High Pressure Research Costs LESS Today! - C&EN Global

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High. Press-are R e s e a r c h Costs L E S S Today

I N 1957 Smallest Standard Autoclav< 1 Liter . . . Speed:'650 r» | r. 2 2 " x 2 2 " x 5 0 " (14.0 cu. ft.) Weight: 300 lbs.

BEFORE PEARL HARBOR— itlest Standard Autocl< I. . . . Speed: 1 0 0 r. p. m. 2 4 " x 2 4 " x 5 5 " (18.3 cu. ft.) Weight: 4 0 0 lbs.

TODAY—J Smallest Standard Aut< 1. . . . Speed: 1 1 50 r. p. ι Size: 7"x 13"x 2 0 " (1.0 cu../!.) Weight: 30 lbs.

Your high pressure research costs are less today than they were 20 years ago. The reason —tremendous engineering improvements in the equipment available to you. Consider these modern high pressure equipment facts: • EQUIPMENT COSTS LESS—Better engineering design gives you lower first cost, lower operating and maintenance cost. • MORE EFFICIENT EQUIPMENT—You can run a wider range of reactions, faster. • SM ALLE R Β ATC H ES—ΝΓο longer necessary to use large quantities of costly chemicals. • LESS COSTLY HANDLING—Laboratory personnel can make own set-ups quickly and without special tools. • SAVES SPACE—More compact design saves you valuable laboratory space. To sum up: because of better-engineered equipment, you can obtain reliable high pressure research data much faster, more accurately, in less space and at lower cost than ever before. By the continuing improvement of high pressure research equipment, Autoclave Engineers contributes to today's lower cost research.



