Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology - American Chemical Society

The functional and technical properties of hemicelluloses are not only dependent on their chemical composition. They are largely governed by the struc...
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Chapter 19

Enzymatic Tailoring of Hemicelluloses Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on January 10, 2013 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: October 7, 2003 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2004-0864.ch019

Maija Tenkanen Department of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 27, FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland

The functional and technical properties of hemicelluloses are not only dependent on their chemical composition. They are largely governed by the structure of the polymer, e.g. the degree and pattern of substitution as well as the degree of polymerisation. Specific chemical modification of these properties is often difficult. Enzymes are valuable tools for modification of natural biopolymers such as hemicelluloses. They are generally very specific and thus can be used for targeted modifications. Several hydrolytic enzymes are available to be utilized as selective scissors. They can be used for controlled modification of the composition and the type of substitution, or the degree of polymerisation by hydrolysing desired glycosidic linkages. Combining hemicellulases in simultaneous or step-wise fashion enlarges the possibilities. However, each individual enzyme is unique and its action on the target polymer must be carefully evaluated prior to use. The enzymes forming new glycosidic linkages are not yet available for in vitro modifications of hemicelluloses. Although the various hydrolytic enzymes already offer a useful palette of enzymatic tools, many potential new enzymes, such as glycosyltransferases and oxidases, will certainly be available in the future after their discovery and production in larger scale.


© 2004 American Chemical Society

In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.



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Vast quantities of lignocelluloses are produced every year, constituting the main source of renewable organic material available on earth. Wood has conventionally been used as a building material and for fibre production for paper and textiles. Grasses and cereals are used for animal feeding and as components in the human diet. Due to shortage of natural oil and continuous accumulation of forest and agricultural side-streams, transformation of biomass into useful products is becoming a more important issue. Plant cell wall polysaccharides are the main organic compounds found in nature. They are divided into three groups: cellulose, hemicelluloses, and pectic substances (7,2). Cellulose is a linear and long homopolymer consisting of 1,4linked P-D-glucopyranosyl residues. Its main function is to ensure the rigidity of the plant cell wall. Hemicelluloses constitute the second most abundant plant material after cellulose. They are highly hydroscopic and have an influence on the flexibility of cell walls. Hemicelluloses are a structurally heterogenic group of polysaccharides, which vary in their monosaccharide composition, glycosidic linkage content, substitution pattern and degree of polymerisation (Table I) (5). The primary structure of hemicelluloses depends on the type of plant and may even vary between different parts of the same plant (3-5). The term hemicellulose itself is not very clear. It is rather loosely defined as plant cell wall polysaccharides which are closely associated with cellulose (6). Hemicelluloses are often water soluble in native form but extractable in larger amounts only with alkaline solutions due to the complex multilayer structure of the cell walls. The structural characteristics, such as the construction of the backbone and the type and degree of branching, affect the physical properties of polymers, e.g. solubility, viscosity and crystallinity. Thus it is foreseen that the development of more efficient utilization and novel applications of hemicelluloses require targeted tailoring of their properties. Due to the complex structures of hemicelluloses, several different enzymes are involved in their enzymatic degradation and modification (Table II) (7-10). Enzymes are nature's own catalysts, which act in mild conditions. Consequently, the use of enzymes offers an excellent alternative to engineer the properties of hemicelluloses in a controlled way. This paper discusses properties of hemicellulases and the possibilities for enzyme-aided modifications of hemicelluloses.

