Hooker Combines Chlorine and Benzene to give you many useful

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Hooker Combines Chhiine and Benzene to give yon many mehl Chlorbenzenes and their derivatives find a wide variety of uses in many process industries. Our many years' experience in manufacturing these compounds assures you of uniform liigh HOOKER

PRODUCT (Chemical Molecular

Uà *L4

CcHsCl; 1125 ι !


\ r h te t o clear, transparent crystals with a i 1 asaait aromatic odor.

CoH-iCb; 147



Intermediate in manufacture of insecticides, riyestuffe, drugs, perfumes, and other organic chemicals; solvent; heat transfer medium. Insecticide; in t h e m a n u f a c t u r e of sanitary specialties.

Cleai colorless liquid with a characteristic i ' o r . Completely miscible with most ngganic solvents; immiscible with water.

Solvent; insecticide; chemical intermediate in manufacture of dyes tuffs and other organic chemicals; heat transfer medium.

Clear, a_lmost colorless m o b i l e liquid having a characteristic chlorbenzene odor.

Insecticide; solvent; heat transfer mediu m ; manufacture of dye intermediates and other organic chemicals.

CeCl«; 284.7

W h i t e to» cream colored crystalline powder. Somewhat soluble in most organic solvents; insoluble i n water.

I n the manufacture of flares, electrical insulating compositions, waterproof and fire-proof impregnation of p a p e r ; in wire drawing compounds.


Gray crystalline solid. Soluble in most organic solvents; insoluble i n water.

Intermediate in the m a n u f a c t u r e of dyes tuffs such as red fast bases.

Brown, «crystalline solid; packaged as coarse cr-ystals. Very slightly soluble in water; soluble in alcohol» benzene and ether.

Chemical intermediate i n manufacture of dyes tuffs.

OrtHodichlorbeiizene, Tech. C0H4CI2; 147

Trichlorbenzene-1, 2, 4, T e c h . C0H3CI3; 181.5 i I ι ι

Hexachl orhen zene i ι

CIC0H3 (OCHa)NHs: 157.5

2, 5 - D i c h l o r a n i l i n e CI2C0H3NH2; 162.0



X t>


Clear, colorless, moderately volatile liquid, with a characteristic mild odor.



quality of product and dependable service. Listed below are some of these Chlorbenzenes. Technical Data Sheets on each and samples are available when requested on your business letterhead.


Formula Weight)

*$#£W^ l/il



ι ι !



7 F o r t y - S e v e n t h S t . , N i a g a r a F a l l s , Ν . Υ. New York, Ν. Υ. W i l m i n g t o n , Calif. Tacoma, Wash. Caustic Soda



2 6, N O · 1 2 »

Muriatic Acid


S o d i u m Sulfide

2 2, -1948

Sodium Sulfhydrate