High Electricity Demand in the Northeast US: PJM ... - ACS Publications

Jul 6, 2016 - electricity dispatch, in particular, in the Northeast U.S. and at peak demand time periods.36 However, short-term electricity market eco...
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High Electricity Demand in the Northeast U.S.: PJM Reliability Network and Peaking Unit Impacts on Air Quality Caroline M. Farkas,† Michael D. Moeller,† Frank A. Felder,‡ Barron H. Henderson,§ and Annmarie G. Carlton*,† †

Department of Environmental Science, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 14 College Farm Road, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901, United States ‡ Center for Energy, Economic and Environmental Policy (CEEEP), Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901, United States § Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: On high electricity demand days, when air quality is often poor, regional transmission organizations (RTOs), such as PJM Interconnection, ensure reliability of the grid by employing peak-use electric generating units (EGUs). These “peaking units” are exempt from some federal and state air quality rules. We identify RTO assignment and peaking unit classification for EGUs in the Eastern U.S. and estimate air quality for four emission scenarios with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model during the July 2006 heat wave. Further, we population-weight ambient values as a surrogate for potential population exposure. Emissions from electricity reliability networks negatively impact air quality in their own region and in neighboring geographic areas. Monitored and controlled PJM peaking units are generally located in economically depressed areas and can contribute up to 87% of hourly maximum PM2.5 mass locally. Potential population exposure to peaking unit PM2.5 mass is highest in the model domain’s most populated cities. Average daily temperature and national gross domestic product steer peaking unit heat input. Air quality planning that capitalizes on a priori knowledge of local electricity demand and economics may provide a more holistic approach to protect human health within the context of growing energy needs in a changing world.

dispatch is managed by PJM.9 During HEDDs, PJM is transmission limited and employs peaking units that are often located in close proximity to population-dense urban centers (Figure 1) to provide extra electricity quickly to areas of highest demand. Meteorological conditions that trigger high demand episodes (e.g., heat waves, stagnation events) have increased in frequency and duration and are projected to continue this trend with the changing climate.10−13 Further, higher air temperatures reduce the efficiency of electricity generators and transmission lines,14 adding to the increased fuel demands and emissions on HEDDs. Miller et al. (2008)1 predict increasingly frequent extreme-heat events, like the 2006 episode, over this century and forecast growth of up to 19% for peak electricity demand in California. In the coming decade,

INTRODUCTION In the Northeast U.S., high-energy demand days (HEDDs) are typically hot, stagnant summer days when air conditioning loads are high and air quality is poor. Electricity usage is linearly correlated with daily maximum temperatures above 23 °C,1−5 because generation rises to meet increased demand. Peak generation is met by employing “peaking units”, often older, less efficient, less regulated6,7 electric generating units (EGUs) to ensure reliability of the grid. In many regions of the U.S., dispatch within and among electric grids is managed by regional transmission organizations (RTOs) that administer the transmission of electricity in a particular region. PJM Interconnection (“PJM”), the RTO governing the electricity transmission for all or parts of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, and the District of Columbia, is the largest U.S. RTO, managing roughly 20% of electricity generation in the U.S.8 For the states studied here (PJM member states except North Carolina, Tennessee, and Michigan), 75% of generated electricity is from facilities whose © 2016 American Chemical Society

Received: Revised: Accepted: Published: 8375

April 6, 2016 June 30, 2016 July 6, 2016 July 6, 2016 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b01697 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2016, 50, 8375−8384


Environmental Science & Technology

Figure 1. Locations and fuel types of EGUs from the PJM Peaking Unit Case (a), All PJM Case (b), and Other RTOs Case (c). Total population by county from the American Community Survey from 2006 to 2010 (d). The pink coloring (e.g., in Southeastern Virginia) represents areas with missing data.

