Herman Frasch Foundation Awards - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 4, 2010 - THE committee appointed by the Directors of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY at the request of the United States Trust Co. [see NEWS ...
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VOL· 17, NO. 2 2

supported under the next five-year «rant of awards from the bequest and, in order to secure the widest "practical benefit to the agricultural development of the United HE committee appointed b y the Direc- institutions shall agree that the money so States" from the bequest, that each of these tors of t h e AMERICAN CHEMICAL received shall be devoted to research in the projects should relate to one of the four main SOCIETY a t t h e request of the United field of agricultural chemistry, with the divisions of agricultural chemistry via., States Trust Co. [see N E W S EDITION. 17, object of attaining results which shall b e of (1) Soils and Fertilisers; (2) Crops and Crop N o . 18, 589 (1939)] met, considered all practical benefit to the agricultural developNutrition; (3) Animals and Animal Nutrithe requests for grants, a n d submitted ment of the United States'*. With this tion; and (4) Insecticides and Fungicides. the following report which has been acstatement in view, the committee excluded The projects submitted by the 20 institucepted by the trust company. those projects which did not belong to the tions that made applications for appropriaActing in accordance with t h e prinfield of agricultural chemistry, or which did tions were accordingly classified by the comciples adopted in the Appendix, the comnot seem to give promise of practical benefit, mittee under these four divisions and the mittee unanimously voted t o make the or which, not being of a general character, projects receiving the highest number of following recommendations with referrelated only to a limited region of the United votes of the committee were the ones conence t o allotments of funds from the States. sidered for granting the awards. Herman Frasch Foundation for t h e next (2) The committee understands agrifive-year period beginning January 1, cultural chemistry to mean the chemistry of 1940: farm operations, whether the result of natural A r m o u r a n d Lewis Institutes t o causes or of the activities of man. More Merge 1. Nine thousand dollars ($9000) to be specifically it is that branch of chemistry allotted annually to the University of Minnewhich deals with the chemical composition ONSOLIDATION of Armour Institute of sota Department of Agriculture, University and mutual chemical relationships of soils. Technology and Lewis Institute i n t o Farm, St. Paul, Minn., for research on the crops, and farm animals. In accordance one of t h e largest engineering centers in project entitled "A Comprehensive Study of with this definition, research projects ret h e world has been announced b y James Sulfur Metabolism of Planta", with the suglating to the utilisation of raw agricultural £>. Cunningham and Alexander I>. Bailey, gestion that this project in its application be products, beyond the operations of the farm, chairmen of the boards of the two colleges. made as general as possible so as to include plantation, or cooperative, for nonagricultural Under t h e name, Illinois Institute of consideration of sulfur-deficient soils in all purposes, such as the manufacture of fibers» Technology, the new school contemplates parts of the United States. paper, plastics, chemicals, etc., do not belong a n annual expenditure of $1,250,000 for 2. Eight thousand dollars ($8000) to to the field of agricultural chemistry and educating i t s 7000 d a y and evening s t u Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., for were therefore excluded from consideration d e n t s and community research services. research on the project entitled "The Comby the committee. Under control of a board of 55 trustees position of Plants and Their Nutritive (3) To avoid duplication of effort the including all the present board members of Quality as Affected by Cultural and Storage committee has excluded projects that were Armour a n d Lewis, integration, of t h e Conditions". being actively Investigated by the United fields of science, engineering, management, 3. Eight thousand dollars ($8000) to States Department of Agriculture, the State and humanities now taught in both colRutgers University College of Agriculture. Agricultural Experiment Stations, the Crop leges will be completed by September. New Bruns wick, N . J., for research on the Protection Institute, and other similar or1940. Operation of both the Armour ana project entitled "The Role of Grass and Legganizations. I^ewis plants is necessary at present b u t , ume Silages in the Feeding of Dairy Ani(4) Institutions which have received i n t h e complete development of the n e w mals". grants from the Frasch Bequest for a pre- center, acquisition o f a conveniently vious period of 10 years were excluded i n the situated campus is being considered. C. A. BROWNE, Chairman present selections. This decision, which acB y t h e elimination of duplicate s u b ROGER ADAMS cords with the opinion of the Directors of the jects, broadening t h e social science proT H O R N E M . CARPENTER AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, does not. gram and strengthening scientific courses W. H . M A C I N T I R E imply dissatisfaction with the accomplish- will be possible. Development of compreH . B . VICKERY ments of these institutions, but is based hensive programs in architecture and a p upon the opinion that the indefinite con- plied art, industrial management and perCommittee of the American Chemical Society tinuance of awards to one institution will sonnel, metallurgy and ceramics, and p u b on Recommendations for Awards from the destroy the incentive of other institutions t o lic health engineering are being emphaHerman Frasch Foundation apply for grants on other desirable projects. sized, although fire protection engineering, (5) In addition to excellence of projects, aeronautics, and other established courses the committee considered in its final ratine will be expanded. Appendix the standing and accomplishments of the The cooperative project, in which 300 scientists who were to conduct the research* students have part-time employaient with Principles Adopted by t h e Frasch and the adequacy of the equipment of the 110 industrial corporations in the Chicago Foundation Committee of the Ameriinstitutioos applying for the award. area, adult education, correlated work with c a n Chemical Society i n t h e Selection (6) In consideration of the present income the Research Foundation of Armour Instio f I n s t i t u t i o n s for A w a r d s d u r i n g t h e from the Frasch Foundation, the committee tute of Technology, and other special F i v e - Y e a r Period, 1940-1941 believed that only three projects should b e programs will b e continued. In view of the large number of excellent projects that were submitted to the committee for consideration, i t was found necessary to adopt certain general principles as a basis on which t o make a satisfactory impartial selection for t h e allotment of appropriations from t b e Frasch Bequest Funds for the next five-year period beginning 1940. T h e committee was in general agreement with t h e principles adopted b y the first Frasch Foundation Committee, a s set forth in its report of October 29, 1928. T h e adoption of a few additional basic principles was considered necessary, however, by the present committee ana these are herewith set forth for the information

Herman Frasch Foundation Awards



of t h e Directors of the AMERICAN C H E M I -

CAL SOCIETY and for possible consideration b y future committees that may be appointed t o evaluate applications for awards from the Herman Frasch Foundation. (1) It was the opinion of the committee that awards should be given only to those institutions whose proposals for research projects conformed strictly with the objects of the bequest as defined in the will of Charter Elisabeth Blee Frasch, vis., "that the said


o£ S t u d e n t Affiliate c h a p t e r a t B i r m i n g h a m - S o u t h e r n C o l l e g e , w i t h s o m e of t e a c h i n g staff