Hitachi Ltd

Now Hitachi has miniaturized the electronic recorder. The Model QPD» weighs only 10 kg. (22 lbs). It is actually only twice as large as the picture o...
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PRE-SHRUNK FOR EASY PORTABILITY Now Hitachi has miniaturized the electronic recorder. The Model QPD : i : i weighs only 10 kg. (22 lbs). It is actually only twice as large as the picture on this page. Even secretaries can pick it up and move it wherever it may be needed. Portability, however, is only part of the story. High Sjpeed — - Less than one second is required foi the recording pen to travel over the full scale of 250 mm. Conventional recorders take 3 to 5 seconds. High Sensitivity — It can respond to rapid changes as well as changes of 0 . 1 % of the full scale. When the rated input voltage is DC I m V , the recorder can respond to 1 /t\.

Horizontal Feed - The chart is emitted horizontally instead of vertically so that check marks can be easily inscribed. These are only some of the features incorporated in Hitachi's new electronic self-balancing recorder. It has a wide range of applications in research and experimental requirements. It's an economic investment that pays immediate dividends. Model Q P D 3 3 is a product of Hitachi, manufacturer of more than 10,000 basic products for industry and the home. Look for the name and buy with confidence.

Multi-speed — Three speeds can be selected even while the recorder is in operation. Circle No. 9 on Readers' Service Card

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