High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications

HIGH PERFORMANCE MASS SPECTROMETRY created by monitoring the intensity of an ion with time is proportional to the concentration of the compound ...
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12 Mass Spectrometry Applications in a Pharmaceutical Laboratory

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D. A. BRENT, C. J. BUGGE, P. CUATRECASAS, B. S. HULBERT, D. J. NELSON, and N. SAHYOUN Wellcome Research Laboratories, Burroughs Wellcome Co., Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

To discuss mass spectral research applications in the pharmaceutical area, we have selected a series of representative problems taken from work carried out at the Wellcome Research Laboratories. At this facility, the mass spectrometers are located in a central laboratory servicing all departments involved in pharmaceutical research and production. The instru­ ments used are the Varian MAT CH5-DF and 731 double focussing mass spectrometers. Both instruments are interfaced to a Varian SS100 data system and a Varian C-1024 time averaging computer. Each instrument can be coupled to a gas chromatο­ graph, has defocussed metastable ion capability, and can measure accurate masses. Analysis of Individual Components in A Complex Mixture By Selected Ion Monitoring Mass Spectrometry has been a powerful tool in the analysis of complex mixtures (1-3). When coupled to a gas chromatograph, a full mass spectrum can be taken of each peak eluting from the chromatograph. When these peaks contain more than one component, the mass spectrometer can be used as a specific detector to quantitate each component under a single peak (4). This is accomplished by sequentially monitoring ions that are characteristic of each component. The area of the envelope ©0-8412-0422-5/78/47-070-229$05.00/0

In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

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created by monitoring the intensity of an ion with time i s proportional to the concentration of the compound being measured. In addition, single or multiple ion dection i s more sensitive than scanning methods. This type of analysis can be applied to complex s o l i d s , e.g. tyramine i n freeze dried brain tissue (5). Further s p e c i f i c i t y i n the monitoring of complex mixtures can be accomplished by carrying out the measurement at high resolution (6). Allopurinol, oxipurinol, hypoxanthine, xanthine, and u r i c acid were d i r e c t l y quantitated i n freeze dried muscle tissue at the 10-100 ppm level with an accuracy of + 20% (6). A resolution of 20,000, 101 valley d e f i n i t i o n , was used to quantitate these purines and purine analogs. At t h i s resolution some integer masses were resolved into as many as f i v e fractional masses. One of the fractional masses at each integer mass selected i s s p e c i f i c f o r the compound to be measured. We have applied the technology of analyzing a mixture by single ion monitoring at high resolution to patent infringement cases (7). In Argentina, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, inter a l i a , newly developed drugs can only be protected by patents covering synthetic routes rather than by patents covering the compound i t s e l f or i t s usage. Therefore, i t i s valuable to have a method to determine the synthetic route used to monitor possible infringement cases. A compound cannot be manufactured absolutely pure. Some of the impurities present may characterize a single synthetic route or a particular class of routes. The samples are analyzed for the presence of characteristic impurities. The material to be analyzed (along with binding agents, excipients, and other drugs) i s ground by mortar and pestle to a fine powder. About 3 mg of a sample i s introduced into the mass spectrometer v i a the direct probe i n l e t . The sample i s examined under low resolution conditions at a variety of probe temperatures f o r ions characteristic of known impurities. I f these ions e x i s t , the same experiment i s carried out at 10,000 resolution, 101 v a l l e y d e f i n i t i o n . For example, one of the synthetic routes (8) to the drug trimethoprim, (1), involves an intermediate acetal, (2). Ions used f o r the i d e n t i f i c a t i o n of the impurity must be resolved from ions i n the spectrum of the drug, binder, or excipients. One of the ions choosen f o r (2) i s i t s molecular ion. One reason f o r t h i s choice i s that (1) cannot interfer because i t i s of lower molecular weight. Figure 1 i s an o s c i l l o graphic trace taken of the molecular ion of (2) at a concentrat i o n of .0005% i n trimethoprim. The sample was heated from ambient to 110° ( l e f t to right i n the figure). The m/e 293 and m/e 295 regions were alternately brought into focus using the peak matcher accessory on the mass spectrometer. Ions from the chemical mass marker perf luorokerosene (PFK) are used as reference peaks to determine the appropriate position f o r the

In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

Figure J.



