HIGHLIGHTS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Local section chairmen are asked to send details of local activities to aid disadvantaged persons to the ACS Office of Chemistry and Public Affairs, 1...
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Board of Directors Milton Harris, Chairman Wallace R. Brode Robert W. Cairns Lloyd M. Cooke Paul C. Cross William E. Hanford Robert F. Marschner William A. Mosher W. Albert Noyes, Jr. Charles G. Overberger Byron Riegel John C. Sheehan Charles L. Thomas National Officers Milton Harris, Chairman of the Board Robert W. Cairns, President Wallace R. Brode, President-Elect B. R. Stanerson, Executive Secretary R. V. Mellefont, Treasurer OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 B. R. Stanerson, Executive Secretary R. M. Warren, Assistant to the President Membership Activities


Robert L. Silber, Director Earl Klinefelter, Membership Office Marshall W. Mead, Local Section Office Moses Passer, Educational Secretary A. 1. Winstead, National Meetings and Divisional Activities Office of Chemistry and Public Affairs Stephen T. Quigley, Director Halley A. Merrell, Assistant to the Director Office of the Controller Boris E. Cherney, Controller Forrest T. Mullins, Budget and Analysis Albert Pence, Chief Accountant Operational Services Division E. G. Harris, Jr., Director William J. Angell, Fulfillment Manager Esther H. Allen, Staff Assistant Public, Professional, and Member Division


James H. Stack, Director Roy Avery, Managing Editor, ACS News Service Norman Metzger, Radio and Television Robert K. Neuman, Corporation Associates David A. H. Roethel, Professional Relations Research Grants and Fellowships


Robert E. Henze, Director and Program Administrator, PRF Justin W. Collat, Assistant Program Administrator OFFICE OF THE TREASURER 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 R. V. Mellefont, Treasurer CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS SERVICE (The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210) Dale B. Baker, Director Fred A. Tate, Assistant Director Russell J. Rowlett, Jr., Editor Kenneth L. Coe, Managing Editor, Abstract Issues E. H. Heilman, Director, Service Division D. P. Leiter, Jr., Chemical Registry Kurt L. Loening, Director, Nomenclature Seldon W. Terrant, Jr., Managing Editor, Special Publications and Services G. D. Wallace, Director, Finance Division Ferd R. Wetsel, Managing Editor, Subject Indexes Ronald L. Wigington, Director, Research and Development ACS PUBLICATIONS See page 3, this issue AND ACS LOCAL SECTIONS, DIVISIONS, COMMITTEES See C&EN—March 18 (officers of local sections and divisions), and Feb. 26 (committee members)


More than 20 local sections have responded to ACS Executive Secretary B. R. Stanerson's appeal for information about local training, education, and employment programs to assist disadvantaged persons. The information is being sought by the Subcommittee on the Training and Employment of Disadvantaged Persons set up in May by the ACS Committee on Chemistry and Public Affairs to implement a resolution adopted by the ACS Council in San Francisco (C&EN, May 20, page 22). The subcommittee, headed by Joseph Stewart of Esso Research and Engineering Co., will convene a panel soon to seek ways in which ACS and its local sections, the chemical industry, and universities and colleges can help eliminate the two major causes of today's urban crisis—unemployment and lack of education. Local section chairmen are asked to send details of local activities to aid disadvantaged persons to the ACS Office of Chemistry and Public Affairs, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. A photographic print contest and exhibit will be sponsored by the Delaware Section in connection with the ACS meeting in Atlantic City in September. ACS members or others who are associated with chemistry are invited to submit entries on any subject matter. Maximum size of the prints, which must be mounted, is 16 X 20 inches. Entrants may submit up to four prints each in monochrome and color categories. Prizes will be awarded for the best monochrome and color prints and letters of merit will be presented for prints deserving special attention. Entries must be received by Aug. 12 and should be mailed to ACS Photo Exhibit, c/o Delaware Camera Club, Box 401, A t t : Dr. Gary R. Kern, Wilmington, Del. 19899.

Funds enabling the Society to provide comprehensive salary information to its membership in 1968 and 1969 were approved by the Board of Directors at its quarterly meeting last month. Initiated by the Council Committee on Professional Relations and endorsed by the Board Committee on Public, Professional, and Member Relations, the action was in response to the members' desire to have annual up-to-date salary statistics. Since 1960 the Society has been analyzing data from the biennial National Science Foundation Register, but by the time the information has been published it has been about two years old. This year the Society has made arrangements with NSF to get 1968 data early so it can be published before the year's end. Information for the 1969 survey will be generated internally from a statistically significant sample of ACS membership. Only 1.06% of the Society's members submitted resignations as of Dec. 31, 1967, making last year's percentage of resignations the lowest for any year since 1959, when 1.02% resigned. The second lowest year in the 10-year period was 1966, when 1.18% of the members resigned. According to ACS Membership Office statistics for 1967, 78 members resigned but withdrew their resignations to accept emeritus status and 21 reversed their decisions and decided to remain members. Of those persons resigning, 43% gave no reason, 20% gave retirement or work not related to chemistry as reasons, and only about 1% were critical of the Society's activities, policies, or publications. JULY 1, 1968 C&EN 49