High Resolution Pulsed Field Ionization ... - ACS Publications

Theoretical Chemistry Group, UniVersity of Marne-La-Valle´e, Champs sur Marne, ... Ames Laboratory, USDOE, and Department of Chemistry, Iowa State ...
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J. Phys. Chem. A 2001, 105, 2183-2191


High Resolution Pulsed Field Ionization-Photoelectron Bands for CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu): An Experimental and Theoretical Study† Jianbo Liu Chemical Sciences DiVision, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720

M. Hochlaf, G. Chambaud, and P. Rosmus Theoretical Chemistry Group, UniVersity of Marne-La-Valle´ e, Champs sur Marne, F-77454, Marne-la-Valle´ e, France

C. Y. Ng* Ames Laboratory, USDOE, and Department of Chemistry, Iowa State UniVersity, Ames, Iowa 50011 ReceiVed: May 31, 2000; In Final Form: July 31, 2000

The vacuum ultraviolet pulsed field ionization-photoelectron (PFI-PE) spectra for CS2 were measured in ˜ 2Πu) state. the full energy range of 12.6-13.5 eV, revealing complex vibronic band structures for the CS2+(A + 2 Three-dimensional potential energy functions (PEFs) for CS2 (A ˜ Πu) were also generated theoretically using the complete active space self-consistent field and internally contracted multireference configuration interaction methods. Using these PEFs, the harmonic frequencies, anharmonic constants, and Renner-Teller rovibronic ˜ 2Πu) were calculated variationally. Many Fermi polyads have been identified in the energy levels for CS2+(A rovibronic states of CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu). Using present theoretical and available optical data, we assigned most of the PFI-PE rovibronic bands due to excitation of the ν1+ (symmetric stretching), ν2+ (bending), and ν3+ (asymmetric stretching) modes for CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu). The simulation of rotational contours resolved in the high+ 2 resolution PFI-PE bands for CS2 (A ˜ Πu); ν1+ ) 0-3, ν2+ ) 0,2, ν3+ ) 0) provided accurate ionization ˜ 1Σg+). energies for the formation of these states from CS2(X

I. Introduction interest,1

Being a molecule of astrophysical and aeronomic the spectroscopy of the CS2 and its cation CS2+ has been examined extensively by numerous experimental techniques. These include studies using emission spectroscopy,2-4 laserinduced fluorescence,5,6 absorption,6-8 vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization mass spectrometry,9-12 photoelectron spectroscopy [including HeI,13-21 HeII,21 threshold photoelectron (TPE)22 and pulsed field ionization-photoelectron (PFI-PE) spectroscopy11,12], and photoelectron-photon coincidence spectroscopy.23 When combined with state-of-the-art theoretical investigations,24-27 the previous experimental studies yielded valuable information about the vibronic structures of CS2+. The previous HeI,13-21 HeII,21 and TPE22 studies of CS2 provided unambiguous identification of some vibronic bands for the first ˜ 2Πg, A ˜ 2Πu, B ˜ 2Σu+ and C ˜ 2Σg+). four valence ionic states CS2+(X Furthermore, these studies revealed many spectroscopic features that are of theoretical interest, such as those arising from spinorbit interactions, Renner-Teller coupling, and anharmonic resonances. The observation of symmetry-forbidden excitation involving one quantum of the bending vibration ν2+ and the breakdown of the molecular orbital scheme in photoionization transition, in particular, are noted. The HeI photoelectron bands obtained for CS2+(X ˜ 2Πg and 2 A ˜ Πu) clearly revealed strong interactions due to Fermi reso†

Part of the special issue “Aron Kuppermann Festschrift”. * To whom correspondence should be addressed [email protected]).


nances between levels involving the symmetric stretching vibration ν1+ and overtones of the bending vibration ν2+. However, partly due to the relatively low resolution used, none of the previous HeI photoelectron measurements were able to completely resolve rovibronic structures associated with these vibronic states. As a result, many discrepancies in the spectral interpretation have occurred. The recent PFI-PE measurements ˜ 2Πg) using nonresonant two-photon on the study of CS2+(X 11 (N2P) and VUV laser source12 have significantly improved the photoelectron resolution to a few cm-1. These highresolution laser-based PFI-PE studies, together with ab initio theoretical calculations, have made possible the identification of most of the rovibronic structures, resulting in the determination of more accurate ionization energies (IEs) for these states. However, because of the difficulty in generating a wide tunable photon energy range using the N2P and VUV laser sources, the high-resolution PFI-PE studies have been limited to the ˜ 2Πg) electronic band.11,12 first CS2+(X Recently, a high-resolution VUV monochromatized undulator synchrotron source in the photon energy range of 6-30 eV has been established at the Chemical Dynamics Beamline of the Advanced Light Source (ALS) associated with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.28-30 Taking advantage of this high-resolution VUV facility, we developed novel synchrotronbased PFI-PE detection schemes,31-33 achieving resolution similar to that attained in laser-based studies. The most attractive feature of the synchrotron light is its ease of tunability, making high-resolution PFI-PE measurements for many molecules in a large energy region a routine operation.34-41 Using the high-

10.1021/jp001998n CCC: $20.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society Published on Web 10/13/2000