Sequential single-peak monitoring of the molecular ion of (2). The sample was heated from ambient to 110°C (left to right on the chart); (a) m/e 292.9824 from PFK, (b) m/e 294.9970 from PFK,(c) m/e 295.1420, the molecular ion of (2).

M c

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molecular ion of (2). The PFK i s introduced into the source v i a a heated i n l e t " a t the same time the direct insertion probe i s being used to vaporize the test sample. We have employed t h i s method of monitoring possible patent infringements f o r about f i v e years with a high degree of success i n defense of our patents covering synthetic routes to trimethoprim. A similar strategy was used to determine whether or not some of the pharmacological a c t i v i t y of a codeine, (3), sample was due to trace impurities of morphine, (4). w

Both morphine and codeine have intense molecular ions and small fragment ions. The molecular ion, m/e 299, of codeine fragments by the loss of a methyl group to give an ion at m/e 284. The C isotope of t h i s fragment has the same integer mass as the molecular ion of morphine. They d i f f e r i n compositions by a C vs CH. Therefore t h e i r accurate masses d i f f e r s l i g h t l y (285.1320, C isotope peak from the M-15 of codeine and 285.1365, the M of morphine. The resolution necessary to separate these ions with a 10% valley i s 63,775 (Μ/ΔΜ). This problem can be approached two ways using mass spectro­ metry. The f i r s t i s to calculate the intensity of the C 13





In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

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Applications in a Pharmaceutical Lab


isotope peak expected and compare t h i s intensity with an averaged intensity observed experimentally. There are several problems involved with t h i s approach. Accurate measurement of peak heights i s d i f f i c u l t , and small variations exist i n abundances of naturally occurring isotopes. A low concentration of morphine w i l l lead to only a small perturbation of the isotopic r a t i o . Even i f a difference were observed, i t i s not certain that morphine i s the cause. A second approach i s to resolve the potential m/e 285 doublet at >60,000 resolution, obtain the percentage of peak height of m/e 285 due to an ion whose accurate mass corresponds to morphine, and calculate an approximate concentration of morphine i n codeine by a direct comparison of t h e i r molecular ions. The l a t t e r approach was selected. At f i r s t , we had d i f f i c u l t i e s i n tuning the resolution of our Varian MAT 731 to the level needed f o r t h i s experiment. We sent a sample of the codeine to Drs. Gross and Lyon at the university of Nebraska Lincoln to attempt the experiment on t h e i r A.E.I. MS-50. The m/e 285 peak i s 0.95% o f the base peak, m/e 299. The A.E.I. MS-50 set to a resolution of >70,000 showeï a doublet at m/e 285. The intensity of the ions was too weak to get a good peak height measurement. At the time Drs. Gross and Lyon had no method of integrating t h i s signal. After careful source cleaning and alignment we were able to obtain a resolution of 62,500 with the Varian MAT 731 and integrated the signal by taking 264 scans into a time averaging computer, Figure 2. The experiment was run over a twenty degree probe temperature range to l i m i t possible d i s t i l l a t i o n effects. In making the calculation the following assumptions were made: 1) No change i n concentration was observed due to fractional d i s t i l l a t i o n . 2) The ionization cross sections of morphine and codeine are the same. 3) The same amount of ion current i s contained i n molecular ions of morphine and codeine at 70 eV. 4) The molecular ion o f codeine does not fragment by the loss o f CH « It i s f e l t that these approximations are reasonable f o r the accuracy needed i n the pharmaceutical evaluation. The experiment indicated a l e v e l of 0.7 parts per thousand of morphine i n the codeine sample. This level was too small to account f o r the pharmacological effects observed. 2

Mixture Analysis By Metastable Ion Methods Metastable methods are discussed more f u l l y i n other sections of t h i s volume. Of the several choices to examine metastable ions, the defocused metastable ion techniques o f accelerating voltage scans keeping the magnetic and e l e c t r i c sector constant and mass analyzed ion k i n e t i c energy methods have been most profitable to our research. The defocused

In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.





