalyst has been completely reduced, as it is found that if the catalyst is left in the solution in the reduced state its activity decreases. Throughout the reaction the pressure of hydrogen in the calorimeter is kept slightly greater than atmospheric. Temperature measurements are made a t intervals until the reaction is complete, and the temperature-time curve is once more linear. The temperature and volume of the hydrogen in the measuring buret and the atmospheric pressure are once more noted. The volume of hydrogen absorbed can then be calculated, allowance being made for the fact that the gas in the buret is saturated with water vapor, and the completeness of the reaction can be checked. Heat of solution run is similar to a hydrogenation run, but no catalyst is used, and no volume measurements are taken. Calibration run is made immediately after the corresponding hydrogenation or solution run. The calorimeter is stirred and shaken and, when the rate of heating is constant, the calorimeter heater is switched on, and the time noted. The voltage across the heater is chosen so that the rate of increase of temperature of the calorimeter is approximately the same as in the corresponding hydrogenation run. Temperature, voltage and current measurements are made a t intervals, the averages of these sets of voltage and current readings being used in the computation of the electrical equivalent. When the temperature has risen approximately the same amount as in the hydrogenation run, the heater is switched off, the time being noted, and temperature readings continued until the temperature-time curve is once more linear. Preparation and Purification of Materials Substances Hydrogenated n-Heptene-1.-The very pure product used was kindly supplied by Professor G. B. Kistiakowsky, and was a portion of the same sample he and his co-workers used i l l their gas-phase m e a m ements *


1,4-Dihydronaphthalene.-A crude sample, supplied by du Pont de Nemours & Co., was purified by Straus and Lemmel'ss modification of Sand and Genssler's' method. A further purification by fractional freezing was carried out; m. p. 24.5' (sharp). 1,2-Dihydronaphthalene.-This was obtained from 1,4dihydronaphthalene by the method of Straus and Lemmel modified according to Straw,' and Straus and Lemmel;* m. p. -6.2' (sharp). Methyl cis-Cinnamate.-The material used was kindly supplied by Dr. W. R. Smith, and was a portion of the same sample that he used in his work on the "Kinetics of Thermal czs-trans Is~merization";~ m. p. -3.5' (sharp). Methyl trans-Chamate.-Kahlbaum cinnamic acid was treated with methyl alcohol in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid according to the method of Fischer and Speier;lo m. p. 34.0' (sharp). 1sostilbene.-The sample was part of that used in the work on the "Kinetics of Thermal cis-trans Isomerization" ,.11 b. p. 145" (10 mm.). Stilbene.-Eastman Kodak Co. product was purified by two crystallizations from 95% alcohol, followed by two crystallizations from absolute alcohol; m. p. 123.0' (sharp). Diethyl Maleate.-Eastman Kodak Co. product was fractionally distilled three times under reduced pressure; b. p. 120.0' (25 mm.) Diethyl Fumarate.-Eastman Kodak Co. product was fractionally distilled twice under reduced pressure; b. p. 115.0' (25 mm.). 1,4-Diphenylbutadiene.-The sample used was prepared by Dr. K. F. Jacobsen of Harvard University, according to the method of Thiele,I2as improved by Kuhn and Winterstein;I3m. p. 147-148". The percentage purity of each of these samples used for hydrogenation was ascertained by hydrogenating it and comparing the volume of hydrogen used with the theoretical volume required. The purities to within + O . l % were found to be: n-heptene-1, 100%; 1,4-dihydronaphthalene, 93.1%; 1,2-dihydronaphthalene, 99.2%; methyl ciscinnamate, 97.2%; methyl trans-cinnamate, 100%; iso-stilbene, 94.6%; stilbene, 100%; diethyl maleate, 100%; diethyl fumarate, 99.2%; diphenylbutadiene, 100%. In the calculations allowance has been made for the impurities where present. Substances for Heat of Solution Measurements.--nHeptane, tetrahydronaphthalene, dibenzyl and diethyl succinate were Eastman Kodak Co. products. Methyl Hydrocinnamate.-Eastman Kodak Co. hydrocinnamic acid was esterified according to the method of Weger;I4 b. p. 230-232' (762.8 mm.). Solvents.-Eastman Kodak Co. commercial decahydronaphthalene was stirred for twelve hours with concentrated sulfuric acid, and then with potassium per( 5 ) Straus and Lemmel, Ber., 46, 236 (1913). (6) Sand and Genssler, ibid., 86, 3706 (1903). (7) Straus, ibid., 48, 1053 (1913). (8)Straus and Lemmel, ibid., 54,37 (1921).

(9) Kistiakowsky and Smith, THISJOURNAL, 57, 269 (1935). (10) Fischer and Speier, Ber., 28,3254 (1895). ( 1 1) Kistiakowsky and Smith, THIS JOURNAL, 56, 638 (1934). (12) Thiele, Axu.. 806 .198 (1899). (13) Ruhu aud Winterstein, Helr. Chirtr. d c t u , 11, 103 (1988). (14) Weger, Ann., 221,77 (1883).