2184 J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 105, No. 11, 2001 resolution synchrotron-based PFI-PE technique, we obtained the PFI-PE spectrum of CS2 in the full energy range of 12.617.2 eV, covering the formation of CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu, B ˜ 2Σu+, and C2Σg+) states and the satellite states21 for CS2+ appearing in this region. As expected, this PFI-PE measurement reveals many new rovibronic features, which were not resolved or accessible to HeI photoelectron spectroscopic13-21 measurements. To provide a reliable interpretation of the PFI-PE data, we also performed a high level ab initio study of CS2+. We generated theoretically the three-dimensional potential energy functions (PEFs) for CS2+. On the basis of these PEFs, we have calculated the rovibronic energy levels for the CS2+ ionic states using a Renner-Teller variational approach. With the aid of such theoretical predictions, we are able to make unambiguous ˜ 2Πu). identification of individual rovibronic bands for CS2+(A On the basis of spectral simulations of the high-resolution PFIPE bands, we obtained accurate values for IE with uncertainties e4 cm-1. This article describes the analysis of PFI-PE data for ionization transitions CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu; ν1+ ) 0-6, ν2+ ) 0-4, ν3+ ) 0-1) r CS2(X ˜ 1Σg+; ν1′′ ) 0-1, ν2′′ ) 0-1, ν3′′ ) 0), where ν1+ (ν1′′), ν2+ (ν2′′), and ν3+ (ν3′′) represent the symmetric stretching mode, the bending mode and the asymmetric stretch˜ 2Πu) [CS2(X ˜ 1Σg+)]. The ing mode, respectively, for CS2+(A analysis of PFI-PE spectra for the CS2+(B ˜ 2Σu+ and C ˜ 2Σg+) states will be reported in a separate paper. II. Experimental Methods and Theoretical Calculations A. Experimental Methods. The experiment was carried out at the Chemical Dynamics Beamline of the ALS. The beamline consisted of a 10 cm period undulator, a gas harmonic filter, a 6.65 m off-plane Eagle mounted monochromator, and a multipurpose photoelectron-photoion apparatus, all of which were described in previous publications.28-33 In the present experiment, helium was used in the harmonic gas filter to suppress the higher undulator harmonics with photon energies greater than 24.59 eV. Undulator light of the first harmonic emerging from the gas filter was directed into the monochromator and dispersed by a 4800 lines/mm grating (dispersion ) 0.32 Å/mm) before entering the photoelectronphotoion apparatus. The monochromator entrance/exit slits used were in the range of 30/30-300/300 µm, corresponding to nominal wavelength resolutions in the range of 0.009-0.095 Å (full width at half-maximum (fwhm)). The CS2 sample was introduced into the photoionization/ photoexcitation (PI/PEX) region in the form of a neat CS2 beam formed by supersonic expansion through a stainless steel nozzle (nozzle diameter ) 0.127 mm) at a stagnation pressure of about 300 Torr. The supersonic beam was produced using a two-stage differentially pumped arrangement. The CS2 beam was skimmed by a circular skimmer (diameter ) 1 mm) prior to entering the PI/PEX region of the photoelectron-photoion apparatus. The first and second differentially pumping chambers were evacuated by turbomolecular pumps with pumping speeds of 2000 and 1200 L/s, and maintained pressures of 6 × 10-4 and 9 × 10-6 Torr, respectively, during the experiment. The procedure for multibunch synchrotron-based PFI-PE measurements was described in detail previously.31 In this experiment, the ALS storage ring was filled with 328 electron buckets in a period of 656 ns. Each electron bucket emits a light pulse of 50 ps with a time separation of 2 ns between successive buckets. In each storage ring period, there is a 16 ns dark gap consisting of eight consecutive unfilled buckets for the ejection of cations from the ring orbital. A nominally zero

Liu et al. electrostatic dc field was maintained across the PI/PEX region prior to the application of a pulsed electric field to the repeller plates on both sides of the PI/PEX region. The pulsed field used was 0.54 V/cm in height and 42 ns in width, which centered at the 16 ns dark gap. In the present study, the pulsed electrical field for pulsed field ionization was applied every other synchrotron ring period, i.e., 1.312 µs, corresponding to a repetition rate of 0.76 MHz. The intensity for the monochromatized VUV beam was monitored by a tungsten photoelectric detector. The VUV detection efficiency as a function of the VUV photon energy for this tungsten detector was corrected using the known photoelectric yield curve.42 Spectra presented here were flux normalized by the corresponding VUV photon intensities. The energy step sizes used were in the range of 0.15-0.5 meV and the counting times for each step varied in the range of 4-8 s. All PFI-PE spectra were calibrated before and after each experimental run using either the Xe+(2P3/2) and Kr+(2P3/2) PFIPE bands, or the Ar+(2P3/2) and Kr+(2P3/2) PFI-PE bands, obtained under the same experimental conditions.30,43 The calibration scheme assumes that the Stark shifts for the IEs of CS2 and the rare gases are identical. Previous measurements indicate that the accuracy of this calibration method is within (0.5 meV.35 B. Theoretical Calculations for the CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu) State. The 2 + ˜ Πu) state were calculated using the PEFs of the CS2 (A complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF)44 and internally contracted multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) methods.45,46 In these calculations, the generally contracted spdf cc-VQZ basis set of Dunning was used.47 All valence molecular orbitals were active. In the CASSCF calculations, the Hartree-Fock molecular orbitals for the neutral CS2(X ˜ 1Σg+) were used because of the symmetry-breaking problem in the restricted Hartree-Fock wave functions. In all ˜ 2Πg and A ˜ 2Πu) states were averaged calculations, the CS2+(X and optimized together with equal weights. For MRCI calculations, all configurations with coefficients larger than 0.01 in the CI expansions of the CASSCF wave functions were used as a reference in the subsequent MRCI calculations. The electronic calculations were carried out using the MOLPRO program suite.48 The calculations were performed for 22 different geometries covering the region of ≈10000 cm-1 above the equilibrium minimum of the CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu) electronic state and geometry ranges 2.6 < RCS < 3.6 bohr and 140° < θ < 180°, where RCS is the C-S distance and θ is the S-C-S angle. The MRCI energies were fitted to polynomial expansions in displacement coordinates for both Renner-Teller components. These PEFs expansions were used to calculate the quartic force fields in internal coordinates, which were transformed by the l-tensor algebra to the quartic force fields in dimensionless normal coordinates. The resulting force fields and some spectroscopic ˜ 2Πu) states are listed in Table 1. The constants for the CS2+(A values for the upper component are given in parentheses. The Renner-Teller problem was solved variationally for J up to 9/2. In these calculations, the full dimensionality, anharmonicity, rotation-vibration, electronic angular momenta, and spin-orbit coupling effects are considered. In the Hamiltonian the Aso‚L‚S term was replaced by Aso‚LzSz. For the Aso spin-orbit constant, the experimental value of -177.4 cm-1 was used. Details of the variational calculations can be found in refs 49 and 50. C. Simulation of Rotational Transition Intensities. The relative intensities for rotational structures observed in the high-

PFI-PE for CS2

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TABLE 1: Calculated Spectroscopic Constants (Re, E Aso, and B+), Harmonic Frequencies (ω1, ω2, and ω3), and Quartic Force Field (Φ) of CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu) in Dimensionless Normal Coordinates parameters a

A ˜ 2Πu

Re  Asob B+ ω1 ω2 ω3 Φ111 Φ122 Φ133 Φ1111 Φ2222 Φ3333 Φ1122 Φ2233 Φ1133

1.624 0.251 -173.56 0.0999 576.8 261.8 (328.4)c 1753.6 -107.4 122.8 (94.3)c -198.5 16.7 69.6 (54.6)c -214.7 -26.4 (-17.1)c -67.2 (-10.1)c 37.7

Figure 1. PFI-PE spectrum for the CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu, B ˜ 2Σu+, and C ˜ 2Σg+) states as well as three satellite states associated with A ˜ 2Πu in the region of 12.6-17.2 eV obtained at a PFI-PE resolution of 7 cm-1 (fwhm).


