High Temperature Distillation

(70) Takagi, K., and Hirano, H., J. Chem. Soc. Japan, 71, 148 (1950). (71) Teal, G. K., Sparks, M., and Buehler, E., Phys. Rev., 81, 637. (1951). (72)...
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January 1952


Rosenbloom, W. J., U. S. Patent 2,516,832(July 25, 1950). R. W., and Catterson, F. H., U. 6. Patent 2,517,801 (Aug. 8, 1950). (66) Sharp, P. F., U. S. Patent 2,565,097(1951). (67) . . Shearon. W. H.,Louviere, W. H., and Laperouse, R. M., IND. ENG.CHEM.,43, 552 (1951). (68) Svanoe, Hans, J . Chem. Education, 27, 549 (1950). (69) Svanoe, Hans, Struthers Wells Corp., Warren, Pa., private wmmunication, Sept. 4, 1951. (70) Takagi, K.,and Hirano, H., J . Chem. Sac. Japan, 71,148 (1950). (71) . . Teal, G . K.,Sparks, M., and Buehler, E., Phys. Rev.,81, 637 (64)

(66) Shafor,

(1951). (72) Tezsk, B., Kem. Vjestnik. 21, 96 (1949). (73) Thompson, R.A.,Chem. Eng., 57, N o . 10, 125 (1950).


(74) Vasko, A,, Cas. Pest. Mat., 72. 155 (1947). (75) Walker, A. C., Electronics, 24, 96 (1951). (76) Walker, A. C.,J . FrankEin Inst., 250, 481 (19501). (77)Walker, A. C., and Buehler, E., IND.ENQ. CHEM.,42, 1369 (1950). (78)Weissbcrger, Arnold, “Technique of Organic Chemistry,” Vol. 111, Chapter VI, New York, Interscience Publishers, Inc.. 1950. (79) Western Electric Go.,Inc., Australian Patent 38,788 (1950). (80) Wills, H.H., Phil. Mag., 42, N o . 329,670 (1951). (81) Yanat’eva, 0.K.. Ann. sectcur a n d phys. chim., Znst. chim. gBn. (U.S.S.R.), 17, 370 (1949). RECEIVEDNovember 8, 1961.

HIGH TEMPERATURE DlSTlLLATION OF TECHNOLOGY, CLEVELAND 6, OHIO Although about the same number of articles on distillation are included in this review as were covered in previous years, fewer papen are presented by industrial employees than b y research groups and academic personnel. M o r e of the material described laboratory equipment and evaluation of equilibria data rather than industrial plants or processes. Such industrial equipment as is described concerns larger or more efficient installations rather than a change in nature. Laboratory designs are also directed at simpler or more efficient installations. Several books were published and are briefly reviewed. These serve to fix a selected portion of the distillation progress in convenient locations for our future students. This phase of development seems to have reached its peak early in 1951 and no new texts appeared late in the year.


DVANCES in the field of high temperature distillation during 1951 continued along the paths indicated during the preceding years. Equipment has been built that is larger, simpler, and more efficient than ever before. Equilibria data on new system, both azeotropic and nonazeotropic, have been accumulated. Simpler or more exact methods for solving problems have been proposed. Progress has continued slowly and steadily toward a better understanding of this unit operation without any startling or unpredicted developments. The flood of books containing distillation information that began in 1950 continued through early 1951 and then ceased. These books summarize many of the more valuable developments in the field during the postwar years. They are all desirable in the library of students and specialists in the subject. Particularly different from most technical books is “A Source Book of Technical Literature on Fractional Distillation” (47). Published as a service t o the chemical engineering profession by Gulf Research and Development Co., the first part of this book is a collection of classical distillation papers. Included are Rayleigh’s “On the Distillation of Binary Mixtures,” McCabe and Thiele’s “Graphical Design of Fractionating Columns,” Smoker’s “Analytic Determination of Platea in Fractionating Columns,” and Carlson and Colburns’ “Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of Nonideal Solutions.” These and the 28 other papers reproduced here trace the development of distillation from the turn of the century. This book has an aesthetic as well as a practical value. The second part of the book contains the articles on multicomponent distillation written by Edmister during 1947, 1948, and 1949. This review has considered these articles in previous years. The fourth edition of “Elements of Fractional Distillation” by Robinson and Gilliland (90) is greatly improved over the earlier

