henry troemner, inc. - ACS Publications

Both models offer an easy-reading angled index ... Circle No. 24 A on Readers' Service Card, page 99 A ... involved in contamination and radio logical...
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":Μ^"ΙΉ High capacity (up to 6 kg.) is made compatible with high sensitivity in two new all-around bulk-weighing balances by TROEMNER. MODEL 195-B (illustrated) has a sensitivity of .1 g., capacity of 3 kg. (7 lbs.), tare capacity of % lb., beam graduated to 1 00 g., 50 g., or 8 oz.; 8" removable nickelplated pan. Price $95; without beam, $75. MODEL 2-89B has .2-g. sensitivity, 6-kg. capacity, 1 -lb. tare capacity, beam grad­ uated to 500 g., 1 00 g., or 1 6 oz.; 9" pan, Price $110; without beam, $90.

Both models offer an easy-reading angled index and pointer, and smart gray-and-black corrosion-resistant finish. Nickel-silver or stainless steel scoops for bulk weighing of dry chemicals are optional accessories. THESE NEW BALANCES will find constant use in the busy industrial or research laboratory. They are part of the complete Troemner line of quality balances and weights of every class, for every need. See your laboratory supply dealer, or drop us a card for Bulletin C.

HENRY TROEMNER, INC. 2 2 n d & Master Streets Philadelphia 2 1 , Pa. Circle No. 24 A on Readers' Service Card, page 99 A 24 A





under way to include experiments on isotope dilution and dosimetry. A number of techniques and iso­ topes of different activity levels arc included in the course. Only pre­ pared samples are used for the first four weeks. After the student has become familiar with the problems involved in contamination and radio­ logical safety, he is allowed to handle radioactive materials. Costs of setting up tracer experi­ ments are less than they were earlier. A basic scaler, which does good work, costs less than $500. The course outlined above requires more expen­ sive equipment and a lot of it. For example, even with five scalers and three 6-foot radioisotope hoods, the group of 20 students had to be split into two afternoon sessions with two pairs of students working with each hood. With the increase! in nuclear en­ gineering and the problems associated with it, the AEC has shown an in­ terest in assisting many universities to set up laboratories of this sort. Assistance of this type could help more universities start work in this field. Some universities are concerned with possible radioactive contamina­ tion. While there are hazards, the dangers of many tracer experiments have been exaggerated as contrasted with work with higher level ma­ terials. The usual precautions used in working with hazardous chemicals such as sodium cyanide are sufficient. This involves fume hoods and stand­ ard hazardous chemical techniques. One indication of the limited hazards in tracer work is the fact that the revised Atomic Energy Act now permits the AEC to sell certain amounts of radio­ isotopes license-free just like any other chemical. Many radioisotopes with half lives of less than 30 days can be obtained in 10-microcurie amounts li­ cense-free. Isotopes with half lives greater than 30 days generally can be obtained in 1-microcurie amounts license-free. This means that about 2 X 10' disintegrations per minute of p3'2 and I 131 can be obtained with­ out any "red tape." In the case of C14, 50 microcuries, which yield 108 disintegrations per minute, can be obtained. Textbook Lack. The lack of a suitable laboratory book for tracer work has been a big problem. Most laboratory courses use mimeographed instructions for experiments, which are passed from instructor to instruc­ tor. One book now in preparation gives much experimental detail and techniques and should help fill the void. This laboratory book is au­

thored by Overman and Clark and is scheduled for publication within a year by McGraw-Hill. Radiochemical Training in the Government

With atomic energy development centered in the hands of the Federal Government for so many years, it is logical that much of the training in nuclear techniques originated with the Atomic Energy Commission. This has been the case. Good examples of the training pro­ grams are those of the different National Laboratories. These facili­ ties are operated for AEC by private contractors. The Argonne National Laboratory, at Lemont, 111., for example, is oper­ ated for the Atomic Energy Com­ mission by the University of Chicago, with 32 of the other educational or­ ganizations in the Midwest being in­ volved in a "Participating Institutions" program with the laboratory and hav­ ing access to its facilities. Brookhaven National Laboratory, at L'pton, L. I., is operated by Asso- . dated LTniversities, Inc. Participat­ ing institutions are nine East Coast universities. The primary purpose of this laboratory is to provide re­ search facilities for the staffs and graduate students of the contractor. The Oak Ridge School of Reactor Technology at Oak Ridge, Tenn., was established in 1950 to aid in training engineers and scientists in the reactor field. This school is operated by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). " ORNL, operated by Union Carbide Nuclear Co. of LTnion Carbide Corp., has a cooperative teaching program established with six universi­ ties scattered over the country. The Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, a separate organization, uses some of ORNL's facilities and draws on ORNL's staff for teaching. The institute is operated by 35 educational institutes, most of them located in the South. It sponsors courses and grad­ uate work through the University of Tennessee. It also supplies speakers, sponsors, institute-type training pro­ grams at Oak Ridge, and manages the Museum of Nuclear Science. The Los Alamos Scientific Lab­ oratory is operated by the University of California at Los Alamos. N. M. This laboratory sponsors courses given at the Los Alamos center of the University of New Mexico. The University of California also operates the Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley. Calif. The Ames Labo­ ratory, Ames, Iowa, is operated by Iowa State College. The Ames In-