Historic Textile and Paper Materials - American Chemical Society

We hope that this volume will be received by the conservation ... HOWARD L. NEEDLES. S. HAIG ZERONIAN. University of California, Davis. Davis, C A 956...
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Downloaded by CALIFORNIA INST OF TECH on May 15, 2013 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: February 1, 1986 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1986-0212.pr001



paper materials have been active areas of interest to conservators, chemists, and other physical scientists for several decades. Often studies were conducted with little interaction between conservators and physical scientists because each group tended to present its findings to different societies. In recent years John C . Williams of The Library of Congress organized two symposia for the Cellulose, Paper, and Textile Division of the American C h e m i c a l Society dealing with the preservation of paper and textiles of historic and artistic value. These symposia were highly successful in permitting conservators and physical scientists to discuss areas of mutual interest. T h e A D V A N C E S I N C H E M I S T R Y S E R I E S volumes that resulted f r o m these symposia have been well received by the scientific and conservation community. Because of the success of these efforts, a third symposium concerned with the conservation and characterization of historic textile and paper materials was organized. It differed from the previous two symposia in that papers concerned with the conservation and characterization of textiles were more predominant. This situation reflected a growing interest in this area by textile scientists. As in the previous symposia, the desired communication between conservators and physical scientists was achieved. We hope that this volume w i l l be received by the conservation and scientific community with the same degree of success as that received by the previous volumes. We thank the researchers w h o authored the chapters, for without them and their work, this volume w o u l d not be possible. HOWARD L . N E E D L E S S. H A I G Z E R O N I A N

University of California, Davis Davis, C A 95616 January 1985

In Historic Textile and Paper Materials; Needles, H., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1986.