HEWLETT PACKARD - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

HEWLETT PACKARD. Anal. Chem. , 1969, 41 (1), pp 67A–67A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60270a761. Publication Date: January 1969. ACS Legacy Archive...
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second-generation VPO extends measurement capability to all types of solutions... from dilute polymers to concentrated biological fluids ...directly

An improved second-generation version of the most popular Vapor Pressure Osmometer ever manu­ factured, the new H - P Model 302B V P O intro­ duces a number of significant improvements over its predecessor. Easily the most important of these is a change to a voltage-nulling measurement a n d readout system t h a t increases the range of the standard 302B to a maximum Δ Τ of 10 °C, which far surpasses any other vapor pressure instrument a n d even exceeds most freezing point osmometers. Consequently the 302B can measure directly t h e number-average molecular weight (between 50 and 25,000) of synthetic poly­ mers in solutions as dilute as 1 millimole/kg . . . as well as the osmolality of undiluted blood, urine a n d other clinical samples to concentrations of > 10,000 milliosmoles. T h e 302B can be operated at a n y temperature within a continuously variable range of ambient to 130°C. T h i s significant feature extends the applicabil­ ity of the 302B to polyolefins a n d similar materials, a n d to a variety of difficult solvents such as D M A C and D M F . For the full catalog of improvements in the 302B V P O a n d how they can benefit you, call the nearest H - P sales office, or write for D a t a Sheet 3021. Prices start at $2990. H e w l e t t - P a c k a r d , R o u t e 4 1 , Avondale, Pennsyl­ v a n i a 19311. I n E u r o p e : 1217 M e y r i n - G e n e v a , Switzerland.




Self-draining Solvent Cup prevents c o n t a m i n a t i o n reduces clean-up frequency



Four Sample Syringes c a n be loaded one at a t i m e or all together, to speed analysis


Wide-range Thermistor Probes—only one for a q u e o u s o p e r a t i o n to 8 0 ° C ; two for n o n - a q u e o u s o p e r a t i o n to 130°C

Thermometer for c o n t i n u o u s i n d i c a t i o n of s a m p l e c h a m ­ ber t e m p e r a t u r e


3-Digit Readout for fast, c o n t i n u o u s b r i d g e balance


Variable Temperature Controller for c o n t i n u o u s o p e r a ­ t i o n b e t w e e n a m b i e n t and 1 3 0 ° C


Recorder Output c a n be used in a d d i t i o n to integral null meter

Circle No. 27 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 4 1 , NO. 1, JANUARY 1969


67 A