Houdry's selling more organic chemicals . . . take a look - C&EN

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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C. A. D.


C. A. R.



Houdry's selling more organic chemicals . . . take a look T h o u g h widely diverse in their uses, they can be grouped 2*methyl imidazole and 2-ethyl 4-methyl imidazole derivainto three categories. These are— tives are available in developmental quantities. Principal A m i n e s — D A B C O ® (triethylenediamine) —unique amine areas of application—as a catalyst for epoxy and urethane type foam catalyst for every type of urethane foam system, resins, epoxy curing agent and in pharmaceutical interused by virtually all foam makers, domestic and foreign. mediates, paint stabilizers and photographic chemicals. Available in liquid or crystalline forms. Oxo-alcohols—Iso-octyl and decyl For information write to: CAR and CAD (Crude amine resi—clear, close-cut, low-carbonyl proddue and distillate)—low-cost mixtures ucts of unusually high quality. Raw of alkyl piperazines and pyrazines. material for plasticizers, synthetic Available in quantity for use in manulubes and esters. Available in quanfacture of corrosion inhibitors, surtity. Prompt delivery. P R O C E S S A N D CHEMICAL» factants, asphalt additives, neutralizers O l e f i n s — H e p t e n e s and nonenes— COMPANY and reactive diluents for epoxies. available in quantity. Quick, conven1339 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 Division of AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS, INC. Imidazoles—a new class of heteroient source of supply for manufac*Houdry means Progress . . . through Catalysis t u r e r s of o r g a n i c i n t e r m e d i a t e s . cyclic amines under development. T h e
