Here and there in the trade literature - Journal of Chemical Education

Here and there in the trade literature. J. Chem. Educ. , 1945, 22 (2), p 94. DOI: 10.1021/ed022p94. Publication Date: February 1945. Cite this:J. Chem...
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HE December number of the Du Pant Magazine (E. I . du Pont de Nemonrs & Company, Wilmington, Delaware) is an especially fertile one, containing an article on "High pressure synthesis" (describing the production of ammonia, methanol, and dther substances); another on the properties and uses of the new plastic, polyethylene; and still another on the many uses of Freon, difluo-dichlor-methane. For some light but interesting reading in general sdence, see an article entitled, "Science has major role in progress of aerial warfare," in the last number (Vol. 15, No. 2) of The Laboratory (Fisher Scientific Company, 711 Forbes St., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania). So many inquiries have come to us about the trade literature in chemistry that we have decided to list below all the periodicals of this type that come to the Editorial Office, with their sou~ces. We are quite aware that this is not a complete list of the field, for we are continually receiving new ones.

General Radio Experimenter-General Radio Company, 30 State St., Cambridge 39, Massachusetts Glass Lining-Pfaudler Company, Rochester, New York Incelnternational Nickel Company, 67 Wall St., New York, N. V . -. Industrial Bulletin of Arthur D. Little, Inc.-Arthur D. Little,* Iuc.. 30 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Massachusetts Zntwckmical Re&-Research Laboratories of Interchemical Corporation, 432 W. 45th St., New York, N. Y. Kelloggram-M. W. Kellogg Company. 225 Broadway, New York, N. Y. LaboratorpFisber Scientific Company. 711 Forbes St., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Eimer & Amend, 635 Greenwich St., New York, N. Y. Lamp-Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N Y. Mechanical Topics-International Nickel Company. 67 Wall St.. New York. N. Y.


Merck & Company, Inc., Rahway, New Jersey Merck Rcview Milvay Notebook-Chicago Apparatus Company. Chicago 22, Illinois Monsento Morazine-Monsanto Chemical Company, St. Louis. . Missouri National Fireworks Revinu--National Fireworks, Inc., West Hanover. Massachusetts ~~, Nickslsworth-International Nickel Company, 67 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Nutritional Obseruatory-H. J. Heinz Company, Pittsburgh 12. Pennsylvania Ohmite N m s - a h m i t e Manufacturing Company, 483541 Flournoy St., Chicago 44, Illinois Pig Iron Rough Notcs-Slars-Sheffield Steel and Iron Company. Birmingham, Alabama Pioneer-Niagara Alkali Company. 60 East 12nd St., New York, N V -.. -. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company. Pittsburgh People 632 Duquesne Way. Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh Plate Products - Pennsylvania ~


Allied Nws--Allied Radio Corporation. 833 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago 7, Illinois Alloy Pot-New Jersey Zinc Company. 160 Front St., New York 7. N. Y. Aminro Labordury Snus-American Instrumenr Company, 8030-XOX Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Maryland Rakeli~cReti-liakelite Corporalion, 30 East 42nd St., Sew York. N. Y. Bausck & Lomb Magasin-Bausch & Lomb Optical Company. Rochester, New York Cenco Neus Chat.-Central Scientific Company. 1700 Irving Park Rd., Chicago. Illinois Ciba Revieuepublished in Switzerland by the Society of Chemical Industry in Basle, represented by Ciba Company, 627 Greenwich St.. New York, N. Y. Clinical Excerpts-Winthrop Chemical Company, 170 Varick St.. New York 13. N. Y. Cogper AUoy Bulletin-Bridgeport Brass Company. Bridgeport, Connecticut Company. 111 N. Curuer and Referencw-Wilkens-Anderson Canal St., Chicago. Illinois D-H Alloy Croftswan-Driver-Harris Company. Harrison, New Tpr"~" *----,

Dow Diamo+Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan Du Pont Magaaine-E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. Wilmington, Delaware National Lead Company, Room 1815, Dutch Bay Painter Dutch Boy Quarterly1 - 111 Broadway. New York 6. N. Y. Dvertuffs-National Aniline Division. Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation, 40 Rector St., New York, N. Y. E1'Chcm-Electrochemicals Department, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Niagara Falls, New York Ekctromet Rmi-Electro Metallurgical Company, 30 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Erpi Film Nm-Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Inc.. 1841 Broadway. New York, N. Y. Erso Oilways-Peuola. Inc., 26 Broadway. New York. N. Y. Foote Prints-Foote Mineral .Company, 1609 Summer St., Philadelphia. Pennsylvania




Povcr SpPcialist-22 E. 40th St., New York 16, N. Y. Process Indzrrlrier QuarterljcInternational Nickel Company, 67 Wall St., New York. N. Y. Rescarch Today--Eli Lilly & Company, Research Laboratories. Indianapolis, Indiana Rohm & Haas Reporter-Rohm & Haas Company,Washington Souare. Philadelohia. Pennsvlvania -S h k i Oil impa any. 50 West 50th St., New Shell N m s Shell Progress - York, N. Y. Silicate P's & Q's-Philadelphia Quartz Company. 121 S. Third St.. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Souibb - Memoranda-E. R. Sqnibh & Sons, 745 Fifth Ave., New York. N. Y. Steel Horizons-Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation. Brackenridge. Pennsylvania Synthetic Organic Chemicals-Eastman Kodak Company. Rochester, New York Technical Bull&-Acheson Colloids Corporation. Port Huron, Michigan TherapcuficNo&s-Parke, Davis & Company, Detroit, Michigan Thiokol FactsThiokol Corporation. Trenton, New Jersey U . S. Stcel Neus-U. S. Steel Corporation, 71 Broadway. New





(Crone) 151ur ll'orld-gJG S. htichigan Ave., Chicago. Illinois If'hol'r 3'-Ahbolt Latmratories. SorthChicngo.Illinois IIPstin~hourr Ktvlorrh-H'ustitlghou~e Research Laboratories. E. Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania