Homocyclooctatetraene dianion. Preparation by ... - ACS Publications

Mar 14, 1974 - O-P-O bond angle of. 109-110°, qualitatively, these results are in agreement. It may be possible now to utilize 3IP nmr spectroscopy t...
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900 gles and chemical shifts, with other factors playing a minor role, then these shifts may in turn be used to define solution structures. For example, PatelI2 has recently noted a substantial downfield shift (1.7 ppm) of the diester phosphate signal in a Watson-Crick type d-pGpC dimer upon complexation with the D N A inhibitor, Actinomycin D. Jain and Sobell" have proposed a model for this complex based upon related crystallographic data which has the aromatic ring of the actinomycin intercalated between the stacked, base pairs of the dimer. In their model this requires an expansion of the 0 - P - 0 diester bond to ca. 113". Although our correlation would suggest an 0 - P - 0 bond angle of 109- 1 1 O " , qualitatively, these results are in agreement. It may be possible now to utilize 3 1 Pnmr spectroscopy to define structures of more complex phosphate esters, particularly the biochemically important nucleotides, including possibly small tRNA'sI4 and D N A fragments.



Acknowledgment. Support of this research by the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the Research Corporation, and the donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society, is gratefully acknowledged. W e also thank Dr. Jurgen Bode of Braunschweig, Germany, for helpful suggestions and 3 ' P spectra.








showed this largely dideuterated material to be monodeuterated a t C 5 and also a t either C 8 or C 9 . j This is exactly the result expected from the quenching of I. References and Notes The ' H nmr spectrum of this substance in THF-dx a t 35" (1) J. Kumamoto, J. R. Cox, Jr., and F. H. Westheimer, J. Am. Chem. SOC.. shows a -1:l:l:l quartet for 2 H a t 6 4.8 (spacings 3.0, 2.5, 78, 4858 (1956); E. Dennis, Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University 1967. and 3.0 Hz), a 1:2:1 triplet for 2 H a t 6 4.7 ( J = 8.7 Hz), a (2) G. M. Blackburn, J. S. Cohen, and Lord Todd, Tetrahedron Lett., 2873 complex multiplet for 4 H a t 6 3.5, and a doublet ( J = 12.9 (1964); G. M. Blackburn, J. S. Cohen, and I. Weatherall, Tetrahedron, 27, 2903 (1971). Hz) of triplets (J = 10.6 Hz) for 1 H at 6 -1.2.6 This is (3) J. H. Letcher and J. R. Van Wazer, Top. Phosphorus Chem., 5 (1967). clearly not the ' H nmr spectrum of the monoanion IV.' The (4) M. Cohn and T. R. Hughes, Jr., J. Biol. Chem., 237, 176 (1962). (5) D. G. Gorenstein and A . M. Wyrwicz, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., shifts also differ considerably from those reportedL for the 54, 976 (1973). dipotassium salt of the dianion 1 and given in 6 units i n pa(6) D. G. Gorenstein. A. M. Wyrwicz, and J. Bode, to be submitted. rentheses on structure I. However, the dipotassium salt of I (7) H. S. Gutowsky and D. W. McCall, J. Chem. Phys., 22, 162 (1954). (8) N. Muller, P. C. Lauterbur, and J. Goldenson, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,78, had very low solubility in T H F and D M E , and time averag3557 (1955); J. R. Parks, ibid., 79, 757 (1957). ing was used to obtain these shifts; no coupling constants (9) D. Purdela. J. Magn. Reson., 5, 23 (1971); D. Purdela, Rev. Roum. Chim., 13, 1415 (1968). were reported. Our pmr assignments for the much more sol(10) J. H. Letcher and J. R. Van Wazer, J. Chem. Phys., 44, 815 (1966). uble dilithium salt are shown on formula I (italicized num(11) J. Gillespie and J. Nyholm, Quart. Rev., Chem. SOC.,11, 339 (1957). bers are coupling constants in hertz). They are supported by (12) Reference win Table I. (13) S. C. Jain and H. M. Sobell, J. Mol. Biol., 68, 1, 21 (1972). decoupling experiments: irradiation at 6 3.5 collapses the (14) M. Gueron. F€BS(Fed€ur. Biochem. Soc.) Lett., 19, 264(1971). quartet at 6 4.8 and the triplet a t 6 4.7 to singlets and the (15) Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.. 1975. multiplet a t 6 - 1.2 to a doublet; irradiation of a T M E D A obscured proton a t 6 1.4 reduces the multiplet a t 6 - 1.2 to a David G . G~renstein'~ triplet. The coupling constants J 3 4 (=J56) and J 4 5 are not Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois directly measurable from the spectrum, but were calculated Chicago, Illinois 60680 by treating H3-H6 as an AA'XX' system.8 Using the posiReceived October 7. I974 tion of a small line 10.4 H z to the left of the center of the pattern for H4 and H5, the values shown for Jqj and J 3 4 ( = J 5 6 ) were calculated, and in addition, J 3 6 = 0 and J 3 5 = J q 6 = +0.6 Hz. The small line was calculated and observed to be about 11% as intense as the largest line in the Homocyclooctatetraene Dianion: Preparation by pattern. Dimetalation; Geometry' These coupling constants provide further evidence regarding the geometry of this dianion. The -12.9 H z (sign Sir. assumed) coupling between the methylene protons is much The preparation of the title substance I by reduction of I1 too large for geminal protons in a three-membered ring9 with metallic potassium, and pmr shifts which supported and rules out norcaradiene-like structures. The anglethe proposed structure, were reported in 1966.' W e have strainless boat conformation V, analogous to the conformafound that I can readily be prepared as the dilithium salt by tion of cycloheptatriene (homobenzene) favored in the dimetalation of ( Z , Z , Z ) -1,3,6-cyclononatriene (IIl);3 its vapor state,I0 is excluded since J 3 4 = 7.9 Hz, far larger than proton-proton coupling constants help to reveal its geomethe value of 0-1 H z expected for V." The similarity of vicitry. nal coupling constants Jll, J 2 3 , 5 3 4 , and 5 4 5 suggests a simi111 is not metalated by n-butyllithium in T H F , but in lar degree of twist about the corresponding carbon-carbon T M E D A 111 reacts to give a tan precipitate which is quite bonds around the ring. Since these values are all slightly soluble in T H F - ~ xQuenching .~ by addition to excess methbelow the value anticipated for a structure with CI-C8 coanol a t -78" gave back 111 in almost quantitative yield. planar.'2 it is likely that CI-C8 are not coplanar, but inQuenching with DzO gave I11 containing by mass spectromstead some twist is present about each of the bonds in the etry 82.4% dz, 12.8% d l , and 4.8% do; pmr spectrometry ring. Journal of the American Chemical Society