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Figure 2. The average of 264 scans over the m/e 285 doublet at 62,500 resolution

In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

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Applications in a Pharmaceutical Lab

metastable work was carried out on the Varian MAT CH5-DF mass spectrometer. This instrument has a reverse geometry, .i.e. the source i s followed by the magnetic sector, e l e c t r i c sector, and electron m u l t i p l i e r . In t h i s configuration no metastable ions are seen i n the primary ion spectra. However, accelerating voltage scans keeping the magnetic and e l e c t r i c sectors constant can be used to observed metastables formed i n the f i r s t f i e l d free region. Mass analyzed ion k i n e t i c energy spectra (MIKES) or direct analysis of daughter ions (DADI) spectra can be used to observe metastable ions formed i n the second f i e l d free region (9,10). The accelerating voltage scan experiment i s carried out by focusing a daughter ion on the electron muljipliçr at 1 or 2 kV accelerating voltage. For the t r a n s i t i o n Mj -> M +(M -M ), the accelerating voltage i s increased u n t i l a daughter ion from a s p e c i f i c parent/daughter decomposition i s observed. The mass of the parent i s calculated by the equation M =M (Vm/Vo) where M^mass of the parent ion; M Emass of the daughter ion; Vo = accelerating voltage required to focus the primary ion daughter; and Vm i s the accelerating voltage required to focus the metastable ions daughter. Thus, a l l parents of a given daughter ion can be determined within a parent/daughter r a t i o that i s limited by the maximum accelerating voltage of the instrument, e.g. a Varian MAT CH-5DF has a maximum r a t i o of 3 and a Varian MAT 731 has a maximum r a t i o o f 5. In the MIKES or DADI mode, a parent i s focused on the electron m u l t i p l i e r of a reverse geomety instrument. The daughter ions from the decomposition i n the second f i e l d free region are brought into focus by decreasing the potential on the e l e c t r i c sector. The mass of the parent ion of these daughters has been selected by adjustment of the magnetic sector. Thus a l l daughters from a given parent over the complete mass range can be determined. The equation used i s M =M!(E/Eo); where Eo i s the e l e c t r i c sector's potential while focusing the parent and Ε i s the e l e c t r i c sector potential needed to observe the daughter ion. An example o f a problem that can be solved by defocused metastable techniques i s given below. In the reaction of (5) with an equivalent of base, i t i s not certain whether the f i r s t methylation occurs at the phenolic s i t e or on the pyrimidine section of the molecule (11). The crude reaction mixture was examined by low resolution electron impact mass spectrometry using 70 eV of ioning energy. The spectrum (Figure 3) appears to indicate a mixture. The masses at m/e 277, 291, 305 and 319 are molecular ions of (5) and mono-, d i - , and trimethylated (5). Reducing the electron voltage from 70 eV to 20 eV reduces the fragmentation. Therefore, most of the ion current i n the spectrum i s contained i n the molecular ions, Figure 4. From the 20 eV spectrum the following r a t i o of concentrations was 2







In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

Figure 3. Mass spectrum of the products of the reaction of (5) with methyl iodide; 70 eV.

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s 1





Applications in a Pharmaceutical Lab

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In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.




