Hitachi Instruments, Inc

The true measure of a corporation is its commitment to enhance our quality of life. Few corporations can compare to Hitachi. Our 16,000-person R&D dep...
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Technology derived from our lé.QQQ-person, $3.48 billion R&D department...


Chrom atog raphy UV/Vis · UV/Vis/NIR Spectroscopy jnc Fluorescence Spectroscopy

The true measure of a corporation is its commitment to enhance our quality of life. Few corporations can compare to Hitachi. Our 16,000-person R&D department creates technologies that directly affect the lives of people everywhere. With 33 research laboratories located in Japan, Europe and the United States, R&D is our lifeblood. It's the reason we're the ninth largest corporation in the world. With 290,000 employees and 172 offices in 34 countries. Our Standards Set Standards ©1992 Hitachi Instalments, Inc. Allrightsreserved.

As part of this global research effort we're involved in the development of a vast range of scientific instrumentation focusing on performance. Our analytical instruments are used for Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Environmental, Industrial and Academic applications. Hitachi Instruments, Inc., with manufacturing and corporate offices in San Jose, CA, major demonstration sites in Danbury, CT, Chicago, IL and Freemont, CA, is prepared to handle your analytical instrumentation needs. We have over 150 sales, service, support and applications specialists, strategically positioned across the U.S. ready to serve you. designed into our Analytical Instrumentation. •AP







To learn more about Hitachi Instruments, Inc. and our analytical instrumentation products call 1-800-548-9001 or send-in the reader service card for more information. #50 · Corporate and Product Line overview #51 · Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy #52 · UV/Vis or UV/Vis/NIR Spectroscopy #53 · Fluorescence Spectroscopy #54 · Liquid Chromatography #55 · LC/Mass Spectrometry #56 · NMR Spectrometry