Highlights from the Literature: Request for a New ... - ACS Publications

Highlights from the Literature: Request for a New Contributor. Trevor Laird. Editor. Org. Process Res. Dev. , 2005, 9 (3), pp 227–227. DOI: 10.1021/...
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Organic Process Research & Development 2005, 9, 227

Editorial Highlights from the Literature: Request for a New Contributor The first “Highlights fom the Literature” appeared in the second issue of Organic Process Research & DeVelopment (OPR&D) in March/April 1997. I was the sole authorshardly surprising since the article was only 1.5 pages long. Since then the “Highlights” has expanded to 6-10 pages and appears in every issue rather than alternate issues. Although I still write some of the highlights myself (usually the last 30-35%), I am indebted to Ulf Tilstam of Lilly, Belgium, and Steve Hermitage of GlaxoSmithKline, UK, for their efforts in producing the “Highlights” in a timely (we use the “just-in-time” management philosophy) manner. Unfortunately, owing to pressure of work and family commitments, Steve has decided to step down, and the “Highlights” in this issue will be his last. He has given the journal 5 years of commitment, and I thank him warmly for his enthusiasm and dedication to the journal. I know that he will continue to support the journal, and I hope he now has time to write up some papers. He has expressed his willingness to continue as a reviewer in the future. Thus, we need a replacement. Any volunteers? Since all of the present contributors to the “Highlights” are European, how about a volunteer from the American continent? Or from Asia? I must stress that this is, as one would expect, an unpaid job but has a number of perks. 1. It gets your name in print and known to the rest of the chemical community. 2. It forces you to read the literaturesnot to scan the literature but to really read, to learn, and to inwardly digest. 3. It provides a service to the rest of the scientific community, a service which is highly appreciated, judging by the comments received in the editorial offices. Volunteers are asked to contact me as soon as possible. The job entails picking out 8-12 key articles per month from selected journals for abstracting. The focus can be anything from academic organic chemistry of use to process chemists through chemical engineering, crystallisation, biotransformations, safety, regulatory or business. Whatever takes your fancy. The final issue of OPR&D will contain two special sections, one on Polymorphism/ Crystallisation and the other on Safety (our annual feature). Contributions are urgently requestedsplease contact me directly if you wish to submit a paper on either of these topics, as I am organising both sections. Trevor Laird Editor OP050056J

10.1021/op050056j CCC: $30.25 © 2005 American Chemical Society Published on Web 05/04/2005

Vol. 9, No. 3, 2005 / Organic Process Research & Development