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determined from peak heights of the molecular ions: tri2.8


mono-methylated (5) 8.2 ~

(5) l77

The accuracy of t h i s measurement i s dependent on the following assumptions: a l l the ion current i s contained i n the M ions; no d i s t i l l a t i o n effect has occurred, i^.e. the vapor phase concentrations are the same as those i n the s o l i d state; and the ionization cross sections of the molecules analyzed are the same. The fragmentation of (1) was studied as a model for methyl­ ated (5). The mass spectrum of (1) has prominent peaks at m/e 290 (Μ), 275 (M-CH ); 259 (M-CH 0), and 123. The accurate mass measurement of m/e 123 showed the ion composition to be 05Η7Ν . This ion contains the pyrimidine and benzylic methylene portions of (1). Using accelerating voltage scans with the magnetic and e l e c t r i c sector constant, i t was determined that m/e 290, 275, and 259 a l l fragmented to y i e l d m/e 123. To answer the o r i g i n a l question as to where the f i r s t methylation occurs on (5), the monomethylated species were examined without p u r i f i c a t i o n using defocused metastable ions, (the DADI or MIKES method). A l l monomethylated products have a molecular ion at m/e 291. Since these ions are known to fragment losing the benzene portion of the molecule, those molecular ions that fragment yielding m/e 138 are methylated on the pyrimidine portion of the molecule and those molecular ions that y i e l d m/e 124 are methylated on the benzene portion of the molecule. The compositions of m/e 291, 138 and 124 were confirmed by accurate mass measurement. One cannot make a conclusion about the o r i g i n of m/e 124 and 138 without the use defocused metastable ions or by examining only p u r i f i e d mono­ methylated species. For example m/e 124 would be generated from the molecular ion of (5) as well as monomethylated (5), and m/e 138 can be generated from the molecular ion of either 3



In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.




Applications in a Pharmaceutical Lab


CH 0 3



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2 y ^ N H

m/e 124




Y^NH \N^NHCH m/e




m/e 138


d i - or monomethylated (5). The DADI spectrum i s given i n Figure 5. The DADI spectrum of m/e 291 shows a t r a n s i t i o n , m/e 291 -> m/e 138 but not m/e 291 -* 124. Within the l i m i t s of detection of"the technique, Tt appears that of the monomethylated portion of the crude mixture, methylation occurs only on the pyrimidine section of the molecule. The Use Of Defocused Metastable Ions In Defining Structure The use of metastable ions to define a parent/daughter relationship can also be useful i n structure problems. For example, we were asked i f we could distinguish (6) and (7) by mass spectrometry. The electron impact mass spectrum of the compound analyzed gave a molecular ion and fragmentation pattern which would f i t either (6) or (7) with the expection of Μ- (^Η Ν0 . The elemental composition of t h i s ion was confirmed by accurate mass measurement. Structure (7) could lose N=C-C0 Et d i r e c t l y to y i e l d M- C4H5NO2. However, (6) could give the same ion by sequential loss o f CH =CH2 by a McLafferty rearrangement yielding a -C0 H which loses C0 followed by the loss of HCN. Although there are some exceptions, i t i s f e l t that metastable transitions are one step losses and usually occur i n one section of the molecule (12,13). The molecular ion was examined by DADI and shown toTragment d i r e c t l y to Μ- 0 Η Ν0 , thus favoring sturcture (7). However, other than the possible errors already 5









In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.



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1 1 «**


5 ε

ι δ ίο


In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.