Re are in Å,  is Renner-Teller parameter for (0,1,0) A2Πu. All other parameters are in cm-1. b Calculated from CASSCF wavefunctions. c Values in parentheses refer to the other Renner-Teller component.

resolution PFI-PE bands were simulated using the Buckingham-Orr-Sichel (BOS) model.51 This model was derived to predict relative transition line strengths observed in singlephoton ionization of diatomic molecules and can be extended to linear triatomic molecules.53 The rotational line strengths are given by eq 1,

σJ+rJ′′ ∝

∑λ CλQ(λ,J′′,J+)


where J′′ and J+ are the total angular momenta for the neutral and ionic states, respectively. The BOS coefficient Cλ is associated with the electronic transition moments, which are the linear combination of electron transition amplitudes for the possible orbital angular momentum l of the ejected electron. The parameter λ can be considered as the orbital angular momentum of the electron prior to photoexcitation and is restricted by



The other factor Q(λ, J′′, J+) represents the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for the Hund’s coupling case (a).52 The BOS simulations of the PFI-PE bands are purely empirical in nature, aiming mainly to deduce more accurate IE values for these bands. The simulation used rotational constant B′′ ) 0.1091 cm-1 for the neutral ground state52 and rotational constant B+ for the ionic state taken from ref 3. A Gaussian instrumental line shape with a fwhm of 3-6 cm-1 was used to simulate the observed rotational contours. We find that a rotational temperature of 60100 K for CS2 yields the best fits for the experimental PFI-PE bands. III. Results and Discussion The ground state of neutral CS2 (X ˜ 1Σg+) is linear with the dominating electronic configuration24 (core)22(5σg)2(4σu)2(6σg)2(5σu)2(2πu)4(2πg).4 The first excited vibrational levels for ν1′′, ˜ 1Σg+) are known to be at 658, 396, and ν2′′, and ν3′′ of CS2(X -1 1535 cm , respectively.52 Removing an electron from the 2πg, 2πu, 5σu, and 6σg orbitals results in the CS2+(X ˜ 2Πg, A ˜ 2Πu,

˜ 2Σg+) states, respectively. The PFI-PE spectrum B ˜ 2Σu+, and C in the energy region of 12.6-17.2 eV, covering the region for ˜ 2Πu), B ˜ 2Σu+, and C ˜ 2Σg+) states, as the formation of the CS2+(A well as some shake-up states of CS2+, is shown in Figure 1. The present work deals only with the first electronically excited ˜ 2Πu) state. The C-S equilibrium distance (Re) for CS2+(A + CS2 (A ˜ 2Πu) is calculated to be 1.624 Å (Table 1), distinctly longer than in the neutral molecule (1.554 Å).52 This calculation predicts that many vibronic states for CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu) are formed upon VUV photoionization of CS2. ˜ 2Πu). The viA.Theoretical Vibronic Levels for CS2+(A bronic levels of an electronically degenerate open shell state of a triatomic molecule can be classified according to K ) Λ + li and P ) Λ + li + Σ, the projections of the angular momenta along the linear axis. For a 2Π state, Λ ) (1, Σ ) (1/2, and li can take values νi, νi - 2, · · ·, -νi. The calculated vibronic levels for CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu) are listed in Table 2. The symmetry symbols Σ, Π, ∆, Φ, and Γ in Table 2 correspond to K ) 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The upper index relates to an electronic doublet state, while the lower index corresponds to the P value. For K > 0, the pattern begins with “unique levels”, which split only in P. For higher quanta in ν2, the vibronic bending levels split into µ and κ levels (lower and upper components, respectively) due to the Renner-Teller coupling. In the vibrational progressions of linear-linear transitions, only the totally symmetric stretching ν1+, the even quanta of the bending 2ν2+, and even quanta of the asymmetric stretching 2ν3+ progressions are allowed. The last two modes are usually weak. However, as in the electronic ground state of CS2+ (ref ˜ 2Πu) state exhibits strong Fermi resonance 12), the CS2+(A interactions between ν1+ and 2ν2+, which lead to intensity changes in the rovibronic progressions. In Figure 2, we depict the vibrational part of the wave functions of the levels (1,0,0)2Π1/2 and (0,2,0)κ2Π1/2 forming such an anharmonic resonance. For energies higher than 1700 cm-1 [relative to the (0,0,0)2Π3/2 level] the anharmonic effects are so strong that an unambiguous assignment with harmonic quantum numbers becomes hardly possible. For example, the 2Π3/2 level at 1930.3 cm-1 (see Table 2) is a mixture of the (2,2,0)κ2Π3/2, (0,6,0)κ2Π3/2, and (1,4,0)κ2Π3/2 components of the Fermi polyad 2ν1+ + ν2+ ) 6, and the (1,6,0)µ2Π3/2 and (0,8,0)µ2Π3/2 components of the Fermi polyad 2ν1+ + ν2+ ) 8. The Fermi resonances of CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu) have been discussed for a long time, however, they have never been clearly identified in the HeI spectra. Bondybey et

2186 J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 105, No. 11, 2001

Liu et al.

TABLE 2: Calculated Vibronic Levels for CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu) state

