Hole-catalyzed epoxidation - American Chemical Society

H; R' = Me which slowly reacts with excess 3-pentenoic acid to form a yellow crystalline precipitate 7. This complex is only sparingly soluble in neut...
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J . Am. Chem. SOC.1991, 113, 3613-3614 Scbeme I

a R,R=H; R"=H,Me,Et R=Et; R , R = H R,R=H; R = M e


3M), the NSF, and Rohm & Haas. D.V.M. thanks the Department of Education for a predoctoral fellowship. Funds for the purchase of the Siemens R3m/V diffractometer system were made available from the N S F under Grant CHE-85-14495. We are grateful to Drs. James Toth and Thomas Josefiak for assistance with the electrochemical measurements and Dr. Paul Bernhard for advice regarding the synthesis of R ~ ~ ~ ( H ~ o ) ~and ( t owe s)~, thank Dr. David Wheeler for helpful discussions. Supplementary Material Available: Spectroscopic data for compounds 3-7 and compounds from Table I not mentioned in the text and a listing of crystal data, atomic coordinates, bond distances and angles, and thermal parameters for 7 (1 7 pages); listing of observed and calculated structure factors for 7 (5 pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page.

which slowly reacts with excess 3-pentenoic acid to form a yellow crystalline precipitate 7. This complex is only sparingly soluble in neutral water, but increasingly soluble at higher pH. The 'H NMR spectrum reveals a single seven-spin system consistent with an intact 3-pentenoic acid moiety and the absence of any tosylate counterions. This data and the elemental analysis of these crystals Hole-Catalyzed Epoxidation for R U ( H ~ O ) ~ ( C ~ are H ~consistent O ~ ) ~ ~with ~ a bis(o1efin)-bis(carboxylate) structure having 2-fold symmetry. An X-ray Nathan L. Bauld* and Gholam A. Mirafzal structural analysis of 7 supports this structure (Figure 1).Is A noncrystallographic C2axis bisects the 0(5)-Ru-O(6) angle. The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Ru-OH, bond distances of 2.141 (3) and 2.1 15 (3) A are typical The University of Texas at Austin for a Ru(I1) center.3b The coordinated olefin bond distances, both Austin, Texas 78712 1.381 (6) A, are intermediate between a C-C single and double bond and are slightly longer than the coordinated olefin bond Received December 20, 1990 distance of 1.37 (2) A in Ru( 1-5-l)s-c8Hl,)(l)1(~):l)2(c,c~The concept of the hole as a catalytic entity has proved exOCOCH2CH=CH2)(PMe3).I6 ceptionally heuristic during the preceding decade. The power of All aqueous ruthenium( 11) olefin complexes studied are active this catalytic genre has been expressed especially effectively in ROMP catalysts, demonstrating activity similar to that of the area of organic pericyclic chemistry.'S2 The present comR u ~ ~ ( H ~ O ) ~ (They ~ O Salso ) ~exhibit .~ increased stabilization toward munication describes the discovery and development of holeoxidation relative to the parent R ~ ' ~ ( H ~ o ) ~ complex." ( t o s ) ~ Their catalyzed epoxidation, a new reaction that has a selectivity profile formal reduction potentials, measured by cyclic voltammetry, are distinct from and in many respects superior to that of standard shown in Table I. This stabilization, while not as large,18 is epoxidizing agents such as m-chloroperbenzoic acid (MCPBA). analogous to that observed for pentaammineruthenium(I1) olefin In addition to the potential synthetic value of the new reaction, complexes7 and arises from the back-donation of electron density the availability of an authentic hole-catalyzed epoxidation profrom the metal d orbitals of K symmetry to the olefin ir* orbital. cedure promises a unique opportunity to evaluate hole-transfer Monodentate allyl ethyl ether is capable of raising the oxidation mechanisms in biological and biomimetic e p o x i d a t i ~ n . ~ - ~ potential of the pentaaquoruthenium(I1) moiety 0.18 V over the trans-Stilbene (1) was selected as an appropriate substrate for parent hexaaquoruthenium( 11) complex, and electron-withdrawing screening various potential epoxidizing agents under hole-catalytic methyl acrylate raises the potential 0.74 V. This stabilization is conditions [tris(4-bromophenyl)aminiumhexachloroantimonate greater than that provided by four pyridine ligands.IQ (2'+), dichloromethane (DCM), 0 "C]. That 2" is a sufficiently Olefins without coordinating pendant functional groups are strong hole catalyst to generate 1'+ at a rate consistent with subject to isomerization of the double bond to a more stable efficient hole-catalytic pericyclic chemistry has already been configuration. Allylic ethers and alcohols react readily with demonstrated in the context of the smooth cyclopropanation of catalytic amounts of R U ~ ~ ( H , O ) ~ (at ~ Oroom S ) ~temperature in aqueous solution to yield enol ethers which hydrolyze in the 1'+ (via 2'+/N2CHC02Et)under identical conditions! Of further aqueous medium to propionaldehyde and the corresponding alcohol importance is the observation that competition from the holeor water (Scheme I). The mechanism of this transformation and catalyzed cyclodimerization of 1 is minimal under the cyclothe successful use of acyclic olefins as molecular weight regulators propanation conditions. With iodosylbenzene or various of its in this ROMP system are currently under investigation. derivatives as the oxidant, epoxidation of 1 was indeed achieved, but the highest conversions to stilbene oxide were only ca. 20%. Acknowledgment. We gratefully acknowledge support from Spectroscopic studies of the compatibility of iodosylbenzene with the Caltech Chemistry Consortium (Du Pont, Kodak, Shell, and 2'+ in the absence of 1 revealed rapid decomposition of the hole catalyst. An extensive search for catalyst-compatible epoxidants appeared discouraging except for selenium dioxide. Though (14) Anal. Calcd for CloH1806Ru:C, 35.82; H, 5.41. Found: C, 35.64; .H.~5.29. .. relatively insoluble and not previously known to effect epoxidation, (15) 6 crystallizes in s ace group P2,2,2, (P2,; No. 19) with u = 7.8085 this common reagent was found to efficiently epoxidize a sub(12) A, b = 8.0452 (IO) c = 19.2704 (28) A, V = 1210.6 (3) A3, and stantial range of readily ionizable substrates under hole-catalytic = 1.840 g cm-3 for Z = 4, T = 183 K. The structure was solved via an automatic Patterson method (SHELXTL PLUS). Refinement of positional conditions (Table I). In the absence of 2*+,these substrates are and anisotropic thermal parameters led to convergence with RF = 2.276, R,, inert to selenium dioxide at 0 OC. The reactions are exceptionally = 2.72, and GOF = 1.04 for 156 variables refined against those 1236 data clean, producing none of the allylic hydroxylation or carbocation with IF,I > 2.0u((Fo()(RF= 2.1% and RwF= 2.6% for those 1207 data with 1F.l > 6.0u(lFol)l. ~