editions. The b o k is expanded in line with the growth of the field. Much of the book is devoted t o problems of vapor-liquid equilibria. Enthalpy balances, batch distillation, nonideal solutions, and multicomponent distillations are included. The book is still concerned mainly with theoretical evaluation and will be a desirable reference but not a useful tool for the practicing engineer. For the laboratory worker concerned with the special problems of batch distiliations, the “Technique of Organic Chemistry, Vol. IV: Distillation” (108)takes its place on the bookshelf beside Carney (21). Mainly a product of the Pennsylvania school of writers in distillation, this book supplies the theory which supplements the practical approach of the earlier work. The title is misleading a8 this book will find greater appeal among the engineers than among the organic chemists. Equilibria data on many systems are scattered throughout the literature, A compilation of these data t o December 1949 in terms of mole per cent in each phase was presented by Chu (28). The volume is handy and the included s y s t e m are well-indexed. References are given t o the source of all data. No effort was made t o evaluate t h e quality of the original.work where no obvious flaws appeared i n the originally described technique. If two or more conflicting sets of data appear in the literature, all data are given. Valuable additional data on the included systems are omitted from the tabulation. This necessitates reference to the source of the data in many cases before the data are used. For example, no mention is made of the fact t h a t in the phenol-water system a t 40 mm. of mercury pressure, the liquid exists in two phases over much of the composition range, nor is the presence of an azeotrope in the same system at atmospheric pressure indicated. Both items are noted in the original reference. The practice of distillation in the natural gasoline industry was described by Huntington (66). The effect of reflux ratio on the number of trays necessary t o obtain a given separation is shown with an interesting series of charts. The section on plate-toplate calculations for multicomponent mixtures of light hydrocarbons is well written.



“Chemical Engineering Costs” by Zimmerman and Lavine (115) contains an excellent chapter on fractional distillation columns. Using the methods outlined in this chapter, the cost of either a bubble-cap or a packed column may be estimated. Preliminary design is necessary to obtain the weight of the tower shell and fittings. Cost of shell is expressed as dollars per pound as a function of tray diameter. hdded t o thie is the cost of the

Vol. 44, No. 1

consistent with previous experience and anticipated behavior. Some interesting points occur in a few systems. The methylcyc!ohexane--n-heptane system and the cyclohexane-n-heptane system have long been considered ideal. The former is a standard test mixture for studying fractionating column efficiency. Criiteen et al. (81)found that these systems have a positive heat of mixing (endothermic) and thus are pseudoideal. The system antimony pentafluoride-hydrogen fluoride is nonideal and nonaxeotropic (96). Enthalpy data should be determined on this system as use of the reported data with the assumption of constant molal orerflow will lead to erroneous conclusions. The data reported for cis- and trans-dichloroethylene with ethanol ( 8 ) were calculated using the van Laar correlation. These should be used with caution as the authors admit that experimental data did not give a good agreement with this equation for the systems cis- and transdichloroethylene with methanol. Table 1.

Equilibria Data

System 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.


Figure 1,

Distillation Units for Crude Oil at the Fawley Refinery of Esso Refining Corp., Ltd.

66,000-banel- Der-day I-stage unit and a 60,000-barrel-~er-dav2-stage unit

tray or packing to fill the interior. The supplement furnished by the editors indicates that the costs rose by ZOO/,during 1950 and data given in the text should be adjusted upward by this amount. INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONS

Bigger and bigger is the story of industrial crude oil distillation during 1951. A 63,000-barrel-per-day 2-stage crude unit was installed at Amuay Bay for the Creole Petroleum Corp. (51),and a t Fawley for the Esso Refining Corp., Ltd., a 66,000-barrel-per-day single-stage unit and a 60,000-barrel-per-day 2-stage unit (68) were set up. A picture of the Fawley installation is shown in Figure 1. Naval stores came in for a share of the progress with the installation of the first 65-tray fractionator in the industry a t Picayune, Miss., for Crosby Chemicals (61). The unit will beused to separate close boiling components-such as pinenes-from purified sulfate turpentine. The use of fractionating absorbers in gas recovery plants was discussed by Pryor (88). The complexity of the process is determined by the product required. Small units may also show the way to the future. The tar industry installed its first double-flash distillation unit using an atmospheric and a vacuum flash to increase the recovery of oil from the tar ( g 4 ) . Yield of oil is increased 5%. Also ingenious is the double-service use of a small still described by Albright ( I ) . This still is used as required for stripping absorption oil or fractionating pipeline drips. Low-height “Benturi” (bent Venturi) trays are featured by The Koch Engineering Co. as the latest addition t o their line of Kaskade trays (66). These trays will give the same advantages as the regular Kaskade tray with the added advantages of lower head room and lower pressure drop. VAPOR-LIQUID EQUILIBRIA DATA