/ 97.4 /

February 19, 1975

90 1 T h e proton-decoupled I3C nmr spectrum of 1 shows peaks a t 6 105.7, 97.9, 67.6, and 66.6, Le., four of the five peaks expected with a symmetry plane perpendicular to the ring. The first two of these peaks a r e due to carbons 2, 4, 5, and 7, and the last (triplet in off-resonance spectrum and smaller than the other three) to carbon 9. The missing peak is probably obscured by the THF peak a t 6 66.1. O u r failure to observe pmr peaks for the monoanion IV during the metalation of 111 to I contrasts with the metalation behavior of related acyclic alkenesI3 and is probably due partly to the instability of intermediate monoanion IV (angle strain in form with maximum ir overlap) and partly to the stabilizing effect of developing homoaromaticity on the transition state between IV and I. Since electron exchange between I and the anion-radical with one fewer electron is sufficiently rapid to cause broadening of the ESR lines of the latter species, it has been proposed that these species possess similar geometry.I4 T o the extent that this is true, the evidence described herein for the shape of I applies to the anion-radical as well.

Acknowledgment. W e thank the National Science Foundation for financial support (Grants GU-1534 and GP21 115). References and Notes (1) Presented in part at the First Fall Organic Conference, American Chemical Society, North Falmouth, Mass., Sept 30, 1973. (2) M. Ogliaruso, R. Rieke. and S. Winstein, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 88, 4731 (1966). (3) W. H. Okamura. T. I. Ito. and P. M. Kellett. Chem. Commun.. 1317 (1971). R. E. Bates, S. Brenner, and B. I. Mayail, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 94, 4765 (1972). We are indebted to W. H. Okamura for informing us of these deuteration results prior to publication. L. A. Paquette has kindly sent a preprint of a manuscript which describes the reductive preparation of the dipotassium salts of 9-methyl-l and 9.9dimethyi-l in ND3; these substances have very similar 'H nmr parameters and thus presumably similar geometry. It was not possible to observe I itself in this way as it abstracted deuterium too raoidlv .~ from ammonia to give IV-84. S. W. Staley and N. J. Pearl, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,95, 3437 (1973). Cf. G. W. Flynn and J. D. Baldeschwieler, J. Chem. Phys., 38, 226 (19631. A.~A.bothner-By, Adv. Magn. Reson., 1, 195 (1965). M. Traetteberg, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,86, 4265 (1964). The dihedral angle down the 3,4 bond was estimated from a Dreiding model of V to be 82'. The small positive value observed for the 4-bond coupling Js also helps to rule out V (M. Barfield and B. Chakrabarti, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,91, 4346 (1969), and references therein). In the eight-membered ring of the planar benzocyclooctateraene dianion, the vicinal couplings average 11.2 Hz (A. Shyoukh, Ph.D. Dissertation, Universitat zu Koln. 1972; we are grateful to a referee for calling this observation to our attention): slightly larger values might be expected in i with Cl-C8 coplanar due to the larger ring size. R. E. Bates, W. A. Beavers, M. G. Greene, and J. H. Klein, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,96, 5640 (1974). F. J. Smentowski, R. M. Owens, and E. D. Faubion, J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 90, 1537 (1968).