Composition of hemicelluloses Hemicelluloses are usually classified according to the main sugar residue in the backbone (Table I). Xylans and mannans are the two main groups of hemicelluloses and they exist in large quantities in lignified plant tissues in the secondary cell wall. The most abundant hemicelluloses are xylans, which are

In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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Table I. Classification of the main hemicelluloses Hemicellulose

Main sugars in the backbone D-Xylose

Linkage in the backbone p-1,4

Main sugars in the side groups / chains L-Arabinose 4-0-Methyl-Dglucuronic acid (Glucuronic acid)

Glucomannans (Mannans)

D-Mannose D-Glucose



Glucomannans Galactoglucomannans (Mannans) (Galactomannans)




L-Arabinose (D-Galactose)





L-Arabinose D-Galactose D-Glucuronic acid

Arabino-1,4galactans (Type I)


Same substituents as mentioned above

Arabino-1,3/6galactans (Type II)


D-Xylose D-Galactose (L-Arabinose) L-Fucose


and P-1,3

No substituents





Polymer Types Arabinoxylans Glucuronoxylans Arabinoglucuronoxylans

In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


Table II. Hemlcellulolytic enzymes

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Enzyme commission number

Linkage hydrolysed

Side groups

Endoxylanase Exoxylanase a-Arabinosidase a-Glucuronidase Acetyl xylan esterase

Internal P-1,4 Terminal p-1,4 Terminal a-1,2, a-1,3 Terminal a-1,2 Ester bond


P-Xylosidase Not classified yet

Internal P-l ,4 after Man Internal P-l ,4 after Glc Terminal a-1,6 Ester bond

P-Mannosidase p-Glucosidase Not classified

Endoarabinanase a-Arabinosidase

Internal a-1,5 Terminal a-1,2, a-1,3, a-1,5

Endo-1,4-gaIactanase Endo-1,3-galactanase a-Arabinosidase Not identified yet

Internal P-1,4 Internal p-1,3 Terminal a-1,2, a-1,3,


Not classified

Xylan Backbone

Glucomannan Backbone Side groups Oligomers Arabinan Backbone Side groups and oligomers Galactan Backbone Side groups

Side groups and oligomers Xyloglucan Backbone Side groups


Endomannanase Endoglucanase a-Galactoside Acetyl mannan esterase


Terminal P-1,4

Terminal p-1,4 after Man Terminal P-l ,4 after Glc

n 1 *n a-1 yD

Internal and teminal p-l,6 Terminal p-l,3, P-1,4,

P-l,6 Endoglucanase a-Xylosidase P-Galactosidase a-Arabinosidase a-Fucosidase 3-Glucosidase Xyloglucosidase Not classified Not classified

Internal P-1,4 Terminal a-1,6 Terminal p-l,2 Terminal a-1,2 Terminal a-1,2 Terminal P-1,4 Terminal p-1,4 in Xyl substituted Glc