Systems for which vapor-liquid equilibria data were reported during the year are indicated in Table I. Most of the data are

9. 10.


12. 13.


15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59.

Acetic acid-water Acetone-chloroform -methyl isobutyl ketone Chloroform-methyl isobutyl ketone Methane-benzene -toluene -hydrogen sulfide Ethane-benzene -propene Propane-propene Butane-hydrogen n-Heptane-carbon tetrachloride -cyclohexane -methylcyclohexane -benzene Ethyl ether-ethanol 1,2-Diethylbenzene-1 ,3-diethylbenaene -1,4-diethylbenzene 1,3-Diethylbenzene-l ,I-diethylbenzene Methyl ethyl ketone-sec-butyl alcohol cis-Dichloroethylene-methanol -ethanol -methylal -tetrahydrofuran -isopropyl ether -ethyl formate -methyl acetate -acetone -2-butanone trans-Dichloroethylene-methanol -ethanol -methylal -tetrahydrofuran -isopropyl ether -ethyl formate -methyl acetate. -acetone -2-but -2-butanone . anone ~ Trichloroethylene-tetrachloroethylene Ethylphenyl acetate-ethyl phenyl butyrate 2 2 3-Trimethylbutane-2.4-diniethyl~entane 2.2,3-Trimethylbutane-2,4-diniethylgent ane Antimony A’nhmony pentafluoride-hydrogen pentafluoride-hydroaen fluoride Hydrazine-water Methane-isopentane Toluene-n-hexane habutane-water-furfural 1-Butene-water-furfural Methane-n-butane-decane Ethyl ether-water-ethanol Ethanol-water-sodium sulfate -potassium sulfate -sodium nitrate -sodium chloride Methanol-acetone-calcium chloride -glycerol Monomethylaniline-dimethylsniline-glycerol Acetone-methyl isobutyl ketone-chloroform Isobutane-butene-water-furfural n-Butane-cis-2-butene-water-furfural ~

Bubble point curves having minima a t low hydrogen conqentrations-below B’%-are reported by Aroyan and Katz (9). The other component was n-butane. Solid formation interfered vith the determination of the full phase equilibrium diagram. Attention is directed to the existence of an azeotrope between 2,2,3-trimethylbutane and 2,4-dimethylpentane (19). This is the first azeotrope reported between two paraffins and complicates the problem of predicting the behavior of molecular mixtures. The subject of predicting azeotropes is still interesting. Desty and Fidler ($3) reported on azeotropes between sulfur coin-

January 1952


pounds and hydrocarbons. Their correlation permits determination of whether any paraffin or naphthene will form an azeotrope with any alkane sulfide, disulfide, cyclic sulfide, or thiophene. The only azeotrope determined to exist between an aromatic and a sulfide. is in the system toluene-2,3-dithiabutane. The composition of the azeotrope could not be determined. Seven azeotropes between 2-ethoxyethanol and alkyl benzenes were reported by Eeffer and Grabiel(66). The effect of pressure on azeotropes was evaluated by Skolnik (98). A straight-line relationship is shown to exist between the log of the composition and the boiling point of the azeotrope. Because this relationship holds to 100% composition, it is posmble to predict completely, for many systems, the 6ehavior of the system knowing only the composition and boiling point of the azeotrope a t one pressure and the vapor pressure of the pure components. Vapor-liquid equilibria data may be calculated whenever certain relationships may be assumed to hold between the vapor and the liquid. Farrrtr ( 4 8 ) discussed the calculation of these data for multicomponent systems when Raoult's and Henry's laws may be applied. Applicable t o more systems is the equation presented by Prahl(81), which holds for the situation where a plot of against mole fraction may be represented by relative volatility, (Y, a hyperbola. Light hydrocarbon data are usually presented in the fo:m of equilibrium constants. The dependency of these constants for methane on the composition of the system was shown by Arnold (6),and the effect of aromaticity by Solomon (10.3). Similar difficulties with aromatic compounds were observed by Eby el al. (38)in studying the properties of high boiling petroleum products. As much aa 50" F. difference in boiling point of a dissolved light hydrocarbon wm noticed when the heavy material was varied. B E H A V I O R O F BUBBLE-CAP TRAYS

