H l·F
iff you treat it right
won't bite... Careful control is the answer
Pennsalt specializes in HF. We've pioneered and led in fluorο-chemistry for over 40 years . . . have continuously developed ways t o produce, ship, and handle i t better a n d safely. Pennsalt® H F , quality controlled to m e e t or b e t t e r your process needs, is available in cylinders and t a n k cars of convenient sizes.
Hydrofluoric acid can be a s safe as many other
active chemicals commonly used today . . . when it's handled right. And it offers new economies a s a raw material, catalyst, solvent, and reaction medium. Consider H F when you contemplate expansion or new, improved processes. Pennsalt will help you make HF safer through control. We're ready t o give you expert technical aid on handling and storing HF . . . help you set up employee training programs . . . answer your questions on piping, valves, and other equipment and materials that are best for H F service. We know how t o make this useful chemical safer because we've been working with it for years.
Here's an example o f HF economy—the use of
H F in the alkylation of isoparaffins with olefins pays off in lower catalyst cost per barrel of alkylate through shorter reaction time, econom ical catalyst recovery, elimination of spent acid problems. You, too, can get benefits like these from H F . Call or write Pennsalt today. See our Catalog in CMC
I N D U S T R I A L .
Penn Center, Philadelphia 2 , Pa.
PennsaIt Chemicals ESTABLISHED 1850
Chicago · Detroit · New York · Philadelphia · Pittsburgh · St. Louis · Appleton · Cincinnati · Atlanta Airco Company International, New York · Pennsalt Chemicals of Canada Ltd., Oakville, Ontario In the West, Pennsalt inorganic chemicals are available through Pennsalt of Washington Division, with plants at Tacoma, Washington and Portland, Oregon.
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