In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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present in all terrestrial plants and comprise up to 30% of the cell wall material of annual plants (grasses and cereals), 15-30% of hardwoods and 5-10% of softwoods (5,//). Glucomannans exist mainly in softwoods (15-25%) (11). Xyloglucans are abundant components of the primary cell wall (up to 20%), but their amount in the secondary wall is negligible. Mixed linked P-glucans are important cell wall components in a number of grasses and cereals (1,2). Arabinans and galactans are generally minor constituents and are often closely associated with pectin in the primary cell wall. One exception is larchwood, which is rich in arabinogalactan (10-25%) (//). Arabinans and galactans are found in larger quantities in some tubers, bulbs and seeds such as sugar beet, potato, soybean and rapeseed (1,2). Some of them are classified as pectic substances rather than as hemicelluloses (3,4,12). Furthermore, structurally similar polysaccharides, such as galactomannans in locust bean and guar, and arabinogalactan in acacia, occur as reserve polysaccharides, and are thus not classified as hemicelluloses (2,3). These polysaccharides are generally called plant gums and are used in the food and other industries as thickening agents. Highly substituted arabinoxylans present in cell walls of grain endosperms are often referred to as cereal gums or pentosans rather than as hemicelluloses. Xylans possess a 1,4-linked p-D-xylopyranosyl backbone, which is lanced at irregular intervals with groups of 4-O-methyl-a-D-glucopyranosyluronic acid and/or a-L-arabinofuranosyl units linked by 1,2- and 1,3-glycosidic linkages. Many xylans also carry esterified side groups, mainly acetyl groups. Esterified phenolic acids, such as ferulic acid, are found in xylans from annual plants (3-5,13). Xylans are further classified based on their side groups i.e. as arabinoxylans (cereal endosperms), glucuronoxylans (hardwoods) and arabinoglucuronoxylans (softwoods, straws, husks, stems) (Table I). The main mannans in the cell walls of higher plants are glucomannans. The backbone is composed of randomly alternating 1,4-linked P-Dmannopyranosyl and P-D-glucopyranosyl units. a-D-Galactopyranosyl side groups are attached to mannose units via 1,6-bonds. Mannans may also carry acetyl side groups (3,4,14,15). Mannans with a polymannose backbone are found in tubers, roots and seeds (3). Based on their carbohydrate composition mannanpolymers are generally divided into mannans (ivory nut), glucomannans (konjac root, hardwoods), galactomannans (guar, locust bean) and galactoglucomannans (softwoods) (Table I). Arabinans consist predominantly of a-L-arabinofuranosyl residues, which are linked in the backbone by 1,5-linkages and to side groups by 1,2- and 1,3linkages (2,12). Galactans are grouped into two main structural types. Type I is composed of a 1,4-linked P-D-galactopyranosyl backbone, which is substituted mainly at C-6 and C-3 with a-L-arabinofuranosyl side groups, and in some cases also with P-D-galactopyranosyl units. Type II galactans have a highly branched 1,3-linked P-D-galactopyranosyl backbone with side chains consisting of 1,6linked P-D-galactopyranosyl units. Both a-L-arabinofuranosyl and P-Darabinopyranosyl residues are also present (2,12). Arabinans and galactans can further carry esterified phenolic acids.

In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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297 In addition to cellulose, plant cell walls also contain other P-glucans. The most common are xyloglucans and mixed linked P-glucans (1,3-1,4-p-glucans), both consisting of a backbone of p-D-glucopyranosyl units. In 1,3-1,4-P-glucans, glucopyranosyl residues are joined by alternating 1,3- and 1,4-linkages (2). Mixed linked glucans are linear polymers. The xyloglucan backbone has the same structure as cellulose, containing only 1,4-linkages. The glucan chain is substituted at C-6 by a-D-xylopyranosyl units, some of which carry further P-Dgalactopyranosyl or occasionally a-L-arabinomranosyl residues. a-LFucopyranosyl may be attached to some of the galactose units. Xyloglucans may also carry acetyl groups. The xylose units are distributed in the glucan backbone according to a regular pattern. Generally two or three out of four glucose units carry a xylose side group (2,16).

Enzymatic reactions Enzymes are specific catalysts, which normally act in mild conditions. Due to the complex structures of hemicelluloses, several different enzymes are involved in their degradation in nature (Table II). Microorganisms often produce a wide range of different hemicellulases, which act in synergism to degrade hemicelluloses completely into monosaccharides. Thus these "natural" enzyme solutions are not suitable for targeted modifications. Individual enzyme components can be isolated from the mixtures. The other, usually more economic option is to modify microorganisms genetically so that they produce the target enzyme as much as possible and do not produce unwanted enzymes. These tailored enzyme mixtures can often be used as such without further purification. Polymer-acting enzymes may be roughly classified into three different types. Endoglycanases, such as endoxylanases, endomannanases, endoarabinanases, endogalactanases and endoglucanases hydrolyse internal linkages in the backbone and produce a set of different linear and substituted /branched oligosaccharides. Side groups are removed by exoglycosidases, often also called accessory enzymes. These include for example a-arabinosidases, aglucuronidases, a-galactosidases, P-galactosidases and a-xylosidases. The enzymes in the third class are also exoglycosidases, such as P-xylosidases, pmannosidases, P-glucosidases, p-galactosidases and a-arabinosidases. They act on backbone sugar units in oligosaccharides by removing terminal monosaccharides from the non-reducing end of the oligosaccharides. Some of them may also act on side groups. There are only a few reports on exoglycanases which are able to liberate terminal mono- or oligosaccharides from the backbones of polymeric hemicelluloses. Because many hemicelluloses are esterified, several esterases, such as acetyl and feruloyl esterases, are also involved in their degradation.

