Hitech Advanced Photo-Oxidation, Inc. - Environmental Science

May 30, 2012 - Hitech Advanced Photo-Oxidation, Inc. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1994, 28 (4), ... Altmetric Logo Icon More Article Metrics. ACS Axial: Y...
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746 The first International Conference on

Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Water and Air Remediation June 25-30,1994 London Convention Centre, London, Ontario, Canada

Reductive dechlorination of tetrachloroethylene by a chlorobenzoate-enriched biofilm reactor. Babu Z. Fathepure* and James M. Tiedje This work evaluates the potential and technical feasibility of remediating chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons using a fixed-film reactor developed by an enrichment that contained Desulfomonile tiedjei DCB-1.


Technical Program The conference covers the science, engineering and the environmental applications for pollution control and site remediation of the following technologies:

Quantification of the microcystin hepatotoxins in water at environmentally relevant concentrations with the protein phosphatase bioassay. T i m o t h y W. L a m b e r t , * M a r i o n P. B o l a n d , Charles F. B. Holmes, and Steve E. Hrudey The protein phosphatase bioassay is applied to the quantitative monitoring of the potent microcystin liver toxins in drinking water at concentrations as low as 0.1 pg/L (microcystin-LR).

• UV/Hydrogen Peroxide/Ozone


• Ti0 2 Photocatalysis 756

• Electron Beam & Gamma Irradiation • Non-thermal Plasmas

Interfacial films in coal tar nonaqueous-phase l i q u i d - w a t e r s y s t e m s . R i c h a r d G. L u t h y , * Anuradha Ramaswami, Subhasis Ghoshal, and Wolf Merkel

• Thermal Catalytic Oxidation

*To whom correspondence should be addressed.

• Supercritical Water Oxidation

• This article contains supplementary material in microform. See ordering instructions at end of paper.

• Electrohydraulic Cavitation & Sonolysis Over 120 of the world's leading experts in AOTs from academia, industry and government laboratories have been chosen to speak at the conference. Three panel discussions and three poster sessions have also been arranged. Exhibition Developers and users of advanced oxidation technologies who want to exhibit their products must contact us soon to confirm space. Hotel Accommodations • Radisson Hotel ($87 single or double) 1-800-333-3333; 519439-1661 ; Fax: 519-439-9672 • Delta Hotel ($90 single or double) 519-679-6111 ; Fax: 519-6793957 Conference Correspondence For information please contact: Dr. Hussain Al-Ekabi Hitech Advanced Photo-Oxidation, Inc. 71 Brandy Lane Rd., London, Ontario N6G 4S2 Canada, Tel: (519) 472-9219 Fax:(519)472-9226. REFER TO KEY NO. 4 168 A

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 4, 1994

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