Applications in a Pharmaceutical Lab


0 H








H N 2


ι CH







N~~ CH





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mentioned, molecules may rearrange thermally during v o l a t i l i ­ zation or a f t e r i o n i z a t i o n to a new structure from which the metastable ion i s formed. So although t h i s data was an early indication f o r structure (7), other physical and chemical evidence were required. Subsequent physical and chemical evidence supported the mass spectrometeric results. Analysis Of A Mixture V i a GC-MS A protocol f o r inducing l i v e r microsomal a c t i v i t y was established using Aroclor® 1254 l o t RCS9999 as the inducing agent. When a new l o t of t h i s material, RCS088, was purchased i t was noted that the physical properties were different. RCS9999 was yellow and s l i g h t l y viscous; RCS088 was clear and very viscous. The l a t t e r being more t y p i c a l of Aroclor® 1254. The problem was to determine the difference between these two l o t s of material and i f possible recreate l o t RCS9999. The b i o l o g i c a l a c t i v i t y data could not be used conveniently because these tests were too time consuming. I t was feared that the two materials would d i f f e r i n t h e i r capacity to induce l i v e r microsomal a c t i v i t y . Therefore a physical method was sought to distinguish any differences i n the two l o t s of material. Aroclor® i s a mixture of polychlorinated hydrocarbons. The f i r s t two d i g i t s of the numbers following the name refer to the numbers of carbons i n the system which are chlorinated and the l a s t d i g i t s refer to the percentage of chlorine i n the mixture (14). A l i t e r a t u r e procedure was followed to separate Aroclor® into i t s components by gc (15). The more highly chlorinated components elute l a s t . Tïïe column used was 6 f t χ 2 mm 3% OV-1 on Gas Chrom. Q 100/120 mesh. The column was held at 100° f o r 8 min and brought to 200° at 4°/min and held. The chromatogram of RCS 088 was clean f o r the f i r s t few minutes. At higher temperatures, at least 15 components eluted. RCS9999 had the same high temperature p r o f i l e but had over 10 components i n the low temp section of the chromatogram. These peaks could arise from trichlorobenzenes (a common diluent

In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

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of Aroclor®), less highly chlorinated biphenyls, or other materials. RCS9999 was examined by gc-ms and a combustion analysis was carried out f o r percent chlorine. Via gc-ms, the peaks which eluted f i r s t were i d e n t i f i e d as mono-, d i - , t r i - , and tetra-chlorinated biphenyls. The combustion analysis indicated 46.55% chlorine. The gas chromatograms of Aroclor® 1254, 1248 and 1242 were examined. A blend of 2 parts of 1242 and 1 part of 1254 was most l i k e RCS9999. These results were returned to the researcher i n i t i a t i n g the problem. The blend and l o t RCS088 are currently being tested to compare t h e i r a c t i v i t y i n inducing l i v e r microsomes to the a c t i v i t y of lot RCS9999. Metabolite Analysis Using Mass Spectrometry Mass spectrometry plays an important role i n structure elucidation of drug metabolites. The small amounts of material isolated i n these studies are s t i l l usually within the capabili t i e s of a mass spectrometer. The metabolites are often monitored by some tag throughout t h e i r i s o l a t i o n and p u r i f i c a t i o n , radio l a b e l , stable isotope l a b e l , s p e c i f i c chromaphore, etc. Drug biotransformation and biochemical conjugations are normally known processes (16). The compound being examined i s usually known to be a metabolite, and often the gross structural features of the parent drug are s t i l l present. The mass spectrum of the parent drug i s studied carefully by low and high resolut i o n mass spectrometry and defocused metastable ion techniques. The fragmentation of the parent i s used for a model for the metabolite. The reinvestigation of a t i c system used to isolate the metabolites of trimethoprim (1) led to the discovery of a new metabolite (17). The compound had a fluorescence on t i c similar to trimethoprim 1-oxide, a known metabolite. The mass spectrum of the material indicated a molecular weight 16 Daltons greater than the parent drug. The elemental composition of parent plus oxygen was further supported by accurate mass measurement of




In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.





Applications in a Pharmaceutical Lab

m/e 306. The molecular ion fragmented by losing oxygen, and the remaining spectrum looked l i k e that of the parent drug. The loss of oxygen from the molecular ion was indicative of the oxygen residing on Ν and not on carbon. The lack of an M-2 appeared consistent with N-K) and not -NH-OH. Since the 1-oxide was a known metabolite which had a different R on t i c than t h i s product, the metabolite was l i k e l y the 3-oxiae, (8). The i r , uv, mass spectrum, and chromatographic properties of the metabolite were i d e n t i c a l with synthetic (8).

