Honors in the Talent Search - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 11, 2010 - A 15-YEAR-OLD from Brooklyn, N. Y., Jonathan D. Glogower, who would like to do research in nuclear theory and protein chemistry, took s...
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100; Stanford, $9950; and Universitv of Puerto Rico, $216,950. Since t h e commission announced its policy last September, more than 4 0 proposals for giants h a v e been received. All proposals a r e being reviewed a n d evaluated a n d additional awards will b e announced i n the near future, says AEC. Grants for purchasing or build­ ing training reactors are m a d e only t o colleges of engineering which offer graduate courses i n nuclear energy technology a n d are accredited by t h e Engineers' Council for Professional Development .

School. H e is also an accomplished violinist a n d played in t h e high school orchestra. Jonathan will enter Harvard this fall, where he plans t o study theo­ retical and mathematical physics. F i f t e e n - y e a r - o l d wins sec­ First place in the talent search, a ond p l a c e in annual W e s t - $2800 science scholarship, w e n t to inghouse contest with his Brett M. Nordgren of South Bend, Ind., for his design of a Wilson cloud cham­ studies o f v a p o r pressure ber. Eight other finalists were awarded $400 scholarships and the remaining 30 A 15-YEAR-OLD from Brooklyn, X . Y.„ received $100 toward their college ex­ • A problem a s serious as a n y fac­ Jonathan D . Glogower, who would penses. ing industry a n d Government today is like to do research in nuclear theory The Westinghouse Talent Search was t h e dangerous shortage of the creative and protein chemistry, took second one of t h e first efforts o n a national honors in t h e 16th Westinghouse Sci­ scale to seek out science-minded young chemist, said Lawrence H . Flett a t a ence Talent Search. Jonathan was one people and encourage them to prepare dinner given i n his honor by t h e Ameri­ of 40 high school seniors chosen as the for careers in science. O p e n to any can Institute of Chemists. As reasons nation's most promising future scien­ high school senior in t h e U. S., the for the shortage he cited "unparalleled" expansion in -the chemical industry, t h e tists. search is conducted b y Science Clubs As h i s project, which won him a of America through Science Service. fact that today's graduates avoid labo­ $2000 scholarship, Jonathan investi­ Westinghouse Educational Foundation ratory careers, and the complexity of modern chemistry. Flett, w h o w a s gated t h e change in vapor pressure of makes the awards. awarded honorary membership in t h e an ideal mixture of liquids when they This year, 20,145 students entered institute, is a. former Allied Chemical are progressively vaporized. H e t h e competition. T h e 40 finalists showed that the proportions of constitu­ traveled to Washington, JD. C , for a scientist known for his development of ents in a mixture of liquids can b e de­ five-day Science Talent Institute a n d for new products for t h e National Aniline termined simply by measuring the pres­ interviews which determined t h e schol­ Division. sure of the vapor above t h e mixture a t arship awards. • Nuclear science a n d engineering has various temperatures. become a major educational and r e ­ Jonathan's science interests gained search activity a t Rensselaer Polytech­ him first place in another such enter­ nic Institute, integrated with the of­ prise-trie New York University Natural $1.2 Million from AEC ferings of 10 science and engineering Science Contest. Besides chemical ex­ departments. T h e program consists of perimentation, h e is interested in mathe­ Grants totaling $1,193,450 have been matics and headed the mathematics awarded b y the Atomic Energy Com­ 16 graduate courses, both introductory team a t Brooklyn's M id wood High mission to expand nuclear technology and advanced, in reactor physics, metallurgy, h e a t transfer and thermal training in American schools. The stress analysis, chemistry, and chemi­ awards stem from the commission's Jonathan D . Glogower's trip-winning policy which aims at increasing the cal engineering. There are also single project concerned t h e measurement of manpower supply in t h e field of atomic courses in nix clear reactor control, ra­ vapor pressures of an ideal mixture energy; they will b e used to purchase diation biology, management of atomic of liquids of different temperatures laboratory equipment needed in nuclear operations, geology, and finally, a course which develops complete power science and engineering curricula. reactor projects. The largest grant, $216,950, will go to the University of Puerto Rico for y Five lectures o n acetylene chemistry establishing a nuclear training center will be given during the last week of there. Two other grants Λνίΐΐ b e used March a n d t h e first of April in the Karl for the construction of educational re­ Folkers lecture series of the University actors. T h e University of Florida plans of Illinois. G u e s t lecturer is E . R. H. to install an Argonaut reactor, while the Jones, Waynflete Professor of Chem­ University of North Carolina will use istry, Oxford University, England. H e t h e grant t o reactivate its reactor. will speak on acetylenic compounds in The grants have been awarded as organic chemistry, acetylene-allene follows : chemistry, a n d synthetic and natural University of Washington (Seattle), polyacetylene. $109,500; North Carolina State College, $80,000; Universitv of Minnesota, • A corrosion short c o u r s e , to be held $94,650; M I T , $69,250; State College April 8 through 11 i n Spokane, Wash., has been scheduled b y the Washington of Washington, $105,000; University of Maryland, $19,950; Ohio State, $48,- State Institute of Technology in coop­ 350; Rensselaer, $86,500; IMotre Dame, eration with t h e National Association of T h e program $13,450; Miami University, $5800; Corrosion Engineers. Georgia Institute of Technology, $34,- will include lectures on fundamentals, 000; University of Florida, $95,000; practical aspects, testing procedures,, Pennsylvania State University, $205,- and information on corrosion problems^

Honors in the Talent Search




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