In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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Figure I. Removal of arabinose side groups from softwood arabinoglucuronoxylan by the a-arabinosidase pi 8.5 from Aspergillus terreus (19)

Hemicellulases are generally very specific towards one type of glycosidic linkages connecting particular monosaccharides. However, there exist a few exceptions. One such enzyme is the endoglucanase I from Trichoderma reesei, which acts equally well on P-l,4-glucosidic and P-l,4-xylosidic linkages, thus being able to hydrolyze cellulose, glucomannans and xylans (17). Glucopyranose and xylopyranose are structurally similar except that xylose lacks the C-6. In addition some enzymes have been found to liberate both P-D-galactosyl and a-Larabinosyl units, which in pyranose form have the same ring structure but the latter lacks again the C-6 (18). These examples indicate that some enzymes are able to accommodate similar sugars in their active site instead of just one. The degree of an enzymatic reaction is easily controlled by choosing a suitable enzyme dosage and/or treatment time. Figure 1 illustrates a typical example of this. Half of the arabinose side groups can be liberated in few hours using high enzyme loading. If less enzymes is utilized, the same result is obtained with a longer hydrolysis time. However, complete reaction normally requires rather high enzyme dosages, as the degree of hydrolysis levels off during prolonged reactions. Enzyme reactions are also rather easy to terminate by increasing temperature. The temperature needed depends on the enzyme used. Some microorganims produce thermophilic enzymes, which tolerate up to 80°C.

Backbone hydrolyzing enzymes The degree of polymerization (DP) can easily be reduced by enzymatic treatment. The best results are obtained if the starting material is completely water soluble because then the enzyme reaction proceeds in a homogenous way. If the hemicellulose sample is only partially water soluble, enzymes act first on

In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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the soluble part and may hydrolyze this fraction into short oligosaccharides, while the insoluble part is attacked much more slowly resulting in a heterogenous distribution of end products as can be seen in Figure 2. Due to the easy termination of enzyme-catalyzed processes, products with varying DP can be manufactured. Not all enzymes act in a similar way. Some endoglycanases possess more random action mechanisms than others. Randomly acting enzymes result in very rapid reduction of viscosity and decrease in DP. Degree of substitution (DS) also affects the homogeneity of the enzyme hydrolysis. If the backbone is highly substituted, endo-acting enzymes do not have sufficient space in the backbone to cut at regular intervals. An example of this is shown in Figure 3, in which two different galactomannans were treated with endomannanase. The action of endoglycanases may be enhanced by the accessory enzymes. However, removal of side groups is not always desired as it may affect the functional properties of the hemicellulose in question. Side group-cleaving enzymes can be used simultaneously with or prior to endoglycanases by stepwise fashion, resulting in most cases in different results, especially when the decrease in substitution decreases the solubility. Shorter and shorter oligosaccharides are formed when the hydrolysis of the backbone is allowed to proceed further. The side groups in substituted hemicelluloses have different effects on various endoglycanases. Some endoglycanases are able to hydrolyze close to the substitution but others require more unsubstituted backbone units for their action. Good examples of this are endoxylanases, some of which produce xylotriose carrying methylglucuronic acid in the non-reducing end xylose unit, whereas others produce internally substituted xylotetraose and xylopentaose (22). Similar differences have been observed in the case of arabinose-substituted xylooligo-saccharides (23). Endomannanases are also found to differ in their action pattern on galacto- and glucomannans (24,25). Specific oligosaccharides may, for example, be used as building blocks of new man-made biodegradable polymers.