calc. (cm-1)a

2 +

Σ levels (0,1,0)µ (0,3,0)µ/(1,1,0)µ (1,1,0)µ/(0,3,0)µ (0,5,0)µ/(1,3,0)µ (2,1,0)µ/(1,3,0)µ/(0,5,0)µ (2,1,0)µ/(1,3,0)µ (0,7,0)µ/(2,1,0)κ/(1,3,0)κ (0,7,0)µ/(1,3,0)κ/(2,3,0)κ (0,1,1)µ (3,1,0)µ/(1,5,0)µ (0,9,0)µ/(1,5,0)κ (2,3,0)µ/(1,5,0)µ/(3,1,0)µ (0,9,0)µ/(2,5,0)µ/(3,3,0)µ (0,3,1)µ 2Π 1/2 levels (0,0,0) (0,2,0)µ (1,0,0)/(0,2,0)κ (0,2,0)κ/(1,0,0) (0,4,0)µ/(1,2,0)µ (1,2,0)µ/(0,4,0)µ (2,0,0)/(1,2,0)κ (2,0,0)/(0,4,0)κ/(1,2,0)κ (0,6,0)µ/(1,4,0)µ (0,4,0)κ/(1,2,0)κ/(0,6,0)µ (2,2,0)µ/(0,6,0)µ/(1,4,0)µ (2,2,0)µ/(1,4,0)µ (2,2,0)κ/(3,0,0)/(1,4,0)κ (0,0,1) (0,8,0)µ/(3,0,0)/(1,6,0)µ (3,0,0)/(1,6,0)µ/(0,6,0)κ (2,2,0)κ/(0,6,0)κ/(0,8,0)κ (2,4,0)µ/(0,6,0)κ/(0,8,0)µ (1,4,0)κ/(0,6,0)κ/(0,8,0)µ (0,2,1)µ (3,2,0)µ/(1,6,0)µ/(0,6,0)κ (0,10,0)µ/(1,8,0)µ (3,2,0)κ/(3,0,0)/(2,4,0)κ (1,0,1) 2∆ 3/2 levels (0,1,0) (0,3,0)µ (1,1,0)/(0,3,0)κ (0,3,0)κ/(1,1,0) (0,5,0)µ/(1,3,0)µ (1,3,0)µ/(0,5,0)µ (2,1,0)/(1,3,0)κ/(0,5,0)κ (0,5,0)κ/(2,1,0)/(1,3,0)κ (0,7,0)µ/(1,5,0)µ (0,5,0)κ/(1,3,0)κ (2,3,0)µ/(0,7,0)µ/(1,5,0)µ (2,3,0)µ/(1,5,0)µ/(3,1,0) (2,3,0)µ/(1,5,0)µ (0,1,1) (3,1,0)/(0,9,0)µ/(1,7,0)µ/(2,3,0)κ (3,1,0)/(0,7,0)κ/(1,5,0)κ (0,9,0)µ/(2,5,0)µ/(1,7,0)κ (0,7,0)κ/(2,3,0)κ

271.3 767.7 886.5 1244.9 1387.0 1509.8 1736.7 1896.4 1974.4 2009.4 2115.0 2143.0 2327.7 2462.3

calc. (cm-1)

Σ levels (0,1,0)κ (1,1,0)κ/(0,3,0)κ (0,3,0)κ/(1,1,0)κ (2,1,0)κ/(1,3,0)κ/(0,5,0)κ (0,5,0)κ/(2,1,0)κ/(1,5,0)µ/(0,7,0)µ (0,5,0)κ/(1,3,0)κ/(2,3,0)µ (2,3,0)κ/(3,1,0)κ (0,1,1)κ (3,1,0)κ/(0,7,0)κ/(1,5,0)κ (0,7,0)κ/(2,3,0)κ/(3,1,0)κ

500.0 1051.2 1174.9 1597.9 1685.9 1855.4 2163.5 2218.3 2274.2 2427.0

174.1 548.6 737.0 825.2 1026.8 1176.5 1295.0 1376.1 1481.0 1523.6 1659.6 1811.3 1845.0 1882.8 1906.2 1960.0 2059.1 2124.1 2224.9 2248.2 2300.3 2343.9 2410.1 2448.8 459.7 829.6 1022.5 1133.8 1293.7 1467.9 1577.9 1672.7 1752.8 1835.9 1941.2 2104.1 2120.5 2165.4 2171.7 2260.5 2349.4 2416.6

2Φ 5/2

levels (0,2,0) (0,4,0)µ (1,2,0)/(0,4,0) (0,4,0)κ/(1,2,0) (0,6,0)µ/(1,4,0)µ (1,4,0)µ/(0,6,0)µ (1,4,0)κ/(2,2,0) (0,8,0)µ/(2,2,0) (0,10,0)µ/(1,6,0)µ/(1,4,0)κ/(2,2,0) (0,8,0)µ/(1,4,0)κ/(1,6,0)µ (0,10,0)µ/(2,4,0)µ/(1,6,0)µ (0,12,0)µ/(1,8,0)µ/(2,4,0)κ (1,6,0)µ/(2,4,0)µ/(3,2,0) (0,2,1)

state 2 -

738.9 1111.4 1307.7 1432.4 1565.6 1758.2 1863.3 1952.7 2036.0 2136.6 2231.8 2366.6 2411.9 2440.1

3/2 levels (0,0,0) (0,2,0)µ/(1,0,0) (1,0,0)/(0,2,0)µ (0,2,0)κ (0,4,0)µ/(1,2,0)µ (2,0,0)/(0,4,0)µ/(1,2,0)µ (1,2,0)µ/(2,0,0) (1,2,0)κ/(0,4,0)κ (0,6,0)κ/(1,4,0)µ (0,4,0)κ/(1,2,0)κ (2,2,0)µ/(0,6,0)µ/(1,4,0)µ/(3,0,0) (0,0,1) (3,0,0)/(1,4,0)µ (2,2,0)µ/(1,4,0)µ/(3,0,0) (0,8,0)µ/(1,4,0)κ/(2,2,0)κ (2,2,0)κ/(1,6,0)µ/(0,8,0)µ/(0,6,0)κ/(1,4,0)κ (2,2,0)κ/(0,6,0)κ/(1,4,0)κ (2,4,0)µ/(0,8,0)µ/(3,2,0)µ (0,2,1)µ (1,4,0)κ/(3,2,0)µ/(3,0,0) (0,6,0)κ/(1,4,0)κ/(3,0,0) (1,0,1) (3,0,0)/(1,6,0)µ/(2,4,0)µ (0,10,0)µ/(1,8,0)µ 2∆ 5/2 levels (0,1,0) (0,3,0)µ/(1,1,0) (1,1,0)/(0,3,0)µ (0,3,0)κ (0,5,0)µ/(1,3,0)µ (2,1,0)/(1,3,0)µ/(0,5,0)µ (2,1,0)/(1,3,0)µ (1,3,0)κ/(0,5,0)κ (0,7,0)µ/(1,5,0)µ (0,5,0)κ/(1,3,0)κ (2,3,0)µ/(0,7,0)µ (0,1,1) (3,1,0)/(1,5,0)µ (0,9,0)µ/(1,7,0)µ/(2,3,0)µ (2,3,0)µ/(3,1,0)/(1,5,0)µ (2,3,0)κ/(1,5,0)κ/(0,7,0)κ (2,5,0)µ/(0,9,0)µ/(3,3,0)µ (2,3,0)κ/(0,7,0)κ (0,3,1)µ 2Φ 7/2 levels (0,2,0) (0,4,0)µ/(1,2,0) (1,2,0)/(0,4,0)µ (0,4,0)κ (0,6,0)µ/(1,4,0)µ (2,2,0)/(1,4,0)µ/(0,6,0)µ (2,2,0) /(1,4,0)µ (0,8,0)µ/(1,6,0)µ (1,4,0)κ/(0,6,0)κ (2,4,0)µ/(0,8,0)µ/(1,6,0)µ (0,6,0)κ/(1,4,0)κ (0,2,1) (3,2,0)/(1,6,0)µ (0,10,0)µ/(1,8,0)µ

