Here's What Heath Means By Value - Chemical & Engineering News

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Here's What Heath Means By Value Heath Malmstadt-Enke EUW-402M Polarography Laboratory . . . a complete lab for controlled potential polarography, amperometric t i t r a tions, controlled potential electrolysis, controlled current electrolysis, chronopotentiometry, oxygen analysis, and more.

Heath Malmstadt-Enke EUW-301M pH Recorder & Recording Electrometer provides better than 0.5% accuracy for pH measurement, monitor, & control, for manual & automatic titrations, and for pK & pl\la determination w i t h specific glass electrodes. 21 chart speeds. Factory assembled & tested for just $369.00

• Includes all apparatus (electrodes, capillary tubing, control valves, electronic instrumentation, multi-speed recorder readout, chart paper, pen, and connecting cables) for 3-electrode controlled potential polarography • Suitable for exact qualitative and accurate quantitative analysis in aqueous and high-resistance organic media • Capable of analysis of ion concentrations as low as 10-7 molar • Easy to set up and operate • Spring-loaded cell holder for quick change of test solutions • Provided with complete, detailed instruction manuals

• A pH meter and pH recorder with 10" linear scale • Five pH ranges: 14,10, 5, 2, and 1 • Better than 0.5% accuracy— 0.005 pH on the 1 pH range • Control for temperature compensation with provision for automatic temperature compensation by thermistor probe • Accepts all common glass, calomel, and combination electrodes • Switch selection for 5 electrometer ranges: ±50,100, 200,500,1000, and 1400 millivolts • 21 accurate recording speeds from 12" per minute to 1/2" per hour • Factory assembled, tested, and complete with manual

The Heath Malmstadt-Enke EUW-402M Polarography Laboratory . . . (developed by Dr. Christie Enke of Michigan State University) consists of a highly versatile Dropping Mercury Electrode Apparatus (Heath EUA-19-6); a combination of a Polarography Module (Heath EUA-19-2) and Operational Amplifier System (Heath EUW-19B), which produces the precision controlled electrode voltages and accurate current readout; and a Multi-Speed Servo Chart Recorder (Heath EUW-20M), which provides accurate display of the readout signals over a wide range of time bases. The electronic control instrumentation produces a sweep potential in six 1% calibrated sweep rates from 0.05 to 2 volts/min. and enables d.m.e. currents from 0.5 to 1000 microamperes full scale to be accurately measured. The Heath EUW-402M Polarography Laboratory includes many additional features not found in the most expensive polarographic systems.

The Heath Malmstadt-Enke EUW-301M Multi-Speed pH Recorder and Recording Electrometer Fulfills Many Roles . . . it can be used as a general purpose laboratory pH meter with accuracy as high as 0.005 pH . . . it can be used as a Multi-Speed Recording pH Meter for titrating, monitoring chemical reactions, or for controlling laboratory apparatus . . . and it can be used as a highly accurate measuring or recording electrometer/ picoammeter for supplying readout from laboratory instruments with impedances as high as 10,000 megohms. These capabilities plus the wide range of chart speeds enable this instrument to perform data readout from a myriad of chemical processes . . . acid-base titration curves, reaction-rate curves, oxidation-reduction titration curves, stability curves, Karl Fischer titrations, and precipitation and complexation titrations to name a few. Write to Heath for a more complete description of this instrument.

EUA-19-6, Dropping Mercury Electrode $149.00 EUA-19-2, Polarography Module $185.00 EUW-19B, Operational Amplifier System... .$135.00 EUW-20M, Multi-Speed Servo Chart Recorder $289.00 EUW-402M, Complete Laboratory (all of the above instruments) $695.00 Send to Heath for FREE brochures —describing the EUW-402M Polarography Laboratory.

EUW-301M, Multi-Speed pH Recorder

EUA-20-1B, Thermistor Temperature Probe.. .$18.00 EUA-20-12, pH Test Unit (for alignment and checkout of pH meters) $25.00 Send to Heath for FREE brochures — describing the pH Recorder/Electrometer and accessory items.


111 FREE! World's Largest Electronic Kit Catalog Includes a wide array of electronic instruments for the classroom, laboratory, hobbyist, ham, and service technician. See the Heath Malmstadt/Enke instruments for electronics & chemistry . . . and the Berkeley Physics Laboratory.


!•••••••••••••••(!§& HEATH COMPANY, Dept. 520-34 Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022 In Canada, Daystrom Ltd.




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