m3) or increasing concentrations of PM2.5, even over acute time periods (e.g., 25 μg/m3) maximum hourly PM2.5 mass (Figure 3, dark orange shading) throughout PJM states, as well as New York, Vermont and Canada. This finding suggests that not only do EGUs impact air quality in their own RTOs but also the air quality of states in other RTOs. Monitored and controlled PJM peaking unit emissions contribute to high hourly maximum PM2.5 concentrations. CMAQ-predicted hourly maximum surface PM 2.5 mass concentrations due to PJM peaking units are as high as 110 μg/m3 in specific grid cells (Figure 3c), but the impacts are more localized than the other scenarios. The two locations with the highest modeled peaking unit PM2.5 mass concentrations in Figure 3c (West Virginia/Ohio border and the Baltimore area) employ peaking units that use diesel and oil as their fuel, and are expected to have higher emissions that impact local ambient air quality than those that use gas. Maxima in PM2.5 mass concentrations due to emissions from peaking units represent

fuel, only 1% use coal. Base and intermediate load facilities (i.e., nonpeaking units) employ coal to a greater extent (55%) as a primary fuel. At times when coal price is high relative to gas prices increased use of peaking units may be more economically preferable. This analysis is limited to annual and not short-term (e.g., daily, weekly) price data, which is proprietary. An important caveat is that the relationships studied here are based on those peaking units in PJM that were identified through the facility ID matching process and not inclusive of all peaking units. Further, other variables (e.g., environmental regulations) may also impact peaking unit usage and are not fully explored in this analysis. The higher resolution data and the distribution of fuel usage and other factors including the poorly described subset of peaking units could impact these relationships, and may be helpful to air quality managers to control emissions during peak pollution episodes. CMAQ-Simulated Air Quality Impacts. The instantaneous maximum hourly PM2.5 concentration is highest in the Other RTOs simulation (Figure 3a), and most widespread in the all PJM simulation (Figure 3b). Spatial distributions of 8381

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Environmental Science & Technology

Pennsylvania border (Figure 1a) and this is where their impacts on ambient concentrations are greatest. However, Washington, DC, Baltimore, MD, and New York City, NY have the highest population-weighted CMAQ-predicted hourly maximum concentrations (surrogate for population exposure) for total PM2.5 mass (Figure 5c), particulate sulfate (Figure 5f), elemental carbon (Figure S11c), and primary unspeciated PM2.5 (Figure S11f). These findings have implications for human exposure to cross-state pollution, in particular emissions from rural or less populated areas that can impact population centers, even for relatively small and infrequently used peaking units. A proprietary county-level cost of living index exists, and analysis of these data may be used to study associations between socioeconomic factors and air quality, particularly in states with large ranges of cost of living (e.g., New York). Localized socioeconomic information may be useful to air quality managers working to abate emissions and mitigate adverse societal health impacts. PJM peaking unit heat input positively correlates with average summer daily temperatures and national GDP growth rate. This analysis is suggestive that short-term and smaller regional scale relationships may exist. If so, then air quality managers can potentially capitalize on that knowledge to develop strategies that avert the highest pollutant concentrations to protect human health. Analysis of short-term economic relationships that drive peaking unit generation35 during multiple heat waves may provide predictive indicators of peaking unit emissions and ambient air quality impacts during extreme events. Emissions from EGUs in the RTOs studied here impact regional air quality in geographic regions outside of their electricity network. Expansion of this analysis nationwide to other RTOs is an important future direction. The PJM peaking units modeled in this study impact local air quality largely due to emissions of primary unspeciated PM2.5, and this finding is difficult to verify with existing routine surface air quality networks. Further, peaking units perturb air quality in population centers of this model domain and not in highincome areas. Peaking units and other small quantity generators not accounted for in this work because they do not employ CEMs, also impact air quality and health and further effort to include these units in air quality modeling is needed. Holistic energy planning with regional and local analyses is critical to develop effective strategies that mitigate air pollution-induced health impacts on multiple scales in order to maintain and promote sustainable and healthy communities.