0 518.6 598.2 824.6 1005.1 1122.8 1207.7 1367.4 1468.1 1525.0 1626.0 1709.7 1726.4 1830.6 1895.2 1930.3 2061.5 2102.7 2219.6 2228.8 2253.3 2305.4 2336.0 2347.1 291.7 782.8 898.8 1147.8 1252.0 1399.7 1515.1 1681.9 1708.3 1861.6 1883.7 2000.5 2016.8 2139.3 2144.0 2225.6 2341.6 2398.9 2480.0 579.6 1049.0 1194.6 1470.0 1503.0 1676.5 1817.6 1943.8 2004.2 2140.8 2201.0 2286.2 2304.0 2374.9

PFI-PE for CS2

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TABLE 2 (Continued) state

calc. (cm-1)a


Γ7/2 levels (0,3,0) (0,5,0)µ (1,3,0)/(0,5,0)κ (0,5,0)κ/(1,3,0) (0,7,0)µ/(1,5,0)µ (1,5,0)µ/(0,7,0)µ (1,5,0)κ/(2,3,0)/(0,9,0)µ (2,3,0)/(0,9,0)µ/(1,7,0)µ (0,7,0)κ/(1,5,0)κ/(1,7,0)µ/(2,3,0)µ (0,9,0)µ/(1,5,0)κ/(2,5,0)µ



calc. (cm-1)

Γ9/2 levels (0,3,0) (0,5,0)µ/(1,3,0) (1,3,0)/(0,5,0)µ (0,7,0)µ/(1,5,0)µ (0,5,0)κ (1,5,0)µ/(2,3,0)/(0,7,0)µ (2,3,0)/(1,5,0)µ (0,9,0)µ/(1,7,0)µ (1,3,0)/(0,5,0)κ (2,5,0)µ/(0,9,0)µ/(1,7,0)µ

863.7 1315.4 1486.7 1756.1 1791.4 1952.4 2116.8 2187.6 2321.0 2402.6


1012.6 1390.9 1592.9 1723.8 1840.7 2044.8 2148.7 2227.4 2326.3 2425.1

The energies are given relative to the (0,0,0)2Π3/2u state.

Figure 2. Fermi resonance between the (1,0,0)2Π1/2 and the (0,2,0)κ2Π1/2 rovibronic levels in the CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu) state (R1 and R2 are both CS distances and θ is the S-C-S angle).

al.5,6 assigned ν1+ at 560 cm-1 and 2ν2+ at 621 cm-1, based on ˜ 2Πu excitation spectrum. Balfour3 the laser-induced X ˜ 2Πg f A reported ν1+ ) 612.6 cm-1 and 2ν2+ ) 549.1 cm-1 from the A ˜ 2Πu f X ˜ 2Πg emission spectrum, i.e., his assignment is inverted relative to that of refs 5 and 6. By adopting the interpretation of Balfour, Frey et al.22 resolved the Fermi polyads of (ν1+,0,0)2Π3/2 and (ν1+ -1,2,0)2Π3/2 for ν1+ ) 1-3 and (ν1+,0,0)2Π1/2, and (ν1+ -1,2,0)2Π1/2 for ν1+ ) 1-2 in the TPE studies, and reported ν1+ ) 623 cm-1 and 2ν2+ ) 559 cm-1. In our calculations, we obtained ν1+ ) 598.2 cm-1 and 2ν2+ ) 518.6 cm-1 (cf. Table 2), in reasonably good agreement with these experiments. As shown below, these theoretical values are also consistent with the assignment of the PFI-PE spectrum, yielding ν1+ ) 613 cm-1 and 2ν2+ ) 517 cm-1. All calculated rovibronic states for J up to 9/2 are given in Table 2. If anharmonic resonances occur, the dominating polyad members for a given J ) P state are listed as well. B. PFI-PE Spectra for CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu). Figure 3(a) and (b) displays the PFI-PE spectra for CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu) in the energy regions of 12.61-12.95 eV with a resolution of ≈ 4 cm-1 (fwhm) and in the energy region of 12.95-13.50 eV with a resolution of ≈ 7 cm-1 (fwhm), respectively. The peak positions of PFI-PE bands observed in Figure 3(a) and (b) are listed in Table 3. We have also included in Table 3 the peak positions of vibronic bands resolved in the TPE study of Frey et al.,22 the present theoretical values, and available optical data.3 The assignment for the majority of PFI-PE bands is achieved by comparison with the theoretical values and optical data. The overall agreement between the calculated rovibronic energies and experimental PFI-PE band positions can be regarded as good, with the largest deviations lying in the range of about 30 cm-1. Selected high-resolution PFI-PE bands (solid circles, upper spectra) in the regions of 12.685-12.725, 12.760-12.800, 12.830-12.870, and 12.905-12.937 eV are plotted in Figure 4(a), (b), (c), and (d), respectively, for comparison with the corresponding simulated spectra (open circles, lower spectra)

Figure 3. PFI-PE spectrum for the CS2+(A2Πu) state in the region of (a) 12.60-12.95 eV obtained at a PFI-PE resolution of 4 cm-1 (fwhm) and (b) 12.95-13.50 eV obtained at a PFI-PE resolution of 7 cm-1 (fwhm).

based on the BOS simulation procedures. Experimentally, the individual rotation transitions cannot be resolved. The best fitted BOS coefficients Cλ (λ ) 0-4) and the rotational constants (B+) for the ionic states used in the simulation are listed in Table 4. The first two intense peaks with nearly equal intensities in the PFI-PE spectrum of Figure 3(a) can be readily assigned to transitions (0,0,0)A ˜ 2Π3/2u r (0,0,0)X ˜ 1Σg+, and (0,0,0)A ˜ 2Π1/2u + 1 r (0,0,0)X ˜ Σg . Both bands are dominated by the ∆N ) 0 rotational branch appearing in the middle of the bands. The BOS simulation of these bands shown in Figure 4(a) reproduces the experimental bands quite well using the rotational constant B′′ ) 0.1091 cm-1 for neutral state, B+ ) 0.101 cm-1, a rotational temperature of 60 K, and a Gaussian line width of 3 cm-1

2188 J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 105, No. 11, 2001

Liu et al.