Layout and design of bubble-cap trays was reviewed by Davies (3.3). He concluded from economic studies that the smallest tray spacing that can be practically used is to be preferred. Other recommendations are: liquid gradient between 0.5 and 1 inch; vapor pressure drop below 0.15 pound per square inch; downflow residence time of 5 seconds; a minimum slot velocity of 3.4 feet per second; and a vapor distribution ratio less than 0.4. Pressure drop through bubble trays will be a function of the tray design and the fluid flow rates. Several equations have been recommended to correlate these variables. Some are simple and others are theoretically sound but,none are both. Chu (26)compared calculated pressure drops through three selected caps, using the equations of Kirkbride, Dauphine, and Rogers and Thiele. Unfortunately, he includes no experimental data to aid in selecting the best of these equations. Huitt and Huntington (66) showed the Rogers and Thiele equation to be 5% high and the Griswold equation 8% low. Their own equation appears to give results about 6% low. Tray efficiency is another elusive variable. A rigorous aspproach based on specialized assumptions was developed by Chu (26). This was followed by an approximate correlation of literature data (97). Fundamentally the problem must be resolved between the film resistances and the kinetics of contact on a bubble tray. Gerster et al. (46)are able to predict plate efficiencies in terms of gas and liquid efficiencies. This approach is most promising. Other approaches to film resistances have had varying results. Chari and Storrow (83) with a wetted wall column found that lack of knowledge of diffusion coefficients in the liquid phase hindered their work. Hands and mitt (48) in a Raschig ring column found the liquid film t o be,controlling. Their data are subject to some question as the pressure drop through the column was 60% of the column t o p pressure. In spite of this they neglected the effect of pressure on the vapor-liquid equilibria.


Yoshida (113) found the vapor film controlling in a wetted wall tower, but Yoshida and Tanaka (114) found'both films must be considered in a Raschig ring tower. A 6-inch diameter all-glass bubble-oap column gave efficiencies of 60 to 70% with benzene-arbon tetrachloride and 80 t o 90% with toluene-methylcyclohexane as reported by Smith and Kelm (99). DISTILLATION CALCULATIONS

Automatic computers entered the field of distillation computations as punched card systems are applied t o the solution of distillation problems. Rose and Williams ( 9 4 ) and Donnell and Turbin (37) described such systems. The difficulty is that the machines cannot evaluate the errors in the assumptions set up by the operator, and therefore the value of the numbers produced by the machine gives a false impression of accuracy. Among the erroneous assumptions usually made are constant relative volatility and constant pressure throughout the still. Either of these assumptions may be justified when using a slide rule but not when using a precision calculator. The problem of variable relative volatility is considered by Nord (74) and that of variable pressure by Eshaya ( 4 1 ) . The variable pressure problem is evaluated by assuming that the pressure drop is proportional to the length of the column and that the column is equally efficient a t all points. Two other articles show efforts t o obtain better numbers from the McCabe-Thiele approach. Beychok (14) attempted a new algebraic solution claimed to be simpler than the Smoker equation. The precision of calculation he desires is not justihble because of the assumptions involved in the original development of the method. Fowler (46) used the method better to gain accuracy in the high purity region. Essentially he shifts his reference to the component present in small amounts and plots the equilibrium curve on logarithmic axes. In the high purity region, the assumptions are justified and the approach is exact. Routine calculations can be done in an orderly manner and standard forms may be set up t o simplify the calculations. Hutchinson (6740)outlined several such forms and Donnell and Turbin (36)showed another for plate-to-plate calculations. The balance in separations obtainable from a given feed stock was discussed by Herbert (60). By balance is meant the split between overhead and bottom products aa determined by the composition of the feed. Attempts t o operate a column out of balance may be confused with poor efficiency of the plates. The effect of intermittent reflux on the separating efficiency of a batch still has been argued for several years. O'Leary et al. (76)showed by mathematical analysis that a still on intermittent reflux cannot produce as pure a product as the =me still with continuous operation a t the same over-all reflux ratio. The difference in purity may be negligible in many cases. The relation between pole height, number of theoretical plates, and reflux ratio for a batch separation was developed by Cichelli et al. (.39), making the usual assumptions of negligible holdup, constant molal overflow, and constant relative volatility. The limitations of the approach are in the assumptions. Reilly (88)offered a direct method for solving equilibrium flash calculations, using constants selected from tables given in the paper. The method gives an approximate answer that is s a ciently accurate for many purposes. The same problem may be solved with a slide rule described by Thomas et al. (103). This rule is available from the Blaw-Knox Construction Co. L A B O R A T O R Y DISTILLATIONS AND EOUIPMENT