Enzymes for side groups Each type of side group in hemicelluloses is hydrolyzed by one specific class of enzymes (Table II). One enzyme can, however, act on various hemicelluloses. For example a-arabinosidases may remove arabinose side groups from arabinoxylans, arabinogalactans and arabinans as can be seen from Table III. Even though enzymes catalyze the hydrolysis of the same linkage they may differ in their specificity to the rest of the molecule, e.g. some a-arabinosidases are more active on xylans whereas others are more active on galactans (Table III). Beldman et al. (27) have indeed classified a-arabinosidases into six different groups on the basis of their substrate specificities. In addition to the structure of the backbone, the degree of substitution as well as the type of other closely situated side groups have an effect on the action of accessory enzymes.

In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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20 22 24 26 Elution volume (ml)

- i — —r™ 28 30

Figure 2. Hydrolysis of completely (top) and partially water soluble (bottom) xylan with an endoxylanase preparation (20 nkat/g) from T. reesei as analyzed by size exclusion chromatography in which large molecules are eluted first. (Reproduced with permission from reference 20. Copyright 2001 Elsevier)

In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003. 35




Retention time (min)

Figure 3. Hydrolysis of locust bean, Gal: Man = 1:4 (left) and guar, Gal: Man — 1:1.5 (right) galactomannan by endomannanase ofT. reeseifor2h Analysis with size exclusion chromatography. Large molecules are elutedfirst (21).

Retention time (min)


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302 Table IV. Comparison of action of Trichoderma reesei and Scizophyllum commune a-glucuronidases. 1000 nkat / g xylan was incubated for 24h (28,29).

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Enzyme source

Methylglucuronic acid liberated from glucuronoxylan (% of theor) Alone

with xylanase

with xylanase and 0-xylosidase

T. reesei




S. commune



not measured

Not all accessory enzymes are capable of acting on polymeric substrates. Many of them function only in synergy with backbone hydrolyzing enzymes and have the highest activity towards oligomeric substrates. One such example is shown in Table IV. The a-glucuronidase from Trichoderma reesei is active only towards small oligosaccharides that are formed by hydrolysis with endoxylanase and (3-xylosidase, whereas the enzyme from Schizophyllum commune is able to act on polymeric xylan. The latter enzyme can thus only be used for modification of the properties of polymeric xylan. One microorganism may also produce several enzymes which possess activity towards the same glycosidic linkage but differ in their ability to act on polymeric substrate. Figure 4 compares the action of three different a-galactosidases from Penicillum janthinellum on galacto­ mannans. Only A G L I acted well on the polymeric substrate. The effect of degree of substitution is also seen in this figure, as locust bean gum containing

Figure 4. Action of three different a-galactosidases AGL I, AGL II and AGL III from Penicillium janthinellum on two galactomannas having different degrees of substitution. 5000 nkat of a-galactosidase /gram of mannan was incubated for24h(30).

In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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Table III. Release of arabinose from arabinoxylans, arabinogalactans and arabinan by different Aspergillus a-arabinosidases. 0.5 mg enzyme / g substrate was incubated for 5 h (2h for A X H ) (26). Enzyme source

Release of arabinose from (% of theor) ArabinoArabinoxylan from glucuronoxylan wheat flour from softwood

A. niger AraB A. terreus Ara pi 7.5 A. terreus Ara pi 8.5 A. awamori AXH
























In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

304 less galactose was attacked more efficiently than the more highly substituted guar gum.

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Accessory enzymes may not only work in synergy with backbone hydrolyzing enzymes. Enzymes acting on different side groups can also show co­ operation with each other as different side groups may block the accessability of one another. Such an example is illustrated in Figure 5. The action of aarabinosidase was not enhanced by the presence of P-galactosidase and 1,6galactanase but the removal of galactose side groups was clearly improved by the mixture of accessory enzymes.

Figure 5. Liberation of arabinose and galactose from arabino-1,3/6-galactan by three side-chain-acting enzymes; a-arabinosidase, P-galactosidase and 1,6galactanase from Aspergillus niger (18,31).