TABLE 3: Ionization Energies (IEs), Relative Intensities, and Vibrational Assignments for CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu) IE (eV)a,b

G (cm-1)a,b

theo (cm-1)c

12.6130 12.6346 12.6440 12.6463 12.6676 12.6714 12.6746 12.6783 12.6820 12.6889 12.6946f (12.6955) 12.7051 12.7137 12.7166f (12.7189) 12.7221 12.7300 12.7464 12.7480 12.7578 12.7587 12.7625f (12.7648) 12.7670 12.7706f (12.7727) 12.7737 12.7818 12.7864f (12.7898) 12.7916 12.7947f (12.7946) 12.8065

-658 -484 -408 -390 -218 -187 -161 -131 -102 -46 0.0 (0.0) 85 154 177.4 (189) 222 286 418 431 510 517 548 (559) 584 613 (623) 638 703 740 (761) 782 807 (799) 903

(-483.9) (-386.7) (-221.9) (-198.3) (-158.0) (-124.7) (-104.3) (-59.8) 0.0

(-658.0) (-480.8) (-396.0) (-218.8) (-45.4) 0.0

(0,0,0) Π3/2-(1,0,0) Σg (0,0,0)2Π1/2-(1,0,0)1Σg+ (0,0,0)2Π3/2-(0,1,0)1Πu (0,1,0)µ2Σ+-(1,0,0)1Σg+ (0,0,0)2Π1/2-(0,1,0)1Πu (0,1,0)2∆3/2-(1,0,0)1Σg+ (0,1,0)κ2Σ--(1,0,0)1Σg+ (0,1,0)µ2Σ+-(0,1,0)1Πu (0,1,0)2∆5/2-(0,1,0)1Πu (1,0,0)2Π3/2-(1,0,0)1Σg+ (0,0,0)2Π3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+

(79.0) (152.6) 174.1

(84.0) 177.2

(1,0,0)2Π1/2-(1,0,0)1Σg+ (0,2,0)µ2Π1/2-(0,1,0)1Πu (0,0,0)2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+

(228.5) 291.7 (428.6) (429.2) 500.0 518.6 548.6

(412.1) 549.1

(1,1,0)µ2Σ+-(1,0,0)1Σg+ (0,1,0)2∆5/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (0,2,0)κ2Π3/2-(0,1,0)1Πu (0,2,0)κ2Π1/2-(0,1,0)1Πu+ (0,1,0)κ2Σ--(0,0,0)1Σg+ (0,2,0)µ2Π3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (0,2,0)µ2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+

(549.7) 598.2

(574.9) 612.6

(1,2,0)µ2Π3/2-(1,0,0)1Σg+ (1,0,0)2Π3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+

(637.0) (718.1) 737.0

(641.4) (708.5) 742.0

(2,0,0)2Π1/2-(1,0,0)1Σg+ (1,2,0)κ2Π1/2-(1,0,0)1Σg+ (1,0,0)2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+

782.8 825.2


(0,3,0)µ2∆5/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (0,2,0)κ2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+

898.8 (899.0) (919.9) 1026.8 (1068.4) 1133.8 1122.8

(903.4) (1100.8) 1153.2

(1,1,0)2∆5/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (2,0,0)2Π1/2-(0,1,0)1Πu (2,1,0)2∆3/2-(1,0,0)1Σg+ (1,2,0)µ2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (3,0,0)2Π3/2-(1,0,0)1Σg+ (0,3,0)κ2∆3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (2,0,0)2Π3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+

(1190.4) 1232.9

(2,2,0)κ2Π1/2-(1,0,0)1Σg+ (1,2,0)µ2Π3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+

1293.7 1295.0


(1,3,0)µ2∆3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (2,0,0)Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+

1367.4 1376.1


(1,2,0)κ2Π3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (1,2,0) κ2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+

(1415.3) (1434.6) (1449.0) 1515.1 1523.6 1525.0 1577.9 1626.0 1659.6 1681.9 1709.7 1726.4

(1462.9) (1452.4) 1758.8

(2,2,0) µ2Π1/2-(0,1,0)1Πu (2,2,0) µ2Π3/2-(0,1,0)1Πu (2,2,0) κ2Π1/2-(0,1,0)1Πu (2,1,0)2∆5/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (0,4,0)κ2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Πu (0,4,0)κ2Π3/2-(0,0,0)1Πu (2,1,0)2∆3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (1,4,0)µ2Π3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (1,4,0)µ2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (1,3,0)κ2∆5/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (0,0,1)2Π3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (3,0,0) 2Π3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+

1811.3 1830.6 1845.0

1858.9 1848.4

(2,2,0)µ2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (2,2,0)µ2Π3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (2,2,0)κ2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+

1861.6 1882.8 1906.2 2000.5

(1901.5) 1919.6 -

(1,3,0)κ2∆3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (0,0,1)2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (4,0,0)2Π1/2-(1,0,0)1Σg+ (3,0,0)2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (0,1,1)2∆5/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+

12.8090 12.8230 12.8278 12.8355 12.8375f (12.8401) 12.8420 12.8476f (12.8494) 12.8540 12.8558f (12.8574) 12.8632 12.8640f (12.8694) 12.8703 12.8722 12.8757 12.8830 12.8857

923 1036 1074 1136 1153 (1166) 1189 1234 (1241) 1286 1300 (1306) 1360 1366 (1403) 1417 1432 1461 1520 1541

12.8900 12.8951 12.8996 12.9031 12.9082 12.9127f (12.9150) 12.9200 12.9220 12.9240f (12.9258) 12.9255 12.9265 12.9304 12.9327f 12.9422

1576 1617 1653 1682 1723 1759 (1770) 1818 1834 1850 (1857) 1862 1870 1902 1920 1997

(1187) 1207.7

optical data (cm-1)c,d

relative intensitye

assignment 2



6.5 6.2 7.1 6.0 9.4 8.1 9.1 7.5 9.7 10.7 53.8 (32) 11.6 12.8 55.0 (32) 6.7 7.8 13.2 10.9 19.4 24.4 44.5 (41) 15.5 66.1 (45) 13.7 11.5 59.5 (41) 11.5 36.7 (31) 10.2 9.4 22.5 17.1 26.8 87.7 (57) 19.3 54.9 (36) 24.0 53.0 (43) 53.3 70.5 (43) 13.2 15.3 18.9 14.8 14.2 12.8 10.0 16.8 19.0 15.6 55.9 (58) 35.1 41.5 71.4 (100) 51.6 24.0 41.6 100 33.7