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Analysis Of Natural Products Using F i e l d Desorption Mass Spectrometry F i e l d desorption mass spectrometry (fdms) i s a gentle method of ionizing molecules from the s o l i d state (18). A solution or suspension of the compound to be analyzed i s coated on an emitter. The emitter i s a 10 yM tungsten wire on which carbon dendrites are grown. The emitter i s introduced into the source on the end o f a direct probe. Most of the solvent evaporates during the insertion of the direct probe into the source. Several thousand v o l t s are placed on the emitter. In addition a small heating current can be applied. Under the influence of the high f i e l d and gentle heating, molecules are ionized by the loss of an electron to the emitter surface or by attachment of a cation (19). This technique has extended the range of compounds which can be examined by mass spectrometric methods to include thermally l a b i l e and/or non- v o l a t i l e molecules (18). For many samples, fdms eliminates the need f o r derivatizing the target molecule. F i e l d desorption mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectroscopy, and high pressure l i q u i d chromato­ graphy (hplc) were used to determine the structure of a compound isolated from toad erythrocyte ghosts which inhibited adenylate cyclase. This product gave one uv absorbing peak on a DEAEcellulose ion-exchange column (20). Its molecular weight was estimated to be approximately 500 Daltons by Bio-Gel P-4 chromatography. Digestion with RNA-ase, DNA-ase, phospholipase A and C, papain, typsin, chymotrypsin, 5 -nucleotidase, spleen and snake venom phosphodiesterases, beef and heart c y c l i c nucleotide phosphodiesterase did not i n h i b i t the a c t i v i t y of t h i s compound. Some peptidases and alkaline phosphatase produced diminished a c t i v i t y . Therefore, nucleotides and peptides were suspected to be possible subunits of the b i o l o g i c a l l y active material. An early experiment with electron impact mass spec­ trometry had produced no information. An hydrolysis followed by amino acid analysis indicated the presence of a-aminoadipic acid. Since electron impact mass spectrometry had not worked, f i e l d desorption mass spectrometry was attempted. A summary of the ions seen i s given below. Only integer mass values were obtained, and the isotope peaks were too weak or complicated by 1

In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.



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[M+H] ions to use to determine elemental composition. Also when t h i s work was carried out we had no means of adding spectra to improve the signal to noise r a t i o . Therefore we manually counted the number of times an ion appeared i n spectra taken at one milliamp increments of emitter heating current above the f i r s t evidence of ions as observed on the t o t a l ion current monitor. (For a more detailed explanation of the mechanics involved i n obtaining an f i e l d desorption mass spectrum, the authors suggest reading reference 18.) Compound assignment was based on integer mass values f i t t i n g known amino acid or nucleotide molecular weights. Table I

F i e l d Desorption Mass Spectrum of the Adenylate Cyclase Inhibitor


No. o f times the ion was seen.




Alanine + H



[H P0J /[H P0t ]



Cysteine + H






251, 252, 253






















? ? ?

Adenosinemonophosphate ?

In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.