up to 87% of the maximum hourly ambient PM2.5 in the Base Case simulation (Figure S5a). While these maxima are spatially sporadic and temporally episodic, 9 of the 31 days studied exhibit peaking unit contributions to total hourly PM2.5 mass higher than 50% in at least one grid cell (Figure S6). The All PJM Case impacts sulfate mass concentrations throughout the modeling domain (>6 μg/m3 except in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Canada, Figure 3e). The Other RTO Case impacts maximum sulfate concentrations to a lesser extent (Figure 3d). Simulation analysis of the PJM Peaking Units Case indicates sporadic high maximum hourly sulfate concentrations in Northwestern WV; Virginia Beach, VA; and the Baltimore, MD/Washington, DC area (Figure 3f). These results highlight the localized impacts of peaking units. In small areas, primary unspeciated PM2.5 contributes the most to peak concentrations of total PM2.5 mass in two of three of the cases, i.e., All PJM Case and PJM Peaking Unit Case, both with maximum hourly concentrations in Northwestern West Virginia/Southern Pennsylvania and surrounding Baltimore, Maryland (up to 85 μg/m3, Figure 4e,f). This indicates that the highest values of primary PM2.5 in the PJM area cannot be chemically identified in these simulations with conventional air quality tools and data sets. The maxima of primary unspeciated PM2.5 in both the PJM Peaking Unit and All PJM Cases on the Ohio/West Virginia border and Pennsylvania/West Virginia border correspond with the locations of PJM peaking units that use coal as the primary fuel (Figure 1a). Ambient concentrations of primary unspeciated PM2.5 for the Other RTOs Case are highest southeast of Chicago, Illinois, near Bay City, Michigan, and in Southern Indiana/Northern Kentucky. The maximum in Southern Indiana/Northern Kentucky corresponds with EGU locations in PJM (Figure 1b). Classification of these emissions as “non PJM” may indicate incorrect ORIS ID reporting by the facilities to the NEI. Some highly populated areas (e.g., Baltimore, MD, Washington, DC) have localized high concentrations of EC attributable to PJM peaking units (Figure 4c), however maximum hourly EC from any of the simulations does not exceed 5 μg/m3. It would be useful to evaluate these high primary unspeciated PM2.5 concentrations to determine the validity of this result with ambient measurements; however due to the episodic nature of these events45 and the infrequency of chemically speciated ambient measurements,59,60 this type of comparison for the studied heat wave is difficult with existing data sets. Only criteria pollutants (e.g., total PM2.5 mass) are measured in some locations with hourly time resolution and ambient concentrations have been linked to EGU dispatch during a heat wave (e.g., ref 45). Maximum concentrations of specific PM2.5 constituents from EGU primary emissions may also be linked. Potential Exposure to Peaking Unit Incremental Exposure. PJM peaking unit emissions do not impact domain-wide air quality to the same spatial extent of all EGUs in a particular RTO, but have potential to adversely affect human health in major cities and in areas with disproportionate lower income levels. Approximately 60% of PJM peaking units studied here are located in counties with median annual household incomes (adjusted by cost of living) between $40 000−$60 000 (Figures 1a and S10). This income level represents the lower end of the income spectrum and more than half (60%) of the population in the model domain lives in these counties. No identified peaking units are located in counties below $30 000 or above $90 000. Coal PJM peaking plants are located in the Ohio Valley and on the West Virginia−


S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b01697. Table of national and PJM emissions rates and figures of CMAQ model performance, peaking unit contribution to gross load, peaking unit heat input correlations, percent difference of peaking unit PM2.5 concentrations, peaking unit contribution to ambient PM2.5 mass, CMAQestimated and population-weighted ozone mixing ratios, percent difference of peaking unit ozone mixing ratios, peaking unit PM2.5 aloft, annual median household income adjusted by state cost of living index, populationweighted EC and primary unspeciated PM2.5, and a list of used acronyms (PDF) 8382

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Corresponding Author

*Phone: 848-932-5778; fax: 732-932-8644; e-mail: annmarie. [email protected] (A.G.C.). Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.



The publication was made possible, in part, by USEPA STAR grant (#835041) and a Rutgers Teaching Assistant Fellowship. The authors acknowledge useful contributions from Kirk R. Baker, Allan Beidler, James Beidler, and Chris Allen.

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