High-Tech Fibrous Materials

Allied Fibers Technical Center, 214. CIBA-GEIGY Corporation, 320. Chambers Development Company,. Inc., 351. Cornell University, 167. Drexel University...
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Downloaded by on May 24, 2018 | https://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: April 3, 1991 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1991-0457.ix001

Author Index Alexander, Harold, 132 Bajpai, P. K., 132 Barker, R. L., 277 Behnke, W. P., 277 Bristow, Daniel, 90 Byun, Joon-Hyung, 22 Casale, Nicholas, 90 Chou, Tsu-Wei, 22 Chu, C C, 167 Davis, G. W., 304 Dodgson, R Anne, 270 Du, Guang-Wu, 22 El-Shiekh, Aly, 34 Evrensel, C A , 149 Fahl, Nona, 238 Faile, Marian, 238 Geshury, A J., 277 Girgis, Mikhail M., 337 Gray, Robert L., 320 Hall, Robert W., 293 Hammad, Mohamed, 34 Harlan, Steven L., 248 Hodge, James D., 270 Jayaraman, Sundaresan, 53

Kaufmann, James R., 81 Kirkland, K M., 214 Kokta, B. V., 102 Ii,Wei,34 Luo, S. Y., 149 Lyman, D. J., 116 Marsden, William H., 260 MenofE, S. D., 351 Parsons, J. Russell, 132 Pastore, Christopher M , 90 Raj, R. G., 102 Rodgers, M. J., 351 Snyder, Roger W., 124 Sprague, C. J., 304 Stenborg, J. W., 351 Suits, L. D., 358 Tarn, T. Y., 214 Tisinger, L. G., 376 Tung, Peter S., 53 Turbak, Albin F., 1 Vigo, Tyrone L., 1 Weedon, G. C , 214 Zhou, L , 149 Zimmerman, Mark C, 132

Affiliation Index Allied Fibers Technical Center, 214 CIBA-GEIGY Corporation, 320 Chambers Development Company, Inc., 351 Cornell University, 167 Drexel University, 90 R L du Pont de Nemours and Company, 270 GeoSyntec, Inc., 376 Georgia Institute of Technology, 53 Harbour Biomedical Consultants, Inc., 124 Hoechst Celanese Corporation, 81,238,304 Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute, 132 Navy Clothing and Textile Research Facility, 293 NeutraTherm, Inc., 248

New York State Department of Transportation, 358 Nicolon Corporation, 304 North Carolina State University, 34,90,277 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Industries, Inc., 337 Southern College of Technology, 1 The Wool Bureau, Inc., 260 U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1 Universite du Quebec, Canada, 102 University of Dayton, 132 University of Delaware, 22 University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, 132 University of Nevada, 149 University of Utah, 116


Vigo and Turbak; High-Tech Fibrous Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.