Applications in a Pharmaceutical Lab



No α-amino adipic acid was seen. A repeat of the hydrolysis/ amino acid analyzer experiment showed an error; alanine was misassigned as α-aminoadipic acid. The p o s s i b i l i t y of the presence of cysteine was not confirmed by the hydrolysis experi­ ment. The presence of nucleosides and-tides was supported by the f i e l d desorption experiment. A fourier transform proton nmr was run on the material. Two different substituted adenines yielding a single proton at 68.14 were seen. A t r i p l e t at 66.48 and a doublet at 66.02 were observed. These signals were thought to be due to the l CH of a 2 -deoxysugar and the l C H of a 2 -oxysugar. Looking back at the f i e l d desorption results, some unassigned peaks could f i t 2 -deoxy AMP, i ^ e . m/e 251, 252, 253 and 332. The nmr signals at 66.48 and 66.02 were approximately of equal intensity. Since the unknown contained a mixture of nucleotides, the sample was subjected to hplc using a Partisil-10-SAX anion exchange column. Elut ion with phosphate buffer was known to separate nucleoside monophosphates with good resolution. The hplc results indicated two large 254 nm absorbing peaks of equal intensity eluting i n the monophosphate region (both of which had u.v. spectra i d e n t i c a l to 5 -AMP) and a small peak eluting at the region of ATP. Mixing experiments showed the f i r s t peak to be AMP. This component was destroyed by reaction with periodate. The second peak cochromatographed with 2 -deoxy AMP and was not affected by periodate oxidation. These peaks were collected and tested f o r b i o l o g i c a l a c t i v i t y . The inhibitory a c t i v i t y remained with the "2 -deoxy AMP" peak. At t h i s point synthetic 2 -deoxy-5 -AMP was tested and found to be inactive. A 5 -nucleotide would be contrary to the undimin­ ished a c t i v i t y after treatment with 5-nucleotidase. However, the reason that the 5 -nucleotidase experiment may have been i n error i s that the enzyme might have special requirements such as the presence of a 2 -hydroxy group. Work then branched i n two directions. Enzyme data s t i l l pointed to the p o s s i b i l i t y of amino acids or peptides linked to the active molecule. The nucleotide was examined f o r amino acids by hydrolysis followed by chromatography on an amino acid analyzer or t r i m e t h y l s i l y l a t i o n , then gc or gc-ms. In addition more enzymes were tested on the peak isolated by hplc. I t was found that rye grass 3 -nucleotidase diminished the peak height on hplc yielding deoxyadenosine. Therefore, synthetic 2 -deoxy3 -AMP was tested. I t had the same inhibitory a c t i v i t y against adenylate cyclase and the same chromatographic properties as the material isolated from toad erythrocyte ghosts. The compound i n question i s 2 -deoxy- 3 -AMP. The only piece of structural uncertainty i s i t s r e a c t i v i t y with peptidase. This piece of evidence, l i k e l y caused by impure enzyme, delayed the structure assignment by giving a false lead. However, i f i t weren t for the other enzyme data, the problem would be orders of magnitude more d i f f i c u l t . f

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In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

Downloaded by UNIV OF PITTSBURGH on October 8, 2015 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: June 1, 1978 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1978-0070.ch012


high performance mass spectrometry

Summary We have n o t attempted t o survey the e n t i r e scope o f mass spectrometry as a p p l i e d t o the pharmaceutical i n d u s t r y . Rather we have taken a c r o s s s e c t i o n o f problems t o i l l u s t r a t e the u t i l i t y o f h i g h performace mass spectrometry t o problems found i n the i n d u s t r y . The use o f h i g h r e s o l u t i o n mass spectrometry, defocussed metastable i o n techniques, coupled gas chromatographymass spectrometry, and the new i o n i z a t i o n technique o f f i e l d d e s o r p t i o n have been h i g h l i g h t e d . I n a l l cases s u c c e s s f u l s o l u t i o n t o a problem depended on good communication between researchers t o e s t a b l i s h the h i s t o r y o f the problem, d e f i n e the g o a l s , and t o p l a n the experiments which might l e a d t o a solution. In a l l cases, although mass spectrometry was emphas i z e d , other p h y s i c a l methods as w e l l as wet chemistry p l a y e d v i t a l i n t e r a c t i v e r o l e s i n the problem's s o l u t i o n . The h i g h performance mass spectrometer may have been circumvented i n many o f these problems, but t h i s would be a t the expense o f sample and time. The savings o f time and the a b i l i t y t o work w i t h extremely s m a l l q u a n t i t i e s o f sample are the keys t o the impact o f modern instrumentation. Acknowledgement Îhe authors wish t o acknowledge the h e l p f u l a s s i s t a n c e on s e v e r a l problems r e f e r r e d t o i n the t e x t by Drs. R.W. Morrison, D. C l i v e , and J.W. F i n d l a y and Mr. R.F. Butz.

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In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.




Applications in a Pharmaceutical Lab

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12. 13.


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In High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications; Gross, M.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.