(16) Osakada, K.; Grohmann, A,; Yamamoto, A. Orgunometullics 1990, 9, 2092-2096. (17). R u ' ! ( H ~ O ) ~ ( ~isOmoderately S)~ air sensitive (see ref 3), and all manipulations in this work were carried out in argon-purged, deionized water. ( 1 8) E , / ? values for (NH3)5RuL3+/2+ vary from 0.6 to 1.35 V more positive for L = olefin than L = N H 3 while we only see stabilizations of 0.18-0.89 V more positive for (H20)sR~L3t/2+ for L = olefin versus L = H 2 0 . See ref 3a. (19) Bernhard, P.; Lehmann, H.; Ludi, A. J . Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1981. 1216-1217.


(1) Bauld, N. L. Advances in Electron Transfer Chemistry; Mariano, P. S., Ed.; JAI Press: London, 1991; Vol. 2. (2) Bauld, N. L. Tetruhedron 1989, 45(17), 5307-5363. (3) Traylor, T. G.; Miksztal, A. R. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1989, 111, 7443-7448. (4) Eberson, L. Acta Chem. Scund. 1990, 44, 733-740. (5) Castellino, A. J.; Bruice, T. C. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1988, 110, 7512. (6) Bauld, N. L.; Stufflebeme, G. W.; Lorenz, K. T. J . Phys. Org. Chem. 1989, 2, 585-601.

0 1991 American Chemical Society

Communications to the Editor

3614 J . Am. Chem. Soc.. Vol. 113, No. 9, 1991 Table I Aminium Salt/Se02 and BSA Epoxidation of Conjugated Substrates % yield, G C substrate oxidant (isolated)" (Qstilbene Se02* 8 0 (60) (Z)-stilbene Se02 8 0 (58)c I , 1-diphenylethene Se02 7 0 (42) Se02 6 2 (35) b-methylstyrene SeOl 65 (38) a-methylstyrene BSA" 85 (65) (Z)-stilbene I ,I'-bicyclohexenyl BSA 83 (63) 1 -vinylcyclohexene BSA 76 (61) 4-isopropenyl- 1-vinylcyclohexene BSA 7 2 (56) "Silica gel column chromatography. bSubstrate (100 mol %), S e 0 2 (500 mol %), Ar3NotSbCI6- (20 mol %), dichloromethane, 0 "C to room temperature, 1 h. Quench with K,C03/CH30H. CTheisolated epoxide is that of trans-stilbene. "Substrate (100 mol %), BSA (100 mol %). Ar*N'+SbCI.- (20 mol %). DCM. 0 OC, I O min. Quench with K2CO;/C H30H "



Scheme I"

8-23 a. b. 100 45



& * 0 21

a. 100

b. 5 5

0 24

*$+$ /?


a. 100 b. 3 6

0 10

0 29


0 25

"(a) Ar3Not, BSA. (b) MCPBA, 0 OC.

type rearrangement products frequently observed in biomimetic ep~xidation.~ Epoxidation of cis-stilbene and of conjugated dienes such as 1,l'-bicyclohexenyl, however, exposes the disadvantage of a relatively insoluble oxidant. cis-Stilbene is converted efficiently to trans-stilbene oxide, and the recovered stilbene is completely isomerized to the trans isomer, suggesting that cis-l'+ has sufficient time, at low oxidant concentrations, to isomerize to trans-l'+ prior to epoxidation.' 1 ,I'-Bicyclohexenyl undergoes rapid hole-catalyzed cyclodimerization* prior to epoxidation, although modest conversions to the dimer epoxide are observed. A subsequent search for a soluble selenoxide function containing epoxidant that is catalyst compatible identified benzeneseleninic anhydride (BSA) as a promising candidate. With BSA as the oxidant, cis-1 is efficiently and stereospecifically oxidized (85%) and 1,l'-bicyclohexenyl is selectively converted to the monomeric diene epoxide without producing detectable amounts (