High mobility group protein 1 preferentially conserves torsion in

Jan 23, 1989 - Department of Medicine, Buffalo Veterans Administration Medical Center, State University of New York at Buffalo,. Buffalo, New York 142...
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Biochemistry 1989, 28, 5658-5664

High Mobility Group Protein 1 Preferentially Conserves Torsion in Negatively Supercoiled DNA? Lowell G. Sheflin and Stephen W. Spaulding* Department of Medicine, Buffalo Veterans Administration Medical Center, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14215 Received September 20, 1988; Revised Manuscript Received January 23, 1989

1 is known to bind to a variety of DNAs and to unwind nicked and closed circular DNA. We now report evidence that it has a significantly higher unwinding angle on negatively supercoiled DNA than on the other torsional forms. The degree of unwinding observed on nicked circular DNA depends on the purity of the H M G 1 preparation used. H M G 1 from CM-Sephadex has an unwinding angle of 2 8 . 8 O , compared to 7.2' for the purer preparation obtained from Mono S, suggesting that contaminating strand-separating activity is removed by the additional purification step. The subsequent studies on closed circular forms of DNA were all performed using the purer HMG 1. After preincubation of highly negatively supercoiled DNA (a = -0.040) with H M G 1, the DNA-protein mixture was relaxed with Escherichia coli topoisomerase I. At molar ratios of less than 1OO:l (HMG 1 to DNA), negatively supercoiled DNA displays a dose-dependent change in the linking number, indicating an unwinding angle of 57.6O. HMG 1 protects 50% of highly negatively supercoiled DNA from E . coli topoisomerase I at a molar ratio of 100:1, and protects all supercoils at a molar ratio of 200:1, indicating saturation of the DNA at this concentration. H M G 1 also protects highly negatively supercoiled DNA from calf thymus topoisomerase I, with an apparent unwinding angle of 57.6'. Moderately negatively supercoiled DNA (a = -0.018), but not moderately positively supercoiled DNA (a = +0.01 l), competes for the protective effect of H M G 1 on highly negatively supercoiled DNA. Preincubation of negatively supercoiled DNA with H M G 1 also protects it from mung bean nuclease cleavage, but this protection is not complete. The data suggest that HMG 1 preferentially interacts with negatively supercoiled DNA, absorbing its tension, which prevents formation of supercoildependent secondary structures. The role HMG 1 plays in the regulation of transcription and DNA replication thus may be related to its ability to preferentially relax negatively supercoiled domains in chromatin. This general mode of action of H M G 1 would permit conservation of higher order DNA structures and could facilitate the binding of sequence-specific regulatory factors. ABSTRACT: H M G

x e eukaryotic chromosomal proteins high mobility group proteins 1 and 2 (HMG 1 and 2)' are the most prevalent non-histone chromatin proteins (Goodwin et al., 1978) and are assumed to have a structural role in chromatin related to their ability to unwind DNA (Javaherian et al., 1978, 1979). HMG 1 and 2 have been implicated in a variety of nuclear functions, including DNA replication (Bonne-Andrea et al., 1986; Alexandrova et al., 1984; Alexandrova & Belchev, 1988), cellular differentiation (Seyedin et al., 1981; Karhu et al., 1988), and gene expression (Levy-Wilson et al., 1979; Watt & Molloy, 1988; Stoute & Marzluff, 1982; Tremethick & Molloy, 1986, 1988). The mechanism by which HMG 1 was originally thought to produce negative supercoils in nicked circular DNA was by strand separation, which was suggested by an early thermal denaturation study (Javaherian et al., 1979). More recent thermal denaturation studies in which protein aggregation was monitored, however, do not support the theory that HMG 1 acts to destabilize the DNA duplex (Shastri et al., 1982; Marekov et al., 1984, 1986; Butler et al., 1985). In fact, the helix destabilizing activity in one HMG 1 preparation was shown to be due to the presence of a contaminating unwinding protein (UP 1) (Marekov et al., 1986). HMG 1 affects several processes that involve the unwinding of DNA, such as the assembly of nucleosomes under physiological conditions (Bonne-Andrea et al., 1984). HMG 1 inhibits formation of Z-DNA in negatively supercoiled plasmid Supported by funds from the Research Service of the Veterans Administration.