Laboratory personnel are frequently concerned with the use of distillation as an analytical tool. Rose (91-93)summarized this phase of distillation and indicated a procedure for selecting a column for analytical work. Podbielniak (79)discussed theoretical relationships among selected pairs of light hydrocarbons and (80) the causes and cures of operating troubles.



Routine methods that may be used to compare materials from different sources are desirable in analytical laboratories. These methods must be completely standardized if the results of the analytical work are to be standard over a long period of time. The Bureau of Mines routine method for the analysis of crude petroleum was developed between 1915 and 1920. This method which has been used to study thousands of petroleum samples was described in a new bulletin (100). Package units, which may be purchased and installed t o turn out standard results, are particularly useful in all laboratories. The Precision-Shell automatic distillation apparatus for performing ASTM D 86 distillations (82)is in this class. The operator fills the distilling flask, sets the initial distillation rate, and later removes the chart of the distillation data. The apparatus performs the distillation in accordance with the specified procedure and resets itself for the next sample. If errors occur the apparatus shuts itself off. Package units having a higher efficiency fractionating column have been available from Podbielniak, Inc. Recently announced by this company is the Miniature Hyper-Cal and an improved Hyper-Cal distillation apparatus (78). These units feature aids t o the operator, such as automatic reflux ratio, operating pressure, and distillate take-off rate controls. They may be equipped with the standard Heli-grid, the Whirling Heli-Band, or the expendable Heli-pak packing. A11 packings are very efficient. School and pilot plant laboratories will welcome the Brighton Copper Works Model B-11 (15). This unit has an 8-inch diameter column with 3 bubble caps per tray. Model B differs from Model A in having fewer trays and requiring less head room. Design of laboratories and laboratory equipment is easier if the designer has available information on how others have solved similar problems. The design of an entire laboratory was described by Feldman et al. (43). i i l l service and wiring diagrams are shown. Other designs include an equilibrium still for pressure (76), two equilibrium stills for vacuum (77, 1O l ) , an extractive distillation equilibrium still (104), a simplified vacuum still (110), an automatic vacuum still ( Z O ) , a semimicro concentric tube column (36),a semimicro vacuum still (SO) and a micro spinning-band vacuum still (72). Column auxiliaries include an automatic vacuum still receiver (97), a constant reflux ratio distilling head (IS), a micro still pot (106), high capacity condensers (64),and column heaters (70). Unusual in design are the inclined columns designed by Warnecke (107)t o save head room. A laboratory azeotropic distillation still which can be aasembled in a few minutes was described by Raper (84). It is claimed to present no special problems of fabrication. Packing for laboratory columns has been studied by several investigators (7, 63, 7.3, 89, 96). Each reported different variables affecting the results. Selection of column packing is a matter of personal choice and availability. Method of packing is one of the variables that an air jet may help eliminate. Allenby and L’Heurew ( 8 ) described a jet for this purpose. Eighty-six references on packed columna are listed by Edmister (39). Pressure drop through packed columns was studied by Hands el al. (4). Their approach is t o use Sherwood’s equation with air-water data and the actual vapor velocity. It seems to give workable numbers but has no theoretical justification. The twophase flow theory of Lerner and Grove (68)offers greater promise of producing eventual understanding of the process by which the pressure drop is produced. The correlation is in terms of gas pore velocity. Thermal distillation is the deliberate use of nonadiabatic distillation conditions t o produce a separation of a mixture. It makes possible multiplate distillations in the high vacuum range. The rotary condenser thermal distillation still has been available from the National Research Corp. for several years. The theoryof this still was described by Byron el al. (18)and a description of the still was given by Benner et al. (19). Efficiencies reported in the