In contrast to glycanases, most esterases are known to be rather unspecific enzymes. Therefore some esterases are able to act on several different hemicelluloses, as shown in Table V , whereas others are more specific and act only on one type of hemicellulose (33). Thus, one esterase may be useful in the treatment of several different hemicelluloses. Even though the classification of enzymes appears rather simple and straightforward in Table II, each individual enzyme is unique in its specificity towards the substrate molecule. The action of enzymes must therefore be thus carefully evaluated with the target substrates to know whether they are useful for desired modifications.

In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

305 Table V. Action of three different esterases on acetylated xylan and gluco­ mannan. 4 mg of esterase / g was incubated for 24 h (32).

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Enzyme source

Acetic acid from (%oftheor)

T. reesei A X E A. oryzae A G M E A. oryzae F E



80 17 81

0 67 90

Enzymatic modifcations The solubility and rheological properties of the polymers are related to their structure, e.g. to the degree of polymerization as well as to the degree of substitution. The solubility normally increases when the degree of polymerization is decreased, and decreases after removal of substituents, leading to an increase in viscosity or a precipitation of the polymer. Thus enzymes offer excellent means for modification of these properties. A possible use of enzymes is to upgrade a cheaper raw material to a more valuable product. One such, patented already twenty years ago, is to change the composition of guar galactomannan, which has a galactose to mannose ratio of 1:1.5, to resemble locust bean galactomannan with a Gal:Man ratio of 1:3.0 using an a-galactosidase treatment (Table VI). Galactomannan from guar gum is more than tenfold cheaper than galactomannan from locust beans, but has poorer gelling properties. Figure 6 shows how the viscosity of a galactomannan solution increases until a certain point, after which it decreases due to the poor solubility of the resultant polymers. Similar modifications can also be carried out with other

Table VI. Modification of guar gum galactomannan with high galactose content by a-galactosidase. Treatment time 5h (31). a-Galactosidase dosage (nkat/g) 0 200 500 1000

Gal: Man ratio After the treatment 1 1 1 1

: 1.5 : 1.9 :2.4 :3.1

In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

306 70


60 ^

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Figure 6. Effect of enzymatic removal of galactose side groups (bars) on the viscosity (line) of galactomannan solution (21).

hemicelluloses. Better controllability of the viscosity of hemicellulose solutions is desired in many of the potential future applications in the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. The precipitation of xylan and mannan due to removal of side groups is demonstrated in Figure 7. Substituents hinder the close association between backbone sugar units and thus restrict the formation of tight hydrogen bonds between them. Removal of side groups results in a more close association of hemicelluloses and they start to precipitate, and may even crystallize. Polyxylan and -mannan are known to organize into crystalline structures (36,37). If water-insoluble polymers, such as cellulose or wood fibres are present in the solution, precipitating hemicelluloses attach easily onto the surfaces. This also occurs in current processing of lignocellulosic materials such as in alkaline pulping, during which acetyl groups in xylan and mannan are removed, with the result that hemicelluloses are associated more tightly with cellulose in pulp than in wood fibres. Hemicelluloses are indeed important for the paper technical properties of pulp fibres (38). Absorption of water soluble hemicelluloses to the cellulose surface is also improved by lowering the content of side groups, as is illustrated in Figure 8. Less substituted mannan adsorbs clearly better on cellulose than highly substituted mannan. The binding efficiency was mainly governed in this case by DS, as decrease of the polymerization by endomannanase did not affect the sorption (39). Endoglycanase treatment may thus be used for example to treat polysaccharides which result in highly viscose solutions, and are thus difficult to handle and adsorb unevenly. Better control of the absorption properties as well as of processes opens up new possibilities to use hemicelluloses for coatings, absorbents, composites etc.

In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.