M. Barfield, R. B. Bates,* W. A. Beavers, I. R. Blacksberg S. Brenner, B. I. Mayall, C. S. McCulloch Department of Chemistry, University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721 Received March 14, 1974

Pyrolysis of l-Phenyl-1,3-butadienes.A New Synthesis of 1,2-Dihydronaphthalenes

which can be isomerized by strong base to the thermodynamically more stable 1,2-dihydro i s ~ m e r . ~While , ~ this simple sequence is applicable to substituted naphthalenes, the choice of which ring undergoes reduction is determined by the position and type of substituent.2 Substituents in the 1 -position direct reduction to the adjacent ring if electron releasing and to the same ring if electron withdrawing. Thus 1-methylnaphthalene is reduced to the corresponding 1 -methyI-5,8-dihydr0naphthalene.~Clearly, other 1 -methyldihydronaphthalene isomers are not accessible by this route. Several less direct but more specific synthetic routes exist. Addition of an appropriate Grignard or organolithiurn reagent to I-tetralone followed by dehydration of the alcohol constitutes a general route to 1-substituted 3,4-dihydronaphthalene^,^^^ while cyclization of 4-substituted 4-phenylbutyric acids by treatment with polyphosphoric acid yields 4-substituted 1-tetralones which can be reduced to the alcohol and dehydrated to 1-substituted 1,2-dihydronaphthalenes.8-i0 However, synthesis of 4-substituted 4phenylbutyric acids needed for this procedure often involves several steps. W e should like to report a new synthetic route to substituted I ,2-dihydronaphthalenes based on gas phase pyrolysis under controlled conditions of the appropriate I-phenyl1,3-butadiene. Thus pyrolysis of trans- 1-phenyl- 1,3-butadiin 8 1% yield. enel a t 450' yields 1,2-dihydr0naphthalene~~ The other products isolated are cis- l-phenyI-1,3-butadiene (1 1%)13-14and naphthalene (6%). Yields reported are based on recovered starting material, 30%. T h e pyrolysis conditions are quite critical since pyrolysis of trans- I-phenyl1,3-butadiene under more vigorous conditions (550") yields naphthalene,I5.' while pyrolysis of trans,trans- 1,4-diphenyl- 1 ,3-butadiene17 under similar vigorous conditions yields 1-phenylnaphthalene as the major product. The formation of 1,2-dihydronaphthaIene from trans- 1 phenyl- 1,3-butadiene can be rationalized by a three-step reaction sequence. The first step is an isomerization of trans- I-phenyl- 1,3-butadiene to cis- 1-phenyl- 1,3-butadiene.I3,I4The second is an electrocyclic reaction converting a conjugated triene into a 1,3-cyclohexadiene in a thermally allowed disrotatory f a ~ h i o n . l The ~ - ~triene ~ undergoing this reaction is composed of the two double bonds of the 1,3butadiene and one double bond of the benzene ring. Clearly, this electrocyclic reaction involves disruption of the 67r electron system of the benzene ring. The high energy of activation required for the reaction probably reflects the loss of resonance energy in the transition state. A comparison between trans,cis,trans-octa-2,4,6-triene which is converted to cis-5,6-dimethylcyclohexa-l,3-dienea t 130' 2 2 and rrans- I-phenyl-I ,3-butadiene which does not yield 1,2dihydronapthalene till 400' may reflect this loss of aromatic stabilization. A related example of participation of a double bond of a benzene ring in a n electrocyclic reaction is the pyrolysis of 1,2-dipropenyl benzene to yield 2,3-dimethyl1,2-dihydr0naphthaIene.*~ The photochemical conversion of stilbenes to phenanthrenes under oxidizing conditions similarly involves participation of double bonds from two benzene rings in an electrocyclic r e a ~ t i o n . ~The ~ - ~final ~ step in our reaction sequence would be a symmetry allowed 1,5-suprafacial sigmatropic hydrogen migration leading to restoration of the aromatic nucleus.27


The synthesis of specifically substituted dihydronapthalenes remains a challenge since there is no general simple procedure. Reduction of naphthalene by lithium or sodium in liquid ammonia yields a 1,4-dihydronaphthaIene,i-3




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