Vol. 44. No. 1

latter paper are 16.5 theoretical plates a t 0.005 mm. of mercury pressure and show a maximilin of 18 theoretical plates a t 0.4 mm. of mercury. The addition of a high boiling silicone oil to rubber cement permits the smooth distillation of all of the solvent from the cement ( 1 1 ) . This technique is proposed to prevent decomposition of the residue in routine analysis. EXTRACTIVE DISTILLATION

The principles of extractive distillation were explained at the Third World Petroleum Congress by Chambers ($9). The paper is well written and describes the use of furfural as an extractive distillation solvent. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Albright, J. C., Petroleum Refiner, 30, No.6,130 (1951). (2) Allenby, 0. C. W., and L’Heureux, C., Anal. Chem., 22, 1340 (1950). (3) Abert. N., and Elvins. P. J., IND.ENQ. CHEM.,43, 1174 (1951). Ibid., p. 1182. Amick, E. H., Weiss, M. A., and Kirshenbaum, M. S., Zbid., 43. 969 (1951). Arnold, J. H., paper presented a t 43rd Annual Meeting Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., Columbus, Ohio, December 1950. Arnold, L. K., and Ingebo, R. D., Ibid. Aroyan, H. J., Univ. Mich., microfilms, Pub. 1572, Ann Arbor,

Mich. Aroyan, H. J., and Kats, D. L., IXD.ENO.CHEM.,43, 186 f~ 19.5-1). -.,

Bachman, K. C., Zimmerli, A., and Simons, E. L., Ibid., 42, 2569 (1950).

Been, J. L., Grover, M. M., and Ewing, K. J., Anal. Chem., 23, 813 (1951).

Benner, F. C., Dinardo, A., and Tobin, D., IND.ENO.CHEN., 43,722 (1951).

Berg, L., and Smith, L. K., Ibid., 43,233 (1951). Beychok, M.R., Chem. Eng. Progress, 47,265(1951). Brighton Copper Works, 2144 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati 14. Ohio. Brown, I., and Ewald, A. H., Australian J . Sci. Research, Serie.

A, 3, 306 (1950). Ibid., 4, 198 (1951). Byron, E.S.,Bowman, J. R., and Coull, J., IND,ENQ.CHEN., 43,1002 (1951). Calingaert, G.,and Wojciechowski, M., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 5310 (1950). Cannon, W.A., J . Chem. Education, 28,272 (1951). Carney, T. P., “Laboratory Fractional Distillation,” New York, The Macmillan Co., 1950. Chambers, J. M., paper presented a t the Third World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, 1951. Chari, K. S., andStorrow, J. A., J. Applied Chem., 1,45 (1951). Chem. Eng., 58, No.8,214(1951). Chu, J. C., Petroleum Engr., 23,No. 3,C-9 (1951). Chu, J. C., P e t r o h m Processing, 6,39 (1951). Chu, J. C., Donovan, J. R., Boswell, B. C., and Fuhrmeister, L. C., Ibid., 6,154 (1951). Chu, J. C., Getty, R. J., Brennecke, L. F., and Paul, R., “Dietillation Equilibrium Data,” New York, Rainhold Publishing Corp., 1950. Cichelli, M. T., Weatherford, W. D., Jr., and Bowman, J. R., IND.ENG.CHEM.,42,2502 (1950). Conolly, J. M.,and Oldham, G., Analyst, 76, 52 (1951). Criitzen, J. L.,Haeae, R., and Sieg, L., 2.Naturforsch., 59,600 (1950). Davies, J. A., P e t r o h m Refiner, 29, No.9,121 (1950). Desty, D. H., and Fidler, F. A., IND.ENO.CEEM.,43, 906 (1951). Dodge, B. T., Amick, E. H., Jr., Johnson, W. B., andiwatson, L. M., paper presented at 43rd Annual Meeting Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., Columbus, Ohio, December 1950. Donnell, C. K., and Kennedy, R. M., IND.ENO.CHEM.,42, 2327 (1950). Donnell, J. W.,and Turbin, K., Chem. Eng., 58. NO.7, 112 (1951). Donnell, J. W., and Turbin, K., Petroleum Refiner, 29, NO.10, 109 (1950). Eby, L. T.,Wanless, 0. G., and Rehner, J., Jr., IND.ENO. CHEM.,43,954(1951). Edmister, W.C., Petroleum Engr., 23,No.1, G 2 5 (1961).