Treatment time (h)





10 Liberation of acetic acid (mg/l)


Figure 7. Effect of enzymatic removal of acetyl side groups from xylan (left) and from glucomannan (right) on their solubility. On the right the enzyme treatment was performed in a solution containing wood fibres. During deacetylation, part of the glucomanna adsorbed on fibres. (Reproduced with permission from references 34 and 35. Copyright 1990 and 1994 Springer-Verlag)


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- » - G a l : M a n 1:1.5 - • - G a k M a n 1:2.3

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Gal: Man 1:4.5







Time (h) Figure 8. Sorption of guar gum galactomannan (Gal.Man 1:1.5) and two a-galactosidas-treated galactoctomannas with reduced degree of substitution on wood pulp. (Reproduced with permission from reference 37. Copyright 1979 Kluwer)

Hemicellulose-acting esterases may also be utilized in the future for regioselective removal of acetyl, or other esterified groups, in chemically esterified hemicelluloses. Different acetyl xylan esterases have recently been shown to possess distinct regioselective modes of action against cellulose acetate, cleaving the acetyl substituents in the C-2 and/or C-3-position (40). This kind of specificity is difficult to obtain by conventional chemical methods and it will enable the manufacture of more defined esterified polysaccharides. The utilization of various hydrolases for the modification of hemicelluloses in large scale is, however, still restricted due to the limited industrial availability of the enzymes discussed above. Endoxylanases, endomannases and endoglucanases can be obtained in substantial quantities from the enzyme produces. However, other backbone-hydrolyzing enzymes are not available without side-activities and thus cannot yet be used for selective modifications. The only accessory enzyme currently on the market is agalactosidase. New enzyme products containing other hemicellulases are still needed before the enzymatic tailoring of hemicellulases can be performed in industrial scale.

New potential enzymes for the future The enzymes forming new glycosidic linkages are involved in the synthesis of hemicelluloses and exist in all plants. They are, however, not yet available for in vitro modifications of hemicelluloses. Plant polysaccharide synthetases are still poorly characterized and only a few of the enzymes participating in the synthesis of hemicelluloses have been isolated and characterized (41). Furthermore, even fewer of them have been cloned and produced in another host organisim in significant amounts.

In Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology; Gatenholm, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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309 The hemicellulose-synthesizing enzymes are by definition transferases, which transfer the glycosyl residues from the activated donors, nucleoside diphosphate sugars such as UDP-xylose and GDP-mannose, onto a growing polysaccharide backbone or as a side group. The requirement of the activated sugar donor also restricts the use of these enzymes in large scale unless efficient methods for the production of activated sugars are developed. Some of the transferases have been found to act in synergy, such as the mannosyltransferase and galactosyltransferase in the synthesis of galactomannan (42). The degree of substitution of the synthesized galactomannan could be regulated in vitro by adjusting the relative concentrations of GDP-mannose and UDP-galactose (42). However, in the future the manipulation of hemicellulose structures may be more feasible through modification of biosynthetic processes in vivo rather than using synthetic enzymes in vitro. Few known enzymes are able to form glycosidic linkages between polysaccharides. One such enzyme is xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET), which catalyzes the cleavage of the backbone in xyloglucan, and attaches the non-reducing end of the formed molecule either to water (hydrolysis) or another xyloglucan molecule (transferase reaction) (43). XETs are highly specific for xyloglucan and do not act on cellulose. This type of crosslinking enzyme would be a very interesting tool in the future. Another completely different type of future enzymes are the oxidases, which are able to oxidize selectively the hydroxyl groups in polymers. An example of this type of enzyme is galactose oxidase, which transforms the hydroxyl group in C-6 to the aldehyde group (44). This enzyme has been known for over 30 years, but its use in the modification of galactomannas has been restricted due to the lack of a suitable industrial enzyme preparation. The possible applications of galactose oxidases are discussed in more detail in another chapter in this book. Hitherto this is the only known oxidase to act on hemicelluloses, but hopefully more enzymes of this type will be discovered in the future.

Acknowledgements Matti Siika-aho is thanked for the previously unpublished data presented here.

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