HETHERINGTON & BERNER INC. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 25, 2012 - HETHERINGTON & BERNER INC. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 53 (7), pp 90A–90A. DOI: 10.1021/i650619a765. Publication Date: June 1981...
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Additional New Materials

to surfaces by flame or plasma spray­ ing.

Polyethylene Resin, Dylan 2037 is de­ signed for extrusion into a very clear glossy film by the blown tubing proc­ ess.

Dept. IEC, Electronic Materials Corp., 2200 Colorado Ave., Santa Monica, Calif. C-16 Three Urea-Formaldehyde concen­ trates are now available. U F C 7626, UFC 7147, and U F C 8545 are designed for the economical manufacture of many types of urea-formaldehyde resins for a variety of industries.

Dept. IEC, Plastics Div., Koppers Co., Inc.. Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh 49, Pa. C-13

Ammonium Motavanadate purity has been increased to 99.9%. High purity material is especially useful as a raw material for preparing vanadium-con­ taining oxidation catalysts.

Dept. IEC, Hercules Powder Co., Her­ cules, Calif. C-17 Polyethylene Resins for extrusion coating and laminating at high speeds and low temperatures have been intro­ duced. M P E 70 and M P E 72 are de­ signed for applying a tough coating to paper, board, film, foil, and textiles.

Dept. IEC, Union Carbide Nuclear Co., 270 Park Ave., New York 17, Ν. Υ. C-14

Acrylic, Film-Forming Resin, Carboset, is a water solution of an acrylic polymer that dries at room tempera­ ture to a clear, tough, glossy, watersoluble film. Available also in alcohol solution.

Dept. IEC, Plastics Div., Monsanto Chemical Co., Springfield, Mass. C-18 Butenediol, the only commercially available olefinic glycol, is suggested as an organic intermediate in the field of polymers, agricultural chemicals, elec­ troplating additives, and pharmaceuti­ cals.

Dept. IEC, B. F. Goodrich Chemical Co., 8135 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 15, Ohio C-15 Hafnium Suicides are available in ex­ perimental quantities in solid or granu­ lar form. The material can be applied

Dept. IEC, Commercial Develoment Dept., General Aniline & Film Corp.. 435 Hudson St., New York H, Ν. Υ. C-19

Literature Methacrylate Monomers. Dimethylaminoethyl and ieri-butylaminoethyl methacrylate are available in com­ mercial quantities. Readily polymerizable and provide a means of introduc­ ing pendant, reactive amine goups into plastics, elastomers, coatings, and fibers. May also be useful as a chemical inter­ mediate. Dept. IEC, Rohm & Haas Co., Washington Square, Philadelphia 5, Pa. C-20 Morpholine. Properties, handling, specifications, and analytical procedures are given. This chemical is useful as an intermediate for rubber chemicals, cor­ rosion inhibitor in steam boilers, and a separating agent for volatile amines. Dept. IEC, Jefferson Chemical Co., Inc., 1121 Walker Ave., Houston 2, Tex. C-21

Nickel Alloys. Data Sheet T-l dis­ cusses corrosion resistance of Colmony alloys. Dept. IEC, Wall Colmony Corp., 19845 John R St., Detroit 3, Mich. C-22 Organic Chemicals. "Glossary of Na­ tional Organic Chemicals" lists 483 compounds, including Chemical Ab­ stracts name and common or trade name. Dept. IEC, National Aniline Div., 40 Rector St.. New York 6, Ν. Υ. C-23


Polyethylene. M P E 706X is a new film having 40% greater impact strength than general purpose resins. Thus lighter gage films can meet toughness requirements for any specific use. Dept. IEC. Monsanto Chemical Co., Dept. TF, Springfield 2, Mass. C-24




TYPICAL M U L T I - V A L V E FLUIDOMETER SYSTEM for α more f l e x i b l e production schedule

ANYTHING that can be handled through a meter can be a c c u r a t e l y and economically batched by the


Multi-valve Fluidometer systems make possible a more flexible production schedule by varying the size of the batches, or by using the automatic resetting control to deliver the same quantity time after time. A multi-valve Fluidometer sys­ tem may be controlled either at the point of use or at the Fluidometer control head. Fluidometer installations are available either jacketed or unjacketed and are "tailor made" tofitthe particu­ lar job. Tell us your batching problem and let us give you our suggestions for solving it. Bulletin Fl-56 will be sent on request. For information on jacketed pipe and fittings write for Bulletin J-5 6.

& BERNER I N C . ·


A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of American Hoist & Derrick Company 701 K E N T U C K Y AVENUE I N D I A N A P O L I S 7, I N D I A N A Circle No. 7 on Readers' Service Card 90 A


Catalysts. Reprint of an article "Or­ ganic Peroxides as Catalysts" describes types of peroxides, methods of vinyl polymerization, and polyesters. Fac­ tors determining selection and storage stability are included. Dept. IEC, Chemical Dept., McKesson & Robbins, Inc., 155 E. 44th St., New York 17. N. Y. C-25 Equipment Cleaning. Methods and materials are described for cleaning equipment in pharmaceutical plants. Service Bull. 19B. Dept. IEC, Oakite Products, Inc., 157 Rector St., New York 16, N. Y. C-26 Ethers. A 40-paged booklet describes properties, uses, and other aspects of ethers and glycol diethers. Dept. IEC, Union Carbide Chemicals Co., 270 Park Ave., New York 17, N. Y. C-17 Filter Media. A new synthetic fabric is described, and steps are outlined for properly matching filter media with slurry characteristics. Bull F-2037A. Dept. IEC, The Eimco Corp., P.O. Box 300, Salt Lake City 4, Utah. C.28