January 1952



Podbielniak, W. J., Petroleum Refiner, 30. No. 4, 85 (1951). Ibid., No. 5, 145 (1951).

(40) Elbishlawi, M., and Spencer, J. R., IND. ENQ.CHEM.,43, 1811 (1951). (41) Eshaya, A. M.,Zbid., 43,2153 (1951). (42)Farrar, G. L., P e t r o h m Engr., 23, No. 6, (3-41 (1951). (43) Feldman, J., Pantazoplos, P., Pantazoplos, G., and Orchin, M., U. S. Bur. Mines, Repl. Invest., 4764 (1951).

(79) (80) (81) (82) (83)

43, 1178 (1951). (45) Fowler, F. C., Petroleum Engr., 23, No. 1, C-35 (1951). (46) Gerster, J. A., Bonnet, W. E., and Hem. I., paper presented a t 43rd Annual Meeting Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., Columbus, Ohio, December 1950. (47) Gulf Research and Development Co.,“A Source Book of Teoh-

(1951). (86) Reamer, H. H., Sage, B. H., and Lacey, W. N., Zbid., 43, 976 (1951). (87) Zbid., p. 1436. (88) Reilly, P. M., Petroleum Refiner, 30, No. 7, 132 (1951).

(44)Flom, D. G., Alpert, N., and Elving, P. J., IND.ENQ.CHEM.,

nical Literature on Fractional Distillation,” Pittsburgh, Pa. (48)Hands, C. H. G., and Whitt, F. R., J.Applied Chem. (London),

Prahl, W. H., IND. ENQ.CHEW.,43,1767 (1951). Precision Sdentific Co., 3737 W. Cortland St., Chicago 11, IIl. Pryor, C. C., PetroEeum Refiner, 29, No. 9,206 (1950). (84) Raper, D., J . Applied Chem. (London), 1.43 (1951). ENQ.CHEM.,43, 1628 (85) Reamer, H. H.. and Sage, B. H., IND.

(89) Reynolds, T.W., and Sugimura, 0. H., Nstl. Advisory Comm. Aeronaut., Tech. N6te 2342 (1951).

(90) Robinson, C. S., and Gilliland, E. R., “Elements of Fractional

Distillation,” 4th ed., New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co..

1,67 (1951). (49) Hands, C. H. G., Whitt, F. R., and Gregory, K. S., J . sbc. Chem. Ind. (London),69,321 (1950). (50) Harbert, W. D., Petroleum Refiner, 29, No. 10, 117 (1960). (51) Heat Eng., 26,49 (1951). (52) Zbid., p. 141. (53) Heinlein, A. C., Manning, R. E., and Cannon, M. R., C h m . Eng. Progress, 47.344 (1951). ( 5 4 ) Hershberg, E. B., IND. ENQ.CHEM.,42,2631 (1950). R. L.. Petroleum Refiner. 30. (65) Huitt. J. L.. and Huntinaton. NO.'^, 131 ‘(1951).

Huntington, R. L.,“Natural Gas and Natural Gasoline,” New York, &fcGraw-Hill Book Co., 1950. Hutchinson, A. J. L., Petroleum Refiner, 30, No. 1, 145 (1951). Ibid., No. 2, 107, Zbid., No. 3, 107. Zbid., No. 4, 119. Jordan, D., Gerster, J. A., Colburn, A. P., and Wohl, K., Chem. Eng.Progress, 46,601 (1950). Jost, W., ChemieIng. Tech., 23,64 (1951). Karr, A. E., Scheibel, E. G., Bowes, W. M., and Othmer, D. F.,

IND. ENG.CHEM.,43,961 (1951).

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REWBIVBD Ootober 18,1951.

Improved Tube Bundle Ejector

(See Heat Transfer, Page 75)