Here's the SAFE way to heat your Flasks - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 4, 2010 - Publication Date: May 25, 1946. Copyright © 1946 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Here's t h e SAFE w a y t o h e a t your F l a s k s -

Battery of72-hter

No oil bath No fire hazard

stills for the production of aminoacids

In many processes t h e use o f glass equipment is necessary t o avoid undesirable catalytic effects due t o traces o f metals from the container. Contamination o f product is also reduced. However, t h e application o f controlled heat, especially to t h e larger vessels, has been difficult. W i t h a Glas-Col Heating Mantle the use of large glass flasks for t h e commercial production o f fine chemicals becomes practicable for the first time. Purity is safeguarded, and t h e even distribution o f heat from t h e Mantle prevents charring o f valuable material. Glas-Col Heating Mantles save time, prevent flooding, reduce glass breakage, and improve laboratory conditions generally. Write for illustrated bookl e t today. Glas-Col Apparatus Company, 1700 So. 7 t h Street, Terre Haute, Indiana.

U. S. Patent No. 2J2$1£06

Each of the two sections of the Glas-Col Heating Mantle contains a Nichrome* heating element spiraled between layers of corrosion-resisting glass d o t h , serving as effective heat insulation. A Talon fastener encircles the two hemispheres and clamps securely around the flask. Temperatures up to 400 C may he obtained, under dependable electrical control. Available for flasks to 72-liter capacity. •Trade Mark of the Driver-Harris Co., Res. U. S. Pat. Off.


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