HOT Topics, ΗΟT Books! - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

HOT Topics, ΗΟT Books! Anal. Chem. , 1991, 63 (20), pp 992A–992A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00020a724. Publication Date: October 1991. ACS Legacy Archive...
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HOT Topics, HOT Books! New Titles in Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry From the American Chemical Society Polymeric Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems Covering a broad spectrum of methods of drug delivery and focusing on the use of polymers and materials, this volume pre­ sents new materials and methods for controlled drug release. Emphasizing selection of materials for drug delivery rather than just reviewing current methods, the editors challenge researchers to venture into new areas and con­ sider new methods. Included is an examination of recent advances in biodegradable and bioerodible polymer matrices for drug deliv­ ery. Richard L. Dunn and Raphael M. Ottenbrite, Editors ACS Symposium Series No. 469 314 pages (1991 ) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2105-7 $74.95

Protein Refolding Bridging the gap between funda­ mental and applied studies in pro­ tein refolding, this volume addresses such topics as in vivo protein refolding, protein aggre­ gation and inclusion body forma­ tion, elucidation of the folding pathway, characterization of fold­ ing intermediates, and practical considerations in protein renaturation. An overview chapter provides historical highlights of the key aspects of protein folding, aggre­ gation, and refolding, both in the laboratory and in industry. George Georgiou and Eliana De Bernardez-Clark, Editors ACS Symposium Series No. 470 216 pages (1991) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2107-3 $49.95

Selective Fluorination in Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry Recent applications of organofluorine chemistry to problems in bio­ logical chemistry are explored in this new volume. Its 14 chapters address theoretical and synthetic problems, as well as applications of selective fluorination to biologi­ cal systems. The overview chapter, an excellent tutorial, begins with the fundamental and unique aspects of fluorine chemistry and reviews methods of introducing fluorine into molecules and work done on biomolecules. |ohn T. Welch, Editor ACS Symposium Series No. 456 215 pages (1991) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-1948-6 $57.95

Cell Separation Science and Technology Providing theoretical and practical information on the state of the sci­ ence of cell separation, this new volume covers the four principal modern methods: flow sorting and optical methods; sedimenta­ tion and flow fractionation; affinity adsorption and extraction meth­ ods; and electrophoresis and mag­ netic methods. Readers will be able to choose, evaluate, and in some cases, build cell separation procedures and equipment for their own purposes based on the contents of the book, which also covers many applications of each method. Dhinakar S. Kompala and Paul Todd, Editors ACS Symposium Series No. 464 302 pages (1991 ) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2090-5 $69.95

Chiral Separations by Liquid Chromatography Here is the definitive reference for researchers working on problems involving chirality. Presenting state-of-the-art information, this volume covers all the major modes of separation and offers contribu­ tions from the leading researchers who developed these techniques. Four chapters provide a detailed review of the commonly used

columns: brush type, cyclodextrin, polysaccharide carbonate, and protein. Many of the papers focus on HPLC, a technique which is also ideally suited for large scale preparation of optical isomers. In addition, the volume provides sig­ nificant discussion on the use of chiral discriminators or selectors. Satinder Ahuja, Editor ACS Symposium Series No. 471 240 pages (1991 ) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2116-2 $59.95

preparation, including the use of unusual starting materials and mediation by microorganisms, therapeutic potential and bioactivity, structure-activity relations, and separation. Allen B. Reitz, Editor ACS Symposium Series No. 463 224 pages (1991) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2086-7


Cholinesterases: Structure, Function, Mechanism, Genetics, and Cell Biology Presenting the proceedings of the Third International Meeting on Cholinesterases, this volume pro­ vides a wealth of new information on current cholinesterase research, including important advances resulting from new concepts and methodologies such as monoclon­ al antibodies and molecular genet­ ics. Among the topics covered in its 49 full papers and 140 posters papers are polymorphism and structure, cellular biology, gene structure and expression, catalytic mechanism, pharmacological uti­ lization of anticholinesterase agents, and noncholinergic roles of cholinesterases. Jean Massoulie, Francis Bacou, Eric Barnard, Arnaud Chatonnet, Bhupendra P. Doctor, and Daniel M. Quinn, Editors Conference Proceedings Series 400 pages (1991) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2008-5 $89.95

Inositol Phosphates and Derivatives: Synthesis, Biochemistry, and Therapeutic Potential This new volume examines the synthesis, biochemistry, and phar­ macological evaluation aspects of inositol phosphate research . Two overview chapters provide com­ prehensive background informa­ tion on stereochemistry and nomenclature of inositol phos­ phates, basic biochemistry, syn­ thetic challenges, and related pharmacology. Subsequent chap­ ters describe novel methods of


Enzymes in Carbohydrate Synthesis Not only assessing the past, pre­ sent, and future uses of enzymes to synthesize carbohydrates, this vol­ ume also illustrates the significance of carbohydrate chemistry and describes how the combination of use of modern enzyme chemistry can advance exploration in the field. It details research at the inter­ face of chemistry and biology for carbohydrate chemistry by demon­ strating how to integrate chemical reactions and biological techniques that can be used to synthesize complex bioactive monosaccha­ rides, oligosaccharides, and glycoconjugates. Mark D. Bednarski and Ethan S. Simon, Editors ACS Symposium Series No. 466 132 pages (1991) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2097-2 $34.95

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