HEWLETT PACKARD - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

HEWLETT PACKARD. Anal. Chem. , 1967, 39 (4), pp 67A–67A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60248a767. Publication Date: April 1967. ACS Legacy Archive. View: PDF ...
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Cut cost of ultra-pure separations to two cents per ml of throughput with new flame detector Now that it is available with a flame ionization detector, the Model 775 Preparative Gas Chromatograph performs completely satisfactorily with nitrogen carrier gas, eliminating the need for expensive helium. Because of its unique combination of high capacity and flame detection, the Model 775 now steps to the head of the class as the most economical-to-operate of all prep instruments. Here are the facts. You can now operate the Model 775 equipped with four-inch OD columns for a full 24 hours on less than $10.00 worth of carrier gas. During this period, your 775 will separate as much as 2lA liters of sample into its pure components at an operating cost of about two cents per ml of throughput. Compare this with the cost of making separations with any other instrument or even any other method . . . and you will agree that the 775 has no equal in operating economy. And the new flame detector tells only part of the story. Remember that the 775 is the most versatile of

all prep gc's, equally effective for high-resolution and trace-component as for large-capacity separations, because it accommodates any column from % to 4 inches OD. Remember that the 775 has built-in analytical capability so that you can use it to do all your scouting work before doing the prep separation. Remember also that the 775 is a fully automatic instrument, uniquely equipped with the sample and collection capacity required for truly unattended operation even over weekends. Write for our new Data Sheet 775/6 for a full discussion of the characteristics and advantages of the Model 775 . . . and its manual version, the Model 776. Or call the chemical instrumentation sales representative at the nearest H-P sales office. Hewlett-Packard, F & M Scientific Division, Route 41, Avondale, Pennsylvania 19311. In Europe: Hewlett-Packard S.A., 54 Route des Acacias, Geneva, Switzerland. Elsewhere: HewlettPackard Export Marketing, 1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, California 94304.


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ml VOL. 39, NO. 4, APRIL 1967


67 A