HIGH ENERGY HELIUM-ION IRRADIATION OF FORMIC ACID IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION1. Warren M. Garrison, Donald C. Morrison, Herman R. Haymond, and ...
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Vol. 74

At present calcium dL-leucovorin (V) has not been obtained in a pure state; however, a fraction has been obtained with a high rotation, lowered microbiological activity, and polarographic activity4 identical with I (see Table I). The purification of V is now in progress.

temperature. The H C t 4 H 0 in the distillate was isolated and assayed as the methone-formaldehyde derivative.3 A two-dimensional paper chromatogram of the non-volatile fraction was prepared6 and radioautographed. One major spot typical of oxalic acid and eight other spots of lesser intensity could be seen in the original radioautogram. The TAHLE I region containing the major part of the activity was I' I11 I\ ' v cluted with 0.1 iV hydrochloric acid. The activity +14 26 -1.5 1 t2X 3 in an aliquot of this solution co-precipitated quantic, 7 G b :j $ 2 1 HI' 3.53 tatively on lanthanum oxalate after repeated washC F assay,' XO(1 1040 1340 576 ing and recrystallization from dilute nitric acid. 40 40 31 after acid 40 To further identify this major non-volatile product I'GA assay,d ~ X J 1070 890 217 as oxalic acid a second aliquot was cochromato970 700 i21 after acid 10XJ graphed with added oxalic acid on a silica column As the calcium salt. Concentration in water calcu- by a partition chromatography method similar to lated for the anhydrous calcium salt. In y/mg , using anhydrous I as the standard for Le. cztrmorum 8081. In one recently reported.' An exact correspondence ylmg., with I1 as the standard for S . fnecalzs R. e The of oxalic acid titer and C14activity in the eluant was solution of citrovorum factor (1 ing /ml ) was furnished b y observed. A 300-microcurie sample of the HC14Dr. John C. Keresztesy OOH used in these experiments was analyzed in exactly the same way as the bombarded solutions; CALCO CHEMICAL DIVISION AMERICAN CYANAMID COMPAW DOSNAB. COSULICH the control showed no activity other than HCI4JAMES M. SMITH,JR. BOUNDBROOK,N. J., A N D OOH. Decay of the activity in the products could LEDERLE LABORATORIES nIVISION HARRY P BROQIIISl not be detected over a period of several months. AMERICAN CYANAMID COXPAST Each of the 10 ml. target solutions contained 300 PEARLRIVER,SEW YORK microcuries of HC1*OOHand were 0,009 N in total RECEIVFD Jut k 7, I952 formic acid. The helium ions incident on the solution had an energy of 35 MeV. Bombardments HIGH ENERGY HELIUM-ION IRRADIATION OF were made a t a beam current of 0.10 microampere FORMIC ACID IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION' for a period of 3.0 minutes to give a total exposure Sir : of 0.005 microampere hour. Yield data arc suniSeveral years ago Fricke, Hart and SmithLmeas- inarized in Table I, ured the amounts of hydrogen and carbon dioxide TABLEI formed by X-ray induced reactions in aqueous soluG (moIecules/100 e v ) tions of formic acid over a wide range of p H values Product 1 2 and solute concentrations. To account for the obCarbon dioxide 0.75 served gas yields, they suggested that under certain Oxalic acid 0.023 0.027 conditions both oxalic acid and formaldehyde may Formaldehyde 0 61 x 10-8 0.56 x 10-3 be formed in addition to hydrogen and carbon diWe wish to thank Mrs. Jeanne Gile-Melchert oxide. Recently, as part of a general study3p4of the radiation induced synthesis of organic sub- and Mrs. Harriet Powers for their assistance in the stances in aqueous solutions, we have found that column separations, Mr. Boyd Weeks for his help oxalic acid, formaldehyde and a t least eight other in the target assembly, and the staff of the 60-inch organic compounds are produced by high energy cyclotron a t the Crocker Laboratory for the bomhelium-ion bombardment of hydrogen-saturated bardments. aqueous formic acid solutions. The present pre(6) A. A. Benson, J. A. Bassham, M. Calvin, T. C Goodale, V A liminary communication describes briefly the ex- Hass and W. Stepka, THISJOURNAL, 78, 1710 (1950). (7) W A Bulen, J E. Varner and R. C Burrel, Anal. Chem , 2 4 , 187 perimental techniques and observations. A more (1952). detailed report of this work will be forthcoming. C R O C ~LABORATORY, R Air-free aqueous solutions of C14-labelled formic UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA WARREN M. GARRISON acid6 were irradiated in all-glass target cells with the RADIATION LABORATORY DONALD C. MORRISON 40 MeV. helium-ion beam of the 60-inch cyclotron a t DIVISIOXS OF MEDICAL PHYSICS HERMAN R. HAYMOND MEDICINEAND RADIOLOGY the Crocker Laboratory. Hydrogen gas was bub- EXPERIMENTAL OF CALIFORNIA JOSEPH G. HAMILTON bled through the solution during exposure and then UNIVERSITY A N D SANFRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA BERKELEY passed through dilute sodium hydroxide solution to RECEIVEDJULY 14, 1952 recover carbon dioxide which was subsequently assayed as BaC1403. After irradiation the target solution was distilled to dryness in vacuo a t room DIFFERENCES IN THE QUANTITATIVE AMINO ACID (1) The work reported in this paper was performed under Contract W-7405-eng-48A with the United States Atomic Energy Commission. (2) H. Fricke, E. J. Hart and H. P. Smith, J. Chem. Phys , 6 , 229 (1938). (3) W. M. Garrison, D. C. Morrison. J. G. Hamilton, A. A. Benson, and M. Calvin, Science, 114,416 (1951). ( 4 ) W.M. Garrison, and G. K.Rollefson, D m r m i o n s Faraday Sac., 11, (in press) (1962). (6) We wish to thank Dr. Bert M. Tolbert for supplying t h e HC"OOH umd in there erpalmcrrtr.


Recently insulin preparations from different animal species have been successfully fractionated by countercurrent distribution. Each preparation appeared to contain a major, or A, component (1)

B. J. Harfenlat mad L. C. Grain, T ~ JOURNBL, M 74, 8088 (1862).