Nobody has to reset the. GC for each sampleNobody has to stare at a CRT until his eyes cross. Imagine the man-hour savings,the productivity increases!...
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Meet the first dual-source GC/MS system that collects, reduces and outputs data automatically. Load up to 36 samples in the autosampler. Set as many GC and MS conditions as you need [a different set for each sample if necessary!). And walkaway Go home.Tackle another project. This ΕΙ/CI system will automatically...

All by itself, with no human help. Nobody has to reset the GC for each sample. Nobody has to stare at a CRT until his eyes cross. Imagine the man-hour savings, the productivity increases! Also worth noting; This 5980A Series GC/MS comes with the most advanced chromatograph we make; it offers increased sensitivity; and it can be working for you within 60 days of the day you order it. For details, call your local HP office, or write us at 1601 California Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304.

1. Control GC and MS conditions for all samples and store all collected data. 2. Examine each sample, find the apex of each GC peak and save its mass spectrum. 3. Search, plot, graph and/or tabulate all the saved spectra; then quantitate the GC peak areas and report the results.




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