PFI-PE for CS2

J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 105, No. 11, 2001 2189

TABLE 3 (Continued) IE (eV)a,b 12.9730 12.9776 12.9856 12.9884 12.9974 13.0022 13.0119 13.0522 13.0646 13.0700 13.0710 13.0792 13.0929 13.1133 13.1255

G (cm-1)a,b 2245 2283 2347 2370 2442 2481 2559 2884 2984 3028 3036 3102 3213 3377 3475

theo (cm-1)c

optical data (cm-1)c,d


2228.8 2300.3 2349.4 2410.1 -

2366.9 2559.5 -

(3,2,0) µ Π3/2-(0,0,0) Σg (3,2,0)µ2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (2,5,0)2∆3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (4,0,0)2Π3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (3,2,0)κ2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ 2

relative intensitye 1


(4,0,0)2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (4,2,0)µ2Π3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (5,0,0)2Π3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (4,2,0)κ2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (5,0,0)2Π1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (5,2,0)2Π3/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+ (6,0,0)2Π3/2,1/2-(0,0,0)1Σg+

36.2 40.1 27.0 54.2 37.7 35.0 33.9 25.5 16.3 10.9 12.3 13.9 9.5 5.8 6.9

a This work. Here IE values are ionization transition energies and ∆E values are energies measured with respect to IE[A2Π3/2(000)]. b Parenthetical figures are values from TPE measurement in ref 22. c The values in parentheses correspond to hot bands and are obtained by subtracting the known vibrational frequencies of CS2 from the theoretical predictions or optical data for the ionic states. d References 3 and 52. e In this work, the intensity for the band 2Π1/2(103) was arbitrarily set to 100, whereas in ref 22, the intensity for the band κ2Π1/2(102202) was arbitrarily set to 100. f IE values were determined by BOS simulation.

(fwhm). On the basis of BOS fit, we obtain the IE values of 102 389 ( 4 cm-1 and 102 566 ( 4 cm-1 for the formation of CS2+ [2Π3/2u(000)] and CS2+ [2Π1/2u(000)], respectively, yielding a spin-orbit splitting constant of -177.4 cm-1. Taking into account the experimental uncertainties, the present IE(CS2+ [2Π3/2u(000)]) is in good agreement with that of 102 396 cm-1 obtained in the previous TPE study.22 However, it is apparent that the IE(CS2+[2Π3/2u(000)]) value of 102 421 cm-1 obtained in the previous HeI study20 is too high. We note that the recent high-resolution HeI study of Baltzer et al.21 yielded an IE(CS2+[2Π3/2u(000)]) value of 102 378 cm-1 and a spin-orbit splitting constant of -175.8 cm-1, which were consistent with the results of the present PFI-PE study. The direct single-photon ionization transitions to the ∆5/2 and Σ1/2+ components of (0,1,0)CS2+(X ˜ 2Πg) from 1 + (0,0,0)CS2(X ˜ Σg ), although forbidden by the g S u selection rule, have already been observed in the previous PFI-PE spectra.12 In the present PFI-PE measurement, the ∆5/2(201) is identified at 12.7300 eV and κ2Σ-(201) at 12.7578 eV based on theoretical predictions. The peaks at 12.6463, 12.6714, 12.6746, 12.6783, and 12.6820 eV are assigned to the hot bands (0,1,0)µ2Σ+ r (1,0,0)1Σg+, (0,1,0)2∆3/2 r (1,0,0)1Σg+, (0,1,0)κ2Σr (1,0,0)1Σg+, (0,1,0)µ2Σ+ r (0,1,0)1Πu, and (0,1,0)2∆5/2 r (0,1,0)1Πu, respectively. As indicated in the recent experimental and theoretical study of OCS+(X ˜ 2Π),36 the nonvanishing singlephoton ionization cross sections involving the single quantum excitation of the ν2+ mode are attributed to the dependence of the electronic part of the integral for the photoionization cross section on the bending coordinate. The electronic transition dipole component changes sign along the positive and negative displacement. Hence, this component in the one-dimensional picture is of ungerade symmetry, as are the one-dimensional cuts of the vibrational bending modes with odd quantum numbers. This could explain why the transition becomes weakly allowed, as observed in OCS+, CS2+, and CO2+.12,36,53,54 The 2Π3/2,1/2u(101) and 2Π3/2,1/2u(202) bands are located between 12.74 and 12.80 eV. The BOS simulated spectra for these experimental bands [see Figure 4(b)] were obtained using a rotational temperature of 80 K and Gaussian line width of 4 cm-1 (fwhm). The other parameters used in the simulation are summarized in Table 4. The IE values determined from simulation are 12.7625, 12.7706, 12.7864, and 12.7947 eV for µ2Π1/2(202), 2Π3/2(101), 2Π1/2(101), and κ2Π1/2(202), respectively.

The other PFI-PE bands resolved in this region are µ2Π3/2(202) at 12.7587 eV, 2∆5/2(203) at 12.7916 eV, and some hot bands originating from (0,1,0)1Πu and (1,0,0)1Σg+ of the neutral CS2 state. The fact that the energy levels G with respect to 2Π3/2(000) determined here (see Table 3) are in excellent agreement with results obtained by emission studies3 indicates that the uncertainties for IE values determined in the present PFI-PE measurement are well within the stated uncertainty of 4 cm-1. The Fermi components associated with (ν1+, 0, 0)2Π3/2u and (ν1+, 0,0)2Π1/2u are (ν1+-1,2,0)µ2Π3/2 and (ν1+-1,2,0)κ2Π1/2, respectively. The energies and intensities of these states are strongly perturbed by the Fermi resonance interactions. As a result, the spin-orbit splitting (-127 cm-1) for 2Π3/2,1/2u(101) is found to be significantly lower than that for 2Π3/2,1/2u(000). The observation of lower intensity for the 2Π1/2u(101) band as compared to that for the 2Π3/2u(101) band can also be attributed to the intensity trade between the Fermi resonance interaction of 2Π1/2u(101) and κ2Π1/2(202). On the basis of the BOS simulation [Figure 4(c)], we obtained IE values of 12.8375, 12.8476, 12.8558 and 12.8640 eV for the PFI-PE bands 2Π3/2(102), µ2Π3/2(101202), 2Π1/2(102) and κ2Π1/2(101202), respectively. The BOS simulation shown in Figure 4(d) gives IE values 12.9127, 12.9240, and 12.9327 eV for the respective PFI-PE bands 2Π3/2(103), κ2Π1/2(102202), and 2Π (1 3). We note that the G values for energy levels 1/2 0 determined based on these IE values are in excellent agreement with those obtained in the emission studies. The TPE results22 seem to be too high by about 10 cm-1. We assign the respective peaks at 12.9082 and 12.9265 eV as 2Π3/2u(301) and 2Π1/2u(301), and the peak at 12.9422 eV as 2∆5/2(201301). This yields a value of 1723 cm-1 for ν3+. In CO2+(A ˜ 2Πu), the asymmetric stretch frequency is much larger than those in the CO2+(X ˜ 2Πg and B ˜ 2Σu+) states.53-55 One can ˜ 2Πu) relative therefore also expect an increase in ν3+ of CS2+(A to that of CS2+(X ˜ 2Πg). The ν3+ mode has not been assigned in previous HeI and TPE studies. The only reported value of 2ν3+ ) 3288 cm-1 was from the excitation spectrum of Bondybey et al.6 However, their assignment is different from ours. In the high-energy side of the PFI-PE spectrum (12.9713.13 eV), several Fermi polyads involving high excitation of both the stretching and bending modes are resolved. For example, one can see the 2Π3/2,1/2(104) and 2Π3/2,1/2(103202) levels at 12.97-13.01 eV, the 2Π3/2,1/2(105) and 2Π3/2,1/2(104202) levels

