Here is another instrument for

Professional Liability insurance ... In a day when malpractice suits ... vulnerable position. No matter how great your expertise, you are not immune t...
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Here is another instrument for your protection. I Professional Liability insurance . . . In a | day when malpractice suits against professionals are becoming increasingly common, you as a chemist are placed in a vulnerable position. N o matter how great your expertise, you are not immune to legal action. ψ The Professional Liability Plan sponsored f by the Board of Trustees, Group Insurance Plans for ACS Members, is designed to give you the financial backing you would need if P^ ever called to defend your professional reputation in a courtroom. Up to $1,000,000 liability is available through this plan. Covered are all claims arising during the actual policy period — regardless of when reported. In addition, " coverage extends to your liability for the acts of others for w h o m you are legally liable. If you are an ACS member, you will receive a preferred rate for coverage. T o receive a brochure outlining this plan, send in the coupon. Mail coupon to: American Professional Agency Administrator, ACS Professional Liability 95 B r o a d w a y A m i t y v i l l e , NY 11701 (516) 691-6400

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