Hooker Toluene Derivatives give JOB a Choice of Highly Reactive Intermediates tiooKER Electrochemical Company has done a v a s t amount of research with toluene and chlortoluene compounds. This has resulted in the development of m a n y derivatives which together with the chlortoluenes, are being widely used as intermediates in m a n y types of reactions. I n these toluene derivatives Hooker has m a d e available a number of chemicals which provide chemists with the benzyl group, C 6 H 5 C H 2 — ; benzal group C 6 H 5 C H = and benzoyl group C e H s C O — . Listed below are s o m e of these toluene derivatives. T h e s e Hooker chemicals are of th.e same high standards of purity and uniformity as are all Hooker chemicals. Bulletin 320, available when requested on your letterhead, gives additional information on these toluene c o m pounds and derivatives and their behavior in typical reactions. .Hooker Technical Staff is also prepared to help you in the use of these chemicals for your particular purposes. PRODUCT Chemical Formula Molecular Weight Benzal Chloride C 6 H 5 CHC1 2 : 161
CHEMICAL OF THE MONTH C H L O R P R O P A N E L I Q U I D 170 C3H1.5 Cle-s (Average) To chemists working in plastics, rubber, paints, and sanitary chemicals fields, Hooker Research Laboratories suggest that an investigation of this new Hooker Chemical may prove advantageous. Chlorpropane Liquid 170 is a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor, is insoluble in water and soluble in alcohol, ether and most chlorinated solvents. It becomes quite viscous at temperatures below -50°C. It is resistant to oleum, mixed acids, fuming nitric acid and hydrogen fluoride. Among resins found to be compatible with Chlorpropane Liquid 170 are: acrylic resins, chlorinated rubber, vinyl polymers, polyterpene resins, polyvinyl chloride and natural rubber. Technical Data Sheet No. 333 describes the physical properties of Chlorpropane Wax. Research samples will }y> supplied when requested on your business letterhead.
Water clear liquid
B e n z y l A l c o h o l , Tech C 6 H 5 C H 2 O H ; 108.1
Colorless to light yellow liquid
B e n z o a t e o f Soda CoHsCOONa; 144
B e n z o i c Acid CeHeCOOH; 122.1
White crystalline solid •C-CI
White crystalline solid
Clear, colorless to light yellow liquid
Metanitrobenzoyl Chloride
Water clear liquid
Benzoyl Chloride C6H5COCl; 140.5
Benzyl Chloride C 6 H 5 CH 2 C1; 126.5
C6H4NO2COCI; 185.5
Yellow to brown liquid partially crystallized.
NO, P a r a n i t r o b e n z o y1 Chloride C 6 H 4 N0 2 C0C1; 185.5
o It
Yellow crystalline solid
NO-- 1
Benzoic Anhydride
Benzyl Thiocyanate Benzotrichloride
HOOKER ELECTROCHEMICAL COMPANY 7 Forty-Seventh Street, Niagara Falls, N. Y. NEW YORK, N. Y .
Caustic Soda .Muriatic Acid S o d i u m Sulfide Paradicblorbenzene Chlorine Sodium Sulfhydrate V O L U M E
2 3,
J U L y " 2 5,