IEC, Yeomans Brothers Co., 1999 N. Ruby St., Melrose Park, III. 38. Heat Exchangers. ... Pennsylvania. Crasher Div., Bath Iron Works Corp.. West Chest...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE the Model Β AmerJet fabric dust col­ lector. Dept. IEC, Dept. PD, Ameri­ can Air Filter Co., Inc.. 215 ('entrai Ave., Louisville S, Ky. 37 Gas Diffuser. A high-efficiency gas diffusion apparatus is described in Bul­ letin 150, which outlines in detail the applications, operations, design, and availability of this equipment. Dept. IEC, Yeomans Brothers Co., 1999 N. Ruby St., Melrose Park, III. 38 Heat Exchangers. High efficiency, sanitary, and demountable units which serve the food, beverage, chemical, petroleum, and other industries are de­ scribed in catalog K - l . Dept. IEC, Chester-Jensen Co., Inc., Chester, Pa. 39 Dust Control Equipment. Bulletin SOG presents illustrated application data showing virtually 100% efficiency in cleaning hot, corrosive gases in cement and metallurgical industries. Dept. IEC, Dracco Division, Fuller Co., Har­ vard and E. 116th St., Cleveland, Ohio. 40 Crushing Equipment. Impactors, hammermills, bradmills, and crushers are described in a new bulletin just re­ leased. Dept. IEC, Pennsylvania Crasher Div., Bath Iron Works Corp.. West Chester, Pa. 41

D r u m - M i x i n g Equipment.



highlights design features and the de­ scription of five heavy-duty drum tum­ blers now available with quick release, floor-level loading, and built-in drum extenders. Dept. IEC, Process Equip­ ment Division, U. S. Stoneware Co., Akron, Ohio. 42 Drying Equipment.

N o . 44S is a new

bulletin which discusses conveyor, spray, tray, and truck dryers for food, chemical, and process industries. Dept. IEC, Proctor and Schwartz, Inc., 7th St. and Tabor Rd., Philadelphia 20, Pa. 43 Process Equipment. Catalog 60 deals with plant facilities, distillation equip­ ment, solvent recovery, impregnators, etc. Dept. IEC, Acme Process Equip­ ment Co., Oreland, Pa. 44 Counter-Current



Liquid extraction by centrifugation is explained in Bulletin 2567. Dept. IEC, Centrico, Inc., 75 W. Forest Ave., Englewood, N. J. 45 Olefin Plants. This 12-page brochure describes olefin plants and processes, with a flow sequence of an ethylene plant being featured. Dept. IEC, M. W. Kellog Co., 711 3rd Ave.. New York 17. Ν. Υ. 46

CHEMICALS A N D M A T E R I A L S Research Chemicals. Names, formu­ las, and typical properties oi some 200 chemicals available in sample quanti­ ties are offered in a 40-page research chemicals catalog. Dept. IEC, Tech­ nical Service and Development Dept.. The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Midi. 47 Surface Active Chemicals. Proper­ ties and applications of 37 representa­ tive nonionic surface active chemicals are tabulated in a new bulletin. Dept. IEC, Hodag Chemical Corp., 7247 North Central Park, Chicago 45, III. 48 Protective Coatings. A 13-page booklet, CAC-11 598, lists a complete line of coal tar protective coatings suit­ able for application on buried or im­ mersed steel and concrete structures. Dept. IEC, Plastics and Coal Chemicals Division, Allied Chemical Corp., Box 75-W, φ Rector St., New York 6, Ν. Υ. 49 Cobalt Compounds. A listing of 46 commercially available organic and in­ organic cobalt compounds is contained in literature just released, along with properties and uses. Request on com­ pany letterhead. Dept. IEC, Cobalt Information Center, Battelle Memorial Institute, 505 King Ave., Columbus 1, Ohio. 50 Polymer Directory. A revised poly­ mer directory lists properties, end uses, and other technical data for various polymers and copolymers. Dept. IEC, Dept. H, Borden Chemical Co., 350 Madison Ave., New York 17, Ν. Υ. 51 Custom-Built Elastomers. New prod­ ucts requiring specialized elastomeric properties are explained in Bulletin No. 902. Dept. IEC, Lord Mjg. Co.. Erie, Pa. 52

TYPICAL REMOTE CONTROL FLUIDOMETER SYSTEM For Use W h e r e Meters M u s t Be Located In Hard-to-get-to Places

T h i s animated picture illustrates a typical remote control Fluidometer application. Re­ mote control of this general type is recom­ mended when plant conditions or arrangement make direct control impractical or impossible. With a system of this type the Fluidometer con­ trol head can be located away from the meter. Shown at the left is the automatic resetting control head, which controls the operation of the shut-off valve to give completely automatic batching. Available either jacketed or un jack­ eted—"tailor made" to fit your needs. New Bulletin Fl-56 will be sent on request. For in­ formation on jacketed pipe and fittings write for Bulletin J-5 6. H E T H E R I N G T O N & BERNER I N C . ·



INDIANAPOLIS 7, INDIANA Circle No. 35 on Readers' Service Card

98 A


Polyethylene Glycols. Carbowax polyethylene glycols for use in pharma­ ceuticals and cosmetics are described in a 40-page booklet. Dept. IEC, Un­ ion Carbide Chemicals Co., Division of Union Carbide Corp., SO East 42nd St., New York 17, Ν. Υ. 53 Polyolefin Moldings. Covering three polyolefin types—branch-type poly­ ethylene, linear-type polyethylene, and polypropylene molding materials—a 4-page analysis describes a variety of uses. Dept. IEC, American Agile Corp., P.O. Box 168, Bedford. Ohio. 54 INSTRUMENTS Analog Computer. Advantages of TR-10 analog computer accurate to 0.1% are given in a 10-page booklet.