2190 J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 105, No. 11, 2001

Liu et al. TABLE 4: The Rotational Constants (B+) and BOS Coefficients (Cλ, λ ) 0-4) Used in the Simulation of the PFI-PE Bands for CS2+ state

B+ (cm-1)a






0 3/2(00 ) 2Π (0 0) 1/2 0 µ2Π1/2(202) 2 Π3/2(101) 2Π (1 1) 1/2 0 κ2Π1/2(202) 2 Π3/2(102) µ2Π3/2(101202) 2Π (1 2) 1/2 0 κ2Π1/2(101202) 2Π (1 3) 3/2 0 κ2Π1/2(102202) 2Π (1 3) 1/2 0

0.101 0.101 0.109 0.109 0.101 0.102 0.098 0.097 0.101 0.101 0.100 0.100 0.103

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0.769 0.901 0.714 0.833 0.909 0.588 0.909 0.800 0.825 0.653 0.625 0.750 0.800

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.083 0 0.083 0 0

0 0.090 0 0 0 0 0 0.100 0.082 0 0.083 0 0.200

0.231 0.009 0.286 0.167 0.091 0.412 0.091 0.100 0.010 0.347 0.209 0.250 0

a The differences in B+ values are within the experimental uncertainty and thus are not physically significant.

at 13.05-13.10 eV, and the 2Π3/2,1/2(106) and 2Π3/2(105202) levels at 13.10-13.13 eV. All of these peaks are listed in Table 3. We note that for such highly excited levels, the attribution into ν1+ and ν2+ quantum numbers is somewhat artificial due to anharmonic and Fermi resonances and polyads interactions. In the energy region above 13.13 eV, the intensity of PFIPE bands decreases. The calculations indicate that most of the PFI-PE bands in the higher energy region are strongly mixed so that the assignment of the vibrational quantum numbers is not possible. As stressed by Frey et al.,22 strong autoionization peaks may occur above the (3,0,0)2Πu state, which may further complicate the structure of the spectrum in this region. The recent photoelectron study of Baltzer et al. using HeI, HeII, and synchrotron radiation represents the most comprehensive photoelectron study of the valence photoelectron bands of CS2.21 Although the resolution of 5 meV (fwhm) achieved in the latter experiment is poorer than that of the present PFIPE study, the main photoelectron features observed in the HeI spectrum for CS2+(A2Πu) are generally consistent with those resolved in the present PFI-PE spectrum. There are some differences in the relative intensities of vibronic bands observed in the PFI-PE and HeI photoelectron spectra. For example, in the PFI-PE spectrum the peak around 12.9327 eV is the most intense, whereas in the HeI spectrum the most intense peak is at 12.8364 eV. It is well known that the intensities for PFI-PE bands depend on perturbation of near resonance autoionizing Rydberg states and the lifetime effect of high-n (n g 100) Rydberg states involved.35-41 Because the mechanism for the population of vibronic bands in HeI photoionization is different from that in PFI-PE studies, the different vibronic band intensities observed in these studies are not surprising. IV. Conclusions

Figure 4. Comparison of high-resolution PFI-PE spectra (b) and simulated spectra (O) for CS2+. (a) 2Π3/2(000) and 2Π1/2(000) bands in the energy range of 12.685-12.725 eV; (b) 2Π3/2,1/2(101) and 2Π3/2,1/2(202) bands in the energy range of 12.76-12.80 eV; (c) 2Π3/2,1/2(102) and 1 2 2Π 3/2,1/2(10 20 ) bands in the energy range of 12.83-12.87 eV; and (d) 2Π 2 3 2 2 3/2,1/2(10 ) and Π1/2(10 20 ) bands in the energy range of 12.90512.937 eV. PFI-PE resolution ) 4 cm-1 (fwhm).

We performed a high-resolution PFI-PE study of CS2 in the region of 12.61-13.50 eV using the high-resolution VUV synchrotron facility at the Chemical Dynamics Beamline of the ALS. This article covers the formation of PFI-PE bands for CS2+(A ˜ 2Πu; ν1+ ) 0-6, ν2+ ) 0-4, ν3+ ) 0-1) states. With the aid of theoretical Renner-Teller calculations, we satisfactorily assigned vibronic bands resolved in the PFI-PE spectrum ˜ 2Πu). The Fermi polyads up to ν1+ ) 6 were for CS2+(A identified. The excitation of the ν3+ mode was also found in the complex rovibronic progression. The BOS simulation of ˜ 2Πu; ν1+ ) 0-3, the high-resolution PFI-PE bands for CS2+(A + + ν2 ) 0, 2, ν3 ) 0) provided accurate IE values for these states.

PFI-PE for CS2 Acknowledgment. The authors thank Dr. C.-W. Hsu, Dr. M. Evans, and Dr. S. Stimson for their help in obtaining PFIPE data for this system. This work was supported by the Director, Office of Energy Research, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Chemical Sciences Division of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098 for the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Contract No. W-7405-Eng-82 for the Ames Laboratory. C.Y.N. acknowledges partial support by AFOSR. M.H. acknowledges the NERSC (University of California at Berkeley), the CCR (University of Paris VI), and the computational center of the University of Marne-la-Valle´e for computational time. This work has been supported by the EC-contract HPRN-CT-1999-00005. References and Notes (1) (2) (3) (4)

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