DNA (Waga et al., 1988) and increases the binding of a transcription factor to DNA containing the adenovirus major late promoter region (Watt & Molloy, 1988). HMG 1 also enhances in vitro transcription in both these systems (Waga et al., 1988; Tremethick & Molloy, 1986), and in the latter case, it facilitates the formation of an active initiation complex (Tremethick & Molloy, 1988). We have therefore examined the effects of HMG 1 on the torsional properties of DNA under a variety of torsional states, in order to understand how HMG 1 may affect DNA conformation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Isolation and Purification of Highly Supercoiled DNA. pBR322 DNA was prepared from HBlOl cells and was purified in CsCl gradients (Holmes & Quigley, 1981). The superhelical density of the purified plasmid DNA was determined to be -0.040 by chloroquine (CQ) titration and band counting on 0.7% agarose gels (Keller, 1975; Shure et al., 1977). Production of Nicked Circular DNA. Supercoiled pBR322 DNA was nicked with mung bean nuclease at high enzyme to DNA ratios (30 units/pg) at neutral pH and low ionic strength (Kowalski, 1984) for 20-30 min at 37 OC. The resultant nicked circular DNA was extracted with phenol and ethanol-precipitated (Sheflin & Kowalski, 1984). The extent Abbreviations: Mono S,a strong cationic exchange resin containing sulfonic acid functional groups (Pharmacia LKB Biotechnology Inc.); CM, carboxylmethyl; HMG 1, high mobility group protein 1; CT, calf thymus; CQ,chloroquine; ds, double stranded; ss, single stranded.

This article not subject to U S . Copyright. Published 1989 by the American Chemical Society

HMG 1 Conserves Negatively Supercoiled DNA of nicking was determined by electrophoresis on 1% agarose gels. Production of Moderately Positively and Moderately Negatively Supercoiled DNA. Highly negatively supercoiled pBR322 DNA was partially relaxed with either calf thymus (CT) topoisomerase I or Escherichia coli topoisomerase I (1 unit per 0.5 pg of DNA in a 50-pL reaction). The two enzymes produce a spectrum of positive or negative topoisomers, respectively, as determined by 2D gel analysis. The topoisomers formed by CT topoisomerase are resistant to E. coli topoisomerase I, since the prokaryotic form of the enzyme can relax only negative supercoils (Wang, 1971), whereas the eukaryotic enzyme can relax both negative and positive supercoils (Champoux & Dulbecco, 1972). Isolation, Purification, and Characterization of HMG I. HMG 1/2 was prepared by extracting calf thymus with 5% perchloric acid (Sanders, 1977) and was further purified by CM-Sephadex C-25 chromatography (Goodwin et al., 1978). “HMG 1” of this degree of purity has been used by several investigators (Javaherian et al., 1978, 1979; Marekov et al., 1984), but it contains variable amounts of HMG 2, degradation products of HMG 1 [particularly “HMG 3” (Cary et al., 1984) and “HGA” (Yoshida, 1987)], and the unwinding protein “UP 1” (Marekov et al., 1986). To obtain a purer preparation of HMG 1, we employed chromatography on a Mono S column, using NaCl gradient elution (Bofinger et al., 1988). The purity of samples was determined by electrophoresis on 18% polyacrylamide-SDS slab gels (Laemmli, 1970) and acid-urea gels and by silver staining (Bofinger et al., 1988). Fractions from Mono S chromatography were pooled and desalted, and concentrated stocks were stored at -85 OC in 0.5 mM DTT to protect the protein from oxidation. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis. Horizontal 1% GTG agarose gels (Seakem, FMC BioProducts) were run for 16-20 h in TBE buffer (0.089 M Tris-borate, 0.089 M boric acid, and 0.002 M EDTA, pH 8.0) at room temperature at 2.7 V/cm (20-24 “C). For two-dimensional analysis, gels were first run as described above, then soaked in 1.25 pM CQ/TBE for 6 h, rotated 90°, and run in 1.25 pM CQ/TBE for 16 h at 2.7 V/cm. Enzymes and Other Reagents. CT topoisomerase I was obtained from Bethesda Research Labs, mung bean nuclease from Promega Laboratories, S1 nuclease from Sigma Chemicals, and T4 ligase from New England Biolabs. E. coli topoisomerase I was a gift from the laboratory of Dr. J. Wang (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA). Ligation of Nicked Circular DNA with HMG I . Nicked circular pBR322 DNA (0.5 pgl5O-pL reaction) was preincubated with various concentrations of HMG 1 in 50 mM Tris-HC1 (pH 7.8) containing 10 mM MgClz, 20 mM DTT, 1 mM ATP, and 50 pg/mL BSA for 15 min at 24 OC. T4 ligase (80 units/mL) was added and the mixture incubated for 60 min at 24 OC. In the absence of HMG 1, greater than 90% of nicked circular formed positive supercoils (+1 to +5) while